Remembering The Forgotten: Hercules

The Brain

King Of The Ring
It's been far too long since I've visited the Old School section. For the many of you that probably don't know me I've been known for making threads about random wrestlers that never get discussed around here. I've made threads about anyone from Paul Roma to Virgil to The Heavenly Bodies so I like to reach out beyond the norm. Sorry, I don't have any thought provoking questions to spark a debate. Just a discussion to share general thoughts and memories. This time the chosen man for the topic is Hercules.

If you were watching WWF during that golden age of the Hulkamania era you are certainly familiar with Hercules. He never won any titles and wasn't a main event guy but Hercules was always there. In fact after making his PPV debut at WM2 Hercules did not miss a single PPV until he left the WWF just before WM8. That's 19 consecutive PPVs in the era long before monthly PPVs. Sometimes he was just an extra guy in a Rumble or Survivor Series match. Sometimes he was just in a filler match at WrestleMania or SummerSlam. Still, 19 straight PPVs between 1986 and 1992 is impressive.

Hercules joined the WWF in 1985. He first went by Hercules Hernandez, had long hair, and wore a vest you might see on a Roman gladiator. Herc went through two other managers before ending up with Bobby Heenan in late 1986. After floating around the background for a year Hercules started to hit his groove once he joined the Heenan Family. He ditched the vest, cut his hair, and lost Hernandez from his name. Soon after these changes Hercules got a shot at the world title against Hulk Hogan on Saturday Night's Main Event. It was obvious Hogan was going to win but Herc was presented as a legit contender and had a pretty good match with the champ.

After his title shot Hercules spent the next two years as the mid card muscle of the Heenan Family feuding with guys like Billy Jack Haynes, Ken Patera, and The Ultimate Warrior. In fact Hercules was Warrior's first feud on his rise to superstardom. In the fall of 1988 an unexpected twist came as Bobby Heenan attempted to sell Hercules into slavery to Ted Dibiase. Of course Herc was none to pleased with this and he turned face refusing to go with Dibiase after Heenan's betrayal. Shortly after the turn Herc appeared on The Brother Love Show and was interrupted by WWF Champion Randy Savage. Savage offered his hand in friendship as kind of an endorsement to let the fans know it was ok to support Hercules now. Herc got a spot on Savage's and Hogan's team in the main event of Survivor Series 88 and things seemed to be looking up. Hercules spent the winter feuding with Dibiase usually being defeated and ultimately losing the feud. At WrestleMania V Herc found himself in the opening match against King Haku and although he won the match it was becoming clear that his face turn wasn't going to push him up the card. In fact it ended up pushing him lower.

For the next year and a half Hercules didn't have any notable storylines. He came out on the losing end in PPV filler matches against Greg Valentine and Earthquake and by the summer of 1990 he was an afterthought. Herc had fallen so far that he began palling with Paul Roma as the two were used for segments like eating ice cream together to promote the WWF ice cream bars. Eventually after a misunderstanding with The Rockers, Hercules and Roma decided to be regular tag team partners and took on Slick as their manager. They became known as Power and Glory and after defeating the Rockers at SummerSlam it looked like both would have a career resurgence as a tag team. They looked good together and I was convinced they would be the ones the challenge and defeat The Hart Foundation for the tag titles at WrestleMania VII. I was wrong as that spot went the The Nasty Boys while Power and Glory were destroyed by The Legion of Doom in less than sixty seconds. After that the writing was on the wall. Power and Glory were no longer a factor and after losing in a six man tag to open SummerSlam 91 Roma left the WWF. Hercules stuck around for about six more months but was about as irrelevant as you can get. If he wasn't used as a replacement at both Survivor Series 91 and Royal Rumble 92 I would have thought he left with Roma.

Hercules never did return to the WWF in any way and sadly he passed away in 2004. It's a shame that Hercules is pretty much forgotten. As I mentioned earlier, he never held a title and he didn't seem to be in as many storylines as a guy that was around for six years should have been. So like I said, no intriguing questions and nothing to debate. Just a shout out to a forgotten guy that I watched every week for six years. Feel free to share any thoughts or memories.
If you're willing to overlook "No Holds Barred" the PPV where they reshowed the movie and slapped a tag match on after, Hercules actually got 20 straight PPV paydays.

His gladiator get up for his early days was ridiculous, but when he just went with the chain, that was pretty cool. I also thought the Power and Glory thing would work out but I think Hercules was just there because he was huge man.
I was only a kid at the time and liked Hercules because he spun that big chain around but he lacked that 'it' factor. With that being said, Power and Glory seemed like it could have been a really good tag team, with a similar formula of the Hart Foundation, with a power guy and a technical guy. That superplex/splash was a pretty innovative move for the time. With Demolition and the Powers of Pain splitting in 91, it could have been Hercules' and Roma's time. Don't know why they split, but it was a shame.
I was a huge fan of Hercules. I think he was a big missed opportunity for WWE and could have been one of their biggest babyfaces in the mid 80's to early 90's. He should have at least had one run as Intercontinental Champion or World Tag Team Champion.
I seem to remember a particular Saturday Nights Main Event 87 When the mighty Herc had Hogan up in the backbreaker submission move and i could have sworn hogan did in fact submit to the move which would have made Herc the new champion... Herc was someone at least who should have been given a IC Title or two at the very least and a tag team run.

Hes one of those guys i think they never got right. He had the build he wasnt that bad on the mic and could move pretty well in the ring.. 19 consecutive PPVS back then is pretty damn impressive. One of those guys they missed the boat on
I seem to remember a particular Saturday Nights Main Event 87 When the mighty Herc had Hogan up in the backbreaker submission move and i could have sworn hogan did in fact submit to the move which would have made Herc the new champion.

You're remembering the same match I referenced. The match was in late 1986 (November I believe). Herc did have Hogan in the backbreaker but just let him go for some reason. Hogan did not give up or escape. Herc just dropped him. I never understood why. That image of holding Hogan in the backbreaker is what stands out to me most when I remember Hercules. Either that or the segment where he turned face after Heenan tried to sell him as a slave to Dibiase. Another thing I forgot to mention is Herc was the only person I remember challenging Ricky Steamboat for the IC title during his short reign.
surprised no1 mentioned that he was one of the most difficult guys to work with.. it was well known he did not like to take pin fall losses.. and it was well known that he did not have good gas, all that orange juice he normally locked in a rest hold every so often which is not normal for a babyface comeback.. and he broke a major rule in wrestling in 1992 when sid powerbombed him at a house show at msg, and herc simply stood right up after the count and walked out no sold it... crazy show too same where kerry von erich was high & off his rocker against rick martel
surprised no1 mentioned that he was one of the most difficult guys to work with.. it was well known he did not like to take pin fall losses.. and it was well known that he did not have good gas, all that orange juice he normally locked in a rest hold every so often which is not normal for a babyface comeback.. and he broke a major rule in wrestling in 1992 when sid powerbombed him at a house show at msg, and herc simply stood right up after the count and walked out no sold it... crazy show too same where kerry von erich was high & off his rocker against rick martel

I never heard he was difficult to work with. He was pinned three out of six times at WrestleMania, two out of four times at SummerSlam, and every year at Survivor Series. Maybe he didn't like taking the pin but he lost more often than he won. Nothing wrong with rest holds. It was very common back then. A lot of guys from that era were good enough workers that they could use rest holds regularly but still keep their matches entertaining.

As for the match with Sid, I'm going to cut Herc some slack. I believe this was Herc's last match and after six years with the company I think he was a little frustrated by being pushed to the very bottom of the totem pole during his last several months. I understand that's not a great excuse but I also don't think Herc's "no sell" was that bad. The match was a thirty second squash so there wasn't much for Herc to sell. Watching the match it looks like Herc was caught off guard and trapped in a pin rather than being hurt. No big deal.
TheLittleOne may have a point.

Recently watched WM6 when he face Earthquake (who was in the middle of flaming hot push), Monsoon says Earthquake's finisher has put many men in the hospital. Earthquake hits his finisher multiple times for the win, and before he was back on the ramp Herc was up to his feet. I also remember that match for the incredible moment where Herc sold Quake's jumping around like it was a REAL earthquake!

I also believe he got canned for no-selling a powerbomb for Sid. I remember seeing where Sid hits it and holds for the pin and Herc pops right back up after the 3.
TheLittleOne may have a point.

Recently watched WM6 when he face Earthquake (who was in the middle of flaming hot push), Monsoon says Earthquake's finisher has put many men in the hospital. Earthquake hits his finisher multiple times for the win, and before he was back on the ramp Herc was up to his feet. I also remember that match for the incredible moment where Herc sold Quake's jumping around like it was a REAL earthquake!

I also believe he got canned for no-selling a powerbomb for Sid. I remember seeing where Sid hits it and holds for the pin and Herc pops right back up after the 3.

Hercules wasn't canned for that Sid match, he'd already been informed he was being released, and was told to put Sid over huge. Hercules was angry because he'd been in WWE for nearly a decade and hadn't gotten a significant push since that WWE Championship match against Hulk Hogan in the 80's, despite being one of their most consistent and reliable performers. So he did his job and put Sid over huge, and then as soon as the bell rang, he was technically unemployed, so he showed his anger by no-selling the move and leaving the arena.
I've always been a fan of Hercules. I haven't heard about him having a bad attitude about taking pinfalls other than the Sid incident. The guy was extremely strong too!!
I liked Hernandez when he was in CWF but just like everyone else that comes to the WWF/WWE they have to have some gimmick instead of just being who they are and eventually become comic.
I think Hercules will eventually wind up in the WWE Hall of Fame. He had a long career, and was consistent in his work. If Koko B. Ware. The Bushwackers, and Rikishi can get HoF nods, there's no reason Hercules won't.
I think Hercules will eventually wind up in the WWE Hall of Fame. He had a long career, and was consistent in his work. If Koko B. Ware. The Bushwackers, and Rikishi can get HoF nods, there's no reason Hercules won't.

Ever since Koko B. Ware went in the HOF there has been the argument that any low to mid card guy that was around for at least a couple years could go in. However, I don't think Hercules will ever go in. Maybe if he was still alive and able to give a speech but I don't think he had a strong enough connection with the fans to be inducted posthumously.
The wrestlers in the 80's were built like freakin animals...Hercules was no exception. The guy had a great physique and I loved his gimmick. The light blue trunks swinging the chain with that perfectly suited theme music. I think he should have gone further than he did. Was not a fan of the Power and Glory tag team...although they weren't bad, I just think he's better suited as a singles star.
I'm on a Saturday Night Main Event binge lately...and I enjoy watching these stars from the past. They aren't as athletic in the ring but they know how to work.

I wouldn't call Hercules a Hall of Fame talent...but he is definitely a respected legend of the past. RIP Hercules
I personally loved the Mighty Hercules as a child. From his debut all the way to his run with Power and Glory. He was clearly mid card, but he did enough to keep it interesting. I will not go so far as to say he deserved an IC title run (too much talent on the WWF roster in those days to give that belt to Hercules), but I do wish he would've won more feuds during his career.
I liked Hernandez when he was in CWF but just like everyone else that comes to the WWF/WWE they have to have some gimmick instead of just being who they are and eventually become comic.

Yep annoying isn't it the worst being steve keirn as skinner and wild bill irwin as the goon ughhhh

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