Remember that ALLSTAR line up WWE was planning for Survivor Series last year?


Championship Contender
This year would be perfect. They're gonna want buyrates, huge buyrates and I know the whole DX idea vs Lesnar didnt go over well with too many, some yes, but not all.

Well, last year there was talk (and before you bash me) as reported by WZ and other dirtsheet sites, that WWE was contemplating bringing in Austin or Taker for the match or HBK.

They wanted an All-Star line up with Rock and Cena involved from what I remember. With The Attitude themed WWE '13 game coming out, I think this year is perfect to try that this year especially since Taker's already rumored to compete.

Why not just have The Rock, The Undertaker, Triple H, Shawn Michaels and John Cena vs CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, The Miz, Batista, and (I dont know pick someone)

but why not bring back these guys, have a solid 5 on 5 or maybe even a 4 on 4.

The thing against this idea last year was who would be eliminated as the whole group of 5 or 4 going over would likely not happen and would I guess make the other team look really bad, so they went with a tag match Rock/Cena.

Anyway most who bashed the 5 on 1 DX idea suggested this 5 on 5 thing with Team HHH vs Team Lesnar so let's hear your ideas on a 5 on 5 Traditional Survivor Series Tag Team Elimination Match for the main event this November

but before ppl bash the whole HBK coming out of retirement thing, if Rock came back at SS for a tune up match, it wouldnt hurt HBK to come back at SS before a final match at Mania as rumored with HHH not that he needs a tune up, but just to help buyrates for the one of the big four that needs it the most

Austin, if he were to wrestle Punk next year could USE a tune up match, but I see that happening at WrestleManiia 30, the biggest Mania since 20 would be the one Austin wrestles his last match at
I'm not bashing your HBK coming out of retirement idea, but I will state that from what I've heard he's quite content staying in retirement. I truly believe him when he says that he doesn't want to be "that guy". As in that guy that can't let go, or that guy that hangs around past his prime time(i.e. Flair, Hogan, Nash, etc.). He has also said that out of respect for Undertaker that he would stay retired.

Last year's Survivor Series was the 25th anniversary of the PPV which I believe was a big reason they wanted the big buy-rate. Also, it was their big chance to really start getting people into the Rock vs. Cena match. They needed to rev up the fued.
HBK is not coming back, and WWE wouldn't make any of these super matches with all your heroes piled up together like that.

Come on man. Think a little.

Your imagination is cool and all but none of this will happen...
Why not just the 6 men, have a 3v3 situation going at it in the ring all at once... HHH, Rock, Cena vs. Lesnar, Punk, Undertaker

That leaves the door open for multiple Wrestlemania feuds.. eg. HHH/Punk, Rock/Taker, Cena/Lesnar.. plus you could easily see an internal feud breaking out so you could end up with Undertaker/Lesnar, Cena/Rock.

Lets face the facts.. These guys are stars, the heel/face rule doesn't apply to all 6 of these men at PPV level. Everyone knows they all have history together, put them in the ring at once and let everyone watch it unfold for Wrestlemania. The WWE could easily manipulate an Undertaker/Lesnar alliance similar to the Rock/Cena alliance last year. And it would work.

Imagine the Main Event.. Bell rings.. You'd have HHH staring down Lesnar, Rock staring down Cena, Punk Looking at Heyman, Undertaker looking at HHH, Lesnar wanting no part of anything bouncing around on the apron chuckling to Heyman.. It would be sensational
^ That 3 on 3 seems like such a mess, with big names just thrown all over. It just doesn't make much sense. You can't just throw in random people all to go up against each other when 4 of those people don't even perform regularly.
Last year's Survivor Series was the 25th anniversary of the PPV which I believe was a big reason they wanted the big buy-rate.
No, last year's Survivor Series was the 25th one, but not the 25th anniversary. WWE did the same damn thing with WrestleMania 25, which was the 25th WrestleMania but it wasn't the 25th anniversary of WrestleMania. The first one wasn't the first anniversary of WrestleMania or Survivor Series; the first anniversary happens a year after the first one (so WrestleMania 2 was the first anniversary of WrestleMania). I don't know why WWE called it the 25th anniversary. It honestly made them look like complete idiots.

Anyway, I think a star-studded 5-on-5 match would be great. I just don't know who they'd get. I actually thought your DX idea was a good one (minus HBK coming out of retirement), but a 5-on-5 could work too.
Why not just the 6 men, have a 3v3 situation going at it in the ring all at once... HHH, Rock, Cena vs. Lesnar, Punk, Undertaker

That leaves the door open for multiple Wrestlemania feuds.. eg. HHH/Punk, Rock/Taker, Cena/Lesnar.. plus you could easily see an internal feud breaking out so you could end up with Undertaker/Lesnar, Cena/Rock.

Lets face the facts.. These guys are stars, the heel/face rule doesn't apply to all 6 of these men at PPV level. Everyone knows they all have history together, put them in the ring at once and let everyone watch it unfold for Wrestlemania. The WWE could easily manipulate an Undertaker/Lesnar alliance similar to the Rock/Cena alliance last year. And it would work.

Imagine the Main Event.. Bell rings.. You'd have HHH staring down Lesnar, Rock staring down Cena, Punk Looking at Heyman, Undertaker looking at HHH, Lesnar wanting no part of anything bouncing around on the apron chuckling to Heyman.. It would be sensational

This wouldn't work too well because of the facts you pointed out.. too many of these guys would have bad blood already and I'm not sure how they would end up tagging together in the first place. Rock HHH and Cena could do it because they all have joined up before, but Lesner and Taker and Punk? Neither of these guys have ever had a connection in a friendly way besides the connection of Punk and Lesner with Heyman, but its not made out that they would be in anyways allies at this point. Plus how would you get taker in the mix? is he all the sudden gonna be a heel? That won't work over to well as he is babyface for the rest of his life. It would be so hard to book such a high profile match with all these superstars.. who would eliminate the rock? the undertaker? Brock Lesner? Would have to be a lot of cheap pins or some sort of elimination to get them out of the match.

If I would see anything it would be The Rock, HHH, John Cena, and Taker vs Lesner, Punk, and from there i have no clue who else to fill the void.. maybe Kane and Orton depending on heel turn?? Now getting rid of people like Punk, Cena, and HHH would be the easiest. I think the only way to get rid of Taker would be for Lesner to get a hold of him and injure him so he couldn't continue setting up their feud, but in his attack he would probably go to far and get himself eliminated by DQ then ending up going on a rampage and takes out the rock while he is at it and someone like punk comes in and picks up the scraps... This could set up Punk vs Rock easily at rumble or mania as well as having John Cena involved, could set up Taker vs Lesner, could set up possible other feuds depending who is all in the match.
This year would be perfect. They're gonna want buyrates, huge buyrates and I know the whole DX idea vs Lesnar didnt go over well with too many, some yes, but not all.

Well, last year there was talk (and before you bash me) as reported by WZ and other dirtsheet sites, that WWE was contemplating bringing in Austin or Taker for the match or HBK.

They wanted an All-Star line up with Rock and Cena involved from what I remember. With The Attitude themed WWE '13 game coming out, I think this year is perfect to try that this year especially since Taker's already rumored to compete.

Why not just have The Rock, The Undertaker, Triple H, Shawn Michaels and John Cena vs CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, The Miz, Batista, and (I dont know pick someone)

but why not bring back these guys, have a solid 5 on 5 or maybe even a 4 on 4.

The thing against this idea last year was who would be eliminated as the whole group of 5 or 4 going over would likely not happen and would I guess make the other team look really bad, so they went with a tag match Rock/Cena.

Anyway most who bashed the 5 on 1 DX idea suggested this 5 on 5 thing with Team HHH vs Team Lesnar so let's hear your ideas on a 5 on 5 Traditional Survivor Series Tag Team Elimination Match for the main event this November

but before ppl bash the whole HBK coming out of retirement thing, if Rock came back at SS for a tune up match, it wouldnt hurt HBK to come back at SS before a final match at Mania as rumored with HHH not that he needs a tune up, but just to help buyrates for the one of the big four that needs it the most

Austin, if he were to wrestle Punk next year could USE a tune up match, but I see that happening at WrestleManiia 30, the biggest Mania since 20 would be the one Austin wrestles his last match at

I appreciate the fantasy booking effort, I really do, but that's all this will ever amount to.

1. HBK and The Rock have legit disdain for each other. I can't imagine them in the same ring, let alone on a team together.

2. Speaking of douchebags, you have a massive amount of egos jammed into an elimination match. I can only imagine the overbooking needed to eliminate some of these guys.

3. Survivor Series just isn't that big of a deal anymore. I know they brought in The Rock for last year's, but that was a sham of a match.

I think we're more likely to get HHH/Lesnar 2 instead of a 5-on-5 at Survivor Series. I know people have mentioned here and other threads about Punk and Lesnar on a team. Honestly, that doesn't make sense to me. (Not that WWE is losing sleep over what makes sense to me.) Punk's whole thing is about being over-shadowed and disrespeted, so how does being second fiddle on Team Lesnar help that?
Since you asked for it...

I do like this idea. A 5-on-1 Survivor Series match would really put Brock Lesnar’s skills on display. I do think, however, a 5-on-5, or better yet a 4-on-4 match would look better on TV. Plus, I really want Shawn Michaels to “honor his word” to Undertaker and stay “retired”.

DX Army – Triple H, X-Pac, Road Dogg and Mr. @$$ with Shawn Michaels in their corner
B. I. T. W. (Best In The World) – CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, Daniel Bryan and Ryback with Paul Heyman in their corner (this sort of reminds me of when Hogan was feuding with Zeus and Jake the Snake was feuding with the Million Dollar Man, but neither Zeus or Jake the Snake were the Captains of their respective teams)

Actually, we could go with…

DX Army – Triple H, X-Pac, Road Dogg and Mr. @$$ with Shawn Michaels in their corner
Heyman’s Hustlers – Brock Lesnar, CM Punk, Kurt Angle, and Big Show with Paul Heyman in their corner (maybe I should have named the Hustlers the “Best In The World”)

Better yet, we could go with…

DX Army – Triple H, X-Pac, Road Dogg and Mr. @$$ with Shawn Michaels in their corner
Team Lesnar 2003 – Brock Lesnar, Big Show, Matt Morgan, and Tensai with Paul Heyman in their corner (the only one missing from Team Lesnar 2003 is Nathan Jones. HAHA!!)

Either way, I’d rather see an “even” match up than a reverse DX vs. Spirit Squad match.

I think this would work out really well. With Cena free from this match, I’d like to see:

CeNation – John Cena, Randy Orton, Sheamus, Rey Mysterio
The Attitude – Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Undertaker, and Kane

Okay, that was reaching.

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