Report: The Rock Isn't Entirely Done With WWE


There's been talk as to whether or not The Rock will ever compete in WWE as a wrestler again due to the injuries sustained during his match with John Cena. Everyone from wrestling fans to insiders to Hollywood heavyweights have weighed in with their opinions and, all in all, we're still left wondering.

Last month, a report came out alleging that WWE had notified the company that produces its merchandise that they won't be producing any new stuff for The Rock until 2015. As The Rock has always had fresh merchandise when coming back to WWE the past few years, this has only reinforced the notion that The Rock might not be part of WrestleMania XXX next year in any capacity. The Rock is allegedly one of the favorites to portray The Terminator in a reboot set to hit theaters in 2015, the filming of which is said to be happening right in the middle of WrestleMania season.

Earlier today, however, The Rock confirmed via Twitter that he'll play the lead role in his first movie from WWE Studios based on the 1980s TV series "The Fall Guy".

"The unknown stuntman who moonlights as a bounty hunter..

Fired up to play the role. Cool, bad ass & fun


12:00 PM - 12 Sep 2013

So while The Rock MIGHT not be wrestling for WWE again soon, if ever, he'll almost certainly pop up on Raw a couple of times somewhere down the line to promote the movie.
Good news for both parties.

The thing is, you can tell the pattern for Rock coming back for a triumphant return, taking up 90% of the spotlight, disappearing for a handful of months, and coming back to repeat the cycle was starting to wear thin with the fans. Whenever WWE would post one of his tweets or any other news regarding Rock on the titantron, the pops weren't as thunderous as before, and you could clearly hear some boos, because you got a good sense WWE wasn't Rock's 1# priority, not by a long shot.

With Rock coming back to make sporadic non-wrestling appearances, he can still provide the nostalgia buzz without having to squeeze time into his busy schedule and dedicate himself to the build for a match, getting the fans hopes up that he might come back to WWE as a wrestler in the process. Rock can still come out, cut some promos, and deliver a few Rock Bottoms and People's Elbows for a nostalgia kick.

And as always, WWE Films, Studios, or whatever could use the boost. I don't care about The Call's passable commercial success, the movie itself was still a massive piece of shit. And I couldn't make it through No One Lives. I had turn it off after a while. Awful.

Rock on the other hand, is a rising and more importantly, legit action star in Hollywood. He could bring some much needed credibility to the cinema side of WWE. I love The Soska Twins, but for the life of me I can't see how they'll make See No Evil 2 better, because the first See No Evil was atrocious and unbearable most of the time, easily the worst WWE Studio movie ever (with The Condemned as a #2 pick).
Its interesting Rock is doing a WWE release. I know they make some money from dvd sales and from royalties when their movies air on tv channels, but it's kind of a step down for Rock. Usually his movies are released in theaters with big hollywood backing.

It is possible that this is Rock's way of staying in the WWE family without wrestling anymore. Shoot a WWE movie here and there and make a couple of Raw appearances every once in a while.
It's gonna be fun... Colt will be an 80's wrestler/stuntman probably... but it's gonna be worth it for his rendition of the theme tune (they can't not do it)...

I am putting money right now that Sean William Scott is Howie... their chemistry was great in the Rundown and they can go for a similar tone without it being the same movie... although Wahlberg would also be very cool in that role.

Fuck it, bring it on - cameo for Majors, Hasslehoff and Mr T... do it in the Starsky and Hutch/Other Guys/80's pastiche stylee and I'm on board...

As for it being a step down, their last movies have done ok, they had Halle Berry, Colin Farrell... actors are taking them seriously... With this film it'll be about comedy and it's a property a lot of A. B, C and Z list have wanted made for a long time but no one had the balls to put the money up... if it's being made and made right, then a lot of people will want in... the cameo potential alone is a goldmine.
I think this is ideal and WWE studios needs him more than the wrestling product. My guess is WWE will have a bigger studio partner lined up as Rock is a legit movie star so this wont be some low budget, tossed out in January release.

Rock is a very different type of personality to the grizzled cowboy Lee Majors portrayed as Colt, but obviously it'll be modernized and I think he'll do well in the role as the concept is perfect for his talents, and of course he has to sing the classic theme song. :D
WWE and Rock are simply working us all. They want to create doubt and get people talking. They want his return as a surprise and they want to create buzz when he does.

Wrestlemania 30 is the biggest of them all and he will be there in some capacity. And as for his in ring career - when the Rock retires, we will know about it. He will get the whole fanfare and everything.
The Rock should have 1 last match at WM30 the best way to sign off! and personally i would want that match to be against HBK however thats not gona happen. I Gues brock or randy orton may be the next best options.

After he retires then he can just come back for random raws whenever he pleases.
I think The Rock has no interest left in competing in WWE. I'm not saying that he won't appear again, I just feel his in-ring career is over (for the time being). With his busy Hollywood movie career, I don't think he really has time for WWE at the moment. He's paid his dues in the ring, and I find it hard to believe that he will compete again and risk injuring himself.
AJ will win, we'll start to see the A&8's fall apart, don't be surprised if Anderson does something in it. Having hogan involved will just kill it & honestly, I don't know how to book this rivalry, but the end result has the potential to be interesting.
I suppose seeing The Rock back on TV is always a good thing. He is entertaining and can help further or foreshadow some feuds. HHH can say it is "good for business" and they can build towards a match for WM30. I highly doubt that The Rock has wrestled his last match and he will be involved at WM30.

I personally think he will be in a match but he could act as the "host" or be inducted into the Hall of Fame.

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