Regarding The Supreme Court And The Healthcare Case

Man, David's a right-wing pitbull. If it even smells left he moves in for the attack.
I read a long piece on this case and the Healthcare law the other day. My ultimate impression was that it absolutely is constitutional (although that may not matter once politics gets involved in the discussion) but I understood further why it is unpopular because I am not sure I like it as much as I used to. Mainly my concern is that this will turn into another government ponzi scheme that unfairly targets the young people of this country to try and shoulder the burden for the issues our aging population is causing.

I do think this would be slightly better than the system we had because we absolutely need to get more proactive and less reactive on health related issues in this country. We would certainly see some economic benefits from doing that which is what makes it constitutional. I just don't like the way they have decided to fund this plan mainly by forcing young people to pay for more healthcare than they likely will use so others can pay for less than they likely will use. I also worry that the system might not be prepared to handle the influx of people as we are already inefficient with our healthcare in this country as it is. We might bring up the lower class quality of care but as it is structured we may well bring down middle class quality of care, while I am sure the rich people will continue to have no problem getting healthcare on par with the highest quality in the world.
There's a lot of stuff they don't say about it but the majority IS constitutional. However the point the GOP wants to ban is the mandate. The rest of it creates commerce.

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