RAW on Monday



Did anyone else thing that that Raw was amazing compared to recent months, All the promos seemed funny (except DX's but that sounded very real and believeable) and the matches were good for the most part. Plus, the WWE seems to be making alot of more shocking things and raising the rating from a family show (with the crymw-tyme segment). I thought it was the best Raw in months personally
No, i really didnt enjoy raw this week, It seemed rushed, Cryme Time's promo was horrible, Cena breaking the masterlock and reversing it was horribe (why did he reverse it? all he had to do was break it) it made masters look weak after the push he is getting,

Eugene wanting to kiss the girls and going crazy was a turn over moment, the womans division is horrible now, but good for Victoria getting the push

Raw over the past few weeks has been good, but this was pure crap i thought
I personally have lost alot of interest in Raw but I still watch because I am loyal to the company for so many years. The Main Event was chaotic and had no sense of order...I would have at least dedicated a good 30 minutes to that main even and make it into a 8 man elimination tag team match. Eugene...have no clue why they even putting his character on TV...the womens divsion is horrible pathetic and I cant even stand to watch any of their matches. Seeing maria come down in wrestling gear is nauseating...the only part I actually enjoy was the Masterlock Challenge and the Umaga build-up to NYR...
Everyone is so down on the womens division, yeah it is bad, but if you put Mickie and Victorio in a ring together they will have a decent to good match.

I didn't see the cryme time segment, so I don't know, but I wasn't totally impressed with the hour I saw (second half). I did think DX's promo was excellent, but I don't like them being so serious, is that a bad thing?

Cena didn't break the masterlock, I don't think. If he did the announcer would have made a hug deal about it. They said that master was holding on by one finger but for some reason the whole turnbuckle referee collision whatever means Cena doesn't get credit for breaking it. The masterlock challenge shouldnt be being used on the champ, it shoul donly be used to further Masters push, but I missed the buildup to this match so maybe it meant something. I tuned in right in the middle.
The Reason Cena doesnot get credit is because MAsters broke the lock, Cena didn't. Same thing happened with HBK eriler this year. I enjoyed Raw this week. It kept me interested.
i think raw was so..so , i didnt like the Eugene and Cryme Time's promo's it just sucked they need to do some thing with cryme time put them n the ring all the promos there doing is getin old now n this past monday's was bout the dumbest 1 ive seen yet i think its time 4 them to wrestling them n rated rko i think that would b a good match , but other then that RAW kept me interested
Everyone is so down on the womens division, yeah it is bad, but if you put Mickie and Victorio in a ring together they will have a decent to good match.

IMO, the problem with the Women's Divison is just that. Mickie vs. Victoria is about the only good women's match out there anymore.

I understand the reasoning behind Victoria/Maria this past week, but if you're gonna have Victoria wreak havoc again (much like when she first came and was with Steven Richards), I'd rather not have them waste time on a match when they could have extended the main event. Now if all the divas could compete well in the ring and the matches lasted more than 2-5 minutes, that would be different.
RAW sucked last Monday. DX didn't get to avenge Ric, Masters got a WWE title shot which made that part of the night soooooo predictable, Cryme Tyme needs to shut their mouths and start kicking some ass like they did when they debuted, Carlito should be doing more than dating Torrie and having matches with Big Vis, and Kenny should have no business with Rated RKO he should be working his way up the singles division on his own, he just came out of a five man group for crying out loud!

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