Report: Where The Miz Currently Stands With WWE Officials

Martin Gabriel

Pre-Show Stalwart
As we have been reporting throughout the week, there appears to be backstage heat on WWE star The Miz for botching a spot on Raw which resulted in R-Truth taking a bad fall during the main event match.

In an update to this story, The Wrestling Observer is reporting that The Miz has somewhat fallen out of favor with WWE management, and it's due in part to the Raw incident as well as several other factors. As we noted before, WWE is placing a lot of the low Survivor Series buyrate blame on The Miz, as the company felt there wasn't enough interest in him heading into his tag bout at the PPV.

Additionally, it's being said that WWE officials feel The Miz has regressed on the microphone and in the ring since his main event push leveled off last year. Prior to that, management always regarded The Miz highly as they felt he represented the company well during media appearances and was a hungry superstar. Since being relegated back to the midcard, however, officials feel that he has lost a lot of the drive that made him a top talent in the past, and that he is not offering management many reasons to elevate him back to the top again.

Hard to perform as well on the microphone when they've given him essentially the same promos for the past year. It's also ridiculous of them to blame him for the low buyrates at Survivor Series. Rock and Cena mostly dominated him and Truth leading up to the pay-per-view. Who wants to see a couple guys get fed to WWE golden boys? Also, he hasn't had a good fucking feud since losing the title. When other guys lose the strap, they at least get a solid feud for a while that still constitutes pay-per-view spots, but Miz hasn't had as many of those.
Blaming The Miz for the low Survivor Series buy-rate is wrong. Demoting him is not. The Miz just doesn't have the ability to be a full time headliner at this point.
This is just another dirt sheet report that cannot be confirmed. Blaming him for the SS buy rate is horseshit and he's still skilled. They just haven't utilized him properly.

If any of this is true, then just like many before him, they're going to knock him down the ladder to see if he's TRULY dedicated. If he shows resilience, they'll push him again sometime down the road.
If any of this is true, then just like many before him, they're going to knock him down the ladder to see if he's TRULY dedicated. If he shows resilience, they'll push him again sometime down the road.

100% I've seen this time and time again over the years, give the superstar a taste of the big time, give him a belt, give him a main event, then put him at mid card and see what he does from there. I see things like this as more of a test, as D-Man said to see if he is dedicated or if he throws a tantrum because he isn't in the spotlight anymore. Blaming him for they buy rates it might just be an excuse for those people asking questions as to why. It doesn't give away anything about how the industry operates behind closed doors. That's my two cents
Blaming The Miz for the low Survivor Series buy-rate is wrong. Demoting him is not. The Miz just doesn't have the ability to be a full time headliner at this point.

Couldn't have said it better. If anything, the mistake was putting him in spots far beyond his ability in the first place.
Odd Survivor Series did so bad, all the pieces were there from WM27's main event... The Rock... John Cena... The Miz....

but then there was the rest of the card and all of it being shit.

The Miz has been stuck in the same character, cutting the same promos for the better part of the last year. His matches haven't improved because he hasn't been put in a situation where he needs to improve.

Due to the massive push CM Punk has received, the return of Kane, his and Truth's firing, the walk out story line, the return of Triple H, and the botched, failed and horrible feud between Punk and Del Rio, Miz was pushed aside and really given nothing to work with.

Awesome Truth was laughable, Cena beat them both a week or two before the PPV, and were expected to buy into the big threat of them vs Super Cena and the Rock? Pssshhhuuu

When it finally looked like he was getting on course, the WWE dropped the ball on him again. The Miz was starting to get interesting again injuring Truth, retiring Morrison, and then.... the ball was dropped.

Its sad when Del Rio (who's character I enjoy) has been champion more than the Miz who's more entertaining as champion
Maybe they finally realized he's nothing special. Maybe he's pissing and moaning because he isn't the main attraction. Maybe... who gives a shit?
He honestly has not had shit to work with since he lost the title to Cena, I mean they stuck him in a feud with Alex Riley for Jebus Sakes!

However many greats have had shit to work with and they still rose above, made the best of it, and still kicked ass and took names.

I think the clusterfuck of everything that happened with Nash, HHH, Truth, Punk, Johnny Ace and all that coupled with Vince wanting a new nWo faction and then deciding not to go that route really fucked things up for the Miz.

Having him and Truth just get man handled by Cena and Rock didn't help him either.

I think he has the talent to bounce back but right now and for the past year almost has been gearing towards Cena/Rock and I said it when they announced that booking a match that far in advanced with a guy that is rarely if ever there was going to hurt the story lines of not just Cena but many of the other guys that could have been involved with Cena.
Miz made a Cena Wrestlemania main event look bad. Cena wrestled down to his level for the biggest PPV of the year. Says a lot.
The SS report is hilarious.

So's the one about him injuring R-Truth. Truth botches a move and is injured just after coming back from suspension and that puts Miz in the doghouse? LULZ.
He was just made honorary member of the KKK after Raw.

More publicity for the E, so I don't get why they're miffed.

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