Report: EVEN HUGERIST name to return for Summerslam

I'd like to see a few matches out of Sting before WM32.

He could wrestle Rollins and Taker before Mania. One at Summerslam and one at Survivor Series or the Rumble.
I said it in the
(seriously, if you haven't read that thread, don't continue) return thread, I'll say it here again. I'm open in any match scenario regarding these two Icons. However, considering that the big guy doesn't have a lot left in the tank, I'd like to see Sting vs Taker at Summerslam, or Sting & Taker versus Wyatt and Another Heel. Anything involving Sting & The Undertaker in the same ring. After the match is done, it leaves open the opportunity to finally run with the Cena vs Taker programm at 'Mania 32 (I really want to see it, sorry).

Sting can then have a HOF induction there, or face some other heel.

As far as SSlam goes, I don't see Sting facing Owens or Rollins, since the first one will be in his final stage of the feud with Cena and the other will probably be involved with the title picture or with HHH.

However since Sting is a fresh name in the WWE Universe, I wouldn't mind him facing anybody. Also, a match between Orton and Sting would also be a classic. However, no matter what, Sting has to win the match that he competes in.
probably they make a tag match at summerslam and both inducted at hof at wm.
at Summerslam sting comes and talks then NAO comes and attack sting then taker appear and help. then we have a tag match at summerslam.
It would be awesome to see Sting lock-up with either Rollins or Wyatt at SummerSlam. I'd love to see him against Undertaker at Survivor Series. That PPV needs a big time match like that and, considering both men made their WWE debuts at the event, it makes sense (sorta). Finally, I think Sting vs. Stardust would be cool. Sting and Dusty had some nice moments together in the NWA and WCW, so seeing Sting wrestle Cody (at WrestleMania???) would be fitting. It could even be a retirement match. Other than that, I don't see many good matches for Sting. The only other person that makes sense is Bo Dallas, but that match would be more suited for an episode of Raw rather than a major PPV.
I don't personally think if Taker vs Sting is ever going to happen this year, it won't be at the Summerslam albeit next year it may can happen at the Wrestlemania. As many reports suggests WWE are planning for many big things at the Wrestlemania 32 so this could add a tad spicy curry to the mix.

But again the problem arises because Sting can't lose another match in WWE so does Undertaker can't lose another match at Wrestlemani. Hopefully WWE bring up some solution for this intricate situation.

The plan is probably to do Sting vs. Undertaker at Wrestlemania because they need every big match they can possibly throw together in order to sell out that stadium. So with that in mind it's clear that Sting needs to go over whoever he's in there with at SummerSlam. I just hope it's not a Sting/HHH rematch. Yeah the wrong guy went over at Mania but having the rematch solely so Sting can get the win back is kinda lame, although it perfectly fits into the stupid 50/50 booking mentality of the WWE. I could also see them doing something like Undertaker and Sting vs. Triple H and Rollins in a Tag-Team Match. That would still allow Sting to get his win back, while also providing a "first time ever" moment with Taker and Sting joining forces. It also helps protect Taker and Sting since it's a Tag Match and they're old as fuck (good luck protecting them when they go one on one at Mania though).

Anyways, I don't really care. Taker and Sting are both so old it's embarrassing for them to even be in the ring but they're names that can draw, which is something WWE lacks outside of Cena and Lesnar. So whatever, throw them in a Tag Match against two solid workers and give the marks something to cheer for.
It will be intersting to see what they do. Seen as they're using the Lesner rematch card this month for Battleground, one would think they have something big up their sleeve for Summerslam.
I am not so sure we will see Taker vs Sting at Mania 32. Sting took a loss against Triple H at 31 and to lose again, well it doesn't see right.

I would have no issue with Taker and Sting tagging up to face Masked Kane and Bray Wyatt. The build would be creepy and brilliant.
I don't think we'll see either Sting or Undertaker wrestle at SummerSlam, I think it will likely just be an appearance/interferance by both leading to a stare-down to plant the seed for WM32 (if indeed they are going to wrestle each other). I'm all for as many Undertaker or Sting matches as possible, but I'd be shocked if 'Taker wrestles before next year's Mania.

Sting, I could see wrestle but I'm not expecting him to. He can't afford another loss though and going 0-2 in his WWE career would be a crap way to book the icon (even as a huge HHH fan, there's no way Sting should have done the job at Mania 31), he needs to beat someone to remind people of the threat he is, and that he is a genuine threat to Undertaker.

What about Sting beating Kane? With Undertaker showing up at the end of the match?
He can't afford another loss though and going 0-2 in his WWE career would be a crap way to book the icon...

Agreed. In the end, it doesn't matter whether Sting wins or loses in his brief active status in WWE, yet he's one of the legendary performers of all time and I was really surprised to watch him lose to Triple H at WM31. But because he did, I believe Sting needs a win over someone significant, especially if he wants to be seen as a legitimate threat to Undertaker at WM32.....provided that's going to happen.

But, Kane? One can see the quandary WWE is in regarding Sting. He's sure to beat Kane.....and it seems everyone is sure to know it long before the match even where's the drama there?

At the same time, why would the company want to sacrifice the push of a rising star just to give Sting a victory? Do they want to throw Roman Reigns to the dogs by having him defeated by a 90-year-old man? Seth Rollins? Brock Lesnar?

No, I say give Sting another match with Triple H. He can avenge his previous loss against a top rep whom a loss won't affect. They can build the feud over however much time it needs and make it a bit more personal than last time. Sting wants revenge!

That way, Sting goes into the Winter months a winner, making his WM32 match against 'Taker more appealing.
Here is a long shot in the dark but what about Chris Jericho? It's the one big superstar than can afford a loss, be a friendly match, can carry Sting to the limits, and the one wcw star Sting never fought. It has no setup but this close to Summerslam it really don't make a difference
Sting Vs Rollins would seem logical but Sting cant lose a second match. Stig Vs Kane will makes storyline sense, is a waste without the old Kane. I don't know who he faces really and everybody looks fine in it, but I wouldn't mind a Sting Vs Rock match at Mania
What the hell is a HUGERIST?

From urban dictionary:

1. The fattest person that you can imagine.
2. A fictional villain whose foul aim is to suffocate people with his own fat. Character has also been known to drown people with his own sweat.
1. "Have you seen Stuart?"
"Yeah, he's a total Hugerist."

2. "Oh no! The Hugerist just killed Johnny!"

That being said, I really hope if this is true we see a great buildup with someone worthwhile and not something to waste our time
I think Sting will face Bray. Harper interferes in the Reigns' match and cost Reigns the match, Bray and Harper beat up on Reigns, Sting comes out and saves the day which sets up Bray vs. Sting and Harper vs. Reigns at Summerslam. Adding more adversity for Reigns as he tries to return to the WWE WHC title picture.
I have heard that Sting and Taker are both returning tonight at Battleground or Monday night on Raw. I can see Sting return tonight and come out to help Roman, so that a Sting vs. Bray match can happen at Summerslam.

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