Report: Possible Divas Match


According to, AJ Lee is expected to make her return to WWE TV tonight as she's backstage for tonight's Raw. According to the report, the word going around is that AJ will team up with Paige to take on The Bella Twins at WrestleMania XXXI.

All things considered, I think it's highly preferable to what they did last year, which is essentially have every Diva on the roster compete in one match in an attempt to become Divas Champion. Of course, this means there'll probably be one other Divas match on the card otherwise they'll bitch about being left off WrestleMania.
Let's be honest AJ and Paige are the wrestler Divas and the Bellas are the divas divas. Either way they're the only ones people pay any sort of attention to so putting them together in a match makes sense.

I don't see how putting any other Divas on the card will do anything for the division. Just give this match a good 15 minutes and that will help showcase the Divas division and show it's not a complete joke.
I would personally greatly prefer seeing Paige cleanly win the title in a nice, 10-15 minute one-on-one match with Nikki. It would be a nice moment, but then again I admit I do have quite a deal of bias towards Paige.

If I weren't able to get that, then I'd gladly take this as a second. Anything beats a big cluster 8-10 divas match, as I don't think they ever turn out well. If they need to throw in a second match, why not have Natalia vs. Naomi? I'm sure they'd be able to throw on a decent match.
According to, AJ Lee is expected to make her return to WWE TV tonight as she's backstage for tonight's Raw. According to the report, the word going around is that AJ will team up with Paige to take on The Bella Twins at WrestleMania XXXI.

All things considered, I think it's highly preferable to what they did last year, which is essentially have every Diva on the roster compete in one match in an attempt to become Divas Champion. Of course, this means there'll probably be one other Divas match on the card otherwise they'll bitch about being left off WrestleMania.

Might be in the minority here, but considering what a huge downer everyone was in after Taker losing, the time constraints and the giant mess that is Battle Royal matches I thought the Divas put on a pretty good show last year. Maybe it was just the shock I was in but somehow that match was the perfect follow up that I needed, and I remember most of the Divas got at least a small moment to look good so least it was kinda productive. And while I wouldn't want a repeat I think I would take it over a regular tag match that will most likely happen again on Raw/SD.
AJ/Paige vs. The BElla Twins is probably the best idea, but I'd like to see the Divas Title on the line in the match. It would lead to some tension between AJ and Paige and would give them more to work with from a storytelling perspective. Yeah don't count on it.
It would be a nice touch to have AJ return at WM31, as long as they don't try putting her in a "Twitter" match against Stephanie McMahon. :disappointed: (joke: I hope)

But as Alex said, she and Paige are the divas known for wrestling and their "cute" act is reserved for the pre-match ring entrance. Given they've been only opponents thus far, with both pretending to be on the side of the other, it would be good to see them united against a common enemy: the Bellas.

Conversely, it might be even more fun to see a 4-way with the same divas. Of course, Creative would have to do some fancy stepping to explain why Brie & Nikki are against each other again, but since the framework was set up previously, it's possible.

No, I don't think we'll actually see this, but I'd really like to. If AJ comes back, I presume they'd want to get the title belt around her waist again; this would be a quick way to do it.
What I would like to see is a 3-on-2 handicap match with AJ and Paige against The Bellas and Stephanie. Since Paige has problems with the Bellas, and AJ and Stephanie seem to be having a problem as well, it would make sense. Plus you know Stephie baby would want to stack the deck any way she can if she gets challenged. So, since she has history with Nikki and Brie, she can enlist them and make a 3-on-1 handicap match against AJ or Paige and the other one comes out to back her up, making it 3-on-2.
What a boring tag match at WrestleMania... So the title is not even going to be on the line?.. Let's face it, AJ is not over anymore, Paige is the future of the divas division. The Bellas are there as eye candy i guess. Paige should walk out of WrestleMania with the Divas Title. Keep AJ off television until her contract expires then she leaves, and Paige can run the divas division for the rest of 2015.
I agree and like the idea of having theses 4 divas in a match at WM but i would like to see the Divas title on the line. We just saw at the Royal Rumble a tag team match with the bellas vs paige and nattie we dont need to see a similar match. They should have a Fatal 4 way for the divas title. Have Paige go over while causing issues with The Bellas. Post WM Charolette makes her debut feuds with Paige and the Bellas can finish their feud that never had an ending.

Aside from this match im sure Naomi and Nattie will have a big part in the Tag Team title match. The other divas on the roster did nothing all year to be a part of WM.
Well, this match could be good or it could be really bad. I still stand by my statement that The Bellas do not deserve to be on the Wrestlemania card, let alone for Nikki to STILL be holding that belt. What's done is done. The addition of Paige and AJ greatly improve the match and it means we might just be spared the torture of Bella VS Bella for the Divas Championship, at least for now. The question ends up being this.... do they go the tag team route or do they make it a Fatal Fourway for the title? Both match types have their pro's and con's.

If we get the tag team match.... Paige & AJ VS The Bellas means the title will not be on the line and guarantees that Nikki Bella will still be our Divas Champion. Ugh.... We also run the risk of more ridiculous booking that sees The Bellas winning in a quick undeserved win. If we actually get a "competitive" match out of it (in quotes because Paige and AJ can only do so much to carry The Bellas through a tolerable match) with Paige and AJ winning, that would be a nice Wrestlemania moment for them. Or we might get a useless moment where The Bellas emerge as the winners. Ugh....

If they go the Fatal Fourway route then there is a 50% chance that a girl who can actually wrestle takes the belt home. However, the two who can't wrestle are the stars of the useless Total Divas show and one of them is married to Daniel Bryan. Nikki is the better of the two, if I had to pick a Bella. The idea of Brie winning that title while feuding with her sister is the worst possible scenario and that division is dead the moment this happens. As much as I'd love to see Paige win the belt again or for AJ to get another great Wrestlemania moment in becoming a record 4 time Divas Champion, the risk is just too high of Nikki retaining, or BRIE winning. I'd rather they go the tag team route. It guarantees that Brie doesn't win the belt, at least not at Wrestlemania.

Regardless.... either match type would include the two very best girls on the roster in the match. We might have been spared of the Bella VS Bella Divas Championship match at Wrestlemania I've been dreading all year. So, at least there's that. Fingers are crossed that the division gets the match and moment that it deserves on the biggest show of the year. AJ and/or Paige winning in the end, PLEASE!
I just got an idea for the Diva's title. What if it is a tag match, BUT…the title is on the line. Whoever gets the 1,2,3/submission is the new Diva's Champion. No matter what team you're on, no matter which opponent you pin, the Champion is whoever gets the victory. that'll will make even your teammate your enemy and add a little something extra to the match.
I just got an idea for the Diva's title. What if it is a tag match, BUT…the title is on the line. Whoever gets the 1,2,3/submission is the new Diva's Champion. No matter what team you're on, no matter which opponent you pin, the Champion is whoever gets the victory. that'll will make even your teammate your enemy and add a little something extra to the match.

Well, if that happened, I presume we'd see Brie wind up wearing the belt, don't you think? Whether she ended up accomplishing this by intentionally betraying Nikki.....or not..... it would be a pretty slick way to resume the feud between the twins, which shouldn't have been dropped so abruptly in the first place. Honestly, I'd like to see this happen.

Then again, when AJ is around, the company likes to keep the title around her waist, so who really knows?
I just got an idea for the Diva's title. What if it is a tag match, BUT…the title is on the line. Whoever gets the 1,2,3/submission is the new Diva's Champion. No matter what team you're on, no matter which opponent you pin, the Champion is whoever gets the victory. that'll will make even your teammate your enemy and add a little something extra to the match.

So basically, a Fatal-4 way match without outright saying that? I would love this match but then why a tag match if that's the rule?

On topic, I'd have loved a Paige vs AJ match for Mania, but this works. Let's see how they build this up.
I heard about the tag team match at Wrestlemania The Bella's vs. Paige and A.J. I personally hope that Paige walks out at WM31 with the Divas title. They can have fatal 4 way or add the title to the tag team match meaning whoever makes the pin is the champ. If they are going with the tag match than make it interesting by having A.J. get injured in the back before the match than it would be a handicap match. Nicki says it is for the Divas title, Nicki and Brie beat on Paige pretty good. In the end Paige wins when interference comes from a returning Tamina.

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