Rediscovering artists you'd almost forgotten

Guardian of Takhisis

Dark Match Winner
Another discovery thread. This one is is about artist that you used to listen to but then got out of them for whatever reason (didn't like the way they were going, moved, lost your CD collection). Then a few years later your listening to something and you hear them again. All of sudden it's like listening to them for the first time and you start playing everything you have by them and picking up their new stuff if you didn't have it already. I'll give an example of mine. I first heard this artist around 97 and listened to them alot in my buddy's car. I never got the chance to pick up any of their albums and kindof lost contact with them. That artist is....
Fast forward to about 14 years later. I still like them but haven't heard anything from them that whole time. I'm listening to Pandora on my radio and this song comes on.
Well ever since that song I've started re-listening to them again. I set them on my Pandora and I've heard some really good songs by them. I really like this one.
Two other good ones are Rosenrot and another one that I can't post on here because it's borderline pornography (especially if you watch it on Dailymotion where they don't blur things out. The name of the song if the "p" word for a woman's genitalia.)
Well that's just one of the few I've restarted listening too. If I get time I'll post others.
I have a rather linear musical taste in that I listen to one band, but a few years back when I was a huge metal head, I would listen to Slipknot like there was no tomorrow. I bought their live concert DVD, and watched every movie they made. Then they just kind of went away. I stopped listening to them completely and went into what I call, my dark phase where I listened to nothing but rap music. A couple months later when I thought i'd be a rap fan my entire life, I find Disasterpieces. Watch that bitch, and it turned my musical taste right back around to full metal. Since then, I have yet again shunned heavy metal music and Slipknot in general and listen to only Avenged Sevenfold. Paul Grey died and Corey Taylor is on the fence about making a new album causing uncertainty among the band and it's fans. The only thing that can make me a fan again is a new album. I'm pulling for them though, I really am. If Avenged Sevenfold can finish Nightmare after Jimmy died, they can make a new album.
I don't think that there are too many examples of this for me, but I can think of one.

That band is SOiL

I first heard the band during my high school days when they crashed onto the scene with "Scars" and the lead single from the album "Halo", which is still played in metal clubs today, and was the loudest and most violent thing I had ever heard at the time. I absolutely loved it. Their other single from the album "Unreal" was also pretty good too. I liked their music, but I never picked up the album.


Fast forward until 2009 when I was at a Shinedown gig in Manchester, and guess who was the support act...SOiL! They had a new singer, after their original frontman had left to join Drowning Pool, but they still rocked and put on a great show. I loved their new single "Picture Perfect", and it was awesome to hear "Halo" live after all those years. Also, "Unreal" was played and I had totally forgotten how good that song was.


I ended up getting their "Picture Perfect" album for christmas a month later off my brother, and have just purchased tickets for a SOiL/Puddle Of Mudd joint headlining tour in a tiny club in Manchester for October this year, which should be great. Supposedly Ryan McCombs (the original lead singer) is back with the band, and he is a better vocalist so the gig should ROCK!

They are not one of my favourite bands, but I am definitely a fan of theirs and it was great to rediscover them after quite a few years of only really listening to "Halo" and not knowing any of their other stuff.

Great thread by the way :)
Cool thread idea!

For me, it'd be KoRn. I loved Korn up until the record "See You On the Other Side". I heard Twisted Transistor and hated it. I didn't listen to Korn for a while until I saw their latest record in a store and since then, even the stuff of theirs I didn't like has grown on me, although i'm still not too fond on the untitled album they did.
For me it goes to Pearl Jam
When I was a little tike my dad used to have a massive cd case in his truck and most of my early music influence and introduction to rock was from there. I learned about Bad Company, Guns N Roses, Metallica, Ozzy, Creed, Ted Nugent and more, but one of the one I was obsessed with the most was Pearl Jam. I got hooked on them when I listened to their song Jeremy, which is my name and I thought it was the coolest thing ever to have a song with my name in it. I listened to them for about a year and then kindof lost interest, then in middle school one of my friends was really into them so it sparked my interest again and to this day I still listen to them often :)

Good Charlotte. My favorite band from like 2003-2006. I used to listen to pretty only them (and Green Day and Eminem) when I was in middle school, but after that I got interested in other genres of music, that along with them not really putting out any new music between 2004 and 2007 and then not again until 2010, just made me forget about them. (That and their stuff is crap). But whenever I hear one of their older songs in a movie or it pops up on my iTunes, I get so into it and I start listening to them again for about 2 weeks and then it dies off again haha. I remember totally rocking out to their song The Anthem with my friend Andrea at my first middle school dance and everyone was staring at us like we were crazy, haha those were the days!

Around this time last year I was having a pretty shit month or so and one day just wanted to listen to something heavy at full blast. Metallica, Rage, Nirvana, Alexisonfire, Deftones, none of these bands seemed to do the trick.

By pure luck/coincidence, a friend of mine posted a cracker of a song on Facebook

For some reason, I hadn't listened to any Alice In Chains for a couple of years where pretty much 80% (it was a small class though) of my college class were huge AIC fans and songs of theirs were regularly played as background editing music.

After hearing Them Bones I dug out my Dirt CD then downloaded a few other songs and haven't looked back. Still ashamed I hadn't listened to them in so long before that.
Another discovery thread. This one is is about artist that you used to listen to but then got out of them for whatever reason (didn't like the way they were going, moved, lost your CD collection). Then a few years later your listening to something and you hear them again. All of sudden it's like listening to them for the first time and you start playing everything you have by them and picking up their new stuff if you didn't have it already. I'll give an example of mine. I first heard this artist around 97 and listened to them alot in my buddy's car. I never got the chance to pick up any of their albums and kindof lost contact with them. That artist is....
Fast forward to about 14 years later. I still like them but haven't heard anything from them that whole time. I'm listening to Pandora on my radio and this song comes on.
Well ever since that song I've started re-listening to them again. I set them on my Pandora and I've heard some really good songs by them. I really like this one.
Two other good ones are Rosenrot and another one that I can't post on here because it's borderline pornography (especially if you watch it on Dailymotion where they don't blur things out. The name of the song if the "p" word for a woman's genitalia.)
Well that's just one of the few I've restarted listening too. If I get time I'll post others.

WHAT ABOUT AC/DC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After breaking up with my girlfriend a few weeks ago I went out on a date last week with this new girl.

She is absolutely stunning and seems awesome- she is into football, good music, good films, X-Box.... basically a dream haha.

Anyway, she mentioned that she used to love all the old nu-metal stuff (as I did) and was a big fan of the early Linkin Park stuff and Limp Bizkit's first few albums (as I was).

So......for my journey to work the next day I dug out my old Significant Other CD ands tuck it in the CD player. It was pretty scratched (I played the shit out of it back in the day), but just hearing those LB songs again was great. Most of them have aged reaaallllly badly, but "Nookie", "Break Stuff" and "Re-arranged" still sound brilliant. It has remained in my car CD player all week since then!

I was a massive Limp Bizkit fan back in the day, they were the first band I really loved and I had the posters, t-shirt and hoodie. I did manage to see them once live too and was in the pit for Break was mad.


"Re-Arranged" is by far the most mature and meaningful piece of music the Bizkit has ever done, it is nothing like any of their other songs. A really really good track.
The first thing I want to do is address mrbb11000. I would never forget AC/DC. They are one of the best rock bands out there. I try to listen to them atleast once a week if not more. Now back to the topic at hand. Here's another band that I used to listen to all the time and I even had their album for awhile but had to give it back and never had the money to pick it back up.

Static X. I can thank my pandora experience for finding this little gem for me again. After I set this one as a favorite, I heard "Wisconsin Death Trip."

Can't wait to go back and do some more rediscovering. When I find another one I'll let you guys know.

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