
Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
Ever since his debut at NXT Takeover Dallas, Shinsuke Nakamura has been considered one of if not the best guys in NXT. My opinion on him is still up in the air. I've liked some of his matches, but I've also felt he wasn't much different than Hideo or any other Japanese star to make their way to the WWE. And when he spoke/challenged Finn to a match recently, I thought "well this isn't going to go well"...

And then I saw this...


In this video, Daniel Bryan is seen talking to Funaki and Shinsuke where Shinsuke exhibits PERFECT FUCKING ENGLISH. But on NXT, he comes across as someone who speaks broken English. The fact that you have someone who's able to speak Japanese and English fluently should be shown to the world, not have that guy relegated to stumbling on simple English words.

Why would WWE do this?
I wouldn't consider that perfect English at all. He laughed in that clip more than anything. If there's anything wrong with Nakamura right now it's that he's suffering from being such a big deal we know he's not going to lose anytime soon, which despite being great takes away some of the fun from his matches against Zayn, Aries, and now Balor.

He can definitely speak enough English to survive but probably not enough where people trust him to speak ten minutes straight, not really a big deal, get over it.
I've pointed this out before when people said he would end up another Hideo Itami. The thread I said it on is on the forum somewhere. It was awhile ago.

There is a video on where it shows him showing up at the performance centre for the first time. He is meeting people he hasn't seen in years, and yes unlike Itami, Nakamura does speak English. He speaks with an accent of course, but I don't think Itami could speak any when he arrived, Nakamura can hold a converation.
I've seen people on here mention that he has progressed in speaking English much faster than Itami or that Itami has more or less just refused to try.

Point being that he was supposed to have better English speaking skill than Itami and that was supposed to benefit him.
His English isn't broken on NXT at all. He just has a little trouble with articles and singular vs. plural, things that everyone has trouble with when English isn't their first language. What you call broken English seems to just be a strange rhythm that he speaks in. But of course Shinsuke has a weird sense of rhythm, look at his entrance.

People still understand him perfectly fine. And in that clip you posted, he spoke like six mumbly words and laughed a bit.

To finish, I'd like to say this is the dumbest fucking thread I've seen on here in a while. Apart from BringThePain's stuff.
His English isn't broken on NXT at all. He just has a little trouble with articles and singular vs. plural, things that everyone has trouble with when English isn't their first language.

Japanese has a lot of strange aspects, not unlike English of course.

There is no concept of plural in the Japanese language. Which makes things really weird for someone trying to learn English, because you learn plural but then you learn that plurals are different for different words. If you have two socks, you don't say that you have "two sockses" for example.

Then there's the fact that in Japanese, you structure your sentences with subject first, then objects and then verbs. If I said "I bought a hat from the store the other day" in Japanese, it would be worded like this; "A hat from the store the other day I bought".

I'm pretty sure that Shinsuke has been an English speaker for longer than his NXT days, he uses colloquialisms like "anyway" and "whatever" appropriately.
I've seen people on here mention that he has progressed in speaking English much faster than Itami or that Itami has more or less just refused to try.

Point being that he was supposed to have better English speaking skill than Itami and that was supposed to benefit him.

Yeah, he's been able to speak English for years. He was already more or less fluent when he signed.

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