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Redemption: Austin Reynolds vs. Ricky Runn

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

One of the greatest tag teams in WZCW history will put the final nail in the coffin as the two members of the RRR Express will be facing off against each other in separate corners under one-on-one rules. Runn has been accused of not taking his career seriously by Reynolds and the Ratings Winner has gone back to his old ways and competing as a singles competitor. There is no turning back for either man and the only way to end this is by finally deciding which member of RRR was truly the better man. Will it be Runn or will it be Reynolds?

Deadline is Wednesday, July 25th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
A simple comic book convention is buzzing with activity. People from all over the country gather together and dress up as their favorite super-hero’s and just hang out and have fun. One of the main attractions is the amount of booths set up from comic book publishers, T.V shows, and video games that fill the halls. Despite the hazardous occupation and his dangerous hobbies, Ricky will always have a soft spot for the comic book conventions. It allowed him to dress up as a superhero and just blend in with other comic book fans. He wasn’t a wrestler, he wasn’t T.V star, the Daredevil was just another fan of the works of Marvel and DC.

But despite what Ricky may wear to this convention, he wasn’t feeling too super. Runn Reynolds Runn is over, it’s done, and things have reached a boiling point between perhaps the greatest tag team in company history. Runn Reynolds Runn shattered records and put the fans on their feet. They exorcised a curse that had been laid upon the tag team titles. They held the title longer than past great teams like the Full House Daves, and the Brothers in Arms. With Triple R as champions, the body of competition that was the Tag Team division started to thrive. Austin Reynolds before the tag team division was always a loner by nature. He worked hard for his career and himself. He was the first one to show up to training, and the last one to leave. And the fruit of his labors were tremendous, he became an Elite X champion and held the title longer than the likes of legends like Titus. He has had unforgettable feuds with the likes of Showtime, Constantine, and even Ty Burna. While Ricky’s career may be young, but he is on the right track to overtake his mentor and his former friend, Ricky won the tag team titles and shared the glory with perhaps a future hall of famer. He learned from the best, but now it is time to spread his wings and fly on his own.

At the convention, WZCW set up a large stand to promote their upcoming pay-per-view, Redemption. Even offering discounts for the show if they purchased it at the stand. They even promoted a question and answer session from one of their superstars. That superstar just happened to be in attendance. Ricky wore perhaps one of his favorite Superhero’s of all time. Gothom’s very own Robin, boy wonder. When Ricky’s translator, the question and answer session was about to start, but the staff running the stand were frantic in trying to find Ricky. They tried calling Ricky’s phone, but Ricky made sure to keep it turned off for now. After a while, the fans started to get restless. Ricky’s translator, Yuko walked out to the small stage that was set up. She was dressed up in her usual get up. She wore a white business dress with her black hair pulled into a bun, she wore her thin glasses and looked around the crowd nervously. She cleared her throat and spoke into the mic that was fixed before her.

“Um, ladies and gentlemen, sorry about the wait, but um we assume our mystery star is out and about enjoying himself at the convention. So if you…”

Yoko stopped speaking when the crowd began to boo and walk out. Ricky quickly made his way through the crowd and jumped up onto the stage. The crowd turned back around in surprise seeing the masked daredevil leap on the stage. Ricky waved to the crowd and removed the eye mask that Ricky was wearing and he shouted boldly.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the Daredevil is here!”

While Ricky embraced the fans, Yoko leaned up and whispered to Ricky.

“What were you thinking Ricky? You do know you are late for this thing, right?”

Ricky turned back around and whispered back to Yoko.

“Sorry, I was on my way here but I was caught off guard. Did you know they’re selling Batman comics half off to anyone wearing Batman related costumes?”

Yoko couldn’t help but smile and roll her eyes at Ricky and his youthful attitude. She walked off the stage and waited in the back. Ricky smiled and took the pedestal and said happily to the fans.

“Alright, alright, alright, I’m sorry about the wait folks! I was with Austin’s wife, Hayley look at some nice retirement homes for Austin after our match at Redemption!”

The crowd gasped and laughed at the joke. Ricky was only half serious however. He was upset with the terms that him and his old mentor were on. But it was too late for feeling bad and talking it over. The two were going to clash and raise all hell. Despite this, Ricky was going to plaster on a smile and let the crowd know he loved them.

“So guys, I’m here to answer some questions. Feel free to ask away. I will answer all and any of them. Fire away folks!”

Ricky looked through the crowd and spotted a fan in an old Runn Reynolds Runn shirt. Ricky couldn’t help but smile and point at him. A staff member of WZCW walked up to him and raised a mic to him. He smiled from ear to ear, no doubt because he got to ask the first question.

“So Ricky, I just wanna say. I’m a huge fan of yours. But, I’m also a huge fan of Austin Reynolds. You two share a similar style in the ring in that you both fly around the ring. While both of you share a similar style you are both wildly different. With those differences in mind, who would get the edge.”

Ricky listened to the question intently. He nodded his head as he leaned against the mic stand. Once the man was done with his question Ricky simply nodded and said with a smile.

“Well, that’s a good question my man. I wanna say my age and my health would give me the edge but man…Austin taught me everything and anything I know about this business. And I know without a doubt he still has plenty more of knowledge he didn’t share with me. Austin has been a part of this business much longer than I have been, and maybe ever will. He has all the smarts and all the ability to use any part of the ring as a weapon. If I want to beat him, I will need to outsmart him. Next question.”

Ricky looked around the crowd and pointed out a fan in a full Saboteur outfit. Ricky couldn’t help but smile at how popular the yellow cladded psychopath was at these things. The staff member moved around till he finally got to the man as he asked.

“Ricky, man I knew that you were destined for great things since you debuted on Ascension with my man Sabouter! I marked out hard when you knocked out Scumm. Know that you and Reynolds are no longer a team. What’s next for you? What do you think about your career as a singles star?”

Ricky once again listened to the question. Ricky sighed at the thought of being on his own. He knew that one day Austin and Ricky were no longer going to be a team. But he always thought Austin would have his back. Ricky shook his feet and answered the question.

“Well dude, I honestly don’t know what’s next for me. I would like to think after everything is settled with Austin. I will be making a return to singles action. I’m hoping that after the months with working with one of the best talents in the world with Austin I will be ready for bigger and better things. I want to start making my own name for myself. I don’t want to have Runn Reynolds Runn mean the end of my career…I want it to be the beginning to something bigger than my current accomplishments. Something even bigger than Austin’s career, and if that something is winning the World title…Well Showtime, you better be ready for the Daredevil, because I’m going to be gunning for that title.”

The fan held up his thumbs smiling before Ricky began looking for another person to point out. Ricky looked around and pointed out a geeky looking girl who was wearing a Harley Quinn costume. She was quickly estatic by Ricky pointing at her and wanting to answer her question. As soon as the mic man finally made his way to the girl and she asked.

“Ricky Runn! Oh my god this is soo cool! Oh, well anyways. I know you know Austin better than anyone else. But Austin can say the same thing about you. This may be on the nose and all. But do you think you can beat him? I’ll be rooting for yeah! Woo!”

Ricky couldn’t help but chuckle a bit at the girls energy. Ricky popped his fingers and took in a deep breath.

“Well Harley…I wouldn’t have challenged Austin to this match if I didn’t believe that I could beat him. But despite his experience, accomplishments, and his ability to fly around the ring as fast as I can I do not have a doubt in my mind that I will beat him. I have something that you can’t teach to your tag team partner, I have that something that you are born with, I have that something that make men into legends. That something…”

Ricky smiled and pointed to his heart and tapped his chest a couple times and continued.

“Austin may be tough. He may be good, and he may be smart. But he doesn’t have that energy to keep going. He doesn’t have the voice in his head to keep going when he has absolutely no reason to. He doesn’t works hard but when the work gets harder he doesn’t have it in him to get tougher…” Ricky then looked down at the floor of the stage and continued. “That’s why we were such a great team. I was that nudge in his shoulder that told him he wasn’t done just yet. Hell, Austin might have carried me for a long time, but I was the adrenaline, I was the jumpstart to his system, I was the daredevil on his shoulder that shouted. Why the hell not? It’s going to be fun! I’m upset with what has happened between Austin and I, but I can’t change any of that. What I can do is control the future. Like Austin has told me plenty of times, I am the future of this company. What happens next is what I make of it, and I want to prove that the student will surpass the master. And the student will become a bigger star than his teacher…Because you know what they say. Those who do, do, and those who can’t, teach. I’m done. Take care everyone and make sure you tune into Redemption!”

Ricky then stood away from the mic and waved to the fans with a smile before walking out of the convention building in a rather urgent hurry. Ricky rested his head against the wall and sighed sadly. He shook his head. His mind was in distress. Suddenly, Ricky’s friend, and translator Yoko walked up and said softly.

“Ricky…Ricky are you okay? You walked off in a hurry…Is everything okay?”

Ricky looked over to Yoko, the smile that he wore at the convention was long gone and was replaced by a stoic look. Ricky wiped his face and said to Yoko.

“I’m putting up a huge game Yoko…I’m talking a lot and my mouth is writing a giant check against Austin…I just don’t know what would happen if I don’t beat him…” Ricky sighed and said to himself. “If I can’t beat him…”

Yoko tilted her head in concern and walked towards Ricky, she rested against the wall beside him and said softly.

“You are a strange, strange man Ricky…You are perhaps the most confident man I’ve ever known. But lately with all this business with Austin…You’ve been doubting yourself…You shouldn’t doubt yourself.”

Ricky looked over to Yoko and said softly.

“Why’s that?”

Yoko smiled and said warmly.

“Because the Ricky I’ve met wouldn’t be afraid of any challenge, no matter how big. The Ricky I know would take the challenge and then ask for more. The Ricky I know would believe in himself, no matter how many people would tell him not to…You can beat Austin. I know you can. And for Pete’s sake, you’re no Robin…You’re Nightwing.”

Ricky’s smile began to creak onto his face from Yoko’s words. Ricky simply nodded his head and said with cautious optimism.

“You’re right Yoko…You’re absolutely right. Win or lose…I’m going to give Austin everything and the kitchen sink. He is going to have to pull out all the stops if he wants to shut me up. Both of us have nothing to lose. Redemption we are going to steal the show.”
Ricky gets back up quickly and sees his potential advantage. He stands behind Rogers and hits the Ricky Runndown!!! Rogers collapses but Ricky doesn’t go for the cover, he motions to the ropes and slaps the turnbuckle. The crowd react loudly and Ricky makes his way to the top rope. He doesn’t see Showtime reach in and he slyly tags himself in. Ricky flips himself off the turnbuckle with the R&R but Showtime drags Stan Rogers out of the ring! Ricky gets nothing but mat and the impacts send shockwaves of pain through his leg and spine!

“Big miss for Ricky Runn who got nothing but mat”


Showtime looks at Rogers who is in pain and stunned by his partners actions but quickly he looks back at the ring and sees Ricky incapacitated. A devious grin sneaks across his face. He gets in the ring and puts Runn in the Commercial Break! Ricky desperately tries to reach the ropes but Showtime pulls him away towards the centre of the ring. He has no choice but to tap out!!

“What a gutsy fight Ricky has put up but it ends in painful defeat.”

“Your winner by submission, the WZCW Tag Team Champions, Showtime David Cougar and Stan Rogers, STANTIME!!!”

“In the end it was the experience of David Cougar that ultimately put paid to Ricky in this one.”

Cougar refuses to relinquish the hold despite Ricky’s tremendous screaming. The ref tries and fails to break the hold. Stan comes in and tries to stop it but only after everyone gets involved does Showtime break his hold. Ricky curls into a tight ball in order to protect himself further as he is protected by a crowd of referees.

“This is why I love David Cougar. He does what he wants, when he wants.”

Showtime demands a microphone from ringside as well as both the tag titles.

“Stanley, Stanley, Stanley...there is nothing I would like more than to give you one of these prestigious titles. But I want you to earn them. I am holding these back from you because I want you to seize them and truly become the star that you have always wanted to be.”

Rogers looks intrigued by Cougar’s words. It’s unclear by looking at him whether he buys into what Cougar is saying or not.

“Powerbomb this....this child. End him and I will give you one half of these titles. Because then you will have earnt it my friend.”

Rogers smiles and nods. He points at the titles and slowly he steps towards Runn who is barely showing signs of life. Rogers grabs Ricky by the hair and puts him in position for the powerbomb.

“This isn’t fair! Don’t do it Stan! Don’t wreck this kids career!”

At that moment,

“The Ratings Winner is here!”

Austin Reynolds sprints down the entrance ramp and slides into the ring. With all of his momentum, he tackles Showtime so hard that ends up out of the ring. In the fuss, Rogers has abandoned his finisher and rolled away from the ring. Reynolds yells fiercely in Showtime’s direction as the champ scarpers up the ramp with both belts.

“Stantime have scarpered!”

“Austin Reynolds has no need to be here tonight!”

“But I am sure glad he is and I bet Ricky Runn is too.”

Reynolds looks back at Runn who is barely able to move and goes to console his courageous young friend. Reynolds is very cautious and keeps on looking around as he expects Cougar to come back at any second. Cougar seethes at the top of the ramp and Austin spies him and points in his direction.

“The Ratings Winner and Showtime have a storied history.”

“Reynolds keeps on poking his nose in his business.”

“But maybe, just maybe, we are going to see another chapter in this incredible rivalry.”
Austin Reynolds has been battered and bruised in recent weeks. In addition to brawling with his former tag partner and being goaded by the young man, Austin is in the midst of another losing streak; a reign that includes the loss of the World Tag Team Championships after a record breaking run that stretched from All or Nothing to Kingdom Come. Austin’s career has reached another cross-road, or was it a dead end this time?

On this day, Austin is not in a good mood, as far as it can be from good. If it wasn’t for what remained of his dashing good looks, then one could easily mistake Austin for a grumpy old aged pensioner. Even being in London, his home city, has not raised his spirits. Fortunately Austin has not come across many people on this particular visit because there are not many people in this area of the city. With no-one for a quarter-mile in any direction, Austin limps heavily as he approaches an old building that is dilapidated and abandoned. Much like the building, Austin is alone and looks like he has seen much better days as he is particularly hunched over. The superstar looks up and shivers as an icy wind blows by.

“God this place turned into a dump.” He sighs as he brings his jacket collar close. He walks inside, after dragging a reluctant door off its rusty hinges to get access. “Damn, I should have stayed outside.”

There is damage everywhere, roofing has been blown away by the weather, left unfixed and allowed to get worse. Windows have not escaped unharmed, either damaged by Mother Nature or vandalism. Over the years, birds have nested in what is left of the ceiling. The building is practically a shell. But Austin is drawn to one familiar structure in the very centre of the structure. He walks up to it and pulls on the middle of three ropes. The satisfyingly familiar tension still exists within the cable.

“Mista Reynolds, you’re a difficult man to pin daan!”

Austin is pulled out of his daydream suddenly.

“And who are you?” The harsh London accent of this intruder would be offensive to an American but Austin tunes that out. Still the unexpectedly disturbance draws a stinging and defensive reply.

“I’m someone who is very interested in acquiring your services. A man of your considerable skills needs adequate representation! Peter Byzantin. I’ve taken quite significant time and effort to find you!” The obnoxious man offers his fat fingers for a handshake which Austin accepts begrudgingly.

“Mr....Byzantin....I’m covered thank you. Here, if you want to book an interview, you can get hold of Dominic Kay in Chicago. He’ll handle it.”

“Actually, I’ve been made aware that Mr Kay and you are looking part ways. I’m here to attain your services Austin. You have potential to be a major star outside of wrestling. You’ve come a long way since you started your career, here of all places.”

Austin hands him a business card but Byzantin rejects it.

“You’ve done your research Peter.”

“I don’t half-ass my business dealings Mr Reynolds. I know plenty about you. I know you trained here, that you picked up everything naturally. According to your trainers, you were gutsy and could fly like a bird. You were a prodigious standout talent and you had your pick of companies when you moved to the States. But above all, you were desperate to prove yourself as the real deal.”

Austin considers Byzantins’ compliments and only one thought occupies his mind.

I knew someone like that.

“Showtime” screams at him to do something, but Rogers moves towards him and shrugs, allowing Runn a few moments to recover. He crawls towards his partner, desperate to escape from the champions. “Showtime” points and yells that Runn is moving to Reynolds. Rogers is confused and as such, “Showtime” finds it necessary to tag himself in. Reynolds and Runn are close to tagging.

Cohen: Is Rogers really that dense that he hasn’t noticed Runn?

Cougar is in, but it’s too late and Reynolds is now legally a part of the match. “Showtime” attempts to back off, but Reynolds smashes him with a leg lariat. Rogers attempts to get involved, but Reynolds executes a monkey flip. Austin unloads a discus lariat on Cougar, knocking him down. He kicks him right in the gut, preparing for a Ratings Killer! But it doesn’t come to fruition as Rogers batters into Reynolds with a shoulder block. He looks to go after Reynolds more, but takes a drop-toe-hold and a kick to the gut for his troubles. He then turns his attention to Cougar, hitting Five Star on his old foe! He signals it’s all over and sets up for the Ratings Killer, but Ricky tags himself in!

Connor: What is young Ricky Runn thinking here?

Cohen: He’s not, that’s the point.

Reynolds looks at Ricky with confusion as Roger comes from behind to clatter Ricky into Reynolds. They bash skulls as Austin spills out of the ring. Ricky is in real pain and will be in even more as he takes a devastating Powerbomb from Rogers! “Showtime” slowly crawls on top of Runn for 1...2...3!

Anderson: Here are your winners, and STILL WZCW World Tag Team Champions; STANTIME!

The referee presents Rogers with the belts, only to have them both snatched out of his hands by “Showtime”. Rogers retreats as Cougar clutches the straps to his chest. Meanwhile, Reynolds has begun to stir and as he can hear Ladies & gentlemen, he can only assume the worst. Disappointment is painted on his face as Runn lies motionless in the ring.

Connor: Miscommunication was the downfall of the challengers tonight, but the champions too suffered from some of that tonight.

Cohen: Yes, but who are the champions, and who are the losers?

Reynolds goes to roll back into the ring but Showtime sprints towards him. He grabs Reynolds and shoves him head-first into the ring post then he whips him into the ring steps! The metal steps bang loudly as Reynolds collides with it, his right knee strikes the hard metal first. Reynolds is left screaming in absolute agony!

"Runn Reynolds Runn may be the briefest tag team in history, HA!"

"This isn't fair!"

Rogers comes back down and asks Cougar what he is up to. Showtime ignores him and goes to lock in the Commercial Break but Rogers stops him. Cougar is pissed but tries to grab Austin's legs again. Rogers forcefully pulls him away now and Cougar punches him in the jaw.

"Great job by Stan Rogers!"

"What a klutz, does he not realise that Cougar was just taking care of business?"

Rogers barely reacts and with anger coming off his face, Cougar scarpers up the ramp with both belts in hand. He seems to be concerned with how Rogers has reacted as he leaves quickly.
The formation of the tandem known as Runn Reynolds Runn in the face of a fierce adversary was a pleasant memory.

“Am I supposed to be impressed Mr Byzantin?”

“And I know that you haven’t filled half your potential while in WZCW.”

Austin dismisses him with a shake of the head.

“So far, I know you’re an agent and you can go on an internet forum. Big fricking deal.”

“You’re not stupid Austin. You know that you have appeal beyond wrestling and you cannot do this forever.”

“Why would I want to do it forever?”

Byzantin takes a large step towards Austin, embracing him with a lumbering arm over his shoulders.


“Why should I wreck my body for fans who don’t appreciate it or for talent who doesn’t know how serious they need to be to reach their potential and be truly entertaining.”

Peter grins as Austin’s frustration boil over. Another cold wind blusters through the broken building.

“This is what I am offering you! I want to be the one to offer you this life; you can be a massive star away from wrestling!”

“Away from wrestling?”

“Austin, I have studios lining up ready to sign you up and offer you pretty much any role you want. I’ve got companies wanting you to be the face of their products.”

Reynolds looks pensive. Life away from the ring was not something that Austin had ever seriously considered. He didn’t need to. Even with retirement looming, it wasn’t something worth thinking about.

“You don’t have to risk your neck anymore to tag with an ungrateful rookie who uses you to keep his job but puts you through hell to do it. You don’t need to face anymore jealous superstars who are taking your spot in the main events. You will be better off without wrestling. You are absolutely more marketable than one guy as one half as a team.”

A sceptical look remains on Austins’ face. He looks around as if seeking clarity from the surroundings where his young career had flourished.

“Austin, I’m willing to pump some serious cash behind you. And above all, we can make it work. You have been a success in everything you have tried your hand at. It’s time for you to be the man to represent us in our field now.”

Something in his relentless sales spiel triggers some doubt in Austins’ mind.


“You won’t have to carry anyone, no old names who should have retired years ago and no monkeys who have no business in the same ring as you.”

There was something that jumped out at Austin; it didn’t seem possible that this fat-cat agent wasn’t who he said he was. Austin had been especially judgemental recently and something about this guy had caused Austin to be suspicious.

“I said stop Mr Byzantin.”


“I want to know who is behind you? Who is funding you, your organisation?”

All pleasantries had been thrown out of the windows and the pair stands at odds.

“I take offense Mr Reynolds and I don’t like what you are intimating.”

Austin smiles, with a sly and knowing smirk on his face.

“I’m not intimating. I don’t do hints. I’m flat out telling you that I don’t believe you are the one making me this offer. Who are you fronting for?”

Byzantin goes to react but stops suddenly. Austin turns his head quizzically, wondering why Byzantin is so short for words. A third man enters, a slimy snake of a figure creeps quietly behind Austin. The tension is cranked up further as The Ratings Winner spies the intruder and recognises his pallid features instantly.

“Calm down Austin, you’ll hurt yourself, hardly good news for someone in your state. You are quite delicate and that will be precarious ahead of your match with the pretentious acrobat.”

The crowd is buzzing as we set up for the next match, showing some shots of people holding up some signs before the camera focuses on the announcers.

Copeland: Before we begin the next match, we'd like to make sure that everyone at home understands these obscure rules that are about to be enforced. Basically, the only way to win is via submission or disqualification.

Cohen: Whilst it is an ingenious concept implemented by the defending champs, I would honestly hate to be wrestling in a match where disqualification is an easy victory. Anything that can constitute for a DQ normally in matches are an instant offense and lose of match: eye gouging, illegal shots like closed fists or below the belt hits... even saying the Lord's name in vein could get you in trouble.

Copeland: Definitely not the type of match you'd catch yourself wrestling. Even using aid such as the ring ropes and having both members in the ring at the same time are grounds for disqualification. Speaking about two partners though, if the legal man decides to leave the ring then his partner may enter to become the legal man. So both teams are allowed to switch as well as tag: just as long as only one man is in the ring from each time at a time.

Connor: Despite the harsh rules, there are a couple of things to note: Rope break doesn't exist so any submission locked in must be broken via escape or reversal; as well as all foreign objects must be checked by the appointed referee... there is nothing about usage of the approved weapons in the fine print so we'll have to see how that pans out.

We switch back to Truman Harrys ready in the ring to begin the next match with a piece of parchment in his hands and the WZCW official standing on the outside of the ring. He begins to read the text.

Harrys: The following match will be fought under All England rules for tag team competition as laid down by Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick and it will contest the WZCW Tag Team Championships.


The crowd boos loudly as Susumu walks out first with Takahiro wearing a WZCW referee shirt by his side, stopping on the stage so Susumu can showcase his title. Stark brushes past him and continues down the stage with Susumu and Takahiro following.

Harrys: Introducing first, being accompanied by the certified referee for this match, Takahiro, at a combined weight of 385 pounds, they are the WZCW Tag Team Champions; Alexander Stark and Hiraku Susumu... MIND OVER MATTER!

MOM enter the ring and stand their ground firmly in the middle as Takahiro examines the enter ring set up, including what is under the ring and around ringside that could be used as weapons. Takahiro pulls out the remaining kendo sticks and trash can lids from the Mayhem match, telling the other official to remove them. He does so and Takahiro gives the nod of approval for foreign objects. He gets into the ring where Hiraku starts giving advice to him, prompting Stark to begin a small argument over the advice.


The crowd cheers loudly as both men explode from behind the curtain and get the crowd riled up. They spread their arms out before both men run down to the ring, sliding underneath the bottom rope... forcing MOM to clear the ring.

Harrys: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 390 pounds; Austin Reynolds and Ricky Runn... RUNN REYNOLDS RUNN!

Copeland: This is definitely going to be the fight of their lives tonight. Ricky and Austin are forced to abandoned their signature style of wrestling and compete against under MOM's style.

Connor: And with the main official as a man affiliated with Hiraku, I don't see them winning the titles tonight.

Cohen: That's the spirit, CC.

Reynolds and Runn wait in the ring for MOM on the outside as they discuss strategy. They take off their championship belts and leave them laying across the announcer's table as Susumu gets into the ring with Stark staying on the apron. Takahiro goes over to RRR and forces one of them to leave immediately or suffer disqualification. Reynolds tells Runn he has this and he gets on the apron. Takahiro rings the bell immediately.

Susumu and Reynolds circle each other around the ring before they lock up in the center. Susumu twists the arm of Reynolds and yanks it down into an arm wrench, forcing Reynolds to a knee for a moment. He uses an elbow before another wrench. Reynolds goes to run back and use the ropes to whip Susumu off them but remembers the rules and cancels that idea. He instead untwists the arm of Susumu and puts him in a headlock, followed by a takedown. Reynolds keeps the pressure on as Susumu tries to find a way out of the hold. He eventually gets back to his feet and goes to deliver a back suplex but Reynolds flips behind him. Susumu turns around is met with a dropsault by Reynolds. The crowd cheers at the move as Susumu quickly rolls of the ring, prompting Stark to enter. Takahiro approves the switch as Stark grabs Reynolds before he has a chance to get up and hits a belly to belly suplex, sending Reynolds to the bottom rope. Stark follows Reynolds but at the last second, he slips out of the ring with Runn coming in. The WZCW official recognizes the switch and Runn bolts at a off-guard Stark to hit a flip kick. Stark is a little dazed by this as Runn hits a snapmare on Stark, following up with a dropkick to his face. Runn locks in a simple sleeper hold to try and keep Stark down. It doesn't last long as Stark gets to his feet and hits some elbows to the stomach of Runn, forcing him to let go. Stark hits a European uppercut for good measure before he hits a backbreaker on Runn, keeping Runn on his knee to put pressure on his back as a submission. Runn sees how close he is to the ropes that would normally break the hold but he has to fight his way, using multiple kicks to smack Stark across the head. Stark drops Runn to the ground and shakes off the cobwebs by tagging and leaving the ring as Susumu hops in. Susumu goes over to the kneeling Runn to grab him but Runn responds with a quick spinebuster of his own.

Connor: Both team adhering to the rules thus far and no team establishing any sort of momentum.

Cohen: Ricky and Austin can't keep playing their game for too much longer. Sooner or later they'll make a mistake.

Runn has gotten to his feet and waits for Susumu. He tries to boot him in the chest but Susumu catches Runn's leg, transitioning into an enzuigiri shot. Susumu falls to his knees as Runn gets behind to create some distance before running at Susumu to hit a facebuster. Austin is cheering from the apron as Runn slaps on a front headlock to keep Susumu grounded. Takahiro doesn't bother checking on Susumu to see if he wants to submit despite how long they've been on the ground, forcing the WZCW official on the outside to get in and ask Susumu. He says no and slowly begins to get to his feet. As the ref turns back to get back to the outside, Susumu rakes the eyes of Runn right in front of Takahiro. The crowd boos as Takahiro does nothing about it with Reynolds shouting from the apron. The WZCW official notices the shouting as he gets on the outside and tells Reynolds he will be warned if uses direct language. Whilst this keeps the official busy, Stark quickly enters and the two perform a Samoan drop/swinging neckbreaker combination with Stark quickly exiting afterwards. Susumu locks in a cloverleaf as Reynolds tells the ref to keep his eyes on the action. Takahiro immediately gives Reynolds a warning on the subject who wants to argue but keeps his lips shut.

Copeland: I didn't put it past MOM to assign a crooked official for this match. He just let Stark and Susumu use two illegal moves that can disqualify them immediately yet Reynolds talking gets them a warning?

Cohen: It is up to the discretion of the referee's as to how severe the rule-breaking is and I trust Takahiro's judgment.

Copeland: But they used a tag team move in his vision. They are strictly banned: automatic disqualification.

Runn is still in the cloverleaf but has crawled towards the ropes. Takahiro tells him a rope break doesn't count but Runn continues through the ropes. The angle at which Susumu has to hold Runn is too awkward and drops Runn, who falls to the outside. Reynolds immediately jumps in and Susumu runs at him with a clothesline but Reynolds times it correctly to hit a lungblower. Susumu is out of breath and moves back to catch it with Reynolds hitting a discus lariat on Susumu. He tries rolling to the outside of the ring but Reynolds decides to beat him out. Stark sees this and drops from the apron, trying a sneak attack. He attacks Reynolds from behind with a lariat. Susumu is slow to his feet and goes over to help Stark but Runn is up and prevents Susumu from helping by springboarding off the apron and hitting a corkscrew attack on Susumu. Takahiro goes to call the warning on Runn but the other official waves it off, saying it is completely legal. Runn clutches Stark's stomach and pulls him off Reynolds. Stark runs at Runn and tries for an attack but he catches Stark with a RickyRana, whipping him near Susumu. The two men try getting up as Runn enters the ring, riling up the crowd whilst he moves back as far as he can without touching the ropes. He runs towards the ropes nearest MOM and hits an over the top rope dive, clearing the ropes easily, and hitting MOM. The crowd goes wild as all three men crash. Takahiro goes to make the disqualification but the official enters the ring, explaining to Takahiro that Runn didn't break any of the rules. The two argue in the ring before the official waves it all off and exits the ring, leaving Takahiro frustrated.

Cohen: Why aren't Reynolds and Runn disqualified yet? Runn just used the ropes to gain elevation over their opponents! That's an instant DQ.

Connor: So is double-teaming but that wasn't called. Besides, all I saw was Runn diving high into the air to land on MOM. I didn't see any ropes being used.

Reynolds is finally on his feet and goes over to the bodies to pick up Runn, asking each other if they are okay. He tells Runn to keep an eye on the two men as he goes over to the official, asking if everything around ringside has been cleared for use as a weapon. The official responds with a yes as Reynolds tears off the refs belt, who is very confused and shocked at Reynolds. He goes back to MOM with the intentions of using the belt but Takahiro exits the ring and stops Reynolds, telling him he will be disqualified for using an illegal object. Takahiro strips Reynolds of the belt and says next time he will disqualify him. As Takahiro gives the ref's belt back, Reynolds goes around ringside and grabs two steel chairs from the time-keeper's area. Takahiro again tries to stop him but Reynolds goes around him, chucking one of the chairs to Runn. The crowd cheers as the two begin hitting Susumu and Stark with the chairs, causing them immense pain. Takahiro goes to call for the match but the official again stops him from making the call. The two argue until Takahiro takes out the other official, leaving him on the floor. Takahiro smiles as the crowd boos at what's happened. He goes over to Reynolds and takes the chair off him, saying that they are illegal now and there is no-one to stop them. Runn and Reynolds stop their attack, allowing the chance for Stark and Susumu to simultaneously low-blow both men. They drop to the ground as Stark and Susumu slowly get to their feet. Takahiro gives Susumu a chair as Stark picks up the other one and begin wailing on Reynolds and Runn.

Copeland: Now this is completely unfair. This match only has one official and he just handed MOM weapons he deemed illegal. How are Reynolds and Runn supposed to win this thing now?

They continue the shots for some time until Reynolds and Runn are almost out from the pain. Susumu and Stark pick up and drag Runn back into the ring, leaving Reynolds on the outside. The two men get into the ring together and put together the Antimatter Lock. Runn is too weak and unable to counter the move from the pressure is goes to make the tap with Takahiro ready to call the submission. Suddenly, another referee begins running down the ramp and slides into the ring. He tells MOM to stop the submission or they risk disqualification. The crowd cheers as they immediately let go of the hold and the new ref gives them a warning about being in the ring together. Stark, being closest to the ropes, quickly exits the ring and the two are irate. The ref goes up to Takahiro and tells him if he is biased again, he has orders that he can disqualify MOM for cheating. The crowd cheers as all three men are completely livid, trying to argue with the new ref. During this time, Reynolds is up on the outside and drags Runn out of the ring so he can enter.

Connor: I didn't think this would last long. You can't expect to hit an official without someone doing something about it. I'm surprised Takahiro hasn't been fined.

Reynolds comes in and shoulder barges Susumu, causing him to stumble towards the ropes. Reynolds quickly whips Susumu across the ring, which he reverses and whips Reynolds. Reynolds comes back and hits a leg lariat on Susumu, building some steam. Reynolds goes for another dropsault on Susumu but he evades the damage. He goes over to Reynolds and tries picking him up but Reynolds kips-up and hits a hurricanrana. Susumu tries to stop Reynolds after he gets up from the move but Reynolds hits the Millions and Millions. Reynolds gets the crowd going who are cheering loudly as Susumu is struggling to get up. Reynolds sets up and is about to hit the Ratings Killer but stares at Stark first, daring him to come save his partner. Stark sees the new ref watching and can't do anything, except he drops down and goes after the recovering Runn, attacking him from behind. Reynolds quickly leaves the ring to defend Runn but Stark gets to Reynolds first with a spinning heel kick that temporarily knocks out Reynolds. Stark quickly rolls Runn into the ring, making him the legal man and pulls out Susumu so he can make himself legal. Stark smiles at how smart he is and taunts the fans who boo him before slowly picking up Runn. He sets him up for the IQ Drop but at the last second, Runn reverses with an arm drag to Stark. He is shocked and tries to shut down Runn but he is up first and evades the attack, going behind Stark to hit the Ricky Runndown. The crowd goes wild as Stark clutches his back. Reynolds yells at Runn from the outside, who has recovered, to use his move. Runn nods and borrows Reynolds Liontamer move, wrenching the back of Stark. Susumu tries to save Stark but Reynolds prevents him on the outside, stopping all he can. Stark can hold on no longer and begins to tap.

Cohen: NO! Don't ring the bell Takahiro!

The referee recognizes the submission and glares over at Takahiro to approve... he hesitates but has no choice to ring the bell.

The crowd goes wild as Runn lets go of the submission hold and drops his knees from exhaustion. Susumu is visibly upset with the loss as Reynolds lets go of him to join Ricky in the ring. Susumu drops to the ground on the outside, not believing what he just saw. The two men are awarded the belts and the referee holds their hands high.

Harrys: Here are your winners and the NEW WZCW Tag Team Champions; RUNN REYNOLDS RUNN!

Copeland: They've done it! Austin and Ricky beat the odds and defeated MOM at their own game. What an achievement.

Cohen: Mind over Matter would have had this match won if it wasn't for that new referee!

Connor: If it wasn't for Takahiro acting out and being so biased, this wouldn't have happened.
“Alex Stark.”

The former WZCW Tag Team Champion saunters in front of Austin. He dismisses Byzantin with a quiet wave of his hand and the fraud walks away, exiting quietly than he had been at any point. Stark is as smug as ever and Austin wears a disgusted sneer.

“It’s Alexander you unsocial ingrate and it’s Mr Stark to you.”

“So it was you all along behind this ridiculous venture?”

Stark adopts a pose not unlike that of a praying mantis, his eyes bore a hole into Austin but Reynolds is unrelenting, facing him with crossed arms.

“It’s far from ridiculous. A man like me needs to have fingers in many pies so to speak. In short, I have an entertainment venture and I see value in adding you to the talent pool.”

“So this is what you do now? You leave WZCW in disgrace after my “so-called monkey” makes you tap out and you are now want to make money from me? That’s rich Stark.”

“No I’m rich Austin and extremely smart. Don’t lose sight of that. I know money talks and I’m willing to lay a pretty significant amount of cash at your feet because I know exactly what you could achieve with my financial and corporate backing.”

Austin shakes his head in pure disbelief as Stark’s ever-famous self-opinion comes to the fore.

“God you are slimy. Why on earth would I want to work with you?”

“This is a win win situation. Put your pride and ego to one side and think about the benefits. If you work for me, then I can put you on the mainstream level of a David Cougar.”

The confidence that Stark places in his offer and putting a rival of Austin at the forefront is fully designed to tempt Austin.

“I am on his level.”

“Oh I must be going blind because I can’t see your World Heavyweight Championship. And your talk show must be on a channel I can’t get at home.”

Austin turns away, disgusted that Stark has baited him so easily. Coming here was supposed to be about considering his future but Stark’s appearance had made him feel trapped. He limps a few steps, unable to look Stark in the eye. Instead he looks around the wrecked structure that meant so much to him but has fallen down around him.

“This is one brilliant recruiting strategy Alex.”

Austin bites back with sarcasm, a naturally defensive tactic but Stark brushes it off with his trademark confidence.

“I could go on and tell you how good you are Austin and how much I’d value your talents.”

“Neither of us want to hear you pretend to be nice. You spin so much deceit that I can’t buy you being sincere.”

Stark wears a devious, knowing smirk and looks like a man who knows what is needed to seal a deal.

“The offer is on the table Austin. I’m not going to stick around for you to chew it over. You clearly need to figure out your intentions. I came here with the understanding that you were looking forward to retiring after your last match. I came here looking to offer you an instant way back into the entertainment world. But maybe you don’t know what you want to do.”

“You mean the situation with my neck.”

“That is correct. I’ve seen the report and the prognosis without immediate surgery is dire.”

Stark confirms this dire news with a smile; Schadenfreude.

“So you know Redemption is the last match I can really have.”

“Mr Reynolds, my medical experts have questioned your sanity by having three matches after Kingdom Come. I simply thought that by coming to offer you a career that you could enjoy a simple transition.”

Austin knows Stark holds a key advantage and is in a position of some power in his pursuit of Austin.

“Well I still have one great match left in me. That’s what Redemption is going to be.”

“I doubt that. I could punch you right here and now paralyse you. The monkey doesn’t get his match and you end your career on an all-time low point.”

Once again Stark revels in showing his conniving and villainous nature but Austin steps up to face him.

“Try it.”

The two old foes square up. Austin is defiant and Stark screws up his nose in the face of it before Stark steps back.

“I’d much rather see you embarrass yourself on pay-per-view. After all, you have to survive a flip-flopping contest with the monkey.”

“There’s one reason why the match with Ricky is happening. I have to show him that he cannot continue his career unless he takes it seriously. If he does then he can be a megastar. Better than you or me. Hell as good as Cougar even.”

Stark shakes his head. Despite everything, Austin is resolved to stand up for Ricky, to Stark at least.

“Sure, that’s admirable Austin but you make one mistake; sympathy. You consider Runn to be on your level when in reality he is nowhere near as good as you have ever been. It’s sad to see you caged behind this veil of respect for him.”

Stark walks away, disappointed with how weak Reynolds is. Austin keeps him pinned in his sights until he gets close to the door. He shouts back to him and Stark turns around lackadaisically.

“There’s something else to it though but I’d never expect you of all people to understand. I want to thank him in the best way I know how. He has saved my career by getting me to a place I didn’t think I could get to. Ricky and I were immensely successful when nobody expected anything from us. He deserves to be in that ring with me as we kiss that chapter of our lives goodbye. We are going to do it just as we started, together in the same ring.

Harrys: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the WZCW Tag Team Championships!


Overlast and Hammond walk out together and stand at the top of the ramp, giving disapproving glares to the crowd booing them. They walk down the ramp slowly looking straight ahead at the ring before going up the steps and getting in the ring. They ascend the turnbuckles opposite to each other and raise their hands in the air, looking out into the crowd.

Harrys: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 520 lbs, Scott Hammond and Mick Overlast, Sons of Destiny!


The crowd pops loudly as Ricky Runn appears first on the stage and is jumping around in excitement. Austin Reynolds appears not far behind and taps Ricky on the shoulder. The two remove their tag team belts from their waist and raise them to loud cheers.

Harrys: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 390 lbs, they are the WZCW Tag Team Champions, Austin Reynolds and Ricky Runn, Runn Reynolds Runnnnnn!

Ricky waves at Austin to sprint down with him and Reynolds finally agrees as both sprint down together and they slide into the ring, Reynolds a hair behind Ricky. They stand up and hand their belts to the ref, never taking their eyes off their opponents. Hammond whispers something into Overlast’s ear and will start the match.

Copeland: Well folks we are just about set for some tag team action, the speed and agility of Runn Reynolds Runn verse the size and strength of Sons of Destiny.

Cohen: The tag team champions are nothing but a couple of flukes and both mens style makes them prone to injury. I think we are going to see new tag team champions.

Connor: And I disagree with you there. Reynolds and Runn have worked too hard to lose it all so soon. I think Reynolds and Runn will break the recent trend and be the first team to successfully defend their titles at a PPV since Brothers in Arms.

Cohen: Which by the way had Hammond on that team. Just saying.

Reynolds wants to face Hammond first. Runn nods and leaps over the top rope and lands on the apron as the bell sounds. Reynolds and Hammond move around in the ring. Hammond reaches for a lockup as Reynolds is hesitant, Hammond with a clothesline. Reynolds rolls forward underneath it. Hammond turns as Reynolds stands up. Hammond reaches out again and grabs onto Reynolds. Reynolds slips underneath and gets behind Hammond. Quick kick to the back of the leg drops Hammond to his knees. Reynolds grabs Hammonds head. Headlock takedown puts both men on the mat. Reynolds smiles at him overpowering Hammond as his opponent recovers and gets to his feet, Reynolds to holding onto the head. Hammond pushes Reynolds off and into the ropes. Reynolds bounces back off the ropes. Leg Lariat knocks down Hammond. Hammond gets to his feet. Roaring Elbow from Reynolds backs him into a corner. Reynolds runs at Hammond for a Monkey Flip. Reynolds tags in Runn as he jumps on Hammond and flips him back into the ring. Runn leaps over the ropes and onto the middle rope. Springboard Moonsault! Runn with the first cover. 1... 2.. Hammond kicks out. Runn stands up and raises his arm to cheers. He waits for Hammond to stand. Dropkick sends Hammond stumbling backwards onto the mat. Hammond rolls over and reaches out and is close enough for Overlast to tag in.

Copeland: Hammond was in a really bad spot early on in this match and a careless move from Runn allows his fresh partner to enter the match.

Cohen: This could wind up costing the tag team champs.

Overlast runs at Ricky and locks up with him, quickly transitioning into an arm lock. Ricky grabs his arm and then rolls forward. He twists Overlast around and ends up throwing him onto the mat. Overlast stands and Ricky kicks a foot at him. Overlast catches the foot and Ricky steps up with a Enzugiri! Ricky stands up near the ropes. He jumps onto the second rope going for another Springboard Moonsault. Hammond shakes the middle rope and Ricky loses his balance and falls back onto the mat. Overlast is up and starts kicking at the leg of Ricky dangled on the rope. Overlast uses the ropes and jumps up, driving a knee onto Rickys leg as his lands. Ricky rolls away from the ropes as Overlast tags in Hammond. Hammond and Overlast each grab a leg. Wishbone on Ricky. Hammond places both of Ricky’s legs onto his shoulders. He grabs Rickys hand and then slowly lifts Ricky up off the ground. Ricky is trying to shake free but can’t break loose. Powerbomb by Hammond. He goes for the cover. 1... 2.. Reynolds breaks up the pinfall. Hammond is quick to stand and taunt as the ref escorts Reynolds out of the ring. Hammond stands on the ankle of Ricky as the ref is turned and slowly tries to break it. Reynolds hears Rickys pain and turns and decks Hammond, surprising him. He grabs Hammond and throws him through the ropes and into Overlast. Both men fall to the floor outside. Reynolds is still livid and grabs onto the ropes. He goes to leap over the ropes. Hammond and Overlast raise their arms to catch him. Reynolds fakes jumping over, leaping onto the second rope before hopping off and Dropkicking his opponents through the ropes.

Connor: Some underhanded tactics from Sons of Destiny. Otherwise it’s been all Austin and Ricky.

Ricky hobbles a bit as he stands and Reynolds tells him to tag out for a breather. Reynolds tags in as Hammond slides into the ring. The two lock up near center and Hammond is able to push Reynolds back into the ropes. Hammond Irish Whips Reynolds across the ring. Hammond bends over the flip his opponent. Reynolds leaps over Hammond. Reynolds comes up to the ropes. Overlast pulls down the top rope. Reynolds goes crashing over, landing hard on his neck and upper back. Hammond distracts the ref while Overlast hops onto the floor and starts stomping at Reynolds. He picks Reynolds up and throws him head first into the barricade. The crowd is booing loudly as Hammond continues to distract the ref. Overlast lifts Reynolds and rolls him into the ring. Hammond with the cover. 1... 2 Reynolds kicks out. Hammond places a knee down and applies pressure on his opponents’ neck. Reynolds grabs the ropes and Hammond stops at 4 and tags in Overlast. Overlast lifts Reynolds up. Swingingneck Breaker puts them to the mat. Overlast is up and distracts the ref as Hammond hops onto the outside floor. He pulls Reynolds head over the apron and hits several unprotected forearms to the neck of Reynolds.

Copeland: Sons of Destiny have isolated Reynolds. He may not be able to make a tag to his partner.

Overlast moves around the ref and pulls Reynolds back into the ring. He lifts Reynolds up into the air. Brainbuster. Overlast covers 1... 2.... Reynolds just kicks out. Overlast wastes little time and climbs onto the top turnbuckle and looks down at Reynolds.

Cohen: A leg drop form Overlast will seal the deal in this match. Reynolds is not moving.

Overlast takes a deep breath and leaps. Steel City Statement misses as Reynolds just rolls out of the way. Both mans’ corners have come alive and are shouting at their partners. Hammond is able to get a tag in first. Reynolds reaches out and is able to tag in Ricky. Ricky leaps onto the top rope. Springboard Corkscrew knocks down Hammond. Ricky stands up and bounces off the ropes. Hammond with a clothesline, Ricky ducks it. Ricky jumps onto the middle rope and springs back. RickyRana throws down Hammond. Ricky sees Overlast standing by the ropes. He runs up behind him. Face Buster. Overlast is down on the mat as Ricky runs and bounces of the opposite ropes. Rolling Ricky! Overlast rolls out of the ring. Ricky walks over to Hammond who is now standing. Ricky goes for a Spinebuster. He is unable to get Hammond off his feet. Hammond shows Ricky who he’s dealing with. T-bone Suplex, Hammond throws Ricky over his head and onto the mat. Hammond signals for London’s Calling. He grabs Ricky and lifts him onto his shoulders.

Cohen: Hammond is going to end this match. We have new champions.

Hammond goes to lift Ricky off. Ricky grabs an arm and flips behind Hammond, driving his knees into Hammonds back. The Ricky Runndown! Ricky goes for the cover. 1... 2... 3!

Harrys: Here are your winners and still WZCW Tag Team Champions, Ricky Runn and Austin Reynolds!

I don’t believe what I just saw.

Connor: Ricky counter Hammond’s London’s Calling into The Ricky Runndown, oh you better believe you saw that Jack.

Cohen: Impossible. Sons of Destiny were robbed. They deserve a rematch.

Copeland: Well both teams will be competing in the Lethal Lottery match and there may be some unfinished business solved later on tonight. As of right now thought, Runn Reynolds Runn are still your tag team champions and Ricky really stepped up tonight for his team.

Ricky is on his knees in the ring celebrating as Austin Reynolds has recovered and has both their belts. He hands Ricky his belt and he clutches onto it and then ascends the turnbuckle and raises it. Reynolds applauds his partner and then starts joining in on the celebrating, showing Ricky how to get the crowd to really cheer and chant loudly.

Austin keeps Stark in his eye line as he walks over. He starts limping but by the time he reaches the door, he has forced himself upright as an act of defiance.

“Alexander, you don’t understand. Ricky and I are the greatest team in the history of the company. We achieved together, we lost together. Runn Reynolds Runn ends tonight and it’s going to be the saddest night of my career.”

Stark turns around with furious disgust boiling over on his face but Austin smiles, in a way that is so refreshingly genuine and honest that it is a pleasure to see once more.

“And Starky, shove your job offer.”
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