Reigns will not win the Rumble..


JD Hale
For ages now a lot of us have been panicking in a way over how Reigns was the 'Chosen One' and that he was favorite to win the Rumble. Over the past week it was rumored WWE were looking at a replacement in Ambrose or Ziggler, and that was followed by a returning Daniel Bryan announcing he will enter the match too. With many people, including apparent WWE officials, feeling that he was not ready to have a Wrestlemania main event match, his chances were already decreasing. Now, with Daniel Bryan entering, that gives three options over Reigns, with the fans arguably wanting a Ziggler and Ambrose win way more than Reigns himself if Bryan were to be eliminated. If Bryan was eliminated and Reigns were to win the Rumble, you wouldn't expect anything other than most the crowd turning on Reigns which could be extremely damaging to his career.. a risk I doubt WWE would take, so surely this means he has no chance in winning the Rumble match this year.

What are your thoughts? Do you agree that he has no chance or do you think WWE will choose him? Any feedback appreciated :)
This is all the fans fault to be honest. 12 months ago at the rumble when it was batista and reigns the crowd was rooting so hard for reigns it sent a clear message that he was over. Then when he was in the shield he was still cheered massively. Then the IWC turned on him because thats what they do, this wasnt their chosen one so they had to shit on him.
It's very much up in the air now as to who will win the Rumble. This year according to all reports Roman Reigns had it in the bag and it was his to lose. Well I think he's lost his shot for a few different reasons.

It's a fact that Cena isn't getting any younger, he still has a lot of gas in the tank, but the WWE has to get someone ready to take over the top spot, and they picked Reigns. The guy has the look of a champion, intensity, charisma qualities that you really can't learn, either you have it or you don't. The two things that he does lack however, are the two major stepping stones to getting him up there close to Cena's level, mic skills and in ring ability.

Now those can be be improved with experience, and I hope the WWE takes this year to let him do just that. There is nothing worse than putting someone in a position they aren't ready for, it's just setting them up for failure. If they hotshot Reigns into the title picture at Mania in 2015, that's what's going to happen. The fans will turn against him, and that might be something that he with his limited experience won't recover from.

So who will win the Rumble, well you have a whole cast of characters to pick from with Bryan returning. I doubt Cena will be in the match, but there is Orton, Bryan, Ambrose and Ziggler. Anyone of those four should be the winner. Out of those four I can only see Orton and Bryan being believable against Lesnar though. Both of them have skills in the ring that Ambrose and Ziggler don't have, and I would love to see Orton up against Lesnar for some reason. It would be a hell of a match.

Plus we would get two added bonuses. Hopefully an RKO out of nowhere on Heyman, and a Rollins cash in to ignite that feud between the two that's been brewing for months.
This is why you never believe "reports". Especially "reports" that have been coming out so far before WM31 that literally anything can happen before then. Do you believe everything you read on the internet? The Earth is flat. Did I just blow your mind?

That said, Ziggler has zero chance of winning the Rumble. Frankly, zero is not a small enough number to quantify his chances. I'm sure he will put on a good show and probably will make the final four though.

Bryan has a good chance of winning the Rumble.

Reigns still has a good chance.

Ambrose has probably the best chance after those two.

And other than a huge swerve, the only other possible candidate I can think of is Orton.

And panicking is a bit of a stretch I would say for most. If you were truly panicking, you need to start rethinking your priorities.
Brock drops the belt to Cena at RR, Rollins cashes in and wins. WM31 with Reigns/Rollins as the main event.

I can get onboard with that, Reigns works well with Rollins, about the only one he does and Rollins needs to ship the cowardly heel persona sharpish and actually be the champion.

I suspect if that's the case though that Cena would insert himself in the match under the rematch clause, probably win to take Flair's record. Cena has Hogan's ability of hotdogging everyone else's spotlight(see SS2014) and with him carrying the company merch-wise I expect WM31 to be no different.
I don't believe every report on the internet, no. In fact if you read my post you will notice most my comments was based on my own theory that fans, whether they be internet or normal fans, would rather have those three names over Reigns, and that it would be more than likely fans will try 'hijack' or simply boo the show if they weren't to get a winner they liked, which would in turn likely damage Reigns' career. The rumor of officials changing their minds could indeed be false, which is why I said 'apparent officials' in the sentence afterwards. I do agree panicking is ovedramatic aha, but that would be my writing skills showing right there.

I also completely forgot about Orton to be honest, and considering fans were loving him before he was 'injured' that could mean that there are 4 names that could possibly cause the arena to turn on Reigns if he were to win.
I don't believe every report on the internet, no. In fact if you read my post you will notice most my comments was based on my own theory that fans, whether they be internet or normal fans, would rather have those three names over Reigns, and that it would be more than likely fans will try 'hijack' or simply boo the show if they weren't to get a winner they liked, which would in turn likely damage Reigns' career. The rumor of officials changing their minds could indeed be false, which is why I said 'apparent officials' in the sentence afterwards. I do agree panicking is ovedramatic aha, but that would be my writing skills showing right there.

I also completely forgot about Orton to be honest, and considering fans were loving him before he was 'injured' that could mean that there are 4 names that could possibly cause the arena to turn on Reigns if he were to win.

Do you really think people want to see Orton v anyone in the main event? Can't be a face because he's terrible at it, which means he needs to take on a face, which means Cena will be champion.

And Cena vs Orton? Because that's never been done before. Wake me up when they swerve, that's a good lad.
Honestly, Roman Reigns won't win the Royal Rumble ONLY if Daniel Bryan wins it. I never believed that Dean Ambrose or Dolph Ziggler really had a chance at winning the Rumble match and going on to main event Wrestlemania... it just doesn't fit. It would be akin to Booker T winning the RR in 2003; it's just not a compelling or believable enough main event imo. I think the Ziggler/Ambrose reports were put out to try and inject SOME unpredictability into the Rumble match in case Bryan couldn't make it back.

That being said, I agree that Reigns won't be pushed right to the main event. Fans love to give WWE slack about almost everything these days, but I think Vince and the higher ups are smart enough to see where the money and the support is here. Bryan/Lesnar would be the safe and logical choice to make... damn I hope I'm right.
My problem is Lesnar vs Reigns is not a main event. The only three viable 'main event' guys are Bryan, Cena and Orton.

The biggest swerve and biggest secret in wrestling for years is if the Rock returned. I know it is so unlikely it is probably not worth talking about, but imagine this. Rock wins the Rumble. Brock vs Rock II at WM. Brock retains. Rollins cashes in next night. Rollins gets the rub of beating the man who beat Taker, destroyed Cena and beat The Rock. Even if he wins dirty/with help, Rollins is such a good heel he would make it work.

I just can't see Reigns working, nor can I see him as a draw at Wrestlemania. Heyman would absolutely destroy him in promo's. Have The Shield in a triple threat at Wrestlemania. Or Reigns vs HHH, Rollins vs Ziggler (IC vs MITB) and Ambrose vs Orton.
What Ziggler reports? There have been some of us on forums speculating that Ziggler had a good shot but I never saw an actual story.

Regardless, Reigns can win the Rumble but it probably means playing heel through the Road to WM. He can blame the "unappreciative" fans for turning on him. Then WWE could find a way to change their champion to a face before Mania and all the stars would be aligned.

That being said I don't think Reigns will win. I think he could fall as low as the Battle Royal. I also think a heel Reigns could fight a face Bryan. It gives him the best chance of pulling off a quality one on one match on a big stage.

WWE may see Reigns as the future of WWE but the future does not have to happen now.
WWE may see Reigns as the future of WWE but the future does not have to happen now.

True, that. It seems counterproductive to treat the time Roman spent on the sidelines as if it never happened. Even before his injury, folks were wondering if he had the goods to be a main event wrestler (much less a world champion). With the down time, he's that much further behind and one has to speculate what the hurry is.

Reigns has January, February & March to shake off the ring rust and show he's got the stuff to win the top spot at WM31, although company decisions on who the new champ will presumably have to be made well before the actual event.

Or do they?

Remember, this is pro wrestling, where anything can be made to happen ....and anything can be explained away. I believe WWE is thanking their lucky stars Daniel Bryan is (apparently) going to be ready to Rumble. He can win the damn thing and be scheduled for the title shot in April. Then, if the powers-that-be deem it proper, Reigns can come along and take the title shot away from Daniel in one of those crazy "stipulation" matches. Or, they could somehow install Roman as the champion before WM31.....with Daniel winning the Rumble....and having the two of them square off at WM31.

It all depends on what Roman Reigns can accomplish in the next couple months.....and of course, what the plans of the WWE braintrust are for him.
Honestly, Roman Reigns won't win the Royal Rumble ONLY if Daniel Bryan wins it. I never believed that Dean Ambrose or Dolph Ziggler really had a chance at winning the Rumble match and going on to main event Wrestlemania... it just doesn't fit. It would be akin to Booker T winning the RR in 2003; it's just not a compelling or believable enough main event imo. I think the Ziggler/Ambrose reports were put out to try and inject SOME unpredictability into the Rumble match in case Bryan couldn't make it back.

That being said, I agree that Reigns won't be pushed right to the main event. Fans love to give WWE slack about almost everything these days, but I think Vince and the higher ups are smart enough to see where the money and the support is here. Bryan/Lesnar would be the safe and logical choice to make... damn I hope I'm right.

I think Bryan will win too and is the best option for most. It's just if he doesn't I still can't see Reigns being the victor as even though it may be less believable, there are more fans, internet or normal, that prefer a Ziggler or Ambrose win.

Do you really think people want to see Orton v anyone in the main event? Can't be a face because he's terrible at it, which means he needs to take on a face, which means Cena will be champion.

And Cena vs Orton? Because that's never been done before. Wake me up when they swerve, that's a good lad.

Honestly, the majority of the audience probably would over Reigns. That's just me judging from the reaction he got when he turned on the Authority, and by the fact that (and I could be miles off the mark here) I feel more people on this site have said they want Orton to win compared to the amount who want Reigns to win. Personally, I prefer others, but again if it comes down to Reigns or Orton I'd go with the latter, unless Cena were to win and then I'd have to agree with you.

What Ziggler reports? There have been some of us on forums speculating that Ziggler had a good shot but I never saw an actual story.

I only started using this wrestling site a few weeks back and don't look on any others so either it was posted on here, or I imagined it. I'll try trace back and find it if I get the time. Either way report or reportless I still feel he's ahead of Reigns based on fan support, especially since if Bryan is eliminated he would be 'next in line' as such for fans to cheer.
There seems to be so much doubt surrounding Roman Reigns. The guy is a tremendous raw talent with enough quality traits to make him a star in the business. The doubt here should be aimed at Creative. Do they have the goods to portray this future mega star in the right light? Right now I worry they do not. Any failure here will fall at their feet.
Honestly, the majority of the audience probably would over Reigns. That's just me judging from the reaction he got when he turned on the Authority, and by the fact that (and I could be miles off the mark here) I feel more people on this site have said they want Orton to win compared to the amount who want Reigns to win. Personally, I prefer others, but again if it comes down to Reigns or Orton I'd go with the latter, unless Cena were to win and then I'd have to agree with you.

I think you're missing the fact that it would have to be Cena, Rollins or Lesnar as champion.

Reigns vs, just god no.
Reigns vs Rollins....this one has legs, be a bit weird that the main event would be two WM main event first timers, I have no doubt they will eventually, but not this year.
Reigns vs Cena...Reigns won't sell for Cena, Cena won't spend an entire match bumping and carrying Reigns, also two no again.
I think that, the only way that it can work with Roman Reigns winning the Royal Rumble is if he doesn't face Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania XXXI. Of course, the fans in Philadelphia are vocal, and they will likely be cheering for Daniel Bryan and Dean Ambrose to win. Bryan deserves to win, but should have won last year, so maybe his time has passed for the Rumble. Ambrose isn't ready yet either really.

If Rollins was to cash in on Brock Lesnar (c) vs. John Cena at Royal Rumble, it would allow WWE to follow through with Lesnar's rematch clause at Fast Lane and fight again at WrestleMania XXXI. Another few dates, but they are going to want to squeeze as many out of Lesnar as they can. This can set up either Seth Rollins (c) vs. Roman Reigns or Seth Rollins (c) vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Roman Reigns perhaps? That way, WWE doesn't risk the win over Lesnar blowing up in their faces. Reigns can also lose, because Rollins is here to stay, so it may only work that way.

Either way, WWE is taking perhaps too great a risk by having Brock and Reigns. It's far too soon for such a match for Reigns, and the E would surely know want to risk the crowd turning on Reigns so soon.
Bryan as to win imo. the "full circle" fighting back from a "life altering injury" is to much of a story to pass up on. but DB v Brock isn't enough and not completely believable so they'll have some way of switching it up, adding one other maybe even two more.

Not personally a fan of the idea but it could go the fatal 4 way route, Brock, reigns, Bryan and Orton. Bryan wins only for Rollins to come out and cashes in. as i said "Full Circle" complete, once again another WM moment that's taken away swiftly no doubt at the hands of HHH in some way or another.
Since Daniel Bryan is ready to compete, he should win, he proved he is ready to main event, the crowd count him as main eventer, WWE should let him win to win the fans back, he is perfect underdog to go against Brock Lesnar, no one else is ready from the new gen, and old gen should move on to the veterans status, this is what the fans want to see this is the only option WWE can count on to make big sales.
Everyone who will go against Bryan will be booed, Reigns, Cena, Ambrose - doesn't matter, you just know that.

It's time, but not Reigns' time, it's time to work on the mistakes and give the crowd what they want = Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar in WM main event.

Bryan should use Final Countdown by Europe at WM, to make him look even bigger.
I think that dolhp ziggler Is perfect the guy has experience,stamina look I think number 29 will be Daniel Bryan and number 30 triple h and seth Rollins turns face for a second only and the shield team up and bang! "Triple Powerbomb" triple h is eliminated then the 3 of them keep fighting until rusev and ziggler eliminate them and then the four of them Daniel bryan, rusev,Dolph ziggler,roman reigns dolph ziggler goes crazy and eliminates all of them together and a huge upset Dolph Ziggler wins the rumble!!! And everybody is happy rusev looks strong and he goes to face john cena for the us champinship at WM31 roman reigns turns heel Seth and dean feud continues and Daniel Bryan faces the Rock!! In a retirement match...
I also think a heel Reigns could fight a face Bryan. It gives him the best chance of pulling off a quality one on one match on a big stage.
Would be nice booking and at least decent match at Wrestlemania but think WWE wants Reigns as face at this point.

Also think its too predictable for Reigns to win, Bryan has better chance now that he is fully back. Though said it once and would say it before, if they are smart they would get Cena to win and beat Flair record. In that moment Cena would get major heat from fans. Reigns could win Rumble and get pretty good crowd support for Mania at that point. Would probably never happen but its just an idea how to get him over in major stage.
Once again this is full of the same people who bitched about the product being to predictable cause Reigns is the chosen MAN to dethrone Brock and Cena. But hey now that Bryans back we'll deal with it cause he deserves it. Hypocrites. The man winning is Reigns. Deal with it. Bryan should never be in a ring with Brock. Brocks on a much higher level than David vs Goliath. If Bryan some how makes it? Now that's predictable. But since you guys bank on Bryan winning. Reigns victory is just that much more unpredictable. See what wwe is doing? Probably not since your all premature kids.
Once again this is full of the same people who bitched about the product being to predictable cause Reigns is the chosen MAN to dethrone Brock and Cena. But hey now that Bryans back we'll deal with it cause he deserves it. Hypocrites. The man winning is Reigns. Deal with it. Bryan should never be in a ring with Brock. Brocks on a much higher level than David vs Goliath. If Bryan some how makes it? Now that's predictable. But since you guys bank on Bryan winning. Reigns victory is just that much more unpredictable. See what wwe is doing? Probably not since your all premature kids.

Nice first post. You are one angry person... King Kong Bundy is that you?

Anyway, I have no clue what you're trying to say here. People are happy because Daniel Bryan returning makes the Royal Rumble much LESS predictable. Who the hell wants to watch something where they already know what's going to happen? People weren't bitching about Roman Reigns winning the Rumble because it's predictable... They were voicing their OPINIONS on how Reigns isn't ready to main event Mania. I get it, you're one of those guys who gets off to men with muscles (or you're a 12 year old girl), but the rest of us actually care about mic work and in-ring ability.

Roman Reigns is not winning the RR, and you need to get over that and stop being so aggressive.
I think it's set up for Bryan to win the Rumble and face Lesnar at WM31!!

Bryan wins the title but Rollins immediately cashes in to win the title.

This would set up an amazing feud between Rollins and Bryan post WM!
I think the chance of any face besides Bryan winning the Rumble just went up in smoke and this is going to be Batista all over again. UNLESS, the WWE wants to give Reigns the same 50/50 love/hate crowd that Cena has, but I honestly don't see that happening.
I think you're missing the fact that it would have to be Cena, Rollins or Lesnar as champion.

Reigns vs, just god no.
Reigns vs Rollins....this one has legs, be a bit weird that the main event would be two WM main event first timers, I have no doubt they will eventually, but not this year.
Reigns vs Cena...Reigns won't sell for Cena, Cena won't spend an entire match bumping and carrying Reigns, also two no again.

What I meant by my previous point was that I would want Orton instead of Reigns in all them matches, unless it was Reigns vs Cena in which case I wouldn't mind. I don't know why but that match appeals to me, I guess because if they're gonna make Reigns the main guy he may as well go through the main guy at this time.

Once again this is full of the same people who bitched about the product being to predictable cause Reigns is the chosen MAN to dethrone Brock and Cena. But hey now that Bryans back we'll deal with it cause he deserves it. Hypocrites. The man winning is Reigns. Deal with it. Bryan should never be in a ring with Brock. Brocks on a much higher level than David vs Goliath. If Bryan some how makes it? Now that's predictable. But since you guys bank on Bryan winning. Reigns victory is just that much more unpredictable. See what wwe is doing? Probably not since your all premature kids.

I didn't mean to upset you dude! I can't speak on behalf of everyone who wants a different wrestler to win the Rumble, but in my case I want Ziggler to win. Others want Bryan or Ambrose to win. It wasn't about predictability but instead it was who I liked more. You could be right, maybe Reigns' victory would be more unpredictable as there are two front runners now, but I still don't like his chances with that being said.
Bryan and orton don't need to win rumble they already got rematch clauses from when they dropped the title earlier in the year let one of the younger talents win my choice rusev beast vs beast match but doubt it would happen.

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