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Recently Released WWE Diva Tiffany Expresses Interest in TNA

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
In an interview with Monday Night Mayhem, former WWE Diva Taryn Terrell (Tiffany) was asked about her future in the business and whether TNA was an option in it:


Her future in the business and why, if TNA came "knocking at her door," she would be open to making a Knockout debut:

"I would definitely say that my future is wrestling. I was not this crazy lifelong fan. I wish I could say I was, but from the time I started wrestling before my very first tryout at OVW, I bought five wrestling books, and read them, and learned as much as I could. I immediately fell in love with the business, and I have such strong passion for it, so no matter what, I'm definitely going to be wrestling. If TNA comes knocking at my door, I'm definitely open to that, and I think Dixie Carter has done really an amazing job. She's really put in a lot into the Knockouts division, and they have a lot of really great talent there. I would love to go there. I'd love to be with TNA. I just love it, and have such a passion for it, and whoever will have me, I am ready to get back into the ring."

Thoughts on Tiffany to TNA? Is there a place for her? Why or why not?

While she's nice to look at, personally I'd stay away from her if I'm TNA. She's a prototypical "Diva" as far as I'm concerned, which means she'd bring very little wrestling ability to TNA.
You had to find a hot picture of her in the process didn't you? :D

It's kinda interesting. Surely I doubt she'd be very over with TNA considering she's nowhere near the best in-ring worker. But then again, she's hot as hell and she's decent on the microphone. I'm sure TNA could make her work in some manner. Just not sure where she would fit in considering all the stuff going in in the knockout division and she would be lost in the shuffle if they tried to introduce her when all of this is going on.

Also, I could imagine it would fuck up pretty badly for Drew McIntyre in WWE. Considering their marriage, I doubt it would create great bonds between the two, as well as between WWE and the two.

Either way, I'd certainly welcome her. Surely could use some hotness added to the division. Not that it lacks, but more is always good.
Doesn't every person that gets released by the WWE go "I might go to TNA" in every interview until they go to TNA or back to the WWE? It just seems like such a cliche answer because so many people have done it.

Tiffany is nothing more than a pretty face. A REALLLLLLY pretty face. Oh, and a hot body. And great cans. Wait... what was I talking about? Oh, that's right...

TNA needs to get back to their position as the company with the top female division. They've fallen severely below that guideline in the past 18 months. Bringing in another WWE future endeavor (and one that isn't very good in the ring, at that) will not help them.

Obviously, any talent being brought in that has past notoriety from a reputable company is good for TNA. However, aside from the hype of and the actual, possible debut of hers, this move won't mean anything.
She is gorgeous, but she is mediocre in the ring, and has worse mic skills than Hornswaggle.

With that being said I think her going to TNA is defiantly a possibility. Why? Because I think that TNA thinks that they can use her to snipe Drew from WWE. Never would that happen, but it seems like TNA logic.
I'm not feeling it. TNA doesn't need another blond Knockout who sucks in-ring and is mediocre on the mic, not after Lacey decided to do other options. On the other hand, more Tiffany on television is always a good thing.

Hm... Decisions, decisions...
She fucking gorgeous, and not a completely useless in-ring worker. With that said, TNA has no reason to bring her in. They already have more women than they know what to do with, as Sarita, Hamada, and Wilde barely get screen time. Keep her out of TNA and let the Knockouts wrestle and let Tiffany do what she does best: Get naked for me to fap to.
Of course she's going to say she's interested in TNA. If the WWE doesn't want you, you don't want to go around telling the number #2 player in your industry that you're not interested in working for them. The gap between #2 and #3 is even larger than the one between #1 and #2. And in women's wrestling? The #3 company would be SHIMMER, which is less a job and more of a hobby.
I could see this working out just fine if Tiffany went to TNA. Velvet Sky works in TNA while she dated now former WWE superstar The Hurricane.
I say keep her out, her hotness is about the only thing she can bring to the table. She isn't a good talker, wrestles like a diva, and just looks too soft to be taken seriously. Maybe if they brought her in as a manager or something it would work, but as an actual competitor? I don't think so. TNA was (or is) trying to distance themselves from the whole "diva" image, and if they hire Tiffany I think that's just a step back.
Tiffany is one gorgeous bit of giggity it's true. But if she came to TNA exactly where would she fit in with the rest of the Knockout stars? TNA already has more of them then they even know what to do with. Adding one more would just be another paycheck that would be unnecessary. The Knockout Division is just fine the way it is at the moment and doesn't need another ex WWE employee in it. I don't see the drawing power.

Well, 'cept she's hot. But so are practically all of the other Knockouts to an extent. ;)
love tiffany, but like everyone else has said, TNA should really stay away at least for now. I'm glad to hear that she's still gonna be wrestling though, the problem with most of the divas is that they were pulled from whatever jobs they had before, trained for a while, then brought right onto TV while women like beth and natalya spent at least SOME time on the indies improving their skills.
so i think TNA should wait until tiffany improves while on the indies, then offer her a job.
She's gorgeous. But TNA doesn't need another knockout right now. They got more knockouts on the roster than they can use now. She's not a wrestler. She looks more like a swimsuit model than a female wrestler. If I want to see swimsuit models, I got the internet and the beach for that.

Personally, I'm tired of hearing "TNA here he/she comes" every time someone gets canned from WWE.
if she's hurting for money, I'm sure Playboy will offer her a ton of cash for a pictorial! :D

but to TNA? normally I'd say yes! but right now with all their problems, I dont see her getting enough exposure. they just got Katie Lea and what have we really seen of her? other then a few little backstage scenes being like a ghost or something.

so right now I'd have to say no.

and to legendkiller,

With that being said I think her going to TNA is defiantly a possibility. Why? Because I think that TNA thinks that they can use her to snipe Drew from WWE. Never would that happen, but it seems like TNA logic.

I agree with you, but...they got Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy, and they were far better draws then McIntyre. and look where they are. I know Jeff had legal problems, but he honestly seems happier there
From what I saw of her inring in the WWE I do not think she fits at all. She does not seem to be the kind of in ring worker TNA wants. I could see her as Eric's assistant ala Miss Testmacher or maybe as a valet but not as a wrestler
I dont see the value to Tiffany. Outside of being very flexible, shes simply not a good wrestler. To make matters worse, her mic skills are bad. Think "Mike Adamle reading off of a clipboard" bad, during her run as ECW GM.

Further, the KO division is crowded as is. With the re-acquisition of Tara, as well as bringing in Mickie James and Katie Lea(Winter), there simply isn't enough room for another KO. They have enough storylines going on within the division as is, and good female wrestlers like Taylor Wilde, Hamada, and Sarita go missing for weeks at a time. All of the aforementioned women are better then Tiffany. This is one WWE castoff they should pass on.
I would love for her and maybe Miss Tessmacher to be the new women of Fortune. Kinda like Woman and Miss Liz was in WCW. So what I am saying is she is nice to look at so she can manage someone. If it is to wrestle then no.
As been established before, Tiffany isn't the greatest of in-ring competitors. With the amount of wrestling talent that all of the girls in TNA have (save for Tessmacher), hiring her to become a Knockout would be useless. She hasn't got the name value like other ex-WWE employee's do neither, so even just having her on-board to increase interest is out of the picture. Considering her appearance is outstanding and her mic skills are, while not the best I've seen from females, pretty good... TNA would only have success in making her a manager or non-player character type role. In that regard, however, they just removed Tessmacher from her position of power, so her becoming the KO Law or whatever you kids call it these days is out of the question. Manager, maybe, but it's being said that TNA is being hit with a tight budget where guys like Matt Hardy might not be able to get a contract.

The odds are really stacked against Tiffany in becoming a TNA employee. She offers nothing that they need to their product until she can become better as an in-ring competitor. If any recently released WWE Diva was going to be recommended for TNA, it'd be Jillian Hall. But that's another thread for another day.

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