Report: Cena Legitimately Injured


According to, John Cena really did suffer a genuine injury on Raw this past Monday.

The site is reporting that, last night, Cena told fans after the house show in North Charleston, South Carolina that he's suffering from a groin tear. On Raw this past Monday, according to the site, Cena was selling a knee injury and that was a planned angle but he suffered a groin tear. Cena was reported to be "pretty bad off" backstage last night but is gritting his teeth and working through it because it's WrestleMania season. Word is that they wanted to pull Cena from this weekend's house shows, but Cena refused.

If this is all indeed legit, then this level of commitment is a HUGE reason why Cena's been the genuine face of WWE for almost 10 years. While watching Raw, Cena was doing an amazing job of selling that people were wondering if it was legit. The script called for Cena to sell a knee injury, which is why he was holding onto his knee, limping around. But he was genuinely injured, yet still stuck to the script and toughed it out.

If Cena's really hurt, I think WWE will take it easy on him until WrestleMania, he'll job clean to Wyatt and take some time off depending on how serious the tear is.
Triple H finished a match with a torn quad. Let's not act like Cena is above and beyond everyone in his level of commitment and toughness.

And its a STRAIN not a tear:

As per Wrestleview:

To update an earlier report, WWE star John Cena announced he suffered a groin strain and not a groin tear as previously reported by PWInsider. Cena's leg was heavily taped up. Either way, the company is definitly having fun blurring the lines with this injury.
Cena did a phenomenal job of selling the injury last week, because with Cena limping around it was hard to tell if the injury was real or not. I wonder if all this is a result of Cena returning at Hell In A Cell to face Del Rio too soon. I remember a tweet from Cena about nagging injuries and exhaustion before the match with Orton on Raw recently. There's a chance Cena rushed a return, when he wasn't 100% physically, and it's catching up with him now.

If Cena is really hurt, they'll take it easy on Cena until Wrestlemania rolls around. He'll have enough juice to go one on one with Bray, and he'll have enough time to go on a little break after Wrestlemania to rest up and recover for another run.
John Cena is always injured. And he never lets himself heal properly. He never takes enough time off, and he always comes back way too early. You could say that it's commitment on his part to be the face of the company, and they do rely on him heavily. But it's also part of the reason why he's become so stale, and fans have latched on to other faces in recent years (CM Punk, Daniel Bryan). He should take time off after WrestleManiaXXX, both for his own personal health and for the health of his character. And I mean like 5-6 months off, and not come back early after only 2 months. He deserves it.
Triple H finished a match with a torn quad. Let's not act like Cena is above and beyond everyone in his level of commitment and toughness.

And not just a torn quad, but his quad was totally ripped off the bone. He shouldn't have even been able to stand, let alone do anything that he did after that point.
He absolutely needs to take a LONG vacation. Being so overexposed is a huge reason people don't like him. WrestleMania is a perfect opportunity to create a MONSTER heel by having Bray Wyatt totally destroy him and put him out of action for months (allowing him time to heal). People would actually want to see Cena again if he came back around SummerSlam and it would set up another awesome feud with Wyatt then.
And on the same note of people finishing with worse injuries, let's talk about when The Rock suffered his hernia, torn adductor and torn abdominal muscle against John Cena and how the muscle tore completely off the pelvis. Not that any injury is good, but a groin strain is moot by comparison to other performers.

That said, John really should take a chunk of time off and just heal everything, do something else not focused on getting back to the ring, and just relax while others get more time to showcase what they've got. A vacation by Randy would be welcome also. It isn't that I dislike either guy, but I would like them to step away for a while as the new blood gets pumping.
He absolutely needs to take a LONG vacation. Being so overexposed is a huge reason people don't like him. WrestleMania is a perfect opportunity to create a MONSTER heel by having Bray Wyatt totally destroy him and put him out of action for months (allowing him time to heal). People would actually want to see Cena again if he came back around SummerSlam and it would set up another awesome feud with Wyatt then.

Exactly, they could use this as an opportunity to get Wyatt over huge. He could soundly defeat John Cena and send him off TV for months. Or, if they want to protect Cena (even though he doesn't need it), it could be some screwy DQ finish, but with the same result of the Wyatt's ultimately destroying Cena, sending him away until SummerSlam or something. Then... Cena can return after 5 months of healing, he'll get a big pop, and continue his feud with the Wyatt's, culminating at Survivor Series or something.
Exactly, they could use this as an opportunity to get Wyatt over huge. He could soundly defeat John Cena and send him off TV for months. Or, if they want to protect Cena (even though he doesn't need it), it could be some screwy DQ finish, but with the same result of the Wyatt's ultimately destroying Cena, sending him away until SummerSlam or something. Then... Cena can return after 5 months of healing, he'll get a big pop, and continue his feud with the Wyatt's, culminating at Survivor Series or something.

Yeah I wish that could happen for Cena but unfortunately once the Wrestlemania hype dies down when all the part timers are gone and if Punk isn't back by Payback, they're practically going to beg him to comeback early
Dude Cena is the shit aint he?? Legitimately tough,plus he did one helluva job selling his knee injury.. A such great job in fact,everyone on here thought his knee was hurt for real. Groin injuries are no joke,they are very bothersome,hurt like hell and take a long time to heal..

If its a strain i see no reason for him to wrestle at all until Wrestlemania. They will take it easy on him no doubt,the build between Bray and Cena,will be great.. Both are great talkers,so the hype will be built greatly..

People need to realize why Cena is the face of the company for over a decade now.. Its things like this,that make him tough.. He doesn't bitch,works through injuries (Before anyone says anything i know everyone gets hurt)but cena grits his teeth,grabs his lunchbox and goes to work.. That much you gotta respect
The type of injuries Cena gets are likely caused by the way his muscles are developed for the type of stress he puts on them. Plus getting older. While he might not be taking hardcore type steroids, definitely up there or close to it.

When Triple H had his Quad tear, that was the same thing. I was listening to an interview of an old time tag team or panel of wrestlers (don't remember who), and they were talking about steroids. The interviewer asked how to tell if someone's on Roids or some major performance enhancing drug, and they all said tears/strains to your muscles. The specifically mentioned Quad, Pectoral, bicep tears, and maybe a few other ones.

The difference between them and ol time wrestlers who did major steroids, they rarely had the work rate (matchwise, and TV wise) that had been now normal starting from the Attitude era.
Here's what irritates me.

John Cena isn't necessarily locked into a match with Bray Wyatt at Wrestlemania. John Cena vs Bray Wyatt might be all well and good for getting Bray over, I'm sure if I googled names that John Cena has worked with or attempted to put over I'll find such stellar names as Tensai, Kenzo Suzuki and Renee Dupree.

Bray is already over, he's already past the "HUSKY HARRIS!" chants. If he beats injured John Cena then it's not a clean win, and it's hardly an excuse to be considered more over than he was before. Injured John Cena isn't John Cena, it's a completely unique character. You beat injured John Cena, you haven't done anything significant. When he comes back at %100 he'll get his revenge win because he's John Cena and because he already put you "over" by granting you a win.

I see people recognizing how brave and courageous John Cena must be for continuing to compete in spite of his injury. That's all fucking roses for some people, it smells like bullshit to me. I believe that he legitimately hurt himself, I also believe that nothing will betray our expectations of Wrestlemania if John Cena takes some time off and sits this one out. Do a promo, have him encourage his replacement to really stick it to Bray, maybe be the referee or a ringside enforcer. Hell, let Roman Reigns have this one. Maybe do a fatal four-way, anything would be better than another fucking pointless match where injured John Cena sticks it out and either triumphs in spite of his injury or loses BECAUSE of his injury.

I realize that his die-hard fans want to see him regardless of anything, so for them it's a blessing that he's willing to get thrown around despite the potential of his injury being made worse. For me, it's the same tired old bullshit. Just take a damn break and heal.
If it gets to a point where Cena makes the tear worse, officials are going to HAVE to force him to stay out for at least 2-3 weeks. They need him for Wrestlemania. He doesn't need to be wrestling at house shows. Plus mic him up on RAW. His promos have been phenomenal recently. They'll get even better against Bray.
Although this little tidbit might explain why he is still in the ring:

Dave Meltzer of The Wrestling Observer, however, is now reporting that Cena is not suffering from any legitimate injury, and he is simply selling the Wyatt Family attack from Raw this week. Meltzer added there was no suggestion from WWE doctors that he not work this weekend's live events, and neither his groin nor knee are actually injured.

This goes hand in hand with what enviousdominous is saying. Beating a "beat up" John Cena doesn't really help much. Yeah it's a win at WM, but it's not a "true" win.
if cena is legitimately injured then put him in a non wrestling role at wrestlemania.
If he is not injured. This is wyatt family first legitimate attack, i doubt how he survive without injury until wm30.

Cena vs bray is not a mainevent match. Bray is only benefit from this match. So i dont care about this match happened or not. I will wait for cena's next fued.
I would love to see Cena backing away from the match and sending The Shield in to get their revenge instead, like he gave his spot to Ryback against CM Punk.
I'm sorry for his injury, but I'll really enjoy watching WWE without him staying on top of everyone and ending young people's momentum permanently.
If Cena's really hurt, I think WWE will take it easy on him until WrestleMania, he'll job clean to Wyatt and take some time off depending on how serious the tear is.

I agree with this. John Cena would NEVER miss Wrestlemania, let alone the 30th edition of the event. He has far too much passion for the pro wrestling business and the Wrestlemania brand to miss it. If he's legitimately hurt then I would predict he sees very limited in-ring action leading up to the event, not taking any risky spots at all, and then putting over Bray as best he can. Wyatt was probably going to win anyhow, now he can win and (kayfabe) take Cena out of action for a while, then re-ignite the feud for Summerslam in a rematch or something by the time Cena can return. I hope he is still able to work their rumored match at Wrestlemania this year. Worst case scenario he can still make an appearance of some sorts, but it wouldn't be Wrestlemania without him.
For all those saying that John Cena should skip Wrestlemania...I think that explains why Vince McMahon, a filthy rich guy, runs the company instead of guys who spew such nonsense on forums.
Having Cena missing Wrestlemania, is like Peyton Manning missing the SuperBowl if his team is in it. People come to see these Star guys ply their trade.

As long as Cena is physically able to compete, even at 75% fitness, then Vince will make sure he competes. You don't have the Face of the Company missing the event you are trying to promote as the biggest event in your company's history. There is absolutely ZERO benefit if such a thing happens.
But they need him to be there to sell tickets. I think Cena should take a break from the In Ring stuff for a lil bit but keep him on air if they need him and put him for the time being while his body heals as A Ref, Commentator, a manager(for D-Young or somebody), or The PreShow Co-Host w/ Josh Matthews. This would be a win-win fans still get the Cena fix and The McMahons let their cash cow rest but still get ticket sales and stuff as he'll still be on the Cards but gets to rest up.
If any of you think for a millisecond that Cena is not going to "wrestle" at WrestleMania XXX, you are out of your tree! He should have stayed home for 4 months (minimum) rehabbing from his triceps surgery, but he was back in 2 months (and won with 1 good arm...poor Del Rio - and later, Sandow.). Why? Because Vince's shows sucked. Fast forward to the "biggest" PPV of the year. Cena is the E's winning lottery ticket, and they continue to cash it in. It says something when he's scheduled to perform at a house show, and they're willing to give people their $$$ back because he's not performing at it. It is irrelevant whether he is legit injured or not, Cena's so immersed in his "persona" that he will overcome the odds, rise above pain, yada yada yada, and get in the ring at WM XXX. What is annoying is I'm sure the ringside ass-kissing commentary trio of "yes men" will spend the majority of the time selling Cena's "injury", aking away from what could have been a clean win for Wyatt. Which ultimately gets back to (one of the many) Cena speeches, challenging the younger guys to "go through" him and "step it up". Oh, the irony...

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