Report: Destination America Cancelling TNA Programming Starting in September?


One more for the good guys
Before it was announced last Friday that Impact Wrestling would be moving to Wednesday nights beginning on June 3, 2015, Destination America officials made the decision to cancel the show and all other programming from the Nashville, Tennessee-based company. This is according to Dave Meltzer in this week's issue of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, which was published Wednesday night.

It was noted to Meltzer that all TNA programming will cease to air on Destination America at the end of the third quarter of the year. This is roughly the last week of September, when the current television season ends. Key people at parent company Discovery Communications were informed of the decision.

Two major reasons were given for the cancellation of TNA shows. While Destination America officials considered the ratings for Impact Wrestling to be good, the numbers were not good enough to justify the cost of the programming. The other problem was that a number of the cable network's advertisers specifically did not want to advertise during Impact Wrestling.

The decision from Destination America was meant to be kept secret, quite like how Spike executives kept secret publicly last year their decision to drop Impact Wrestling for months after the decision was made and reported. A public acknowledgment is expected to be made when the station reveals its 2015-16 television season prime-time lineup.
Well, this may be the end of TNA if this is legit. I know that people have said that a lot over the years and said it once it was revealed that the company hadn't signed a new deal with Spike, however, it's hard to not genuinely wonder about the future of the company because you have to wonder if anyone else out there is interested because as far as cable networks go, Destination America is pretty much the bottom of the barrel; I'd never even heard of it before TNA announced that Destination America was its new home. It's only available in about half the homes in the United States and prior to TNA joining up, the highest drawing show on the network only did somewhere around 300,000 viewers.

It's possible that TNA's best chance of survival, at least as far as maintaining a presence on television, is to try to negotiate some sort of syndicated deal similar to the one Ring of Honor has. It may mean less money and it may mean they'll have a tough time paying the bigger stars on their roster, which might mean cutbacks, but it may well be the only option they have left.
Probably a good thing at this point in time.

With GFW starting up and Lucha Underground a unique alternative maybe getting onto a big Mexican network and maybe more US TV exposure, it's time TNA is probably put to bed.

TNA had it's run and it was pretty good overall but too much inconsistency has made it too hard for them to recover.

Time for anyone in TNA to try to get on with GFW or Lucha Underground or ROH or back to the indies or Japan ... or get into NXT!
It could be true or it could be another one of that Dumbarse Davey Meltzer's Lies as he's as Bad as Perez Hilton is as Meltzer's been lying out his arse for years and has some hatered twoards TNA as he's never gave them Props. If it's true we'll see and it's not TNA's fault it falls on The Discovery Family as they coulda put TNA on DISCOVERY instead but failed.
There are times when you need to realize that the product is already dead. TNA has been dead for the last couple of years.

This is just the inevitable end. Im not a fan or hate TNA at all. They had a great 2004-2007 years.

The problem was that TNA tried to be something that was not. WWE rival. Without the budget, the names, the network support, you cant compete against biggest wrestling company in history whether you like it or not.

ROH is way more successful than TNA, because they focus in what they have and in what they can deliver, which is great action. But they never think of themselves as a rival to WWE.

TNA was an idea that was born dead.
Meltzer was Left out (not invited) to a TNA press conference call, and he was very bitter about this. Soon after, these rumors was started by Meltzer. No other sources are confirming any these rumors. This makes me wonder if this is something he is doing to get back at TNA. Starting rumors and bringing down the moral of the tna locker room.

Meltzer knows that no one in the back is going to believe dixie, because she told them when the rumor started about Spike Canceling Impact, she told the locker room not to worry that spike isn't canceling impact.

What is being reported just doesn't add up to me.

DA should have known that they have half the reach then Spike, so they got around half the viewers (what's the problem there?)

They should have known what the running cost was prior to the deal even being finalized! In business, you just dont roll the dice and hope you get lucky! if they did that then they are a bunch of braindead morons over a DA!

However, if this is all true, I think TNAs best option at this point is work out a deal with either youtube or netflix to live stream impact wrestling every week. It's either that. Take another network that has far less reach than DA, or sell TNA.

But if it's all false, No website should ever, ever quote Meltzer again!
I agree. If this is false Meltzer's credibility (what little he does have) should be shot to hell.

I been making jokes about this since I heard it but if this is true it's horrible for the business. Wrestling not been a viable TV option is tragic.
It came from Meltzer, it's most likely a big pile of donkey doo. Him and Madden are probably double dutch ruddering each other right now.

Next week there'll be a report that DA, and Impact have agreed on a long term extension.
Meltzer isn't exactly a beacon of accuracy. He'd be doing well if you judged wrestling reporting like hitting in baseball... 30% of the time is good enough. But its not baseball.

With that said, who knows. Maybe its true. If its not, people will still read Meltzer, just like they still did all those times he has bs'd in the past.
TNA wrestlers have some options now to make money elsewhere without worrying if the checks are going to come in on time or not. The Japanese promotions, ROH, GFW, AAA & Lucha Underground are all good options if they have spots available and some talent will still get paid well for smaller Indy appearances.

TNA will probably have to pay out the bigger name contracts such as Angle & he will probably put in some dates across the board for a farewell tour of sorts before retiring. Others will find a home somewhere, especially guys like EC3, Roode, Storm, etc. Hell it would not surprise me if NXT picks up a Knockout or two, adding to the already great roster. I doubt they grab any of the male roster though. Zema Ion may be a choice that could work, but for the most part the rest have either burned their shot in WWE or are not really a good fit for what they need.

TNA was likely not going to work long at DA anyway given a few different factors, but it was a nice shot while it lasted if this is true. Bottom line is that they have been swirling the drain for a bit & if it the clock is now ticking towards the final bell, then so be it. The brighter stars will find a place to wrestle & it opens up the door for some great matches against a new crop of opponents in other promotions.
The problem was that Discovery Networks was hoping that TNA would move the needle big time for Destination America. DA has very little to offer the general public, and TNA was going to give them that boost. Problem was that the viewers that were on Spike did not come over to DA. Granted, the ratings were the best on the network. Problem was that even if they had over a million viewers, it was not the viewers that DA or those that normally advertise on DA wanted.

That said, I do not believe that TNA is dead. Not by a long shot. TNA needs to be what it really is: A good Regional fed. Dixie should buy a theater or studio space, spruce it up, and then do the tapings from that space. Then, do house shows throughout the Mid-South. With that, go the PWS route i.e. buy the airtime on UHF stations throughout the South. Dixie is so good at marketing, let her get the ads. If you want to buy airtime in the UK, do it. This will make TNA a far stronger promotion than it has been in years.
It could be true or it could be another one of that Dumbarse Davey Meltzer's Lies as he's as Bad as Perez Hilton is as Meltzer's been lying out his arse for years and has some hatered twoards TNA as he's never gave them Props. If it's true we'll see and it's not TNA's fault it falls on The Discovery Family as they coulda put TNA on DISCOVERY instead but failed.

Meltzer was Left out (not invited) to a TNA press conference call, and he was very bitter about this. Soon after, these rumors was started by Meltzer. No other sources are confirming any these rumors. This makes me wonder if this is something he is doing to get back at TNA. Starting rumors and bringing down the moral of the tna locker room.

Meltzer knows that no one in the back is going to believe dixie, because she told them when the rumor started about Spike Canceling Impact, she told the locker room not to worry that spike isn't canceling impact.

What is being reported just doesn't add up to me.

DA should have known that they have half the reach then Spike, so they got around half the viewers (what's the problem there?)

They should have known what the running cost was prior to the deal even being finalized! In business, you just dont roll the dice and hope you get lucky! if they did that then they are a bunch of braindead morons over a DA!

However, if this is all true, I think TNAs best option at this point is work out a deal with either youtube or netflix to live stream impact wrestling every week. It's either that. Take another network that has far less reach than DA, or sell TNA.

But if it's all false, No website should ever, ever quote Meltzer again!

I agree. If this is false Meltzer's credibility (what little he does have) should be shot to hell.

I been making jokes about this since I heard it but if this is true it's horrible for the business. Wrestling not been a viable TV option is tragic.

It came from Meltzer, it's most likely a big pile of donkey doo. Him and Madden are probably double dutch ruddering each other right now.

Next week there'll be a report that DA, and Impact have agreed on a long term extension.

Meltzer isn't exactly a beacon of accuracy. He'd be doing well if you judged wrestling reporting like hitting in baseball... 30% of the time is good enough. But its not baseball.

With that said, who knows. Maybe its true. If its not, people will still read Meltzer, just like they still did all those times he has bs'd in the past.

It astounds me just how many mental gymnastics TNA fans will do to take a story about their company, and work around it to provide their scorching hot take on Dave Meltzer.

Like, weren't we doing this just last year? Then, when the boom was finally lowered, some fans actually tried to spin this as a good thing for TNA. That Spike was actually holding TNA back, and that this is what was needed to get to the next level of popularity.

It's time to accept the truth people; TNA is a mediocre to good product, that's run by awful management. This time, management has failed TNA; not Destination America, not Spike, not Dave Meltzer. This isn't some conspiracy to run TNA out of wrestling. Fortunately, there's some really good wrestling out there with LU, New Japan, and NXT, that this should be the time to look for something else. Sample LU, just give other wrestling a try, guys.

Because I can guarantee you this, TNA isn't going to get saved a third time around.
TNA has dodged the bullet several times. I will be sad to see it go but if this true what else is left for them. Maybe Wwe would buy the video back catalogue for the network?
Until this story is confirmed I won't be believing anything I read from a dirt sheet. I classify this as a rumor for now.

IF this is true I would be a sad panda :(
Probably a good thing at this point in time.

With GFW starting up and Lucha Underground a unique alternative maybe getting onto a big Mexican network and maybe more US TV exposure, it's time TNA is probably put to bed.

TNA had it's run and it was pretty good overall but too much inconsistency has made it too hard for them to recover.

Time for anyone in TNA to try to get on with GFW or Lucha Underground or ROH or back to the indies or Japan ... or get into NXT!

Lucha Underground is already losing $20 million in production costs alone. A second season has yet to be announced. It was suppose to make an announcement of a second season last week and nothing came about. NOT GOOD.

GFW just signed Scott Steiner...:lmao::lmao:

Neither will see a decade.

All this is with TNA is just a rumor. Until I hear from both TNA and DA. That is how I will treat it. A rumor.
There are times when you need to realize that the product is already dead. TNA has been dead for the last couple of years.

This is just the inevitable end. Im not a fan or hate TNA at all. They had a great 2004-2007 years.

The problem was that TNA tried to be something that was not. WWE rival. Without the budget, the names, the network support, you cant compete against biggest wrestling company in history whether you like it or not.

ROH is way more successful than TNA, because they focus in what they have and in what they can deliver, which is great action. But they never think of themselves as a rival to WWE.

TNA was an idea that was born dead.

In 2010 they spent money on Hulk Hogan, Sting, Bischoff, RVD. So, you're wrong there.

In 2010, they achieved 2 million viewers for Impact Wrestling on October 2010.

They have shown in the past that they can compete.

TNA has accomplished more than ROH will ever.
OK so lets say Meltzer is correct, and I don't get all the hate towards him, he has said on different podcast that he only wishes the best for TNA.

But hey who knows, maybe its a rumor made up to get some fans watching. And guess what? TNA has been pretty good lately, so tune in and watch, ya might like it.
Like, weren't we doing this just last year?

Yeah, we were, and isn't it sad when the fortunes of a business wind up in discussions like this? Whether Meltzer is right or wrong, the notion that performers are having trouble getting paid...and that there's apparently going to be a switch in the day TNA airs.....are warning signs, at the very least.

Still, I wouldn't presume another buyer won't suddenly appear on the horizon. I'm told that there always seems to be someone willing to buy a business despite it's continuing failure; the buyer says: "Yes, it's failed twice before, but I know I can make it work!" and once in a while, they actually can.....although, usually, if the circumstances just aren't right for a business, it can't survive.....much less matter who is running it.

If TNA does fold :icon_sad: I truly wonder what Kurt Angle will do.
Yeah, we were, and isn't it sad when the fortunes of a business wind up in discussions like this? Whether Meltzer is right or wrong, the notion that performers are having trouble getting paid...and that there's apparently going to be a switch in the day TNA airs.....are warning signs, at the very least.

Still, I wouldn't presume another buyer won't suddenly appear on the horizon. I'm told that there always seems to be someone willing to buy a business despite it's continuing failure; the buyer says: "Yes, it's failed twice before, but I know I can make it work!" and once in a while, they actually can.....although, usually, if the circumstances just aren't right for a business, it can't survive.....much less matter who is running it.

If TNA does fold :icon_sad: I truly wonder what Kurt Angle will do.

If this is true, the issue is not who will own TNA, but which network provider will carry the program. Perhaps if someone buys TNA out, and that someone has influence and connections, then I can see it. Otherwise, the problem is not with Dixie Carter, it's the ROI Destination America is getting from TNA.

Which brings me to a question. The article states that the main reason to cancel all TNA programming this fall is not due to ratings lower than expected, but instead that others don't want to advertise during the show. Okay, I can see that. First of all, it's wrestling which is bad enough, secondly the ratings aren't lucrative enough.

But what about the piece about TNA costing them too much. How much are they investing in TNA? These guys tape months in a very short time, production is as simple as it's ever been, all the popular names are gone so few people are sucking in major wages.

I don't know, it sounds legit enough but it also sounds dodgy. Either way, even if it's false, TNA's been having too many issues lately. The worst part is that I'm enjoying the product more than I ever have right now. Let's hope it's all fine, and it if it isn't then I, as well as a looot of other people, will have to say bye bye to wrestling.
It astounds me just how many mental gymnastics TNA fans will do to take a story about their company, and work around it to provide their scorching hot take on Dave Meltzer.

Like, weren't we doing this just last year? Then, when the boom was finally lowered, some fans actually tried to spin this as a good thing for TNA. That Spike was actually holding TNA back, and that this is what was needed to get to the next level of popularity.

It's time to accept the truth people; TNA is a mediocre to good product, that's run by awful management. This time, management has failed TNA; not Destination America, not Spike, not Dave Meltzer. This isn't some conspiracy to run TNA out of wrestling. Fortunately, there's some really good wrestling out there with LU, New Japan, and NXT, that this should be the time to look for something else. Sample LU, just give other wrestling a try, guys.

Because I can guarantee you this, TNA isn't going to get saved a third time around.

This is all on Destination America, and not on the performance of TNA. Impact wrestling has been great, and very consistent since the move to Destination America.

Destination America SHOULD HAVE KNOWN the operating cost before the deal was finalized. Destination America SHOULD HAVE KNOWN that the likelihood of them reaching one million subscribers was slim to none.

TNA alone was not going to make ppl subscribe to a higher cable package just to get Destination America, when other content they show on their channel is just stupid. People will just torrent the episode of impact the following day.

All this is on Destination America rolling the dice hoping they would get lucky, and ignoring basic business practices, because if everything i have read turns out to be true, then thats exactly what they have done; rolled the dice.

One more thing, Dave Meltzer, is that you?
If this is true, the issue is not who will own TNA, but which network provider will carry the program. Perhaps if someone buys TNA out, and that someone has influence and connections, then I can see it. Otherwise, the problem is not with Dixie Carter, it's the ROI Destination America is getting from TNA.

Which brings me to a question. The article states that the main reason to cancel all TNA programming this fall is not due to ratings lower than expected, but instead that others don't want to advertise during the show. Okay, I can see that. First of all, it's wrestling which is bad enough, secondly the ratings aren't lucrative enough.

But what about the piece about TNA costing them too much. How much are they investing in TNA? These guys tape months in a very short time, production is as simple as it's ever been, all the popular names are gone so few people are sucking in major wages.

I don't know, it sounds legit enough but it also sounds dodgy. Either way, even if it's false, TNA's been having too many issues lately. The worst part is that I'm enjoying the product more than I ever have right now. Let's hope it's all fine, and it if it isn't then I, as well as a looot of other people, will have to say bye bye to wrestling.

I think TNAs best option at this point if this is true is work out a deal with youtube to have the "ON AIR NOW: Impact Wrestling Ever Thursday at 9pm EST" Blue banner on top of the page and stream impact wrestling on youtube every week.

I guarantee they will get more weekly viewers on youtube then on Destination America.
This is all on Destination America, and not on the performance of TNA. Impact wrestling has been great, and very consistent since the move to Destination America.

Destination America SHOULD HAVE KNOWN the operating cost before the deal was finalized. Destination America SHOULD HAVE KNOWN that the likelihood of them reaching one million subscribers was slim to none.

TNA alone was not going to make ppl subscribe to a higher cable package just to get Destination America, when other content they show on their channel is just stupid. People will just torrent the episode of impact the following day.

All this is on Destination America rolling the dice hoping they would get lucky, and ignoring basic business practices, because if everything i have read turns out to be true, then thats exactly what they have done; rolled the dice.

One more thing, Dave Meltzer, is that you?

They probably knew; it's also why they had an opt out clause in their contract, and shockingly enough, they have used it.

You can blame DA all you want, but seriously, what more did you want DA to do for them? If there wasn't a DA, we're probably looking at TNA dying a year ago. DA has no moral obligation to keep TNA on their air, if they feel it isn't worth keeping on.

Meanwhile, TNA is looking at its second TV contract burned in as many years, and a company that is unable to pay its employees. Which, by the way, this isn't exactly new ground for TNA, not being able to pay its employees.

But sure, DA is to blame, and TNA isn't a mess, as a business. Whatevs.
In 2010 they spent money on Hulk Hogan, Sting, Bischoff, RVD. So, you're wrong there.

In 2010, they achieved 2 million viewers for Impact Wrestling on October 2010.

They have shown in the past that they can compete.

TNA has accomplished more than ROH will ever.

What homegrown star has TNA ever had? Someone that the general public knows and has never been in ECW/WWE/WCW?

As far as this cancellation, I haven't watched wrestling in months but...

Yeah I probably wouldn't give a fuck about an Invasion angle.
while TNA isn't the best business wise...if this report is true, i dont think TNA is dead. now if they have issues finding another network, then the talks of tna dying could increase, BUT i won't say they're dead yet. if they can find a station, say for example WGN, then i think they would be alive and likely get higher ratings than they did on DA. part of D. America's problem is that not everyone has that station. if you have basic cable, you aren't watching Destination America, that's one reason why the ratings aren't like they were on Spike. i can't say TNA's dead until it's finally dead.
If the report is true, then TNA still has three months or so to get the wheels in motion for their next move.

I don't know the whole ins and outs of employees getting paid late, there was talk from payroll moving offices to the company being in bad state.

They've already planned the UK Impact Tour for 2016, they've just signed Billy Corgan as a creative writer.

I think the major problem is DA, why did they think that the viewers TNA got at Spike would follow them over, it is the highest rating show on the network, shouldn't they be looking to find a solution other than cancelling the product?

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