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IC created a thread not too long ago asking to cast yourself in a movie, and while that was fun… I was wondering what if you could recast a role with another actor, which role would it be and why?

There are some movies out there that are really good, but ends up sort of being unwatchable because of a miscast. Are there any movies like that for you? If so, who would you recast for the role that you felt was ruined because of the particular acting by that individual?

I have a few in mind, so I’ll start with:

The Dark Knight: Sarah Michelle Gellar replacing Maggie Gyllenhaal as Rachel Dawes - I have nothing against Maggie Gyllenhaal; in fact, I quite liked her in The Secretary. However, she was terrible in this film. I thought Katie Holmes did a fantastic job in Batman Begins and was very disappointed when the news came out that she wasn't doing The Dark Knight. But, when I heard that Sarah Michelle Gellar was in the running as the next Rachel, it didn't bother me as much because not only is Gellar easy on the eyes, but she's extremely charismatic and someone who I feel would've done a much better job to get us, the audience, to feel sympathy for the Rachel Dawes character. Gyllenhaal didn't have that quality in her in The Dark Knight and in my opinion, that's the biggest flaw in the more. I really don't think there would've been that problem had Gellar got the part instead of Maggie.

The Big Lebowski: Brad Pitt replacing Jeff Bridges as Jeffrey Lebowski - Again, I have nothing against Bridges and I do feel he is a very fine actor, but fuck he annoyed the hell out of me in this film. He practically ruined the entire movie for me. Now, a lot of people could've done better in the role in my opinion, but the best fit would've been none other then Brad Pitt. Pitt played a very similar character of Lebowski in a fantastic film called True Romance, and even though Pitt's role was relatively small, he still stole the show. And I've always felt that character had so much more to offer if Tarantino ever wanted to write a spin off to True Romance based of Pitt’s character in the movie. But, since that has never happened and will never happened, Brad Pitt as Jeffrey Lebowski would've been a great compromise for me, lol. I mean, I just feel there was so much more Pitt would've done with that type of character that Bridges just couldn't pull off.

Wedding Crashers: James Van Der Beek replacing Owen Wilson as John Beckwith – While I find Wedding Crashers highly entertaining, Owen’s performance ruins a lot of it for me. There’s just something about the guy that is extremely unlikable. He doesn’t have any charisma whatsoever, and I thought his timing and delivery was really off in this film. And when I watch it, the one person I picture in his role and doing it to perfection is none other then James Van Der Beek. I am a huge fan of JVDB and have been for a while. I love Dawson’s Creek, and The Rules of Attraction and Varsity Blues are two of my favorite movies of all time. And there are just certain moments in The Wedding Crashers where I feel James would’ve delivered a line perfectly and worked well off of Vince Vaughn’s craziness. Also, I think it would’ve been more believable for Rachel McAdams to fall in love with someone like JVDB then someone like Owen Wilson.

The Spider-Man Franchise: Jennifer Love-Hewitt replacing Kristin Dunst. I cannot stand Kristin Dunst. She is just one hideous looking bitch, and she annoyed the fuck out of me in these films. While Jennifer Love-Hewitt may not be the best actress out there, she is still likeable and back when the franchise started, she was still one of the hottest women alive.

Hostel Part II: Kelly Kelly replacing Heather Matarazzo as Lorna - Hey, what can I say? This movie sucked ass regardless, and seeing Kelly naked in it and getting tortured would've made sitting through this piece of shit worth it. :icon_wink:

I'll post again later on with more serious roles as they come to my head.

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