

If you can redesign anything in the WWE, (not wrestlers), from shows to logos to set to championships what would it be and why? What is really bothering you about it? When would you change it.

I would change two things:

First off I would change everything in ECW. It doesn't stand for anything the original ECW stood for. The Championship belt is terrible, IMO. There is only one ECW original on ECW. I don't know what to change or how but I would change it.

Second off would be the World Title. The belt that Edge holds. It doesn't represent anything of WCW. It is the WCW World Title belt, yet doesn't have its meaning. The should either attach the history on it or just make a new belt. And I know that the did redesign it a couple of years ago and made it smaller, but it still is the same belt.

Your thoughts.
Well I do agree with the ECW thing, the only problem with trying to change it is the WWE as a whole going "PG", the whole blood and gore of the old ECW just wouldn't fit in with the new approach the WWE is going for. As for the championship belt, I think it is a creative idea, something that hasn't been seen before, and it is working for this "new breed" of ECW.

As with the World Heavyweight Championship, leave it as it is, as the WCW Championship it really didn't mean all that much, so the whole "adding a bit of history" thing is really just a waste of time; if anything do something about the Big Gold Belt back during the NWA days with such great as Ricky Steamboat and Ric Flair holding it.

Lastly, the only thing I would like to see changed is the WWE Championship, it doesn't look bad per say, but with Triple H and Randy Orton gunning for it, it just doesn't fit their gimmicks; both with incredibly serious gimmicks holding what looks like a toy doesn't work that well. The belt design I personally liked the most for the WWE Championship was the Undisputed Belt held by Guerrero, Lesnar, and JBL.
i would get rid of or change ECW because its not the same as Extreme Championship Wrestling. I would also get rid of the ridiculous WWE Championship belt. The belt fit when John Cena was champion but as people have said, it doesnt fit with HHH or Randy Orton. They should bring back the Attitude belt or get a different one that doesn't look like a toy.
The only thing I'd change with the current ECW is the name itself.Theres no point calling this show "extreme" cause its the complete opposite..its a decent "c" show, just needs a different name..

Another big change I would do is allow all champions to compete on all 3 shows...What im saying is bring back the undisputed wwe champion(make a whole new belt, for this current era cause right now we have a BIG title. a plastic toy, and an old school title), have 1 tag team champion, and completely remove the divas championship. I really preferred more titles back in the day when each one was unique in its own way..having 3 of the same title is pointless and doesnt show who the superior championship is..
I like the Attitude belt too. ECW is now a mockery. It is nothing remotely like the great oringal Extreme Championship Wrestling. without Paul E. and Joey Styles opening the show in the middle of the ring like back in the day its pointless. ECW was about no DQS or Count outs. you dont have to be scheuled in the match to win. All championship matches were incredible 3 way and 4 dances. elimations were the best way of a decision . not the person who scores the pin fall. I want to see a real winner not a secanerio where the champion doesnt have to be pinned to lose the title. i think thats BS. The new ECW belt looks crap. I like the belt Shane Douglas had in 97. Now I believe ECW Championship is no longer a world title. So whats its point. Bring back the old IC title belt. and Bring back the old world tag team belts.
I'd work on the atmosphere at Smackdown. Hard to say change the colors, but they need a new logo and stage, IMO. They are trying with the music, but it remains bad. What really hurts is knowing it's taped, so it may not fit in here, but if they tape it, they need to fix it up a bit (no double tapes, perhaps letting it go past time 2-3 minutes just a few times, etc).

A common theme I'd add is redesigning the entrance ramps. They looked much better when they were more elevated just a few years ago.
I would redesign WWE's logo since the Attitude Era is over and make it the classic WWE logo like they've been using for the Hall of Famers and in the new wrestling game. I think its time to really shake things up in the WWE and I mean really I would return to all the orginal titles as well. I love the eagle wing championship belt they should bring it back.

Also what I would like to see is every year at Royal Rumble put the WWE championship up during the Royal Rumble match and the winner of the 30 man rumble is the new champion.

I would return to a old school style of wrestling (that seems to be what the fans want now a days) less stupid storyline drama and more reality based storylines like Triple H & Orton right now and wrestling and promos like the old days but of course this new old school way of WWE would be slightly modified.
I would also get rid of ECW all together and get rid of the brands and just combine everything again
I would bring back the old WWE title, and get rid of the spinner belt. I would also bring back the Smackdown! fist stage, and the separate Raw stage, as they were classic. ECW would also have to go back to meanin "Extreme Championship Wrestling" and now "Extremely Crappy Wrestling".
ok i hate how ecw lost there extreme and so did wwe when was the last steel cage match or casket match.also why does wwe have only 2 titles the ic and womens. also the new pice of crap on sd. sd needs the cruiserweight championship back. and what happened to the old ecw title they have junk now. mr.mcmahon needs to go back to being the boss
The only thing I'd change with the current ECW is the name itself.Theres no point calling this show "extreme" cause its the complete opposite..its a decent "c" show, just needs a different name..

Another big change I would do is allow all champions to compete on all 3 shows...What im saying is bring back the undisputed wwe champion(make a whole new belt, for this current era cause right now we have a BIG title. a plastic toy, and an old school title), have 1 tag team champion, and completely remove the divas championship. I really preferred more titles back in the day when each one was unique in its own way..having 3 of the same title is pointless and doesnt show who the superior championship is..

i couldnt of said it better.....i would also move ecw to wednesday or thurday, compete wit tna it would make both better, and name it thunder in respect to wcw...since ecw aint working it aint extreme. and have one world heavyweight champ. one mid card title (keep the ic title) one tag team belts, one women championship.
I've never really had a problem with the World title. I think it's a nice nod to history. It's the same as keeping a PPV called The Great American Bash. The ECW title is fantastic. It looks important but it doesn't look like it's the most important title. The silve look is very unique so it stands out in a good way.

As far as the ECW name I actually support it. Back in the day ECW didn't just stand for being extreme. One of things the company prided itself on the most (which was my favorite aspect) was how it gave people a chance in the U.S. that they might not have gotten otherwise. Benoit, Guerrero, Jericho, Malenko, etc. got their breaks in ECW. Nowadays that tradition is sort of carried on as ECW is the show where developmental guys get their chance to shine. Punk and Kofi are big on RAW now. Morrison is probably going to become a huge name now. Matt Hardy finally got a chance to be a leader. Mark Henry reinvigorated a dying career just like Snuka and Muraco did in the old ECW. Clearly it's not exactly the same but I find it to be a nice homage.

The one thing I would change - as many have said - is the WWE title. The design was Cena's and he hasn't been near it in quite some time. It'd be like Rock and Hunter circa 2000 feuding over the Smoking Skull belt. Heck, it makes even less sense because Cena isn't even doing his white rapper gimmick anymore so a blinged out belt wouldn't even suit him.

I don't care if the go back to the Undisputed title design, the Attitude Era design or if they completely redo it but the blinged out title with "CHAMP" written in diamonds needs to go.
I'll go with the obvious and change the WWE Championship. The design is FINE, when it is used by Cena. It's fine for his gimmick because it fits. Similar to when he changed the U.S Title. It fitted with him gimmick just lovely. But it does indeed look like a toy, and to see people like Triple H lifting that thing up as if they're proud is quite pitiful. It doesn't suit Triple H, and the belt needs to be more generic to fit other wrestlers. It needs to be changed. The belt from 1999 people?
I don't think they should make any drastic changes, yet. But I would like to see them bring back the Hardcore Championship, or create basically one with a new name but still they can only defend it in no dq matches. It could be a second title, and since it would be on the same level as the IC and US, you could name it the "Land of Extreme" title. What about that?
Either completely get rid of the brand extension or I would change it to:
ECW Battleground/Velocity/Heat/Thunder/Whatever
WCW Smackdown
....They own all these company names, why not capitalize on all of them. Make it more realistic, stop all of these wrestlers being on all 2 or all 3 of the shows in one week. Wasn't the extension made to stop that? So more wrestlers could get a chance for tv time? I'd try to rehire Eric Bischoff and Paul Heyman and have them as the General Managers of their respective shows - then have Vince (or the whole family) return to run Raw full time against the others and try to reclaim some of that WAR feeling. TNA may be WWE's only real competition right now but they just don't FEEL like they are competing.

I also would change the design of the WWE Title, call the World Title what it is the WCW Title, as for the ECW title I would definitely redesign it in gold, yes the silver is unique and would normally look pretty good BUT since both of the other "heavyweight titles" are gold and actually treated as such the ECW title deserves this. We may KNOW it's not the best show or title but we don't have to have them just admit it.

Bring back either the Hardcore Title, European Title, or Cruiserweight Title for ECW and make the show 2 hours. While at it why shouldn't there be a ECW Tag Team Titles? I won't go as far as to saw a women's title because I could care less.

The stages I'm sure won't be changing soon as this set is pretty new and it looks to be quite expensive but they could easily just adjust the arrangement of the screens, just SOMETHING to shake it up and make it so you know what show you are watching(yes, I realize the mat-skirt says it and there is a channel logo but I was pointing out that the shows LOOK the same).
I would change the sets of Raw, SD and ECW so that they have their own identity again. None of the shows have their own individual feel to them. Yeh, the new set is meant to be for HD TV purposes but still....

Also, would change the WWE Title...just doesn't look prestigious in the slightest. At least the World title looks valuable.

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