Repackage a WWE Wrestler!

Poop Master Flex

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Right now WWE has a ridiculous amount of wrestlers that are currently employed, most of these wrestlers get barely any TV time and although I agree a good chunk of them get what they deserve, WWE has a lot of great talent that gets overlooked and rarely used. On top of that a lot of current wrestlers have grown stale over the years and could us a repackaging to give them more longevity.

So my question is, what superstars do you think need to be repackaged? All answers are encouraged, but be sure to make a case why they need to be repackaged. Also, try to use details like character change, heel/face turns, feuds, ect, and please no generic responses like "Cena Needs to be heel". If you feel that way no problem, but at least explain your reasons.

Someone I would like to see repackaged is Kaval. Since he won NXT he hasn't really been doing much, and the last thing he did was get beat up by Rob Zomb.... Tyler Reks. I have always been a huge fan of the guy and he could be doing so much more right now. First thing I would do it turn him heel. Kaval has a very emotionless face when he wrestles and can be very sadistic between the ropes. I know its been mentioned before, but I would really love to see him have a lengthy feud with Rey Mysterio. Kaval can easily keep up with Mysterio (and probably can show him up) and if given the time both could put on some amazing matches.

Start if off with Kaval and Mysterio having an argument (maybe after a tag match) and then have Kaval absolutely brutalize him, and that could lead into a series of matches. Kaval really should be doing something right now, and unfortunately all guys his size (like Daniel Bryan, Mysterio, Bourne) are all faces. If Kaval turns heel he could feud with all these guys and all 3 feuds would be rock solid if the time and effort is put in.
I really think Chris Masters should be repackaged, I mean hes got the size and shape to make him easily accepted by the fans if he gets a push. In 2006 he had a good spot on raw with his master lock challenged and it really seemed devastating, but now it just seems week. His entrance used to be amazing and unique but now its just boring. He really needs to be repackaged and needs a push IMO.
I gotta say, repackage Chavo Guererro. Right now, the only thing he's doing is the Eagle Mascot role for Jack Swagger. I honestly feel that if they did a next gen version of Eddie Guererro, like they did for Ted Jr. with the Fortunate Son gimmick, and booked him right, then Chavo could really do something. He's the only active Guererro left, and I dunno, I guess I just want him to win the World title at least once.
I've never understood why they constantly neuter The Big Show with this "jolly giant" persona. He's not even funny. This guy's a former WWE and WCW world champ and the most physically imposing force in all of wrestling. I'd love to see them go "suit & tie" with Big Show, maybe even using his real name of Paul Wight, and have him go heel. I might be a really good idea to move him to RAW and have him become the enforcer for the "GM." He could adopt the gimmick of a veteran knowing he doesn't have much time left and trying to make as much money as possible while he still can (e.g. Kevin Nash in TNA).
I would re-package Cody Rhodes. During his first run as a face, he was bland, uninteresting, and just plain boring. Since then, he's involved into a solid wrestler who is capable of cutting a darn good promo. He's really a guy that could easily be pushed as either a heel, or a face at this point. He's just improved that much as a wrestler and personality wise.

However, the "Dashing" gimmick just doesnt cut it for me. One, his face looks like the bottom of my bowling shoes, so it's rediculous really. Id rather he play up the 2nd generaltion aspects of his character, and it doesn't matter whether it be as a heel or a face. I just think you have a guy who has grown leaps and bounds as a wrestler and a performer, but is really limited by a rediculous gimmick.
I'd love to see Santino Marella completely repackaged with something different. Santino Marella is someone that actually can wrestle, he's got legitimate ability in the ring and he is more than capable of cutting a good promo. He's done the comedy thing now for quite a while, most of the time he's been in the WWE in fact, and I'd like to see him actually get a shot at being taken seriously.

Sometimes, Santino is legitimately funny. For instance, back Glamarella was around and he tried to do Melina's split entrance into the ring. I thought that was absolutely hilarious, I laughed my ass off for about 20 minutes. But he's really gone as far as he can go. Drop the accent, shave the unibrow, maybe shave the head or at least get a decent haircut and go heel. He hasn't been taken seriously, he's jumped through rings like a circus monkey and he's just gotten tired of it. Mix a little bit of reality in with his character, drop all the comedy shit in the ring and I'm sure he'd probably get over.
Kolfi Kingston. I loved what they did with him in his (very) short-lived feud back when he smashed up Ortons NASCAR and made him more of a street character, like he belonged in Cryme Tyme. First WWE had Kolfi drop the whole Jamaican accent and look, then after the feud he picked the look back up. He even did an interviw with IGN where he talked about adopting the Jamaican character because he was always fascinated with the heritage. I love Kolfi but after all that I just dont see him as that Jamaican wrestler anymore. I think if WWE took him back to how he was in the Orton feud, he would connect with the fans better.
I would love for the WWE to repackage Ted Dibiase. I see so much potential for his character. Getting the trust fund and spending money like crazy. After his fued with goldust runs its course I would like to see him be behind Nexus. He used his money to buy their support and a championship. You could bring his Dad on board by showing his approval. It would tie in nicely to a Orton-Ted fued with the Cowboy coming back and standing up for his son.
John Cena-Have him screw Orton out of the title at Survivor Series and then raise Barrett's hand with a smile on his face. Barrett turns and hands the WWE Title to Cena and reveal that Cena is the "Bigger Picture" and the leader of Nexus. Then have Cena hop on the mic and say that he's not leaving Nexus because he is Nexus. Cena says he's opened his eyes and realized that the WWE Universe doesn't care about him. He goes on about how he's busted his butt(pg) for the company and yet he still hears how he's "boring, and a crappy wrestler, bla bla bla." He can say he had Nexus attack him and cost him titles as an attempt to get the fans behind him but it didn't work. Have him become THE BIGGEST heel in the company and have the WWE base his character around being spitefull towards the WWE. Have him destroy a bunch of his old friends like Truth, Morrison, etc. Then he can say that he was actually behind Nexus attacking the Undertaker at Bragging Rights (which sets up Cena vs Taker at mania). Nuff said.
I'm going to have to go with MVP. He started off great with his gimmick but since then its been quite boring. They should try something new and interesting with him.
Drew Mcintyre is my answer. It seems as if his "chosen one" gimmick has run its course and he was not able to get over even with such a great gimmick. Now he is basically a tag team wrestler with no gimmick.

Tell you what I don't exactly know what to do with him. He doesn't exactly seem to be a great wrestler nor a very interesting character.

Maybe they can use that off screen scandal of his with his wife to give him a gimmick of a guy who has a nagging wife or something.

But I think thats a pretty atrocious idea myself. :rolleyes:
I have to say MVP. When you hear MVP you think Most Valuable Player. MVP needs to refreshen this. Turn heel. Go after the Wrold Championship and don't stop until he wins it. His look inside the ring is fine. It suits him well. Maybe bring back his drive by kick and have that as a finisher. Get rid of the ballin' elbow and stop playing to the crowd so much. MVP needs to wear white suits and walk around like he owns the place. MVP is very cocky, use it. Tell everyone that he's richer, better looking, and has achieved more then you. Get rid of this stupid "I've been in jail but turned my life around bit", stop mentioning it. Have him be a rich snob and go back to referring to himself as the highest paid athlete in Smackdown's history. Give him some gold to run with. IC or US. Put him on magazine covers and give him one of those horrible acting roles in a WWE film. MVP needs to be a heel, cocky, rich, but good looking, snob. I don't care what anyone says, this guy is great in the ring. He has the look to be a world champion no doubt. He's just been getting a lot a negative rep lately and he's better than that. Plus, he just got new music, which fits this heel gimmick well. Ballin'!
I say Kofi. He would make a good heel. He has the mat skills and with a little work he could have the mic skills too. He is Sooooo boring now Boom boom boom????? give me a break!
Chris Masters could use a repackage. He's got a nice look and the size. I'm sure he could put on a decent match if given the time to do so and although we haven't seen much of his mic work since coming back, but he does have somethng obviously since Vince brought him back. That brings me to another thing. Why the hell would you bring a guy back and then barely use him? At least put him in a title scene and give him a chance. This guy has never held WWE Gold. He was with Carlito a few years back and it didn't last long. I'd give him something like a cocky arrogant attitude, like before and have a dominant winning streak, just take away the poses and have him just call superstars out and crush them. Simple but effective. The dancing pecs were funny, but it also doomed him to a degree I think. I hope I'm wrong.
first off, wwe doesnt have a ridiculous amount of wrestlers, tna has a ridiculous amount

second, edge
the rated r gimmick doesnt work in this rating system, he has already started to shift back into his old E&C persona and its been working well for him
John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler. They could be a great tag team. But you MUST, MUST, MUST get them a manager. Kind of an agent type. Think Paul E. Dangerously circa 1990 WCW. Make Ziggler and Morrison the new Hollywood Blondes.
Definitely Chris Masters, he's got the size, he's okay on the mic, he's got the look and he's pretty good in the ring. His got all of the attributes but he gets nowhere with it, I would have him as a psychotic type of character, preferably a heel but he could be a tweener. He could tear down the entire locker room ranting that he never had a chance to get the gold and if he doesn't get a chance now he's going to destroy the entire locker room. I think this change could work and maybe get him into the main event.
I really think Chris Masters should be repackaged, I mean hes got the size and shape to make him easily accepted by the fans if he gets a push. In 2006 he had a good spot on raw with his master lock challenged and it really seemed devastating, but now it just seems week. His entrance used to be amazing and unique but now its just boring. He really needs to be repackaged and needs a push IMO.

I gotta agree, Masters was suppose to be the next big guy around 06-07. His entrance as you said was awesome, the master-lock looked brutal, his physique was nice, he's young, and his in ring ability wasn't all that bad,. They pulled the plug to quickly on the gimmick. Now he's a jobber.
Right now WWE has a ridiculous amount of wrestlers that are currently employed, most of these wrestlers get barely any TV time and although I agree a good chunk of them get what they deserve, WWE has a lot of great talent that gets overlooked and rarely used. On top of that a lot of current wrestlers have grown stale over the years and could us a repackaging to give them more longevity.

So my question is, what superstars do you think need to be repackaged? All answers are encouraged, but be sure to make a case why they need to be repackaged. Also, try to use details like character change, heel/face turns, feuds, ect, and please no generic responses like "Cena Needs to be heel". If you feel that way no problem, but at least explain your reasons.

Someone I would like to see repackaged is Kaval. Since he won NXT he hasn't really been doing much, and the last thing he did was get beat up by Rob Zomb.... Tyler Reks. I have always been a huge fan of the guy and he could be doing so much more right now. First thing I would do it turn him heel. Kaval has a very emotionless face when he wrestles and can be very sadistic between the ropes. I know its been mentioned before, but I would really love to see him have a lengthy feud with Rey Mysterio. Kaval can easily keep up with Mysterio (and probably can show him up) and if given the time both could put on some amazing matches.

Start if off with Kaval and Mysterio having an argument (maybe after a tag match) and then have Kaval absolutely brutalize him, and that could lead into a series of matches. Kaval really should be doing something right now, and unfortunately all guys his size (like Daniel Bryan, Mysterio, Bourne) are all faces. If Kaval turns heel he could feud with all these guys and all 3 feuds would be rock solid if the time and effort is put in.

I'd say a ridiculous amount of wrestlers employed that actually have talent that WWE could actually use. There not bums. Hornswoggle doesn't count. And yes Kaval, although they got his name off of mortal kombat would be much better as a heel. Repackage kaval, chris masters, mvp, mark henry, and the not so popular choice "the undertaker" and that will be a start.
The first person I thought of when reading the thread was Chris Masters. He is actually good. Too good to be on the fringes of the company like he is currently. Since turning face he has had no gimmick. Which in many cases means no personality.

I believe I read it on the SmackDown Vs. Raw 2011 website, where it said that he has a physique that wouldn't look out of place in a comic book. Now, I don't read comic books (personally can't stand them) but I understand where they are coming from. I would repackage him as a Captain America-type character. It wouldn't necessarily be a superhero gimmick like The Hurricane or an all-American one similar to Jack Swagger. I guess it would be in the middle, but drawing parallels with superheroes. He could be a face (play on how great America is e.g. freedom, democracy, apple pie) or a heel (be against un-American things, like JBL was against Rey Mysterio. I'm not sure how borderline xenophobia would go down in PG WWE, though).

To me, it would be his look that would sell the gimmick to me but I do think he could pull it off. Even if the gimmick doesn't help Masters with a push or getting over, he would still come out from it with some discernible personality. A plus in my opinion.
Vladimir Kozlov. I know he is getting slightly old now, but his talents (In my opinion) are being wasted walking around and goofing around with Santino. Unless they end up winning the Tag Championships that it. Which is 1,000,000 to one due to the NEXUS Holding them at the moment, as the NEXUS could en up holding all RAW's titles. But Kozlov is quite a good Heel. I never knew what happened to him to be quite honest, one minute he's feuding with Triple H and someone (Sorry my memory is bad) for the WWE Champonship, now he's with Santino.
vladimar kozlov. he shpould come out to no music again and crush people. I would give him a manager and put him on smackdown. Then call every one out and dominate.

Also john morrison. I thought they were going to turn him heel at HIAC but wwe creative dissapointed me once again. have him feud on raw with CM punk. Have them bring up their ecw days and continue on that
I'd like to see Dustin repackaged along the line of the Texan character he portrayed briefly in WCW. He challenged Hulk Hogan, which pretty much ended the character I think. He seemed very real in in the role, and he displayed a toughness in the ring that you don't see with Golddust.
I agree with Vladimir Kozlov. Two years ago he was getting title shots and winning clean over The Undertaker, now he's wasted in a comedy duo. Make him a monster heel again and crush everyone as he works his way back to title contention. And change his music to the scary bit of Prokofiev's "Dance of the Knights" to keep in with the scary Russian thing.
I would love for the WWE to repackage Ted Dibiase. I see so much potential for his character. Getting the trust fund and spending money like crazy. After his fued with goldust runs its course I would like to see him be behind Nexus. He used his money to buy their support and a championship. You could bring his Dad on board by showing his approval. It would tie in nicely to a Orton-Ted fued with the Cowboy coming back and standing up for his son.

There is so much he COULD do, but he's not half the wrestler (in the ring or in promos) that his father was. I mean, if he bought off the GM to give him the WWE title, and give him something his father never could do, that'd be cool. But the problem is he couldn't pull the angle off. I mean he can't even keep our attention when he's got a really hot piece of arm candy in Maryse.

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