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Report: Rumors On Ric Flair's WWE Future & Role


A couple of days ago, I read a report originally posted at F4WOnline.com in which Ric Flair and the WWE are both concerned.

It's almost a certainty that Ric Flair will return to WWE and probably would have already had it not been for the legal heat between WWE and TNA. The two most popular scenarios being talked about backstage, allegedly, involve Ric Flair taking over as GM and being Dolph Ziggler's manager.

As was reported earlier this week, the current storyline calls for Booker T & AJ to engage in something of a feud that will ultimately cost both of them their jobs. The WWE went down that road this week on Raw as Booker T sort of stepped in on the Sheamus situation after he hit Otunga with the Brogue Kick. The fact that Raw is AJ's show could be viewed as a sign of disrespect. AJ took things further by canceling the PTP's shot at Kofi & Truth at NOC by putting them in a #1 contender's match against Kane & Daniel Bryan. The two GMs have been having a "war" this week on Twitter. Allegedly, the current idea is for Vince to eventually fire both Booker and AJ before appointing a major star to be GM of both shows. As of right now, it looks like Ric Flair is the leading contender.

A while back, it was reported that the WWE was also considering pairing Flair with Ziggler to act as his manager instead of Vickie Guerrero. Apparently, that idea still has some strong support.

Personally, I think Flair would be great in either role. It'd be fun seeing him back on WWE television in a non-wrestling role. Given what's happened with Jerry Lawler and Flair being roughly the same age, I think the odds of WWE allowing him to wrestle are slim to none thankfully. Flair's got the chops to be an on air authority figure, well know that. Having him be Ziggler's manager could also just be a way to further build Ziggler as a major player, as long as they don't go with the idea TNA had in which they turned Styles into little more than a clone of Flair. While Ziggler could pull off such a role better, I'd much rather they kept Ziggler as his own man while he's managed by Flair.

Both scenarios have some fun possibilities. Which would you prefer happen to Flair? Or do you think Flair would best serve WWE, if and when he returns, in some other role?
I'll be honest. I don't give a damn. Ric Flair as GM will most likely last about as much as John Laurinitis did and as long as AJ and Booker T seemingly will. WWE can't keep focus on one authority figure long enough because they are too busy trying to keep that figure relevant. It's stupid to keep rotating figures and putting Ric Flair there so he can get ass naked, toss his shoes around and elbow drop his suit is only a temporary solution like all previous ones.

Meanwhile they wanna stick Dolph Ziggler with Ric Flair. They're only 4 years too late. Is it supposed to get Ziggler over as a heel? You mean he didn't get over enough as it is? Money In The Bank isn't good enough?

When I see Flair, I'll believe it. For now, this just sounds like the typical shit the dirtsheets make up because a big name left TNA. Like Matt Morgan and Alex Shelley. Neither of which have been yet to be seen.
The only way I'd team Flair with Ziggler would be the following:

Ric comes back to open a Raw, saying he's been watching the show, scouting the talent and has decided now is the time to crown a new Nature Boy. First there was Buddy Rogers, then there was Ric Flair and that on that night he would crown the new Nature Boy.

Have it build throughout the show with Vince, Steph, Cena, etc. try to get it off him throughout the show, but failing. Final segment of the show have Ric come out, talk up the new Nature Boy in a huge way (how he has the look, the talent and the charisma) and introduce Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler comes out, complete with robe, and does the strut etc. Before he can say a word however he attacks Flair and pummels him, does the same job on him that Triple H did years ago.

And that's it. That's all I'd ask Flair to do. No match, no comeback, no nothing. He talks up Ziggler and gets his ass handed to him to gain as much heat on Ziggler as possible.
The only difference is that Ric Flair would actually make a GOOD general manager. And the idea is that he'd be a long-term replacement for all the short-term shinaningans that have been going on around the WWE. I don't mind Booker T because I don't watch Smackdown all that often, but AJ as GM bugs the living hell out of me. I like her, and I like that she's seemingly over with the fans - at least she was before the GM role - but her authority carries no weight, and her announcements are flat.

As for Flair being Ziggler's manager, I doubt that rumor holds an significant legitimacy. I know, it's been posted on Wrestlezone. I know, I've mentioned how it'd be a great idea like 100 times. But that doesn't mean it's going to come true. I think that's purely an example of the internet fans wanting something so much it becomes a "rumored" piece of "news". But again, I wouldn't complain if it did happen. I also - and this might be a more controversial opinion - wouldn't mind at all if Flair had "one more match" with Ziggler, and in doing so passed on the "Nature Boy" mantle. Then again, they could do it without a match and just have Flair start calling him that. But if anybody can pull a great return mtach out of the mid-60-something legend, is Ziggles.
Dolph Ziggler does not need Ric Flair. Dolph Ziggler does not need a manager period.

Ziggler is a guy that has been brought up the ranks for years now and has won almost every title in the company. He's got the MITB case at the moment and is one of the best heel workers in the company. For some reason though, WWE will not pull the trigger on him. Ziggler was ready almost two years ago in his world title feud with Edge, but instead they kept delaying things and they still are now. Ziggler doesn't need Vickie and he doesn't need Flair, as Flair will wind up being the focus of the pairing and the purpose will be defeated. Ziggler has proven he can talk for himself and Flair would probably drag him down.

As for the other option, I'm all for getting rid of the GM position. Those segments take forever to get through and the position has been such a revolving door the last few years that it doesn't get many people interested anymore. No matter who the GM is, we're going to have him spending valuable air time setting up matches when you could throw up a graphic saying "this match happens tonight" and it'll take ten seconds. Look at NXT and Dusty Rhodes: he's been on the show like 4 times and other than that we only hear of him making matches as they're happening. We get more action on NXT and we don't have time being wasted on the GM walking us through everything.
Personally, I would prefer to see Ric Flair utilized as a manager for Dolph Ziggler rather than as GM for either or both shows. I no longer see a need for a GM anymore; the role has become unnecessary in recent times. I'd simply have the matches announced at the beginning of the show, with no announcement over who made them, like it used to be years ago.

Flair would be an excellent manager for Ziggler. As much as Vickie is well suited for the role, I think that pairing has run its course. I'd prefer to see them split up, with Flair coming on board to manage heel Ziggler, and Vickie moving on to someone else.

As well, when Ric Flair retired from WWE and then went seeing greener pastures in TNA, I think this should have burned some bridges in the process. Not to say he should not come back to WWE at all, as I'd gladly welcome him back to WWE ( as long as please God it is in a non-wrestling capacity). But I wouldn't bring him back to such a high profile position as GM of both programs. Let's face it, had he had the impact in TNA that he anticipated, or if they had used him in a fashion he appreciated, he wouldn't be coming back at this time, he'd stay in TNA and likely be running his mouth about WWE in the process. His failures in TNA should not be rewarded with such a pivotal position in WWE.

And let's not forget, the man is getting up there in years. Jerry Lawler gave us all a pretty good fright on RAW this week (thank God he seems to be doing well). If there was ever anyone to provide a similar situation, but potentially with a less desirable result, it would be Ric Flair.
I'd rather see him with Miz.
I think Dolph has a different character going, unless they decide to try and mold him into a Flair type figure, but I think we already have enough Flair wannabes in the WWE.
Take the most prominent one, Miz, and let Flair get him back over. I never bought Miz as being all that over, even at WrestleMania.
I say you slap Flair on him and on all levels, even in real life, let him teach Miz how to be the, "Flair heel," that no one but Flair has ever really pulled off.

With that said, I don't think Miz can ever reach Flair's level and I don't think that Miz will ever be the top heel, but this is his best shot. Utilize talent as best as you can. Flair can still be the GM here, too. Hell, I think that would work even better. Don't bring back the Horsemen, but let Miz be Flair's right hand man. Get him away from, "I'm Awesome," and make a real character out of him. Right now, the Miz is just catchphrases, and he won't truly get over unless he can turn himself into a shade of a real character.
If I would bring back Flair as a Manager I would do similar to
The only way I'd team Flair with Ziggler would be the following:

Ric comes back to open a Raw, saying he's been watching the show, scouting the talent and has decided now is the time to crown a new Nature Boy. First there was Buddy Rogers, then there was Ric Flair and that on that night he would crown the new Nature Boy.

Have it build throughout the show with Vince, Steph, Cena, etc. try to get it off him throughout the show, but failing. Final segment of the show have Ric come out, talk up the new Nature Boy in a huge way (how he has the look, the talent and the charisma) and introduce Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler comes out, complete with robe, and does the strut etc. Before he can say a word however he attacks Flair and pummels him, does the same job on him that Triple H did years ago.

And that's it. That's all I'd ask Flair to do. No match, no comeback, no nothing. He talks up Ziggler and gets his ass handed to him to gain as much heat on Ziggler as possible.

BUT I would not do it all in 1 night I would spread it out I would spread it out for atleast a month depending on how it goes at the end I would have numerous candidates including Ziggler. While Flair is doing his breakdown to announce who is the next Nature Boy will be have Ziggler interrupt him & ask him what can you offer me (while listing everything he has done and how he already has the lifestyle). Flair will then respond with name one time I was on top with out back up I will give you your own "horsemen". Then create a new heel faction around Ziggler as the new Nature Boy Managed by Flair
I would rather see him come back as a manager of either a superstar like Ziggler or a stable like an evolution or new 4 horsemen. I dont see him being a good general manager, all you do is make matches there nothing for him to say or do that much. I mean either use him or dont use him dont just put him in a stupid role.
The GMs fill a need. It forces wrestlers to do things that they should not want to do. If everything is just set by someone with power behind the scenes you don't as easily get a reaction out of the affected wrestler and crowd.

I grew to like Ace as a GM and was surprised when he got written out so quickly. AJ is fine, I really liked the episode where things were falling apart and Vickie made her freak out. Her instability is refreshing. We wouldn't have had the brilliant anger management scenes without her relationship with DB and her newfound power. I don't know where they are going with her but the first place to start as GM is getting her out of those stupid JC Penney Little BusinessGirl's brand suits. Booker is loved by all but like AJ her lacks the ability to sell a match.

Flair on the other hand can make Tatsu/Slater sound like Ali/Frazier. He is also very flexible in his ability to jump from legend to crook and back again. He would make a GM. As far as those who are bringing up Lawler as a reason he shouldn't get physical, stop be so reactionary. Leave that to the doctors.

I don't think there is much money to be made for Flair as Ziggler's manager. Vicki does enough for Ziggler. The money in Ziggler is getting him to embrace the audience, break away from Vicki (or change her), and win the WWE Title as a face fulfilling a dream. He would make a horrible heel champion. He is too loved in the ring by the smarks and too shitty elsewhere. Putting Flair with Ziggler negates Vicki. If he wins title as a face or heel with Flair's help it doesn't get the fans as emotionally invested as if he does it on his own.
Realistically, with the Horsemen now in the HOF, I can see some mileage in creating a new iteration as a way to try and elevate some guys. Have them heel before going face feuding with Heyman's crew.

My 4 would be (Flair is the JJ Dillon role of course)

Drew McIntyre - Has been in need of a boost for a while and this could be it, there was talk of a "playboy"type gimmick for him - This is something that lends itself to being a Horseman, he would be in the "Flair" role of the ladies man but would be equally at home as the Blanchard technician. Could they even go the full nature boy? Much as I see Ziggler in that role, McIntyre to me has always been the right candidate to succeed Flair.

Joe Hennig - The "next generation enforcer"... His dad took AA's spot as the enforcer, and it's a natural succession that Joe take the role too.

Wade Barrett - The Ole/Sid/Windham figure who kicks ass and eventually turns on the group (for example if Flair tries to wrestle). Of course Flair was always the focal point, but this is a new group and Barrett would be somewhat of the captain of the team in the ring.

Leo Kruger - Nothing but good reports from FCW/NXT and he fits the final spot as the "rookie". Even though they are not as well pushed, Hennig, McIntryre and Barrett all have between 3 and 5 years time served onscreen now. The Horsemen was always at it's best with someone fresh.

Jake Carter/Jesse White would be a good alternative to Kruger if they want to stick with the 2nd generation stuff for the tag team part too.
If he is really returning, he should do one of 2 things:

1- Either being the new GM of both Raw and SmankDown.

2- Or mentor a young talent like Drew McIntyre who I think will make a perfect choice.
With the rumors that AJ's and Booker's job is on the thin line, it is possible that he would be new GM of some show(probably RAW). He could be the mentor figure and it would be cool but I dont think that they will use him in that fashion right away.
Ziggler does not need Flair to help build him up as a major player. Putting Ziggler in matches against Jericho, Orton and other former champions, is what will build him up as a major player, and with him "ending" Jericho's career and beating Orton on SD! & hopefully at NoC aswell, he's halfway there. Not every superstar needs to go down the Evolution route. Dolph can talk on his own, Dolph can wrestle on his own, the last thing he needs is Flair dragging him down like he did AJ Styles. And if you're worried that WWE will have Flair turn Ziggler into a little clone of himself, well that's exactly what will happen if they are paired together since Ziggler has been compared with Flair numerous times. Dolph will be his own man as long as Flair stays far away from him.

That being said, he should come back as GM or as a commentator. My only problem with him being GM is that I feel he will be out of the job in a couple of months just like everybody else has, but let's hope that the WWE stick to the idea of it being a long term replacement. Being one of the best mic men in the business, on commentary he would be absolutely fantastic. He's funny, charismatic, he would give great insight on the matches he calls, be able to put over the talent like no other commentator has done before, and his reactions would be over the top much like JR's but probably a little funnier & better.

Personally, I'm leaning more towards him returning as a commentator than as a GM or as a manager.
The GMs fill a need. It forces wrestlers to do things that they should not want to do. If everything is just set by someone with power behind the scenes you don't as easily get a reaction out of the affected wrestler and crowd.

I grew to like Ace as a GM and was surprised when he got written out so quickly. AJ is fine, I really liked the episode where things were falling apart and Vickie made her freak out. Her instability is refreshing. We wouldn't have had the brilliant anger management scenes without her relationship with DB and her newfound power. I don't know where they are going with her but the first place to start as GM is getting her out of those stupid JC Penney Little BusinessGirl's brand suits. Booker is loved by all but like AJ her lacks the ability to sell a match.

Flair on the other hand can make Tatsu/Slater sound like Ali/Frazier. He is also very flexible in his ability to jump from legend to crook and back again. He would make a GM. As far as those who are bringing up Lawler as a reason he shouldn't get physical, stop be so reactionary. Leave that to the doctors.

I don't think there is much money to be made for Flair as Ziggler's manager. Vicki does enough for Ziggler. The money in Ziggler is getting him to embrace the audience, break away from Vicki (or change her), and win the WWE Title as a face fulfilling a dream. He would make a horrible heel champion. He is too loved in the ring by the smarks and too shitty elsewhere. Putting Flair with Ziggler negates Vicki. If he wins title as a face or heel with Flair's help it doesn't get the fans as emotionally invested as if he does it on his own.

My goodness this is a wonderful post, I've never agreed more with anything else in my life. You must be handsome, rich, popular, and incredibly well hung.

On top of this it makes complete sense for Flair to be some type of host or face for the WWE Network. If they can't get Hogan, Austin or The Rock I imagine Flair would be the best possible diplomat for the network (if it ever gets off the ground). No one has his credibility and history. I imagine watching and lsitening to Flair and Steamboat talk about their matches 25ish years later would be just as interesting as the matches themselves.
Flair just needs to retire period. putting him with Ziggler accomplishes nothing since Ziggler doesn't need a mouthpiece. and if TNA showed us anything it is that you can't really use him as a manager as he really doesn't fit that role. they already had him as GM once so i could see that but that would probably lead to him being in matches and I don't want to see that. truthfully, i don't see a real role for Flair. do like they did with Nash - put him on a legends contract, bring him out once or twice and then forget about him and just pay him so he doesn't go anywhere else.
I'll be honest. I don't give a damn. Ric Flair as GM will most likely last about as much as John Laurinitis did and as long as AJ and Booker T seemingly will. WWE can't keep focus on one authority figure long enough because they are too busy trying to keep that figure relevant. It's stupid to keep rotating figures and putting Ric Flair there so he can get ass naked, toss his shoes around and elbow drop his suit is only a temporary solution like all previous ones.

Meanwhile they wanna stick Dolph Ziggler with Ric Flair. They're only 4 years too late. Is it supposed to get Ziggler over as a heel? You mean he didn't get over enough as it is? Money In The Bank isn't good enough?

When I see Flair, I'll believe it. For now, this just sounds like the typical shit the dirtsheets make up because a big name left TNA. Like Matt Morgan and Alex Shelley. Neither of which have been yet to be seen.

You really thought you'd get away with this didn't you?

Ric Flair has earned the right to go postal and do stupid things because for 30 years, Flair was the standard ALL pro wrestlers looked to. He still does a promo better than 80 percent of the wrestling industry, and hell, his matches would still be more entertaining than half the industry.

Flair in any role in the WWE would be fine. As a manager? Sure. But not to put someone over, but to push them further. Someone like Ziggler would gain a HUGE benefit from Flair. Orton would, too.

As a GM, I think it suits him to be in an authoritative role, because he's a loose cannon and someone who can change on a whim. Flair is a gem to the wrestling business and if he wants to wrestle a mop in the ring, then dammit, I'll watch it and tweet about it!


What? I'm sorry but nobody has the right to show up drunk to a pro wrestling event just because he was around for 30 years. I hope you enjoy hearing about Flair dying of alcohol poisoning soon.

I didn't say Flair has the right to perform drunk. Did I mention that at all? Did I post that Flair can be drunk or anything like that?

Bottom line is I was talking about Flair in general and how his antics have been done for years. I don't want to see Flair or anyone die of alcohol poisoning. I would, however like to see you post something that's not spam. And I hope you enjoy being schooled by the best.
I didn't say Flair has the right to perform drunk. Did I mention that at all? Did I post that Flair can be drunk or anything like that?

Bottom line is I was talking about Flair in general and how his antics have been done for years. I don't want to see Flair or anyone die of alcohol poisoning. I would, however like to see you post something that's not spam. And I hope you enjoy being schooled by the best.

Oh no I got schooled by the best on a internet forum what will I ever do with my life :shrug:

"Ric Flair has earned the right to go postal and do stupid things because for 30 years"

Yeah that isn't pretty much endorsing what Flair does, Show up drunk out of his mind.

I don't think the WWE should bring the guy in unless he gives up the sauce, Its actually kinda sad to see what Flair has become.

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