

Dark Match Winner
Idea is simple, using the guidelines laid out how do you use these 3 R's to improve the roster off IW. Only wrestlers though, you cannot release anyone who does not step in the ring on a regular basis or someone who is holding a title. (Sorry no Garret Bischoff) Relocate move a guy behind the scenes or make him a mouthpiece. Repackaging can be wrestler just make sure you include how you try to get him over with the crowd. (One more note, I am using the current roster up on the website.)

Release - I would release Shannon Moore. Moore no longer has any real role in the company that a younger guy could not do. I would rather see fresh faces then veterans who will be stuck in the lower mid card.

Relocate - I am moving Devon to a role as a trainer, great career and I dont believe he needs to be in the ring anymore. Let him use his past to shape the future.

Repackage - The Monster Abyss. Take him off TV for about 4 months and bring him back with the old music and attire. Don't have him talk though, just come out one night on IW and destroy a face and a heel. Have him do that a few times then give him a number one contenders match for the TV Title. Go out destroys the champion and goes on a decent reign until a younger guy rises up and takes the title off of him.
I've just watched an episode of Ring Ka King and I really like Festus/Luke Gallows new character Issiah Cash. He is a Sons of Anarchy guy... I like how TNA have repacked him and he could come into TNA and do some great stuff.

Then they had Chris Masters as the American Adonis, the same old stuff they had him doing in WWE, with the Adonis Lock challenge which is kinda old and boring... I really liked him as the blue chipper good guy in his last run with the "E", so I would repackage him as Chris Majors (or something like that) and move him into TNA as a John Cena character. A good guy, build him up with some wins and push him to the moon. His in ring stuff was amaazing when they released him and he was getting great reactions. He could be a Major (see what I did there) player if handled right.

Bring these two up to the main roster asap.

Anarquia - I don't see any use for this guy. OP you mentioned Moore.. I don't like him, but at least he can wrestle. Anarquia is just flat out annoying.

Devon is a great choice to be a trainer and agent for TNA.
Release : Mark Haskins. He's going to hurt someone bad one day.

Repackage : Pope. If he's going to be a Pimp, go all the way with it or it just doesn't work. Someone tell him to speak regular English for gods sake, nobody in Harlem talks like that. Trade in the cane for the good book. it can work.

Relocate : Austin Aries to the Heavyweight Division. Nuff said.
Release - Rob Terry. Being teamed with Robbie E just isn't doing it for me, and TNA has enough big guys with way more talent than Terry. It's time to cut the cord

Repackage - Douglas Williams . This is guy is one of the most talented wrestlers on the roster. Have him roll over several guys with a different submission move every week, then slowly build him like Malenko in WCW

ReLocate - No problem with Devon going behind the scenes
Release: RVD. The guy deserves better than what he's getting and a final run in the E has to be in the cards.

Repackage: Hulk Hogan as the Hulkasaurus and have him come out in a track suit with 2 dancers and.....Oh wait, that won't work.... I'd repackage the TV title as something that means something.

Relocate: The Xdivision matches the the 20 minute cross-over block between the 2 hours and put some kick ass matches of for that period.
Relocate- Crimson to OVW to tweak a few things and improve his skills.

Repackage- Abyss. The guy plays one hell of a monster. Fix him a bit and revamp him into TNA's Kane. It can only help!

Release- Many people need to be either released or rebuilt. Guys like Abyss, Mark H., Brian K., even Ken Anderson.
But of i had to pick one to do away with it would be The Freak Rob Terry. I just don't see it.
Release: Samoa Joe. Please...he's not going ANYWHERE in IW. His time has come and gone and really, he looks disinterested. He needs a fresh start somewhere else.

Also, Russo. Give Bischoff and Hogan the reigns and let's make this product make sense! They have all the talent in the world, but Bischoff and Hogan need full control or it will never work (if it's going to).

Repackage: Abyss....make him lose some weight for goodness sakes and then bring him back as the monster he should be...he's just a joke and has been for a while.

Relocate: Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair - either go behind the scenes or become managers. It's that simple.
Relocate Shannon Moore. The guy doesn't have a tag partner, put him in the X-Division. He can move, his promo skills aren't to bad and his gimmick is rather unique (DILLIGAF thing)

Repackage Brian Kendrick. Guy needs a new gimmick, the whole Zen Master thing worked for a while but quickly got old, give him something like a mixture of his Londrick and The Brian Kendrick gimmicks and he'd be able to help the X-Divison out.

Release: Anarquia. Guys done bugger all since coming to the company, he's been carried by Hernandez, has no real good promo or ring skills and seems unlikely to improve in any of them. Plus he comes across as Homicide-lite.
Release- Anarquia, hes a straight forward indy upper midcarder, nothing more.

Relocate- Mark Haskins to OVW- A small cruiserweight who frequently (not just that one) bothes his moves, is clearly not ready for the big time.

Repackage- Knockouts division, quite frankly it sucks, they are as much just T & A as Sable and Missy Kitty where back in the day. Time to get back to having real women.

PS Someone should make a WWE version of this.
This could be fun:

Release - Rob Terry or Anarquia, Terry hasn't done anything worth while in like ever and Anarquia really needs to work on his ability, I guess it's good that TNA has decided to 'Relocate' him to OVW, might be good for him.

Relocate - I agree that Devon would be very effective as a trainer but I am also thinking that if Jeff Jarrett is used in the correct capacity then he can certainly make an 'Impact' within the company, once again. Would anyone believe him possibly being an on screen manager and/or mentor to some of the 'home grown' talent?

Repackage - Eric Young, he needs to get away from this goofy stuff, I mean it's entertaining but i just feel like EY is better than that, he has the ability to go far (perhaps not world champ far) but certainly better than he is now. Give him back the tv title or even the tag belts with a partner who is not a female or....Orlando and give him a good feud, I think he could also work as an X division contender.
RELEASE: Taz- He has got to go. His announcing is never insightful or interesting, and is rarely funny no matter how hard he tries. At this point he is just flat out annoying. Dump him and put the Nature Boy in the booth.

RELOCATE: Ric Flair- As I said before, put him in the booth. The greatest talker of all time in a commentator's role sounds like a win win to me. If not in the booth, at least make him a full time manager a la Bobby Heenan. No need to see Naitch in the ring anymore except for special occasions. Make him a commentator or full time manager.

REPACKAGE- The Pope- This guy was on the verge of breaking through just a short time ago, and now he's mired in mid card purgatory. What the hell happened? He's got the promo skills, a good look, and is a decent in ring performer, give him something meaningful to do. The street pimp gimmick is tired. Maybe just let him go out there and be himself. Talk about how he's been held back and deserves to be a major player. Go out have kickass matches and maybe he can come back strong.

AJ Styles- Yeah yeah I know, this one will draw some heat from fans. Hey, I get it. I actually like AJ Styles too. The problem is the more I listen to him the more it becomes apparent his attitude is a detriment to the growth of TNA. He has that whole smarky, Indy hero mindset going on where he wants TNA to return to rinky dink Indy mode and he complains whenever people try to help him. Attitudes like that need to go and for the benefit of TNA's growth Styles needs to find a new home in ROH.

Anarquia- Brings nothing to the table, needs to go.

Angelina Love- Been in the business for a long time and still can't wrestle for shit, time to move on.

Brian Kendrick- The Oddfather is a bit too odd, cut loose and let some young guy earn the position.

Doug Williams- The fact is he's in his 40's, British Invasion is done for and there's not much left he can bring to the table.

Gail Kim- I respect her for standing up to the WWE. That said TNA had a golden opportunity to reintroduce her and get her over. Instead Dixie decided to reward a buddy yet again and all of the work put into building up Velvet and Mickie was flushed down the toilet so a "TNA Original" can play the Asian female John Cena and hold every Knockouts title while beating everyone. The window closed and she's already went through half the Knockouts roster. Goodbye Gail.

Hernandez- Brings nothing but injuries on his opponents to the table. See ya...

Jesse Sorenson- Boring, looks like your average 20 something male hanging out at a baseball game and needs too much work, not worth it when there are others available who can step right in.

Kazarian- Back in 1999 I moved to Las Vegas for a few years and would drive over to L.A. to hang with friends and catch UPW shows. There was this young guy named Kazarian. Flash forward 13 years and the same Kazarian with the same gimmick and the same lack of charisma or mic skills is wasting valuable TV time in TNA. He hasn't improved in his 14 years in the business and isn't going to. He's not a draw and never going to be. Have fun with AJ in ROH, Frankie.

Kid Kash- 20 years in the business and never drawn a dime. Basically he's a vet jobber that's just taking up a roster spot at this point. Cut him back loose and let some young guy earn the open spot.

Mark Haskins- Horrible, absolutely horrible and botches way too much.

Rob Terry- I actually dig Terry and hesitated putting him on this list. However there are several big swole guys readily available who can actually put on good matches so move on from The Freak.

Rob Van Dam- Slow, lazy and refuses to do actual jobs and help get the young talent over. Goodbye RVD.

Sarita- Cool chick, but she can't work a full schedule and her loyalties lie in AAA.

Samoa Joe- Lazy as hell, obese as shit, has an attitude problem and refuses to put in the hard work to get himself over and draw money. Despite smarks creaming themselves for the guy the reality is fat guys in bike shorts who can barely waddle to the ring without starting to blow up don't sell and don't draw. It is time to cut the cord on this one as well.

Traci Brooks- She has no respect for TNA and has told TNA to go to hell everytime something else comes up. Essentially she used TNA to springboard into an acting and modeling career, when those two things failed she came crawling back. Stop rewarding her and cut her loose for good.

Zema Ion- Dime a dozen scrawny little Indy hero. This one IS tough though, because maybe if you sent him to OVW and told him to return with a good gimmick, some muscle and some energy he just may be the kind of guy to bust his ass and do just that.


Chris Daniels- This one was a switch. At first he was in the above list, HOWEVER he HAS busted his ass to improve his mic skills and they have improved. So, relocate him. Continue working with him on his mic skills for a year or two and groom him to replace Tazz on color commentary.

Devon- Either to OVW or as a backstage trainer/agent. He has the experience and knowledge for it.

Jeff Jarrett- Relocate him to Ring Ka King permanently. Right now that promotion is drawing numbers not seen since the 1980's for a wrestling program and he can better serve TNA by keeping their sister promotion hot in India.

Kurt Angle- Kurt is beat up and up there in age. Kurt however still wants to help TNA and get them to the top. Start grooming him for a new GM character to take over for Sting. Once he gets some more talent over in the ring he can help get most of the talent over on the mic.

Rosita- Originally I considered her for the release list. However she's 21 years old and new to the business. Relocate her to OVW for a year or two and see if you can build something with her, she's young enough and fresh enough you have the time.


Ric Flair- Despite his age Flair still has alot to offer the business. Repackage him as the manager of Champions and start pairing young guys up with him. Maybe give him a stable of 3 or 4 young guys that he can groom like he did with Orton and Batista. Once they've taken off and the stable has gotten old find a few new pieces of talent and have him groom them.

The Pope- He has the talent and charisma, take advantage of that and repackage him and rebuild him.

The entire company- Repackage the remaining talent as the Impact Wrestling brand and bring in some former and some fresh new stars. If TNA truly wants to grow they need it because half their current roster isn't getting it done and hasn't gotten it done under 8 different creative writers in the time they've been employed.

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