Reading Between the Lines, MVP Coming to TNA?

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This from a report on

"I have to deny it. It's not me, but I will be back on US TV later this year. I promise. Not saying anything more than that. There are some people, that to them, wrestling is WWE. In the same way that to some people, any cola is a Coke. There is amazing wrestling going on all around the world outside of WWE. You've got AAA in Mexico and CMLL. In Japan you have the company I was just working for, the legendary New Japan Pro Wrestling, the historically significant All Japan and Pro Wrestling NOAH. These people are fans of WWE and it's a beautiful thing, but to me it's a travesty."


Now maybe I'm reading much too far into it, but if he's returning to television in the US and he's making a remark about how there is still amazing wrestling outside the WWE, I'd imagine that's a bit of a hint/dig that his return wouldn't actually be to WWE, but rather to another televised company. I believe ROH still has a television deal, so he could just be speaking to that, but the two companies with the biggest national deals are certainly WWE and TNA, which begs the question of whether or not that's what he's actually foreshadowing here or not?

He had a few small cups of coffee with TNA way back in the early 2000's, but it was never anything consistent.

Well there's only four options, a return to WWE, a debut in TNA, a debut in Ring of Honor, or Championship Wrestling from Hollywood which has a small television deal and more known talent then you'd think. They use a lot of the guys that can be found in Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, including Harold/Scorpio Sky/Mason Andrews, Shaun Ricker whose appearing on The Rock's show The Hero and is close to signing with WWE and at one stage Joey Ryan was their champion when they were affiliated with the NWA. That is a long shot though as their deal is only getting them into something like 8% of American homes.

I could see him in Ring of Honor but the hardcore fanbase may resent him. They'd respect him for having done time in Japan but his style wouldn't really fit. Then again Mike Bennett's style doesn't really fit and hes one of the hottest talked about things on the indies and is a sure fired future WWE star so there is always a possibility there. ROH's owners bought even more stations yesterday to for a combined $115 million so they'll be going from being in 26% of American homes to 31% once the switch is made official.

I'd say if he's going anywhere outside of WWE It'd be TNA. I've seen him criticize the product on Twitter before (he asked the same question as I did, why did they hire that Godderez guy?) but so have others and they've wound up in TNA. His past isn't bad with them either I don't think, so it adds to the chances. If he did wind up back in WWE I'd wonder why considering he says he was making enough money in Japan to match his WWE deal. I guess New Japan may not have wanted him anymore. He didn't really fit their style either to be honest.
Very out of context. I heard the whole interview myself. He says he is not the big free agent signed. Thats one part of the convo. Then in another part he talks about the people who think he has not been wrestling since leaving wwe and states that there is wrestling outside wwe. Like the none bolded parts of the quote say,there is AAA,CMLL,New Japan,All Japan,etc. He doesn't just say "Its not me guys,ill be on tv by the end of the year,o and btw there is wrestling outside of wwe in america". Very taken out of context my friend. Obviously if he doesn't sign with wwe he might sign with tna which he does infact state in the interview itself. But the wrestling outside of wwe was more of a broader statement then hinting towards tna.
He wasn't horrible most of his matches were flat out dull in my opinion. Most of the time, he was slow, awkward, generally not all that athletic and the pace seemed to make the matches drag. Whether he comes to TNA WWE, ROH or Championship Wrestling from Hollywood; I couldn't care less unless he's really improved since I last saw him.

If he does come to TNA, he'll be initially labeled, by some TNA fans, as just another middle age former WWE mid-carder looking to cash in on the TNA roster due to past exposure in WWE. If he is in talks with TNA and ultimately does sign with them, I hardly expect him help change the game. Again, if TNA is interested & vice versa, it might simply be because of the WWE exposure as he wouldn't be the first hired due to it. MVP turns 40 in October and seeing how TNA just released Doug Williams, who is officially 40 and loads more talented in my opinion, I'm not expecting much even if he does sign.

If he goes to WWE, again, I don't see him amounting to a whole helluva lot, not with much younger and better performers on the main roster and on their way up to it.
Very out of context. I heard the whole interview myself. He says he is not the big free agent signed.

I thought this thread seemed pretty self-explanatory, but I guess not. IDR isn't saying that he thinks MVP has already signed with TNA, but that MVP might be considering a TNA contract somewhere down the line (possibly even this year). I don't think anyone thought he was the "big signing", since that cat's already out of the bag.

I think MVP would do well in TNA, but I honestly wouldn't care about him very much. I didn't think much of him when he was with WWE, either. He always seemed very average to me, even more so than Mr. Kennedy/Anderson. I believe the only reason MVP really got the attention that he did was because he was with WWE. If he would have tried to establish himself in TNA first, I don't think we would be talking about him as much as we are now.

If he does wind up crossing the line, it could be good for him (and TNA) however. Maybe TNA will be able to find a spot for him, and be able to showcase the guy's talent(s). If I had to guess though, I'd imagine that TNA would just try to use MVP the exact same way that the WWE did...pretty much just a "re-imagining" of his WWE career, if you will. Maybe they'd be able to do something different with him, but I really don't see it happening. If anything, this would just give the Impact-haters more fodder to call TNA a "WWE graveyard" (or whatever the popular TNA-bashing term is nowadays).

If and when MVP arrives back on US television, I'd honestly rather see him go back to the WWE. I think TNA has enough talent as it is, and they should focus on the roster they have currently. They don't need to add even more former WWE talent as of now. It seems to me that MVP will just end up in a similar position as Doc or Nux (however they're spelling it now). It seems like TNA is trying to capitalize on their former WWE "glory" (for lack of a better term), and it's not really working. Like I already mentioned, it would just give TNA bashers another reason to NOT tune in to the show. Who knows though, I might be wrong...I'd just rather see MVP work for RoH or WWE if/when he returns to US TV.
I did see superstar potential in MVP. He was great on the mike, had that urban, hip hop look that WWE is lacking and could reach out to more fans. He was very charismatic and really stood out when he was the so called "Biggest Signed Talent in the History of Smackdown" like he got drafted to play in the NFL lol. He had the crowd reaction with the "Ballin" manuver. I don't know what it is, there are a lot of guys in the wrestling business that have the potential to succeed. We're not backstage seeing what's going on, to say who's not busting their butts or not, maybe it's just a miscommunication why he didn't make it huge in WWE.

The more I think about it the more I really think I am a Paul Heyman guy. As documented Paul Heyman took all the wrestlers nobody eles wanted, he embellished their strengths to a point where you did not see their weaknesses (which most people in general everyday), and made pretty much everyone on his roster look great. Nobody fell through the cracks in ECW and everyone was given the ball and opportunity to shine. That's why that company had such a great energy in the locker room. It's funny back in the WCW was the big bad promotion that held people down, WWE doesn't nearly hold people down as much or severly as WCW did, but there is still some bias one must face in WWE. I'm not saying TNA is perfect, they probably have many issues too, but it feels like they have more the mentality that ECW did back in the day. No one gets held down, let's give them our best and the right talent rises to the top, as Bully Ray and Roode and Aries have and Christian Cage did. I think MVP would get the opportunity to shine possibly brighter than he ever has in TNA. That's what I enjoy about TNA, because I hate to see wasted potential especially in the wrestling business.

Now if TNA could also pay for Zema Ion's medical expenses than I would have no beef with them but that's another story.
I kind of agree with Jack Hammer. He was just really boring in the ring to me. I enjoyed his schtick with Matt hardy, but that was really about it. He wasn't horrible, but he just didn't do it for me. I think TNA's money could be better spent eslewhere to be honest. I don't think he would fit in in ROH at all, and honestly he is just a wrestler that I never cared all that much about.
The "I have to deny it. It's not me" is about ever signing with TNA. Obviously he wasn't the big free agent as that was Rampage Jackson. To me that means he is considering wwe. Which to me isn't a problem. His heel character was good to watch. Have him put over talent in the midcard or a main event push if he deserves it later on. If R-truth can get a minor main event push as a heel MVP can do it too.
Well there's only four options, a return to WWE, a debut in TNA, a debut in Ring of Honor, or Championship Wrestling from Hollywood which has a small television deal and more known talent then you'd think.

Actually, there are other options as far as promotions on TV. There is a company called Traditional Championship Wrestling, that like Championship Wrestling from Hollywood, has a small TV deal. It's mostly based in the South, but they have some good talent, along with former WWE/TNA stars. I doubt MVP was talking about this promotion, but still it is out there.

As far as MVP goes, there was really only one time where I thought he was was more than just average at best. That was his US Title feud with Chris Benoit. Other than that, he always came across as boring in the ring and on the mic. Now that's not to say that he doesn't have anything to offer, but I just don't see anything big coming from him, no matter where he ends up.

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