Report: John Cena Injured?


According to the WrestleZone main page, John Cena and new to the roster Adam Rose suffered injuries during their matches last night at Madison Square Garden.

According to the report, Adam Rose suffered a bad cut above his right eye during his bout with Heath Slater. The cut was bad enough that the match was stopped and trainers came out wearing rubber gloves to clean up any traces of blood before the match got back underway. There wasn't anything mentioned as to whether or not Rose needed stitches/staples, though that info could come out later today. It's possible that the cut itself wasn't very deep or serious, Rose may have thin blood that can result in cuts bleeding like sons of bitches.

John Cena was said to be injured during his No Holds Barred match against Bray Wyatt, suffering what the report describes as a "pretty severe blow" to the head. The ref through up the X symbol and a couple of trainers made their way out to check on him. This went on for a little bit before they restarted the match, which was reported to be extremely physical and included a good deal of foreign objects. The report indicates that Cena may have suffered an injury to one of his eyes as it was stated that he finished the bout "with one good eye." After the bout, Cena was rushed to the back rather than addressing & thanking the crowd as he usually does.

If Cena suffered any sort of serious injury last night, somebody might need to check on Vince McMahon to make sure he's still kicking. CM Punk, for all intents & purposes, seems to have told WWE to go fuck itself, Daniel Bryan's out injured with no one having any clue as to how long he'll be on the shelf and now this happened to Cena last night. One of the company's top faces quit, another top face is injured and the guy that's been THE face of the company for nearly a decade MIGHT be injured. As I said, somebody up in Stamford needs to check on Vince as he may have kicked or has gone rabid.
If Cena suffered any sort of serious injury last night, somebody might need to check on Vince McMahon to make sure he's still kicking.

It could be they'd have to reach down to the 2nd tier of WWE performers and ask some of 'em to step up while the big guys are down.

Meanwhile, the company tries to keep us excited about the injured top guys soon returning to our TV screens by constantly talking about them, or even making them drag their sore carcasses to the ring, as they've been doing with poor Daniel Bryan. Even if he can't fight, he can still talk.....keeping the fan's appetites whetted in anticipation of his return. (Mr. Average Fan: "Hey, yo! If the f'in guy can walk, he can wrestle, right? Whaddaya waitin' for, Daniel? Shit!")

Okay, so we can talk about who the likely candidates will be to fill in during this stretch, but I'm looking at Big Show. We've surely noticed that his career has slowed down; he wasn't even on the last two PPV events, right? Yet, he seems to be in pretty good shape (for him) and could rise to the level of "monster" for a brief spell to help the company get over the losses of Cena, Bryan and Punk, no?

Perhaps the same could apply to Mark Henry. Even though he appears to be edging toward retirement, he ought to be able to muster one last run while the first team heals.

Or maybe they bring back Evan Bourne. Or re-elevate Ryback. Or make a deal with Sting to get his aged ass signed, sealed & delivered. Or have Alicia Fox do her nutty routine in the ring against men.

Hmmm...... the more possibilities mentioned, the more it seems we need the prime performers, doesn't it?

Get well quickly, guys.
I'm going to take a guess that the report is making things seem worse than they really are. With regards to Rose, I'd say he won't even miss RAW tomorrow night. Few stitches and he'll be good to go (which is good because I rather enjoy his character).

With regards to Cena, considering he got hit with a "pretty severe blow", it's a bit harder to say. At least it isn't some type of muscle tear or something that could keep him out for a long while. I'd say worst case scenario for Cena is that he has a concussion and won't be able to wrestle for a month, give or take a week or two.

Since MitB isn't until the end of the month, they might be able to just play it off having Cena just do a promo here-and-there until the PPV comes in which he'll have his match. If it's worse than I'm thinking, have Bray get some type of revenge on Cena for burying him (haha) under a bunch of shit at Payback. This will write Cena off until whenever he can come running back down the ramp.

Hopefully, for the sake of Vince's sanity, one of either Bryan/Cena will be good to go by MitB. If not, then it's the perfect opportunity for someone else to step up and show what they got. All-in-all, I don't think this will be too bad of a situation, though.
Hmm.. Good thing I'll have the Rollins/HHH/Orton vs Ambrose/Reigns/? angle to keep me occupied while Adam Rose is hurt. Did I say Adam Rose? I meant John Cena.

But seriously. This would be a great time for creative to step up to the plate, if in fact Cena is going to miss any time. We shall see.
Cena gets injured almost every 4 months. This is going to be nothing as usual, don't get my hopes up dude.
I'm sure they'll do or did concussion tests just to be on the safe side in regards to Cena. If it's just his eye, and they continued the match, he won't miss any time. Cena has gone on record in a tweet saying he's been wrestling with some nagging injuries already.

With DB out of action for the time being, they can't afford to lose Cena to. Which I doubt they will.
The latest report I saw said that Wyatt was headbutting Cena in the corner & his hair hit Cena in the eye, it's being called a "minor injury", & I doubt Cena misses any time at all.
Damn,Cena is injured again.Hopefully it is not serious he has been putting over young talent.Far as I've heard he is expected to put over as many talent as possible before his body is too banged up to continue full time.The guy is underrated for real he is a icon,legend and has done it all.Guy's like Rock or Austin even though their my favorites hasn't accomplished nearly as much as Cena.
It could be they'd have to reach down to the 2nd tier of WWE performers and ask some of 'em to step up while the big guys are down.

Meanwhile, the company tries to keep us excited about the injured top guys soon returning to our TV screens by constantly talking about them, or even making them drag their sore carcasses to the ring, as they've been doing with poor Daniel Bryan. Even if he can't fight, he can still talk.....keeping the fan's appetites whetted in anticipation of his return. (Mr. Average Fan: "Hey, yo! If the f'in guy can walk, he can wrestle, right? Whaddaya waitin' for, Daniel? Shit!")

Okay, so we can talk about who the likely candidates will be to fill in during this stretch, but I'm looking at Big Show. We've surely noticed that his career has slowed down; he wasn't even on the last two PPV events, right? Yet, he seems to be in pretty good shape (for him) and could rise to the level of "monster" for a brief spell to help the company get over the losses of Cena, Bryan and Punk, no?

Perhaps the same could apply to Mark Henry. Even though he appears to be edging toward retirement, he ought to be able to muster one last run while the first team heals.

Or maybe they bring back Evan Bourne. Or re-elevate Ryback. Or make a deal with Sting to get his aged ass signed, sealed & delivered. Or have Alicia Fox do her nutty routine in the ring against men.

Hmmm...... the more possibilities mentioned, the more it seems we need the prime performers, doesn't it?

Get well quickly, guys.

Or....maybe just turn Orton face again...

Or maybe, just throw a shitload of $$ at Brock Lesnar for him to become the New Champ at MitB and become an unbeatable monster until Daniel Bryan and John Cena return to finally defeat him....
According to the WrestleZone main page, John Cena and new to the roster Adam Rose suffered injuries during their matches last night at Madison Square Garden.

It was Madison, Wisconsin. The fact that he finished the match eliminates the likelihood of concussion. It sounds like an eye injury, which can be worked through.
According to the main site there was a fear of an concussion but it has since been rulled out and Cena competed tonight.Oppose to it being Cena vs Wyatt one-on-one it was changed to The Wyatt Family vs The Uso's.

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