Really Ric? Really?


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According to, Ric Flair and Orlando Jordan's new on-air male companion got into a confrontation at a bar after the Impact tapings on Tuesday night.

According to the report, Flair saw the male companion dancing at the bar and got so upset at him being there and being in the TNA locker room in general that he got in the guys face and verbally unleashed on him.

Apparently Jordan's male companion was so shaken by the exchange that he decided to just leave the bar.

This isn't the first time his kind had to be told and I'm sure it won't be the last.

Rookies just don't get to drink with the legends.
Havent you ever wanted to slap the shit outta someones gay companion, its just the way those legends roll my firend:banghead:
Seriously. All rookies get this. You wouldn't see someone like Chris Jericho in the same place as Kelly Kelly. Same logic here. No special treatment just to be politically correct.

Just because Orlando Jordan is black, doesn't mean his friends get special treatment.
yeah ric flair is a legend so he gets to treat people like shit, who cares about common decency he was good at pretending to fight duh
yeah ric flair is a legend so he gets to treat people like shit, who cares about common decency he was good at pretending to fight duh

You know what, it's probably a misunderstanding, he was shouting threattening abuse as a way of welcoming him to TNA, we know how hard of hearing flair is at his old age:rolleyes:.
Seriously. All rookies get this. You wouldn't see someone like Chris Jericho in the same place as Kelly Kelly. Same logic here. No special treatment just to be politically correct.

Just because Orlando Jordan is black, doesn't mean his friends get special treatment.

Agreed, when he can have a 5 star match with a broom, then he can dance in the legends bar
I'm usually the first to rip on Flair, but he was raised in different times then we were.
I'm usually the first to rip on Flair, but he was raised in different times then we were.

Doesn't matter how he was raised, the guy can go around getting married and divorced every five minutes but cant allow a guy to be open about his sexuality?:wtf:.

Ignorance is no excuse, If it was anyone else not in TNA main event they would be fired by now.

No excuse.
I'm usually the first to rip on Flair, but he was raised in different times then we were.

Yeah don't give me that shit. Old times doesn't mean right times, intolerance is unacceptable, especially around coworkers. My guess is Ric was drunk though, so I can atleast understand how this happened. Still really disappointed in Flair.
Jeff Hardy does drugs and Kurt Angle gets DUIs. Big difference.
Jeff Hardy is facing felony trafficking charges and Kurt Angle stalks his ex, gets caught driving while his license is suspended, and does so with drugs in his car.

Get your facts straight, noob.
:wtf:Hes involved in two of the companies top feuds, they give a shit.

Firing Flair would mean no direction for either AJ or Abyss so im sorry COCO your wrong on this one:disappointed:
I was implying that TNA wouldn't fire other main eventers because they don't give shit what their people do.

Sorry if I wasn't clear enough. If you'd like, next time I can print out five hundred copies of any post you're having trouble with, bind those copies, and beat your dumb ass over the head with them. Hopefully that helps us avoid these problems in the future.
I was implying that TNA wouldn't fire other main eventers because they don't give shit what their people do.

Sorry if I wasn't clear enough. If you'd like, Next time I can print out five hundred copies of any post your having trouble with, bind those copies, and beat your dumb ass over the head with them. Hopefully that helps us avoid these problems in the future.

Ignorance is no excuse, If it was anyone else not in TNA main event they would be fired by now.
Your the one who had trouble reading my previous post because it says if it was anyone else not in TNA Main event (just look above), they would be fired, Im sure that would include Kurt and Hardy wouldnt it?.:rolleyes:

How does the taste of crow taste like Coco?

Fuck off, you insufferable twat. I was directing that a Zero.

Next time make it clearer Matey, otherwise i will respond like i always do when people question my posts,or i make the assumption they do:shrug:
My bad. I wish I didn't have such a hard time finding motivation to read every word of even your spam posts.

Also, crow. Duh.
My bad. I wish I didn't have such a hard time finding motivation to read every word of even your spam posts.

Also, crow. Duh.

I dont give a crap what you think, my opinion has as much worth as yours:shrug:

So if you dont like what i say just dont reply to it :rolleyes:
Sorry if I wasn't clear enough. If you'd like, next time I can print out five hundred copies of any post you're having trouble with, bind those copies, and beat your dumb ass over the head with them. Hopefully that helps us avoid these problems in the future.

You know Coco, I came really very close to taking out my quote from Mikhail Bakunin in my signature for this. I came very close. Not enough space for both I'm afraid, no matter how many little fancy editorial tricks I attempt.

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