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Raw or Smackdown or Both?

What show or shows do you watch every week?

  • Only Raw

  • Only Smackdown

  • Both Shows

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Dark Match Jobber
I was watching my DVR version of Smackdown today...fast forwarding through much of the program...I find myself doing this alot with Smackdown lately...and it made me start thinking about not watching Smackdown anymore. I am disappointed with the show week in and week out.

So I was wondering how many people watch:

Only Raw
Only Smackdown
Both Raw and Smackdown

Please take the poll

I only watch Raw nowadays because frankly speaking, Smackdown bores me.

Too many "midcarders at best" in the show.

I used to watch Smackdown when Smackdown mattered to WWE.
It might have to do with the fact that I read the spoilers and it's not live, but I have found myself quickly not watching smackdown every single week. It's hard because I think it puts on a great wrestling show, but the program as a whole is so lackluster! there's no thrill and the rivalries suck, hope it changes soon!
I don't know why you would have skipped any of Smackdown, because this weeks show was good. The only part I skipped was Kane's promo. I thought the rest was good, although Rhodes wasn't featured and he's been amazing these past few months

Hell I was impressed by the Bryan vs Slater match. Bryan is still boring to me but if he continues to show that he's more than that fucking Labell Lock I may become a fan. Slater is a heaping pile of garbage, but he showed that he should be on the main roster during this match. These two managed to put on a good match. The ending was great and unexpected

Christian vs Jackson sounded like it was going to be horrible garbage, but thanks to Christians ability to carry almost anyone it turned out better than expected. Jacksons a monster with a ton of power, and somehow the crowd loves him, Christian is such a great heel that it worked well.

The same can be said for Orton vs Kane, I figured this would be a disaster and I only watched to see the part about Orton's foot going into the announcers table, then I found myself compelled to watch the whole match. Street fights usually don't do it for me, and the ending was a little slopping but it turned out well. It was worth it to watch Orton and Kane shake hands at the end.

Raw was good this past Monday, but Smackdown was just as entertaining on Friday.
It might have to do with the fact that I read the spoilers and it's not live, but I have found myself quickly not watching smackdown every single week. It's hard because I think it puts on a great wrestling show, but the program as a whole is so lackluster! there's no thrill and the rivalries suck, hope it changes soon!

You hit the point my friend.

A wrestling show only with good pro wrestling matches is not necessarily a good wrestling show.

Wrestling also needs storylines, good promos, charismatic stars and credible main eventers.

It would be easy to have good ratings and ppv buys if the only thing needed to create a good show were good wrestlers having good matches, and almost nothing else.
I usually watch Raw and Smackdown live as they happen, since I never have anything else going on sadly.. but if I do DVR both shows, I fast forward through everything but the promos and divas matches.. yes, i said it.. I watch all the divas matches because even though the matches aren't very good, the divas are very nice to look at :)
I watch both, I personally think that Smackdown put on better matches than Raw at times. Raw is more of the entertaining show to Smackdown which is more of the wrestling show....in my opinion.

Raw always have that one main storyline [nowadays] The Rock returning...and everything else was bad. CM Punk storyline....nothing else is really holding my interest. Sometimes I like Raw [sometimes] I just like one thing about the whole show. With Smackdown I usually enjoy it every week. I can say that Raw has been getting good again lately ...ever since the Raw Roulette I have been enjoying it again, but I'm just waiting to see what other storyline and decent matches they can put together instead of the one at a time.

I seriously think it's time to combine the rosters since we only continue to see the same matches weekly...which is what I loved about Smackdown this week. We saw Kane vs Orton, good match. Wade vs Sheamus, Christian vs Ezekiel Jackson, Heath Slater vs Daniel Bryan. They always try to do something good...where the wrestling is concerned even though WWE doesn't like using the 'wresting' word anymore. lol

I think probably people will pay more attention to Smackdown if it wasn't taped but I always watch both shows. Both shows has great talents, it's just up to the WWE to use them right.
I watch both, Smackdown isn't a "top-notch", it has definitely fallen from what it used to be but I want the brand to stay on TV, I don't know what they should do with it at this point. It's not live and they don't put as much attention into it like they do RAW but I want it around. I always think to myself, "WWE please do truly something meaningful with it before it's too late."
Now with that choice ill state my reasons. I prefer RAW cause it has most of my favored wrestlers on it and I love the promo work on it....but I watch Smackdown for the actual wrestling so I tend to fastforward through the promos unless it involved christian lol.
I watch and enjoy both. I enjoy them because I know going in which show will deliver in which way. Typically, SD has better matches where as Raw usually has better promos and backstage stuff.

Now with that said, there are some changes I'd love to see SD undergo. First off, 4 hours a week with Michael Cole is just too much. He's gotten slightly better since he isn't being a full on heel character, but sometimes him and Booker go way too far with the bickering. Also, some weeks the show looks like it tries to be the 2.0 version of that week's Raw. I hate that. Let each show keep their different identities.

As for Raw, with the exception of the last month or so, Raw has been lacking a bit lately as well. I hope that things keep changing with HHH in an authority role. Example, get rid of the computer GM and hopefully the "new" WWE championship will not look like a kids toy.
I watch both Raw and Smackdown. I've always preferred smackdown over raw just because smackdown was the first wrestling show I ever saw. I didn't have cable when I was a kid so I only watched Thursday night smackdown. Obviously raws always going to be the number one show but no matter how great raw is and no matter how awful smackdown may be in the future again smackdown will always be my favorite. Obviously wwe's always are going to put more into raw but smackdown has a great feud going on now between Orton and Christian and if not for the cm punk situation this feud would be the best thing going on in wwe. Another thing smackdown lacks is just that energy and vibe that raw has from a live show. I really enjoyed Tuesday night smackdown that one time not to long ago because it showed smackdown can also get that same vibe and energy as a Monday night raw. To be honest I think wwe should have a live smackdown every once in a while.
I watch dvr versions of both. Raw is overall more entertaining, but smackdown has its moments. There's just not enough star power on smackdown. Smackdown usually has more in ring action, which I like, but half the time the crowd doesn't care about who's cutting a promo and the cheers are edited in. It drives me crazy for instance, this week. Daniel bryan was telling everyone he's cashing in at WM, during the promo he would say something and there would be a HUGE pop, like the glass just shattered or something. Then I look in the crowd... and no one is cheering... at all. I feel cheated. Plus I can only take so much holla holla holla playas. Can we get a new SD GM please? Anyone?
How could you not prefer RAW over SmackDown at this moment and time? The creative team is obviously putting all of there time and effort into RAW and their story lines. In result creating a buzz around the wrestling world that hasn't been there in years (CM Punk, Vince story line, ect.) If SmackDown was on the same level as RAW then Vince "stepping down" from his chairman position might as well be put on SmackDown. I'll take RAW over SmackDown all day everyday!
I watch and enjoy both.

The problem with SmackDown is that it's almost designed to be boring. It's not live and the crowd acts as such. In an age of mass communication, so many people either read or hear about the spoilers. To top it off, they recap Raw during it. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE SmackDown personally just because I love some good ol' fashion wrasslin' - which SmackDown provides. But in no sense has the WWE tried to make it equal to Raw. It's the B show and it's not even an argument.

Another big problem with SmackDown is that it's the same show every week. That's not the roster's fault though. I mean look at Raw. It always has something important going on. Announcements that concern the entire company, appearances from people like Vince and Hunter, gimmick shows such as "Power To The People", "All Star Night" and "Raw Roulette." Where are the SmackDown gimmick shows? There are none. It's a plain linear show week to week. Opening promo (typically involving the main feud), several matches with segments in between and a main event meant to further the feud in the main event. The end. There has been very little creativity with SmackDown, and it shows.
Raw only...
I have Smackdown DVR'd but I don't watch it much, simply because I know nothings gonna happen, and it's simply going to be 30 minutes of RAW Rewind... I think that's whats got me the most from the brand split is seeing Mark Henry put Big Show through a table for the 30th time.

I don't like Smackdown being taped, simply because the anything can happen chance is gone, at least RAW has a surprise once in a while, the CM Punk saga has me tuning in every Monday actually looking forward to the show, rather than forcing myself to keep current.
I watch both. SmackDown has always been the better show in my eyes, and it still is. RAW has more of the entertainment, SmackDown has more of the wrestling.
It's kind of sad really. Coming up, Smackdown was always MY show! Never missed it, pissed when I did! I could miss Raws (school nights, etc). But with Smackdown, It's Friday, the weekend, order a pizza and watch the best show on the box. That was my Friday night! But somewhere along the way, I've leaned far away from the blue show. To the point when I only watch it if A) I'm off of work, and B) I've got nothing else to do. I couldn't tell you the last time I've sat through an entire episode of SD! But Raw is where it's at, in WCW's words, "where the big boys play". Because on Raw you have Cena, "Punk", Truth, etc etc. Orton is carrying SD by himself IMO with Christian being the veteran follower. If you didn't notice, SD often shows FULL replays of Raw's major segments. Wasting time on something we already saw a couple of days prior. Boy, do I feel bad for the crowd that has to go to a Smackdown taping, SMDH!:disappointed:
I only watch Smackdown. RAW is a horrible show. I here people saying that RAW has the better promos? Are you serious bro!? Besides the the stuff going on with Cena,Punk and HHH, RAW is a complete snore fest. You mean to tell me that the random feud of Swagger and Bourne is better than Sheamus vs Berrate? No. RAW is a one note show while Smackdown is entertaining from start to finish.
I'm too new to vote or whatever it is that keeps from voting... But I watch both shows. Smackdown puts on good matches, I enjoy Randy Orton's style. Of course, Smackdown needs a definite boost as far as storyline goes but it's still an entertaining show. It would be on equal ground with RAW if it was a live event as well. If they did a Monday Night RAW and Tuesday night Smackdown live as well... Smackdown would get the necessary attention it deserves and could very well become the better brand to watch.
Personally I watch both, as they both really entertain me.

They both are good shows but overall I would have to say raw overall just has a slight edge and is only a bit better, as smackdown still puts on great matches. This is why I watch both shows
When I was younger, Smackdown, no question

When I was living with my mother in an apartment, we didn't have cable (except for the time when some wires got crossed and we got it for a few days for free), so that fact that Smackdown was airing on a local channel was great (except for the fact that I had Boyscouts on Thursdays)

but these days I watch them both
I watch both shows. The problem is though that Michael Cole is "overexposed" as he's appearing on both shows and commentary is a big problem. One advantage that Raw has is the alternate Spanish audio.
Both! With Raw, it has more of my favorites and is more entertainment, and with Smackdown, I like how many good mid carders it has and know I can expect WRESTLING.
I watch both , but both shows are good in their own way..

Raw ussually has better storylines, all the big announcements take place on raw, there is ussually more promos, and they have all the big stars.

On the other hand Smackdown ussually features more wrestling and the wrestling is ussually better.

But raw is over exposed in my opinion , I know its the "A" show and what not but on Smackdown they ussually show entire segments from raw and they advertise them throughout the night ,but rarely is there ever any Smackdown replays on raw. It also doesn't help that anytime there is any company wide announcments or even big smackdown announcments they take place on raw. For example, Edge's retirement announcment , he was Smackdown's biggest superstar, and he was the world heavyweight champion , that could have been a big smackdown moment , but instead it had to happen on raw.

Also , Raw gets all the special shows(raw roulette, the draft, etc) , does anyone remember the last time smackdown had a 3 hour show ?

Sorry about the little rant ,I still watch both shows but I think a lot needs to be done to fix Smackdown.
Smackdown usually is skipped by many people because of the show being taped and i admit i havent watched it at times for that reason, BUT on the times i DID watch it, it's the best WRESTLING show than Raw, BUT Raw is the more entertaining show and the CM Punk storyline is why most are following Raw. honestly, i am happy with the Smackdown product lately, the Money in the Bank ladder match impressed me and the winner was a surprise in Daniel Bryan and honestly, i like the fact they are looking at pushing Bryan. he may lack in mic skills, but he can put on a great match, his wrestling skills is comparable to a CM Punk. Cody Rhodes is improving and was my dark horse to winning the briefcase and now Barrett and Sheamus are feuding and it will be interesting as who the face and heel will be in that feud. Smackdown is a great show if you want pure wrestling, Raw is a great show with the entertainment

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