Rebrand TNA in Your Style!

Shadow of Darkness

Occasional Pre-Show
Now if you can totaly rebrand TNA- then-

1. Will you change the company name from TNA to something else?

2. On which day would you put the wrestling show and what will be the name of the show?

3. What would be the colour front?

4. Will there be a second show? If yes what would be its name and on which day?

5. If you need to cut and add some wrestlers, who those would be?

so give your views guyz!!! HELL...YAH...
Now if you can totaly rebrand TNA- then-

1. Will you change the company name from TNA to something else?

2. On which day would you put the wrestling show and what will be the name of the show?

3. What would be the colour front?

4. Will there be a second show? If yes what would be its name and on which day?

5. If you need to cut and add some wrestlers, who those would be?

so give your views guyz!!! HELL...YAH...

1. Will you change the company name from TNA to something else?
I would keep the name TNA for the company and continue using Impact Wrestling for their Flagship show.

2. On which day would you put the wrestling show and what will be the name of the show?
Monday Night Impact.

3. What would be the colour front?

4. Will there be a second show? If yes what would be its name and on which day?
Friday Night Xplosion. In case you wanted to know, the color would be Red.

5. If you need to cut and add some wrestlers, who those would be?
I wouldn't cut anyone, but I sure as hell would add every free agent I could.

To summarize, I honestly think the only way to be competitive is to compete. Sounds simple enough. Go head to head with the WWE. The worst that could happen is already happening on Thursdays. The best that could happen?? WWE Invades the Impact Zone.
IF I was to rebrand TNA in MY Style, AND the proper resources including the MONEY,
I would do the following:

1) Permanently move TNA IMPACT Wrestling to Thursday nights AND make the show LIVE from 9pm-11pm E.S.T.

2) Have TNA PPVs in venues OUTSIDE of the IMPACT Zone, NOT at the IMPACT Zone.
Ex: TNA Lockdown 2012 held in the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

3) Bring back the 6-sided ring ONLY for SELECTED TNA Live Events (a.k.a TNA house shows). This will bring the loyal TNA fans, wrestling fans and people NOT familar with TNA IMPACT Wrestling what made the company DIFFERENT from other wrestling promotions.
I thought in some otherway though.

Move impact to Tuesday night. Time - 9 to 11 pm. COMPANY NAME - TNA Wrestling. Colours- Light blue.

a special show on Monday only on the week of PPVs. TIME - 10 to 12 pm. MAKE BOTH IMPACT AND THIS ONCE-A-MONTH SHOW LIVE AND ON THE ROAD. THE once-a-month Monday night show NAME - TNA MNM (i mean Monday night Mayhem.) COLOUR- RED.
this actually would create much of controversy and thus will give TNA a good promotion, as MAYHEM was the ppv name for WCW currently own by WWE. And WWE would surely go legal for this, as they dont want competition. Also note i gave a time slot 1 hr after RAW so that MAYHEM's opening quarter gets better ratings than annoying middle hour of RAW. Also the 1 hr after RAW will give them better last hour ratings.

lastly, do most ppvs outside U.STUDIOS.

If I had to rebrand TNA first if all I would get rid of Dixie Carter who takes up why too much tv time whether it's a role she's playing or not get rid of her and put Jeff Jarrett back in charge BUT you keep him behind the scenes taking care of creative bookings and planning so now he's completely out of the title picture.

Invest money into talent searches and bring them to tna to help build up the X-divison and KO-divison and tag team divison. I would opt to keep the six sided ring because it's different to how wwe operate and that's how I become hooked on tna was because of the ring structure.

I would have the colour blue because it's a nice colour to have. TNA need to decided on a number 1 face for the company and I would have to go with Bobby Roode for this because he just has that look. Invest time into the current roster you already have as well and try to look for non wwe wrestlers who could make a difference in the company.

Make all the titles meaningful again do not bring hulk hogan in whatever you do because the guy is just a no go tbh.

Lashely get rid of the announcers because I can't stand them anymore, Taz had gone down in my opinion and I can't stand Mike Tenay. If anything bring in Jim Ross OR Paul Heyman and partner them up with Don West that would be a great partnership.

If they do all these things tna will be a better of place for talent and fans who enjoy the wrestling product. They also need to stop wasting money on "celebs" and just focus on talents.

I may of gone off topic here but I just had to get it all off my chest because that place is in a bit of a mess at the moment, they need another midcard title like the tv title again which will take it up to 5 titles which is a good number.
Now if you can totaly rebrand TNA- then-

1. Will you change the company name from TNA to something else?

2. On which day would you put the wrestling show and what will be the name of the show?

3. What would be the colour front?

4. Will there be a second show? If yes what would be its name and on which day?

5. If you need to cut and add some wrestlers, who those would be?

so give your views guyz!!! HELL...YAH...

1. I would take wrestling out of it's name, it's now only: Total Nonstop Action (to make way for more diverse "fighters"; MMA dudes, kickboxers, martial artists, street fighters, etc.). Also would start referring to the roster as "fighters".

2. Sundays from 7-9 or Wednesdays from 8-10 (because the NFL may interfere with the Sunday slot in the Fall/Winter); TNA Fight Night

3. Color scheme would be: Black, Grey and Neon Green. Ropes would be black.

4. No.

5. Get rid of guys like Rhyno, Dreamer, Devon (Bully Ray can stay); basically get rid of older talent and create new homegrown stars that are only known for their TNA work.

Generally make it an edgier, "cooler", more youthful product with more involvement from all types of fighters; not just wrestlers, old school booking with 2015 presentation. No evil authority figures or any of those Russo antics.

I'd try to get it on MTV2 on Wednesday nights 9-11 before Wild'N Out and Guy Code. With reruns on MTV Sunday nights from 9-10.
Fire everyone and turn it into an Ultimate Fighter show, each season a few people get added to the roster until you have a decent size roster. Have them do pie eating contests and jump rope marathons and bake cupcakes for challenges.

Each season cut down less challenges until theres only the cupcake challenge. Then rename the show Total Nonstop Cupcakes, have Bear Grylls host it and add in random ingredients he eats in the wild to each challenge.

Angle vs Joe in a Electrified Steel Cage Cupcake War. All the ingredients are outside the cage and the ovens are inside. Make the cage in the shape of a cupcake. Make the ring a cupcake.
1. Will you change the company name from TNA to something else?
I think "TNA", while noticeable, has suffered a bit as a brand name, so I'll go with "SNM".

2. On which day would you put the wrestling show and what will be the name of the show?
People don't want to watch TNA? I'll show them! I'll air TNA every day.

3. What would be the colour front?
I would have as much black-on-blonde motifs as visually possible.

4. Will there be a second show? If yes what would be its name and on which day?
Like Vinceworld did with ECW, I'll buy the WWE and call it WCWWE. I'll air WCWWE on the days that SNM doesn't go out.

5. If you need to cut and add some wrestlers, who those would be?
I would pretend to organise a big shoot-fight for BFG '14. Anybody who enters it gets fired, because MMA is ruining TNA further.

I'd release Vince Russo, because he has better hair than me.

Lastly, I'd replace head of talent relations, Jon Gaburick, with a life-sized picture of Scarlett Johanssen. Both Jon and the poster would do roughly the same amount of work, but at least this way the team would be motivated by a fabulous pair of breasts.

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