Recommend an event spotlight


Cody Rhodes is an excellant
This a thread where you can post a comic book event/storyline that you want me to cover in my spotlight series. It doesn't have to be limited to just DC & Marvel, other publishers such as Dark Horse, Image, IDW, etc. can be added to "the list" as well, also any Elseworlds stuff for DC you want to suggest, feel free, I'll occasionally being doing those as well

The events I am already planning on doing are

For Marvel
-World War Hulk
-Civil War
-Secret War
-a shit load of X-men stuff

For DC
-Death of Superman
-Reign of Supermen
-Zero Hour
-Identity Crisis (a Doc suggestion)
-Funeral For a Friend (death of Jason Todd) (a Lee suggestion)

-Superman: Red Son (a Lee Suggestion)

So if there are an suggestions then please post them here, and I'll add them to my list and a spotlight them eventually, I look forward to your suggestions
You'd have to do the original crisis and its impact on comic history.
Yeah, some of the X-men stuff I'm thinking of doing are

-Phoenix Saga (even though it happened well before any member of this board was even born, I just feel as I have to do this one at some point just do to historic nature of it, after at it may very well be the most famous X-story of all time)
-Onslaught Saga
-Operation: Zero Tolerance
-Heroes Reborn
-House of M & Decimation
-Messiah Complex
-Messiah War

It's very likely that about every other Marvel spotlight is going to end up being and X-men event, just because there are so damn many of them

Marvel spotlights are going to be easy, it's everything else where I really need suggestions
Phoenix Saga would be kick ass. I'm not familiar with the Heroes Reborn storyline, though, so that would be good too.
You should use this as your sig. A mix of DC and Marvel:


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