Redemption: Vega (c) vs. Titus - Mayhem Title [Mayhem Rules]

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the Frog

After months and months of Vega making his issues known about the lack of competition, WZCW finally answered his prayers and has been giving Vega the best competition there is... but seemingly has fallen short during his encounters with the best of the best. Angry and unfulfilled, the Mayhem champion has blamed all his troubles and the hypocrisy he has received on the soon-to-be WZCW Legend Titus who was receiving all the fanfare in the world despite losing his title match at Kingdom Come V.

Vega decided to make things personal and assaulted Titus, making him an example to everyone on the WZCW roster and management that he needs to be respected. However, what he didn't anticipate was the fight that Titus would bring back to Vega, reminding Vega that he picked the wrong person to make an example out of. After the retaliation, it had been settled that the two would take each other on in a fight that neither man could resist - a Mayhem rules contest.

With the Mayhem title on the line, the stakes could never be higher: the longest reigning Mayhem champion will get his toughest challenger yet and will be looking to show why he is the best but Titus has never held the Mayhem title, one of the only titles left for the legend to add to his resume. Both men will throw everything, and anything, at each other to walk out as the Mayhem champion come Redemption.

Deadline is Wednesday (October 2, 2013) at 11:59 P.M. Extensions available upon request.
Backstage we're stood with Stacey Madison and Titus.

Stacey: At Kingdom Come you squandered a chance to get the prize you had hunted for in the Eurasian title. A month on and your time for redemption has been replaced by a Mayhem title match. Do you not think it's a huge step down for you?

Titus stares at Stacey, pauses for a second and then chuckles.

Titus: Do you really believe that?

Stacey: Yes. Armando Paradyse, Mr. Baller and Doug Crashin are former champions. The legacy of the belt is not the best.

Titus: Let me tell you something about the Mayhem title. For every Doug Crashin there's a Steamboat Ricky. That's a former world champion, how is that a step down? Are you saying Drake Callahan and Ty Burna are steps down? Are you saying that the current world champion is a step down? Tell me Stacey, is it really a step down?

Stacey: Well...I...

In a rare moment Stacey stumbles over her words but to save embarrassment Titus cuts in.

Titus: No one in this company has a greater legacy than my friend and rival Everest. He is the first to be inducted into the WZCW hall of fame and gave me some of the best matches in my career. Is he a step down?

Titus stares intently at Stacey who is able to pull herself together.

Stacey: Yes, I suppose you're right.

Titus: There are two individuals in company history who will go down as legends who have not held the belt. Big Dave is one and the other is yours truly. This is not a step down but a step in the right direction. They say that belt changes you and dethroning the greatest Mayhem champion of all time will only increase my legacy.

Stacey: I don't think you can increase it.

Titus: You make a valid point, but I would disagree. I can certainly decrease it, the quit whilst you're ahead mantra can be apt. For me I've been a roller-coaster of consistency, when I'm up I'm up. When I'm down I'm down but believe you me it is never boring.

Another pause from Titus.

Titus: Yet ego and legacy need to be pushed aside sometimes. Occasionally something bigger comes along and it just so happens that he is the Mayhem champion. I am, of course, talking about my esteemed opponent Vega.

Stacey: Yes, Vega who is one of the hottest commodities in WZCW, how do you even begin to prepare?

Titus: The same way I always prepare. Plenty of action in the gym and plenty of time watching his matches.

Stacey: I suppose that does help.

Titus sighs.

Titus: No, not really. It's just makes it more complicated.

Stacey: How?

Titus: There seems to be something that happens to people when they face me in that the rounds beforehand they seem to focus on me rather than their matches. That's fine by me but it's ridiculous for me to research. I need a match where he's 100% focused on his opponent and that needed me to go back further than this month.

Stacey: ...and?

Titus: I've seen the man bust Ricky Runn open with a Kendo stick. I've seen him put Jimmy Flynn through a table, chairs and pipes have allowed him to overcome all comers. Heck he's even defeated Krypto in a flying saucer match! The guy is the longest reigning Mayhem title holder AND he's defeated Ricky Runn and Krypto. Why do I keep mentioning that?

Stacey: I'm not sure.

Titus: It is because Krypto and Ricky Runn are in the semi finals of the Gold Rush tournament. One of the two will be in the final and I bet he hates that. You know what else he'll hate? This is his seventh defence of the Mayhem title. If this was the Elite X he'd be getting a world title shot, but it's not the Elite X nor has he successfully defended it seven times. He's not fighting a walkover, he's fighting Titus Avison.

A brief pause.

Titus: It depends which Titus turns up though. How do you picture me?

Stacey: I'm not sure.

Titus: You don't shy from controversy, just answer the question.

The tone of frustration in his voice throws off Stacey.

Stacey: You're a guy who can get the prize but not keep it. When I think of Titus I think of the two time world champion who mucked it up. Twice. That's who you are.

Titus: Good. I asked Leon and Klamor the same and you know what they said?

Stacey: They'd say the same.

Titus: Exactly. There's a murmuring online with the dirt sheets that I can't do it. The favourite is not me and you know what? That's when I'm at my best. It's a good job that it's the fans who week in week out believe in me. It's a good job the fans were there during my Elite X reign. They were there when I chased the belts and won. They were there when I won the Lethal Lottery. That's what they remember.

Stacey: Vega's on a roll, I know that. You know that.

Titus: He's on what? His fifth biggest match of his career in a row! The guy is in a win win situation here.

Stacey: How?

Titus: Easy. If he wins he's defeated the legendary Titus and will stand in the ring gloating. If he loses he moves on very quickly to other things, takes the Elite X by storm and wins the world title. Like I said, win win for him.

Stacey: Not for you though, is it?

Titus: No definitely not. Two PPVs in a row where I'm against a truly evil person. How do you even grasp the enormity of the situation? This is more than a pursuit of the belt or Titus v Vega it's Good v Evil. I really need to keep an eye on him.

Stacey: Not just him though.

Titus: Ah yes the infamous Alexis. I'll keep an eye on her too.

Stacey: How?

Titus: Well I'm not going to bring Becky down ringside to help! I was tempted to give Chloe a call.

Stacey: Chloe?

Titus: Grace Moretz. Hit Girl, if you will. We were in a film together, she could definitely keep Alexis in check. I'm not going to do that. I'll keep an eye on her, just as I did with both the McKenzie's when fighting Bratchny. If I keep watch on her his arsenal is depleted, he can't cheat is way in a match with no rules. That leaves one thing and that I will address during the match.

Stacey: Which is?

Titus: A secret. I don't want to be giving my plans away.

Stacey: Is that us done?

Titus: Yes.

Titus walks off leaving Stacey.

Stacey: Good grief that was laborious.

Las Vegas, Nevada
Random Street
October 1st, 2013

Las Vegas, Nevada, Sin City. For everything that Keystone City stands for Vegas is the opposite. For every James Bond there's a Bloefeld, for every Batman there's a Joker, for every Luke Skywalker there's a Darth Vader and for every Keystone City there's a Las Vegas.

The blue collar capital or the city of sin: working hard or chancing it: justice or wrongdoing. We cut to Las Vegas, Nevada and darkness has fallen. The camera moves up a street, to the right is an alleyway. The camera turns to the right and goes up the back alley, a beaten man with a trail of blood is shown. An ambulance siren can be heard in the background. The camera focuses on the trail of blood rather than the body. In addition to the siren you can hear a man laughing out loud.

We got him good, eh Joey?

Damn rights Brah, he had $300 on him too, an iPhone and a sweet ass watch.

Whoa that's more than the last guy. It just makes me feel alive.

The camera turns round another back alley where the two men are next to a chicken wire fence looking at their loot. One of the men have a baseball bat in their hand. They look up towards the camera.

Well, well, well it looks like someone wants to join the party.

What's with the get up? Another wannabe I see.

The camera pulls back to reveal Red Mask stood there.

You made the wrong call there.

I believe that it was you who did that. Lets get him Kyle.

Joey and Kyle rush towards Red Mask who quickly steps to the side. He grabs Joey and throws him into a wall. The man is dazed as he falls back. Before he can even think Kyle swings the baseball bat but Red Mask ducks down. The bat hits the wall as Red Mask kicks the bat out of hid hands.

Kyle quickly punches our hero in the face who takes a step back tripping over the unconscious body of Joey. Our hero falls over smashing his head on the ground. The attacker strikes a few blows before a two footed kick to the midsection causes him to fly back into the chicken wire fence. He stands up.

There's no wannabe about this, I'm the real deal.

He takes his mask off and throws it to the floor, this allows Kyle to see that it is in fact Titus and not a copycat vigilante. He scurries up the chicken wire fence and runs off. A sigh as he turns around and steps over the body of Joey. Crash! Titus falls flat on his face having been tripped by the criminal. His head is now gushing of blood, a new mask of red covers his face.

Do you think I'm scared of an actor? A man who makes his living wrestling?

By this time the former world champion has pulled himself to his feet as has his foe. A left swing by the attacker is caught by the man from Keystone. A kick to the midsection as a Tit drop is delivered out of nowhere. Joey falls flat on the ground as our man drags his body to the chicken wire fence. He pulls out some handcuffs and attaches the man to them.

What are you?

This is followed by a spluttering cough.

I am evils worst nightmare.

This is more chaos than I have ever seen.

Another splutter is followed.

It's not chaos.

The camera focuses on Titus blood covered face as he pulls a cellphone from his pocket to notify the authorities.

It's Mayhem.

The scene fades to black.​

Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
Bilbao, Spain


Vega is holding Alexis hostage.

He is positioned behind her.

His left arm is firmly wrapped around her neck.

His right hand holds a silenced 9 millimeter pistol aimed at her right temple.

They are on the roof of the museum in the middle of the night.

Spain's police, the Cuerpo Nacional de Policía, is surrounding the building on all four sides. On three sides, they have dozens and dozens of cars and trucks, all with CNP officers right next to them with their weapons out. The fourth side is the Nervión river, and is is littered with CNP speed boats zooming up and down in each direction. Spotlights shine down on the roof from three CNP helicopters flying above. And finally, over a dozen CNP officers are on the roof standing in front of the door back in to the museum, all with their weapons drawn and aimed directly for Vega's head.

But his gun remains aimed at hers.

Vega's Penthouse
New York City
Early Afternoon, October 2nd. 2013


What the hell is this?

Vega stands at the entrance to his living room having just arrived home. In the middle of the room is Alexis, on the floor petting her chubby Terrier.

It's our new dog.


He takes a few slow steps towards Alexis and the dog.

He looks... old.

He's not old! He's only 8 years old.

8? That's not exactly young for a dog... but still, that thing twice that.

C'mon, Francis isn't that bad. He was run over by a car a couple of years back... but he's doing great.

You got a crippled dog... named Francis? Jesus... If you were getting a dog, why not something useful... like a Bloodhound or a Doberman. This thing looks like it needs to be taken out to the shed Old Yeller style.

Vega lifts his black shirt up slightly revealing his tucked Desert Eagle pistol by his right hip.

Don't you dare.

He simply smiles before lowering his shirt again. Alexis shakes her head as she continues.

I was walking by Union Square earlier today and saw this gathering in the park. The ASPCA were there with a bunch of dogs and cats just like Francis here.

A bunch of what... old crippled animals?

Ugh, no. Animals that have gone through serious injuries, or been abused in the past. Some are old, some are a little younger. I saw lil' Frankie here and he just looked up at me with those eyes and I just couldn't leave him!

You couldn't leave him, huh?

Alexis looks down at the dog and continues to pet him lovingly. Slowly, Vega approaches the two, and crouches down to get a closer look.

Look at it.

It's useless.

Useless? Stop being so mean.

It's broken... and used. It's best days are behind him.

What's the point of living if you've nowhere to go but down?

Vega reaches out with both hands and places them around Francis' little head.

Careful there.

A waste of oxygen. That's all he is. Living off the legend created in his past.


Vega tilts the dog's head up so that he could look into it's eyes.

I see the way you look at me.

Envious of what I am.

Envious, of what I could be.

Afraid... that I will.

What are you- he's just a dog.

You think you're the beacon.

You think you're the light.

Seriously... what?

Where there is light... there is darkness.

And in darkness, you will be free.

Vega begins squeezing the dog's head just enough to startle both it, and Alexis.

Vega, what are you doing?

He ignores her.

Vega, stop that!

She reaches down and grabs Vega's gun from his waist. She points it directly at the back of Vega's head.


The sound of her cocking back the gun's hammer jolts Vega back. He let's go of the dog and stands up straight. Vega slowly turns around and looks Alexis in the eyes.

A smile comes across his face.

I gotta go.

Later That Evening

We're back in Vega's living room. He is sitting on the floor playing with little Francis. The television is on in the background. Vega is smiling, as he continues to pet his dog. At this point we can hear the front door to the penthouse opening, and then being closed shut. In walks Alexis, who looks pleasantly surprised upon seeing this sight.

This is new.

Vega just shrugs.

It's nice to see you finally warming up to Francis. Maybe it'll help you snap out of this funk.

He looks up towards Alexis with a questioning expression on his face.


You know what I mean...

Vega lets out a single laugh under his breath as he cracks a sly smile.

Yeah... I know. I get it. Lately, I haven't really been myself. It's these losses. They're getting to me.

The losses?

Yeah. I know I won last week... but, it wasn't enough. Tag matches. I hate tag matches. Who wants to share their glory? Call me selfish, but-

Alexis interjects with an obvious tone of sarcasm in her voice.

You? Noooo.

Vega grins, appreciating the candor for a moment before he continues.

You can call me what you want as long as it's prefaced with "WZCW Mayhem Champion."

That's just it.

What's it?

It's not the losses, Vega.

What are you talking about?

You said it's the losses that have been getting to you...


You're wrong.

It's the title.

Vega furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

I don't follow.

The title, Vega... the Mayhem title. It's changed you.

When you first joined this company you're goal was to have it be no more than a side job. A hobby. Something to keep you from getting too bored with life. But, it all quickly changed when before I knew it, you were Mayhem Champion. You once told me if you'd ever become some kind of champion in WZCW that you'd be more likely to pawn the damn strap than defend it. But, instead you're clinging onto some broken plated rundown looking piece of gold more than the most precious jewels you've ever stolen.

I don't know what it is... there's something about it.. I just-

I've seen this title take what used to be the most calm and calculating man I've ever known and turned him into a neurotic, psychotic, obsessive human being. And worst of all, you've become weak.

Vega's eyes grow angry, as if he were just insulted.



What the hell are you talking about!? I've been damn near dominant! Just because I went on a two match losing streak, you're calling me weak!? There are people in this company that are receiving shots at titles for being on longer losing streaks than I've suffered. I just ended my longest ever "losing streak," at 2. I am the greatest Mayhem Champion of all time, just like I said I'd be over 10 months ago. I've elevated this title to heights it's never seen, just like I said I would over 10 months ago. The title which was once considered a joke is now desired by perhaps the most legendary wrestler in this company's history... and you dare call me weak?

Are you kidding me? Compared to the person you used to be? Hell yeah I'm calling you weak. It's funny... I've heard you rag on Titus for living off of his legend... living off of his past. His best days are behind him, right?

Damn right. His World Title reigns, his Lethal Lottery victory, even his four stupid Oscars... all accolades he needs people to remember in order for him to be adored, because he aint done shit for the fans lately.

Well what about the man you were in the past? Your past defines you as much as it does for him. Or at least, it should. It used to. I've seen you put bullets through peoples heads with a smile on your face. What you see out there, in that ring... it should be nothing for you. I mean, you're looking at these wrestlers... Barbosa, Showtime, Titus... you look at them as if they were some kind of Rubik's cube you can't solve. Seriously!? I've seen you get out of some of the dead to rights situations I could have ever imagined. You're the person who walked in and out of Interpol Headquarters in broad daylight. You're the person who purposefully got himself caught by the Colombian Guerrilla just to rescue me from captivity. And Jesus... remember that time in Bilbao!? My God, I'll never forget that one.

Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
Bilbao, Spain


Vega and Alexis are inside the dark museum wearing all black as the quietly walks down a shadowy corridor.

It should be in the next room.

Vega stops suddenly.

What's that noise?

What noise?

The sound of dozens of footsteps grows louder to the point that Vega doesn't even have to respond for Alexis to know what he was talking about.


We must have tripped off the silent alarm system.

I thought I disarmed it...

No time for that now... let's go.

They run down the corridor and turn right, until both of them hear footsteps coming from down that direction as well. They both about face and run the other way down the hall. It leads to a set of stairs leading up, which they have no choice but to take. It leads up to a door to the roof. They stop in front of it, hearing the footsteps getting closer and closer. The noise of the chopper blades spinning and police sirens blaring is audible through the door. Vega and Alexis know the place is surrounded. Alexis looks defeated as she looks down to the ground. Vega, however, doesn't hesitate. He looks over at Alexis and holds her by the head with his right hand.

Hey... look at me.

You trust me, right?

Vega pulls out his silenced 9mm pistol from his holster as the dozens of footsteps begin quickly making their way up the stairs.


Do you trust me?

Yeah, of course.

Good. Here's what we're gonna do.


The scene is mayhem.

The sounds sirens blaring, helicopter blades spinning, and CNP officers yelling in Spanish engulf the area. Above Vega and Alexis are the choppers flying overhead, the cars and trucks are outside the building on three sides and the speedboats are zooming up and down the river. Moments later, dozens of CNP officers file in through the open door with their weapons drawn, aimed directly for Vega. They look confused when they see him with a "hostage." Vega and Alexis inch their way backwards, away from the police officers and towards the edge of the building.

Vega can feel the edge of the museum by the heel of his boots. He takes a quick peak over his shoulder to see the black river over run by CNP speedboats. He looks above him and squints while the multiple helicopter spotlights shine down on him. Then he looks in front of him, at the dozens of guns pointed at his head.



On three.





This isn't gonna work!


Present Day


Vega cuts off Alexis mid-sentence with anger in his voice.

Don't you get it!? This isn't a situation where I can just shoot and kill my way out of, or run away and escape from. Trust me, there's nothing more I'd like to do sometimes than just put bullets into these peoples' heads... but this is a different world, Alexis. These are different enemies. All that stuff I did in the past? All the capers, the jobs, the hits I've executed... they all mean nothing now. Especially against this new tier of competition I've been up against lately. Nothing in my past has prepared me for this.

For as much as I loathe Titus for being a man living off of yesterday's glory... it is that glory that will always give him some kind of advantage over me. The ring savvy, the veteran presence... I know what they say, when he's good he's great but when he's bad... well, y'know. I don't care about that. It doesn't seem like the fans care. Doesn't seem like the company cares. So why should I?

He's everybody's hero.

He seems to keep finding himself in these scenarios where has has to be this shining light trying to shine down upon the shadows of WZCW. Didn't he learn his lesson with Chris K.O.? The saying "Bad Guys Always Die" just aint true anymore, Alexis. Look at me. I am evil, baby. The Mayhem Title hasn't changed me. I changed it. Before, it was held by future legends. Now, I made current ones desire it. And I did it by being pure evil.

But you aint seen nothing yet.

What do you mean?

I'm at a new level here now, Alexis. I'm not facing the middle of the pack talent anymore. If I'm to succeed, if I'm to thrive... I need t reach places I haven't reached before.

You? The man who tricked me into helping him kill his own father... needs to reach a new low?

Low? No, no... I'm only going up, kiddo.

Well, I've been by your side this whole time... whatever you do, I'm with you. You know I'll be there at "Redemption," raising hell right with you.

Oh, I know. Trust me, I know. Thing is... you might not like this new level of Vega you're about to see. Nobody will.

Vega stops petting Francis and slowly rises to his feet with a smile on his face.

Titus wants to be the light, the hope, the hero...

Well I will be his darkness... his misery...

He laughs to himself.

His villain.

Vega walks up t Alexis, leans in close, ans whispers into her ear...

Because I'm pure evil, baby.

Vega walks past Alexis. She stands there, confused, as we hear the front door open, and close shut as he leaves the penthouse. Alexis walks over to the dog and crouches down as the evening news begins in the background.

"Tonight's breaking news... a horrible discovery at the downtown animal shelter. Reports say that a volunteer from the ASPCA walked into the room where they keep a number of wounded dogs and cats waiting to be adopted. The sight, was something she'd never forget."

I walked in, and... I couldn't believe it. They were dead.

All of them.

Alexis looks up towards the television.

Police say there was no sign of forced entry.

The story continues, but it all seems like an inaudible noise after that. She feels her stomach sink, fearing what she already knows.

Dammit, Vega.

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