Re-designing Smackdown after Draft!


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Hi guys. This is my 3rd thread hope you like it.

For me the Smackdown Brand is weak. I feel they have got too many heels and not enough faces. The main faces are Edge, Christain and Rey. Edge is great as is Christian but Rey has never been or will be World Champuon material in my eyes so basically they have 2 main faces. Whereas in Heels they are flooded with Del Rio, Barrett, Corre, Rhodes, Drew, Swagger, Reks. They are all good heel characters. Now the draft is coming up and I think we definatley have to balence this out. After the draft here is what I want teh Smackdown landscape to look like:

Top Maineventing Faces:

Orton - Drafted
Bryan - Drafted
Undertaker (If fit)

Top Maineventing Heels:

Del Rio
Barrett - solo
Reks - Big push
Masters - heel turn
Sheamus - Draft

Midcard Faces:

R Truth - Draft
Percy Watson - when he debuts, wrestled tons of dark matches. expected to debut soon
Gabriel - Face turn after Corre dissolves

Midcard Heels:

Big Show
Skip Sheffield



With this new landscape Smackdown once again becomes freash, alot of youth is being pushed and they are preparing for the future. The likes of BigShow, Kane, 619 most likely wont be here next year so now is the time to push young superstars and drop the older ones to prepare them for the years ahead as they will further carry the company.

What do you guys think?
The re-design should be something huge, not only the Draft pick...
(Rey Mysterio is World Champion Material, man!)

I would give SD! a great reconstruction... :confused:
For sometime now, that i think that the Blue Show could change!!

Maybe make it WWE Live!.
Stay with 3 commentators;
Change Teddy Long and put him as RAW GM!
Give them great feuds, like they were doing with Main-Eventers, to mid-card talents!
I would make an Anti-Raw movement, or something that revolutionate WWE!
They should make epic matches every once in a while to make us SD Marks!

Draft Pick:
From SD! to Raw:

- Alberto Del Rio
- Cody Rhodes
- Beth Phoenix
- Kofi Kingston

From RAW to SD!:

- John Morrison
- Daniel Bryan
- Melina
- Evan Bourne (debuts as a hell)

Have you ever thought about being SD! interactive with the fans?
Like have a CyberSunday type of thing once in a year in The Special SD! Week..

WOOW do you imagine:
Hmm some nice idea's.

I think there should be 3 commentators: Chavo, Cole and Matthews.

New GM: Booker T or Nash

Becomes live.

Stick with my draft idea's.

Bring back Lightweight Title.

Now that will change Smackdown.

I hate Rey :/ Hated him since he fueded with Eddie lol! R.I.P Eddie, WWE will never be close to being the same. Viva la raza holmes!
Main Event Faces
Main Event Heels
Tag Team
Sheamus and Drew MacIntyre
Bourne and Danielson
Big Show and Kane
Ezekial Jackson and Justin Gabriel(heath slater fired)
Thinking about it, I reckon you could successfully run SmackDown with just ten wrestlers. Yes, ten wrestlers. Astounding, I know. So, who would my ten wrestlers be? Glad you asked!

  1. Alberto Del Rio
  2. Christian
  3. Brodus Clay
  4. Cody Rhodes
  5. Rey Mysterio
  6. Kofi Kingston
  7. Wade Barrett
  8. Jack Swagger
  9. Daniel Bryan
  10. Sin Cara
Frankly, I've never liked the idea of established faces on SmackDown. My favourite time in recent SmackDown history was when Jeff Hardy and CM Punk were main eventing.

The Corre are holding Barrett back. Besides, stables suck. Edge, Kane and Big Show bore me to tears. It's perhaps cliché to wish Bryan to SmackDown, but he's obviously not better off on Raw.

I sort of threw that list together but the heel/face ratio has kind of evened out, hasn't it? You have Christian, Mysterio, Kofi, Bryan and Sin Cara as the faces. On the other end, you have Del Rio, Clay, Barrett, Swagger and Rhodes.

The idea is probably appalling. I mean, for one thing, there's no enhancement talent. Still, I threw it together in about five minutes. What's your excuse?

Oh, and get rid of that appalling Green Day song. It was shit when I first heard it three millennia ago - it has not aged well.
I don't know why but I just have this gut feeling that Batista is going to come back and be the final draft pick of the night and return to Smackdown. That would sure as hell freshen up the show.

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