Raw Roulette Returns Next Week

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
This past Monday, during CM Punk's entrance, Michael Cole announced that within one night removed from The Royal Rumble, there will be a Raw Roulette. This has become a staple "special" in recent years, but nothing too special other than seeing one-off matches. That being said, I'm still looking forward to it.

In my opinion, when CM Punk walks in with the WWE title, it will be nice to see where things start heading to WrestleMania. I believe that after the Rumble, WWE will be 99% sure with what they want to do for the rest of the card that comes before Rock's second Mania match since returning to WWE.

What are your thoughts for this?
Hahaha you think Punk will come out a week from now as a champ. The only way that happens if they make him cheat again(yawn). The Shield beat him up tonight and we know when the babyface gets beat right before the ppv that the babyface wins the ppv. Thanks for the laugh thou
Oh I have an idea for Raw Roulette, how about they have a steel cage match with Kaitlyn and Aksana have Sara Del Rey attack Kaitlyn and say that she was the one who attacked her at that PPV.
Rock will be the champ. I like Punk as much as the next guy but Rock is an international star with multiple movies coming out soon. The upside to giving Rock the title is so much more than the upside to having Punk's reign continue. I've got the t-shirt, I've got the DVD, and I think Punk is the best in the WWE right now... and I think he should lose clean to The Rock at the Royal Rumble.
The upside to giving Rock the title is so much more than the upside to having Punk's reign continue.

How does that even make sense? At most, The Rock will be seen on a talk show with the title and that's about it. It's nothing different than before. Not to mention, if Rock wins then the next thing would be him for drop it to Cena. After that, Cena runs through CM Punk over and over, and in the blink of an eye CM Punk is BACK where he was two years ago. Having The Rock win doesn't do SHIT for the WWE but hurt everything they've done for the past year.

Keeping the title on Punk allows him to go over Cena at Mania, allows him to finally face off against Ryback after losing every escape goat possible, and finally allows Ryback win the big one. That sets WWE up for their next big time rivalry that could carry the torch for the next four to six months, before putting another new face into the scenario. And then, they'd have three sure fire big stars (Cena, Ryback, and Punk) and the possibility of utilizing others like Ziggler, Del Rio, and Sheamus to also add more "star power". I'd say that CM Punk beating The Rock does a lot more than Rock beating CM Punk... but none of that matters in this topic because this isn't about Rock or CM Punk. That topic is in the PPV discussion boards.

This topic is about the Raw Roulette, the night after Royal Rumble. Punk will definitely be involved somehow, and I think that if Ziggler isn't walking out of Rumble with the Rumble win, then he'll cash in on Del Rio for Raw. He's getting dangerously close to being the one guy who doesn't cash in.
Raw Roulette is fun because of how cheesy it is. The obviously-being-manipulated wheel and the segments around it would've fit in perfectly during the late 80s - early 90s when I was a kid. It's just very pro wrestling-y. The Raw punctuated by CM Punk's epic promo back in 2011 set the bar for Raw Roulette episodes (the entire show was good, that just made it classic), but since this one takes place the night after the Rumble it should be a very entertaining episode.

I think that The Rock kicks off his reign as WWE champion next week. With that, the Rumble winner will be pounding his chest, and there may or may not be new World and Tag Team champions. Rumble entrants who are coming back off of injury should also be getting some face time. Gonna be a fun show.
Punk should lose the title on Sunday, spin the roulette wheel on Monday and happen to get a match for the WHC against Del Rio. He wins, so technically he hasn't been a day without a title. He would say that but we would know different. The Undertaker could then be his opponent in a WM Match. Just a thought I had.
As to who should walk out as champ, I'd much rather see Punk retain than see The Rock have what will amount to nothing more than a vanity reign. If he wins, he'll keep the title until WM and then drop it, probably to John Cena. Punk's been a great champion and if he retains through cheating, so the fuck what? Cheating is what heels do for Christ's sake.

As for the Raw Roulette, I'm not really sure on where I stand. This is something that can actually be fun if Vince doesn't insist on loading the show with lame comedy matches. Unfortunately, that's what usually happens with Raw Roulette. WWE doesn't need to start off the official kick off to the Road to WrestleMania with a throwaway show filled with lame gimmick or comedy matches.
How does that even make sense? At most, The Rock will be seen on a talk show with the title and that's about it. It's nothing different than before. Not to mention, if Rock wins then the next thing would be him for drop it to Cena. After that, Cena runs through CM Punk over and over, and in the blink of an eye CM Punk is BACK where he was two years ago. Having The Rock win doesn't do SHIT for the WWE but hurt everything they've done for the past year.

Keeping the title on Punk allows him to go over Cena at Mania, allows him to finally face off against Ryback after losing every escape goat possible, and finally allows Ryback win the big one. That sets WWE up for their next big time rivalry that could carry the torch for the next four to six months, before putting another new face into the scenario. And then, they'd have three sure fire big stars (Cena, Ryback, and Punk) and the possibility of utilizing others like Ziggler, Del Rio, and Sheamus to also add more "star power". I'd say that CM Punk beating The Rock does a lot more than Rock beating CM Punk... but none of that matters in this topic because this isn't about Rock or CM Punk. That topic is in the PPV discussion boards.

This topic is about the Raw Roulette, the night after Royal Rumble. Punk will definitely be involved somehow, and I think that if Ziggler isn't walking out of Rumble with the Rumble win, then he'll cash in on Del Rio for Raw. He's getting dangerously close to being the one guy who doesn't cash in.

I don't think you understand how it works. WWE brought the rock in to increase the number of viewers. Even if you make the rock only hit the talks shows cm punk would be on it would have way more impact. But its the rock, he will be able to get more time on more shows then your average wrestler. Also having him as champ may make old time viewers think he is sticking around for awhile. Old viewers will tune into raw knowing if he is champ he will be the center of the show. This will give them a chance to show case the other talent to newer viewers. On a weekly basis while new or former viewers tune in to see the rock as champ.

On topic, I wouldn't mind seeing a name your stipulation match and have some challenge the RR winner for their title shot. Saw Cena wins and Punk wrestlers him for the spot, good match. Or you can have someone surprise everyone and win the rumble, let say broduis clay. Then he can lose it to cena the next night. We get a surprise finish to the RR and we still set things up for cena vs rock II.
Some stupid dance off between Brodus Clay and Fandango. Almost guarantee it.

But I'm hoping that this show will actually show the WWE's intentions heading into WrestleMania. Build up the correct wrestlers for 'Mania, rather than leaving some crappy less than one star match ups on the show.
Kane and Daniel Bryan in a hug-off. Read it here first. The appeal of this night is wearing off and I'm not really excited but it should give us a few good matches.

I think Punk will be champ going in into Raw Roulette. Simply be VKM saying that the Shield couldn't interfere just makes something else more likely and Punk retaining the belt.
Rock will win Sunday because he provides the most exposure for Elimination Chamber and Wrestlemania. The Rock as champion is news beyond the wrestling world, CM Punk as champion is a good wrestling story.

Punk will go on to face Taker at Mania in a high profile match and be just fine. Just because he drops the title does not mean his career goes back 2 years.

Cena will win the Rumble, challenge The Rock for title. Cena will go over The Rock at Mania and then Ziggler will cash in Money in the Bank and Mania will end the same way it did last year, with Cena on the floor wondering what happened, and Ziggler will be celebrating on the biggest stage of all.
Rock will win Sunday because he provides the most exposure for Elimination Chamber and Wrestlemania. The Rock as champion is news beyond the wrestling world, CM Punk as champion is a good wrestling story.

Punk will go on to face Taker at Mania in a high profile match and be just fine. Just because he drops the title does not mean his career goes back 2 years.

Cena will win the Rumble, challenge The Rock for title. Cena will go over The Rock at Mania and then Ziggler will cash in Money in the Bank and Mania will end the same way it did last year, with Cena on the floor wondering what happened, and Ziggler will be celebrating on the biggest stage of all.

I have to agree with this, and i really do hope this is what ziggler does. Dolph Ziggler ending the night that way will boost him so much and what make for a better ending. Cm Punk .vs. Taker will be awesome and I can't wait to see that match, but rock/cena II and HHH/Brock II is just dumb.
I have to agree with this, and i really do hope this is what ziggler does. Dolph Ziggler ending the night that way will boost him so much and what make for a better ending. Cm Punk .vs. Taker will be awesome and I can't wait to see that match, but rock/cena II and HHH/Brock II is just dumb.

Dolph's case is for the WHC not the WWE title, two different MitB cases one for each title.
Dolph wont cash in on Cena, unless Cena is WHC.
fandango! I forgot about that guy...lol. I figured the wwe dropped that guy before he ever really debuted. He must be being used on saturday morning slam. Enough with the dancing crap too.... the last good dancer was the godfather and the ho train...lol. Wwe is obsessed with fat guys dancing (Rikishi,Viscera, Big Show, Brodus) to name only a few... Wwe needs to be more original.... they've had a Skipper, Tugboat, Corrections officer/Mountie, Irs tax guy, Rich Guy, An Earthquake, Tatanka, Bastion Booger, Boogieman, Pig Farmers, Duke the Dumpster, Repo Man, ...lol. Let's see... they can have a Firefighter? Car Salesman, Construction Worker, or how about a different type of music... a TECHNO GUY! Imagine a Jeff Hardy type techno guy..... John Cena Who? The Kids would love that!

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