
I was born and raised Methodist, but face-turned on the Methodists and now go to an Episcopal Church. However, I really think of myself as just a Christian. If I were to move, I would try and find a Church with people that I like, regardless of the denomination.
I come from a Christian family through and through. However, I wasn't baptized,and I felt there had to be a reason for it,so I left Christianity. I can't blindly follow an omnipotent deity who could kill us in an instant should we choose to stray from his teachings.At the same time I can't deny the power that has been instilled within people's hearts for so many generations. Put simply, I believe more in the power of people's belief and blind faith than the actual beliefs themselves.

"One for all and all for one and Heaven bless the land. If the individual works for the needs of the many,and the many for the needs of the one the land will prosper."
I believe in God, or a Higher Power. I pray, try to do what's right in life, but that's it. I don't believe in organized religion, I don't believe the Bible is the word of God.
I believe in living your life to your own moral code and standards and thriving to make the people you care about and they about you happy. That's about it.
I was baptized a Catholic, but I haven't been to church in 12 years (except for funerals and weddings). I'm pretty sure I'll find my religion once again when I'm close to death.

This. I think about it from time to time; if I were to call it anything it'd be a big casserole of everything rolled into one.
I grew up Jewish. I still have those values in me but lately I've grown tired of organized religion. You can call me a Deist. To me God isn't about revenge. Belief in God means you believe in understanding and the belief in the Golden Rule which is treat others the way you'd like to be treated.

Wait, the Jewish are planning revenge?

...someone might wanna call the Germans, and tell them to put extra security around their borders.

And their banks.
I'm agnostic, being that I feel really uncomfortable around really religious people and buildings.

Not around God though. I mean geez, the dude watches me *********e every day, so I think we're past the formalities.

Also, my mother is a Protestant, and my father is a Catholic. Anyone who lives in Scotland/Ireland can understand me when I say I'm Switzerland here.

Oh, and are we all in agreement that Scientology is in fact a corrupt cult? Not the actual beliefs but the business that their church runs. They ran a a really young hip advert on MTV for Scientology.

It really scared the shit out of me. A lot of us realise it's not a good thing, but the fact that it's starting to get airplay on a channel like MTV which young inpressionable teens watch is rather scary, don't you think?
Dude, their leade. L. Ron Hubbard believed that all disabled people are mistakes and should be killed off.

He also believed that all minorities should be enslaved and that psychiatics are evil and that they created concentration camps for the Nazis.

Oh by the way, they're actually erected a museum in Los Angeles for that last one if you wanted to learn more.
Since this is the cage, I don't have any problems posting something slightly off topic:

The terms "atheist" and "agnostic" are not mutually exclusive, for those of you who will inevitably consider themselves EITHER atheist OR agnostic.

Agnostic refers to your knowledge.
Atheist refers to your belief.

Agnostic Atheist: I do not know, nor do I believe in the existence of a god.
The tenets of 'Jedism' in regarding everything as having a living force is very close to some forms of Animism. Indeed, the idea of a unifying force is far more believeable than an all powerful God who rained Hell, fire and damnation upon His children before having a sudden and unexplained personality transplant and has been a non-interfering, non-participatory, hermit of a father who is millennia behind on His child support payments ever since.
To quote a Sikhism belief, every religion is a river that flows into one ocean. They take different paths but end up at the same goal.

That's what i think of religions.

And I also believe that That " same goal " is what we should be looking for.Each and every religion has some superstitious beliefs in it which are wrong and sometimes this kind of beliefs is what destroy a religion.The important thing is that they all are referring to same thing , but in different ways.
That's what i think of religions.

And I also believe that That " same goal " is what we should be looking for.Each and every religion has some superstitious beliefs in it which are wrong and sometimes this kind of beliefs is what destroy a religion.The important thing is that they all are referring to same thing , but in different ways.

How do all religions have the same goal?
True fact: The true meaning of life is death.

It's the one thing that, no matter how our lives play out, we're all guaranteed to die.

Everyone except SlyFox, who will no doubt create a digital ghost to dictate this place for all eternity.
That's what i think of religions.

And I also believe that That " same goal " is what we should be looking for.Each and every religion has some superstitious beliefs in it which are wrong and sometimes this kind of beliefs is what destroy a religion.The important thing is that they all are referring to same thing , but in different ways.

Clearly you are only thinking of monotheistic, Abrahamic religions...

What about religions that believe in reincarnation?

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