Reading Rainbow (AKA Bullshit About Reading)

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
So, what are you currently reading? Are there any books that you want to recommend, or are there any books that you wish could discuss with people?

Right now, I'm currently reading The Grapes of Wrath, and I don't really like it. I find it to be way too descriptive and plodding. But, Steinbeck won a Nobel Prize for Literature, and I loved The Pearl, so I guess I'll stick it out. Anyone else here read this?
I've heard good things about GoW, but Iprefer Of Mice and Men. Simply a classic book with a great story in it.

Currently reading the True Blood/Sookie Stackhouse books and I recently bought American Lion, the biography of Andrew Jackson which looks very good.
I'd recommend Heart of Darkness. It's a nice, relatively short read, but it's flat out awesome.

For anyone that likes graphic novels(comics) I would suggest Preacher.
I'm reading "Let The Right One In" for the second time, I think. Maybe the third. It's a great book, especially if you liked the movie. One thing I would warn though, it gives you a window into Hakan's pedophilia. If you don't think you could handle that, even as a fictional character, don't go reading this book.

After "Let The Right One In," I'm going to read "A Clockwork Orange" or "1984" again. Or I might jump into my Batman graphic novels again. Have another go, if you will.
I'd recommend Heart of Darkness. It's a nice, relatively short read, but it's flat out awesome.

For anyone that likes graphic novels(comics) I would suggest Preacher.

Good lookin' out, Murfish. Feel free to discuss graphic novels here as well. I've only read Sin City and Watchmen, so I don't know that much about them. But, I do like underground comics.
GoW was indulgent.

I am currently reading The Last Oracle by James Rollins.

I like tightly packed action books in the Indiana Jones/Dan Brown genre.
Good lookin' out, Murfish. Feel free to discuss graphic novels here as well. I've only read Sin City and Watchmen, so I don't know that much about them. But, I do like underground comics.

Well Preacher is a really gritty, adult comic. It's an ridiculous yet epic story that just sucks you in.

I have all the volumes in great condition on my bookshelf. You should check it out.

I've been trying to read Lolita, but I think the libraries of NJ or at least Morris County don't carry it.
2 books that I like but probably aren't as good as the ones you guys read are Tangerine and The Outsiders.

I read both of those and I thought they were good.
I just finished World War Z which was fantastic.

In the middle of Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett, and Pratchett, as always, is phenomenal. Also concurrently reading the Penguin History of the World (trying to delve into a deep history study and I figured this was a good start). Furthermore I'm also getting through The Shadow of the Wind, the fantastic Spanish novel, which has lived up to its expectations so far. I haven't really gotten into Shadow in a while, I might just start it over when I clear a few off my list.

I also have to finish up The Thousandfold Thought, I have about 100 pages to go. I'm working on the WWE Encyclopedia as well, halfway into it.

So yeah, five books at the moment. A comedic fantasy, a history, a Spanish fiction, an epic fantasy, and a wrestling encyclopedia. My literary tastes go all over the place.
I'd recommend Heart of Darkness. It's a nice, relatively short read, but it's flat out awesome.

For anyone that likes graphic novels(comics) I would suggest Preacher.

Both fantastic suggestions Murf, good taste. Preacher is among my favorite comics, ever.

Right now I'm reading Soul on Ice by Eldridge Cleaver. First edition, it's actually worth quite a bit of money. Brilliant man. Anyone read it? I'd guess maybe Ty has.

And no way FTS. Great book, but not best ever.

And Grapes of Wrath can be a bit boring to get through, but I thought it was well it when all was said and done. Can't argue with Steinbeck's power as an author.
Being the overacheiving douche that I am, I just finished reading the Divine Comedies. If you haven't read this, please by all means, put down your current books and pick up a copy of these tales!

I'm thinking my next endeavor will be a book by Henry Rollins, but I'm not sure which. Any suggestions?
Being the overacheiving douche that I am, I just finished reading the Divine Comedies. If you haven't read this, please by all means, put down your current books and pick up a copy of these tales!

I'm thinking my next endeavor will be a book by Henry Rollins, but I'm not sure which. Any suggestions?

Depends, are you a fan of Black Flag and punk in general? If so I'd go with Get in the Van which is an amazing read for fans of Rollins, Black Flag & punk in general.

He's done some great poetry too if you're into that. Smile, You're Traveling is a good one too. So, in other words, pretty much all of his work is worth reading, he's a great writer, intelligent as hell and hilarious to boot.
What Harthan said. World War Z is probably one of the best book's I've read lately. Along with Cell, Let The Right One In, and some others, which include a psychology book by Spinoza. That man has some interesting views on religion and the philosophies behind it.
Depends, are you a fan of Black Flag and punk in general? If so I'd go with Get in the Van which is an amazing read for fans of Rollins, Black Flag & punk in general.

He's done some great poetry too if you're into that. Smile, You're Traveling is a good one too. So, in other words, pretty much all of his work is worth reading, he's a great writer, intelligent as hell and hilarious to boot.

Yeah, see, I'm not terribly familiar with Black Flag, I'm more familar with him from his Rollins Band (Liar is on repeat in my apartment at the moment), and his spoken word deal, which is great. I heard somewhere he has a book that's basically his "UnCut in NYC" special for IFC? Thanks for the suggestions though:icon_biggrin: .
Good lookin' out, Murfish. Feel free to discuss graphic novels here as well. I've only read Sin City and Watchmen, so I don't know that much about them. But, I do like underground comics.

My favorite graphic novel is The Killing Joke...

I'm not much of a reader...I read what they made us read in school, a few things from Poe, and a select few after school was over...

I'm working on the WWE Encyclopedia...If it counts...
I just remembered...I recently read The Rise And Fall Of ECW. It was pretty good. Made me sad I don't have the DVD though...:(
Killing JOke I don't think I've read. There's a very good Joker mini-series called Joker's Last Laugh where you see what Joker would be like if he killed Batman.

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