Report: NBA finalizing rules to penalize flopping

Fire Marshall Bill

Let me show ya somethin!!!
Supposedly one of the new things coming out this year is going to be a penalty for flopping. The different thing is, is it will be an "after the fact" type of punishment. Basically, a player flops, it's reviewed by the NBA and if they deem it a flop, he gets a fine in the mail.

I find this an interesting approach. On one hand, it does solve the issue of whether or not the ref saw that it was a flop. On the other, without in-game penalties, will players, especially ones making the max contract type salaries, even care that they get a $10,000 (just guessing) fine in the mail if it helps their team win a game?

Flopping in the NBA certainly hasn't reached a soccer-type level (they're artists in a way), but it has become more apparent. It speaks to the softness that the game has turned into. Players like Derrick Rose and Dwayne Wade can now drive the lane witout any hesitation because players are too scared to make them pay these days. Detroit (I believe) used to have a policy on Michael Jordan along the lines of if he drives the lane make him suffer for it. But player safety (for obvious reasons) has become so paramount it's changed the game.

Now I'm not condoning incidents like Detroit/Indiana, Kurt Rambis, or Lambeer/Barkley, but it's gone from "taking one for the team" by drawing a charge has turned into "why take one when I can fake it?" Some look at it as a strategic play, which I can completely see their side, but I don't agree with it. To me it's dirty play, bush league, etc.

So what's your thoughts on the reportedly new flopping rules?

Any ideas on a better enforcement of flopping?

What are your thoughts on flopping in the NBA in general?

One thing I read, which isn't a bad idea, is having the refs review any possible incidents at the quarter breaks. If they find a flop, charge the player with a technical foul and give the other team a free throw. The main issue I see here is it doesn't take away any fouls from the player who was accused of fouling the original flopper. Also, how would that work in the 4th quarter? It wouldn't.
I'm watching them debate this on First Take right now.

I'm mixed on this. On one hand, there are guys out there who go down like they have been shot when someone bumps into them, it looks bad. On the other hand there are guys who do it well, and its a bit of gamesmanship in my opinion, like when a quarterback tries to draw the defense off side with a fake cadence.

I think they should handle it on a case to case basis in game. It isn't a perfect set-up because there are guys who have a reputation as floppers and they may be singled out, but like was mentioned, if they review it during quarter breaks or other stoppages in play, they aren't gonna take the foul away from the guy who was flopped that a term? Maybe hire an extra official for each game whose job is to watch out for that kind of thing?

I do like the idea of looking at questionable plays after the fact and then if it was deemed a flop, handing down a punishment. I don't like a lot of things that have happened in the NFL in the last few years, but I like that they will look at questionable hits/plays after the game and then hand out fines accordingly. Obviously there will always be guys, like James Harrison, who simply don't care because the fine is a drop in the bucket for most guys, but it does send a message and helps usher in a culture change, which is what the league seems to want to do in regards to flopping.

In general I think the NBA has officiating issues. I think more so than any other major sport the refs are intimidated by the players, and they call things in favor of star players. Too often the whistle doesn't occur until after half the team has stopped playing and is giving the ref death looks and jawing at them.

I think its interesting that flopping seems to be more common among foreign players, and flopping in general seems to occur more in non American leagues, particularly soccer. I remember when I played when I was younger our coach said anyone who he thought was flopping would be in trouble. I think there is a pretty strong correlation between the influx of foreign players and the amount of flopping in the NBA. It is just a different outlook.
Flopping in the NBA is beocming more of a noticeable problem, and Stan Van Gundy constantly bitches about it during commentary on ABC/ESPN. Wade and LeBron are two frequent names that come to mind, and Derek Fisher is probably the most notorious flopper in the entire league. It looks bad, and constant flopping cheapens the integrity of the game.

If the new rules for flopping are enforced, I just hope the officials can find a balance between enforcing the new penalties and protecting the players. Ridding the league of flopping is important, but you can't let the players take a beating, because the risks for serious injuries and the possibility of brawls could be more serious.
So apparently it's aimed more at repeat offenders.

1st offense - Warning
2nd offense - $5,000

From then on it will increase gradually. The highest number I saw was, I believe, $30,000 for a 5th offense.
I don't think it will work, They will just keep it clean during the season and start doing it again in the playoffs.

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