Report: Big Match Penciled In For Summerslam?


According to a report from Dave Meltzer at, there's a big match that's being seriously discussed to take place at this year's SummerSlam. The report cites that for SummerSlam this year, Triple H is penciled into go one on one with Roman Reigns. As it's still quite a ways off until SummerSlam, things can always change, if this is legit at any rate.

Considering that The Shield has turned babyface, or has at least turned against The Authority and looks likely to be involved against Triple H, Randy Orton & Batista, Reigns going up against Triple H in a singles match is an eventual logical step. It's possible that Orton & Batista will remain as some sort of unofficial tag team, thereby giving Ambrose & Rollins something to do in a tag feud while Reigns and Trips go at it.
Man im all for it, I would love this story. The men of one of the greatest and most dominant factions of all time coming back together 10 years later still dominant (as in can still put on solid matches and dont look like washed up has beens) going up against the current faction that is dominating the WWE (wyatts a close 2nd for me) with the "leaders" facing off and the remainder of the team putting on great matches. If with the right build (and the right team going over! I think you know what I mean) 2014 could be the year that breaks yet another streak. The streak of putting on crappy to half decent years on the board
I like it alot. Each member of the Shield gets elevated to next level. This is how you give the rub to young up and comers. I like keeping the Shield face for awhile, but it would also be a good time to turn Ambrose heel if he and Rollins end up tagging. He could be the 'wildcard' of the Authority
WOW That is a good idea. If you are going to have Regins be a star, no one better for him to go over on than Triple H, I would actually like to see the authority focus on the shield and let Bryan run with the belt for a good while until payback. I would love to see reigns and HHH. Reigns I acually think will win to after seeing wrestlmaina.
I think this is a good place to make this statement and question: When Orton and Batista got a shot at the tag titles and HHH gave himself a title shot on Monday did you think they would all walk out of Raw with the belts? I'll be honest, part of me certainly thought so, but I've very glad I was wrong. Could you see that happening at some point in the near future, then have Reigns get the title from HHH and Rollins/Ambrose win the tag titles from Orton/Batista? ... I know I'm kind of thinking in a chess-type manner, a few moves ahead, it's just a thought.
That is actually gonna be a good feud, I would love to keep orton and batista together, only to keep them out of the title picture for awhile. Finish it off with Lesnar taking the title and feuding with anyone other than the garden gnome would be bad ass.
I don't know how they plan on stretching this storyline out that long. That's 5 months...almost half a year. The Shield just destroyed Kane and The Outlaws...are they going to forget about this for like 4 months and then come back to it? Because to keep feuding with The Authority over the course of that amount of time would get boring and repetitive. I'm definitely interested in seeing how they manage this.
If this report is true, I am down with Triple H vs. Roman Reigns at Summerslam. Ever since Roman Reigns got in Triple H's face on Smackdown a few months back, I was like "this has to happen". It's a fresh match-up to boost Roman Reigns career going solo after the Shield break up. Overall, I'm really looking forward to it. Even if the reports are true.
According to a report from Dave Meltzer at, there's a big match that's being seriously discussed to take place at this year's SummerSlam. The report cites that for SummerSlam this year, Triple H is penciled into go one on one with Roman Reigns. As it's still quite a ways off until SummerSlam, things can always change, if this is legit at any rate.

Considering that The Shield has turned babyface, or has at least turned against The Authority and looks likely to be involved against Triple H, Randy Orton & Batista, Reigns going up against Triple H in a singles match is an eventual logical step. It's possible that Orton & Batista will remain as some sort of unofficial tag team, thereby giving Ambrose & Rollins something to do in a tag feud while Reigns and Trips go at it.

Or, Reigns vs HHH in a Singles match might well mean that sometime before SummerSlam, the Ambrose and Rollins heel turn happens also...

That said; I do believe that provided, everything goes to plan, the Roman Reigns vs HHH match will definitely take place. It just makes me wonder what Daniel Bryan will be doing...Brock Lesnar perhaps?? or Cena again??
I don't know how they plan on stretching this storyline out that long. That's 5 months...almost half a year. The Shield just destroyed Kane and The Outlaws...are they going to forget about this for like 4 months and then come back to it? Because to keep feuding with The Authority over the course of that amount of time would get boring and repetitive. I'm definitely interested in seeing how they manage this.

If it is done based on the rumoured Roman Reigns push...then I can see another 6-man Tag at Extreme Rules and maybe another one at Payback also...

Then there is MitB and Battleground in June...maybe at some point we get Reigns vs Kane in a Singles...then Reigns is turned on by Ambrose and Rollins setting up a 2 on 1 perhaps at some point as well.

Hard to see how they will stretch it out over the course of 5 PPVs, but the storyline is interesting based on what occured on RAW and SD this week, without a doubt!
Ah it's good to hear Triple H is gonna take the shovel to Roman Reigns early. It's not like he's got all the potential in the world to carry the company and pad Trips' pockets with money.

I hope they have that match and Triple H does what's right. Good match for sure. Anybody wanna call it Triple H vs. Rock Jr.?
If it is done based on the rumoured Roman Reigns push...then I can see another 6-man Tag at Extreme Rules and maybe another one at Payback also...

Then there is MitB and Battleground in June...maybe at some point we get Reigns vs Kane in a Singles...then Reigns is turned on by Ambrose and Rollins setting up a 2 on 1 perhaps at some point as well.

Hard to see how they will stretch it out over the course of 5 PPVs, but the storyline is interesting based on what occured on RAW and SD this week, without a doubt!

Shield vs. Kane/Orton/Batista at Extreme a Rules, Shield vs. Triple H/Orton/Batista at Payback, all three Shield members plus Orton and Batista(and others) in the MITB match which Reigns wins, Reigns vs. Kane at Battle Ground, Reigns vs. Triple H at SummerSlam. Somewhere between Payback and SummerSlam, Orton and Batista win the tag team titles and defend them against Rollins/Ambrose at SummerSlam.

That's one way it could go. They could get the Wyatt Family involved again, or other wrestlers could intervene on behalf of The Authority. There's a lot of ways to stretch out feuds. I mean, on the day after last year's SummerSlam, if somebody had said Randy Orton vs. Daniel a Bryan (vs. Batista) was going to main event WrestleMania, it would've been impossible to imagine how they would get to that point, let alone get to it so perfectly.

Ah it's good to hear Triple H is gonna take the shovel to Roman Reigns early. It's not like he's got all the potential in the world to carry the company and pad Trips' pockets with money.

I hope they have that match and Triple H does what's right. Good match for sure. Anybody wanna call it Triple H vs. Rock Jr.?

Facepalm. This is the idiocy I'm talking about in regards to the pathetic bias against everything Triple H and Cena do. Even if Triple H loses to Reigns, there are going to be morons claiming Triple H didn't lose convincingly enough or fast enough or didn't make Reigns look good enough in the feud before the match.

Anyway, I think a Triple H vs. Roman Reigns match is inevitable. Like somebody else said, it's been in our minds for awhile, since that confrontation on Smackdown! right after the Royal Rumble. I don't know if it'll happen at SummerSlam, but that could certainly be a SummerSlam calibre match if done right. I would definitely like to see it.
Oh hell yah I am all for it!! If the reports are true,Trips will go against Roman Reigns.. I thought i would have tired of the authority,but the story lines have kept me interested.. Roman is awesome,clearly the shining star of the group unofficially of course..

Romans star is so huge right now,its unbelievable.. A rub from the future HOF triple H at Summerslam will only catapult that! I am very intrigued to say the least
I'm definitely a fan of this one, please Trips make it happen! As soon as I heard about the potential of an Evolution-Shield feud I started salivating as one is my favorite stable from my late childhood and the other is another favorite of mine. I assume between now and then we would see the three from each going against each other, and then it being broken down to Hunter vs Roman and hopefully they would still keep the other guys busy against each other with a tag match. If Orton and Batista could take the tag titles off of The Usos and then drop them to Ambrose and Rollins at SS that'd be a great way to get some major attention for the division.
But i'm getting carried away here with all this excitement, the main thing here is going one on one with Triple H at the second biggest PPV of the year would be a hell of a jump for young Roman but one I believe he deserves. In terms of their wrestling styles I like the match up, Roman also reminds me(as I'm he does the rest of you) of a younger samoan HHH. If built up the right way I think this is a major angle that the fans will go crazy for and the beginning of a massive push for this promising young superstar.
Then go further and have all the Shield against an Authority member or Evolution member... Rollins vs Batista and Orton v Ambrose... that way you can make 3 stars in one night, Dave can get the win over Rollins and it not hurt too much and Ambrose and Orton both have the "voices/lunatic" thing they can play off...

Reigns v Trips does make sense but I think they need to keep the Shield to next year's Mania to finally split... the ideal match now would be Taker, Sting and Kane v The Shield, the loss makes them finally split but it would be the other teams final match and the "torch" would be passed to them as stars.
I was uner the impression that this match would happen at Summerslam every since the build to the WM. The way the Shield turned against the authorities main henchman, Kane made me think that HHH Vs. Reigns is a must down the line. I think the build could be superb if creative handles it right and seeing as to how HHH would be in the match I think it's obvious the build will be great.
It's tough to predict stuff when WWE is taking storylines and reversing their direction in mid-stream, isn't it?

-The Real Americans are breaking up, with Cesaro & Swagger going after each other......but no, they're back, wait a minute; they've finally ended their association, after all.

-3MB is splitting as a team, with Drew McIntyre wrestling singles matches at house shows.....but wait!....they're sticking together and even entered in the Andre battle royal as a team.

-Then, of course, the breakup of the Shield has happened, with Seth Rollins refusing to tag in Dean Ambrose in a match, The split has occurred.....except that it hasn't.

As to that last item, when we saw Rollins standing at the top of the ramp without his teammates, the break-up was complete, or so we thought. Instead, management turns the group face.....of all things......and it's through this labyrinth that we're trying to determine what Roman Reigns will be doing by Summerslam. The rumor we've heard about him facing Triple H obviously presumes he'll be a singles performer by fact, he'd need to have been on his own awhile in order to qualify him to face a legend like Trips.

Perhaps the route he's following with Shield now being anti-Authority is indicative of WWE's plan to get Reigns to the point of meriting a singles battle with Trips. For storyline purposes, it will be easy to get there: Trips being angry at the defiance of a group he thought to be under his control. It's then a short stroll to finding a reason to get Reigns out on his own to fight his boss.

As to the match itself, it would seem to be a huge turning point in Reigns' career, no? I presume he'd defeat Triple H because I can't imagine why they'd want to have a young performer who's ready for the big time lose just when he's being launched to the moon. After all, once he beats Trips, the world is Reigns' oyster.

My big hope would be that if this match is to happen, Reigns will be officially split from Shield by then, so the other two aren't standing at ringside, ready to insure that their guy takes the duke. That was typical behavior for Shield in their heel days.....and has no place if they're good guys......but it's better still if Reigns is completely by himself when he gets inaugurated to the level of main event wrestlers.
Triple H vs Roman Reigns is a big money match. One victory for Reigns here and his career is off. They could fill the time between now & SummerSlam with 6 man tag matches. Let them exchange victories till eventually we get the one on one match.

Maybe Orton & Batista will be tag champions by then and they can defend them against the team of Rolling & Ambrose.

Ah it's good to hear Triple H is gonna take the shovel to Roman Reigns early. It's not like he's got all the potential in the world to carry the company and pad Trips' pockets with money.

I hope they have that match and Triple H does what's right. Good match for sure. Anybody wanna call it Triple H vs. Rock Jr.?

This is one of those responses that make it hard for the adults to have a conversation. :schild13:
I actually suggested this one for Mania when Punk left, but since the change in direction for The Shield I've just had a 6 man with them and Evolution as a big Summerslam match in my mind.

However I imagine the 6 man will not be held off to Summerslam and I can see this as a big match for the show. Triple H has talked for a while now about feeling the business needed a new destroyer, I think Sheamus was probably the initial candidate but he doesn't have the look or charisma of Reigns, so Triple H being hands on in getting Reigns over in that role seems logical to me.

I am sure it will be well booked and Triple H can structure the match to help Reigns as he's still green as far as singles matches go, but hopefully Roman also steps up and shows he's ready to be more than a great look and badass hot tag.
I wouldn't be surprised if the whole Authority angle ends up serving to put Reigns over as thr next megastar. They gave us Bryan's big moment at WMXXX because it was "best for business" but they clearly don't see him as the guy long term. I genuinely think Bryan will ultimately lose the belt to The Authority only for Reigns to win it and destroy them forever at WM31.

Back on topic, I can see the Shield split happening over this match. I think Ambrose, Rollins or both will cost Reigns this match and keep the heat on HHH leading to a feud between the Shield guys until Reigns wins the Rumble then the belt at 'Mania.

And for the record, Bryan is still a made man. After he inevitably drops the title, we'll see him in the HBK role of having the best matches and top storylines outside of the title picture. The YES! Movement is here to stay!
Considering how amazing the Daniel Bryan-HHH match at WM was, they should have a 2-out-of-3 falls rematch at Summerslam. Roman Reigns can always wait. Besides, they should not repeat the Chris Benoit 2004 story with Bryan winning against HHH multiple times until Summerslam but go a different route. What would Roman Reigns do at Summerslam? A triple threat match for the US title against his former Shield-mates.A triple threat ladder match between those three would be awesome to watch.
Can Triple H not just go away? Oh no, nothing to do with "burying". It's just that he was never any good, and is an old man now.
I knew this would happen since January.I think the way they should do it is by at Extreme Rules have Kane face Bryan for the title and have Evolution face The Shield.They should have Reigns make a comeback against Triple H but get knocked down go to make the hot tag and Rollins and Ambrose walk out on him joining The Authority.Triple H hits the pedigree for the win.Have Reigns begin a feud with The Authority and at Payback have Reigns team with Big E to face Ambrose and Rollins with the stip being If Reigns team wins he becomes US champ.In the match have Reigns win the match only to get clotheslined by Big E and take Big Ending.Big E revealing he was also a member of The Authority.The next night Reigns call out Triple H for Battleground but doesn't get it,Triple H tells him instead it will be a triple threat title unification match between Reigns (US champ),Big E*(IC champ),and Ambrose (US title rematch) in a ladder match.I would have Batista,Kane,and Orton come out and jump Reigns.Reigns would spear Orton,Superman punch Kane but get speared and Batista bombed.Triple H would come out and pedigree him.The next night have the main event be Reigns vs Batista (No DQ) If Reigns wins he gets HHH at Summerslam,If Batista wins Reigns is fired. I would have Reigns spear Batista but Triple H comes out and brawls with Reigns but gets a spear.The whole Authority jumps Reigns,Batista bomb.Batista wins.The next week I would have Reigns come out anyway in a segement where Triple H is talking and beat him up and have him get "arrested." The next week we see a mystery person picking up Reigns from jail.The week after Vince McMahon comes out and tells Hunter he is out of control and at Summerslam he would face someone to shut his mouth with one punch....Reigns comes out and brawls with Triple H,Batista and Orton runs down...followed by Cena and Bryan to even the odds,then come Ambrose and Rollins followed by tag champs The Uso's,followed by Undisputed IC champ Big E followed by Cesaro.The card would look like...
Triple H vs Reigns /w/ Vince McMahon
Cena vs Batista /w/ Orton vs Bryan (WWE hvt title.)
Shield vs The Uso's(tag titles)
Big E vs Cesaro (IC title)
Wyatt vs Sting.

So Reigns push won't be mishandled he would face Trips in a rematch at NOC (where Trips will turn face and pull a Hogan on Batista and Orton (who would try to attack Reigns ala nWo to Rock)
HIAC:Triple H,Roman Reigns vs Batista and Orton
Survivor Series:Roman Reigns vs Batista
TLC:Reigns vs Batista III
RR:Reigns vs Wyatt; Reigns wins the RR in the same night and Cena comes passing the torch to Reigns congratulating him.
EC:Reigns vs Wyatt II;Cena wins the WWE hvt title,Reigns comes to congratulate him but turns heel on Reigns.
WM 31:Reigns vs John Cena (WWE hvt title.) Reigns beats Cena becoming the new face of the WWE officially
That would be a great match if they can keep The Authority vs. The Shield feud from getting stale.

I'm guessing after Evolution fails to stop The Shield, they send The Wyatt Family to keep The Shield busy until Summerslam?

Then, try HHH vs. Reigns?
I like this idea a lot and it makes sense at the moment.

I don't know why you have to break Shield up for Reigns to get a big push. Why not just have them get single pushes and still be buds? Maybe Reigns wins the strap and then the jealousy sets in. I want all of these guys to be main eventers before Shield is broken up. I want a Shield triple threat for the title.

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