RAW Is WAR: The way it's supposed to be!

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Pre-Show Stalwart
June 26, 2006
Monday Night Raw (9:00 ET)

The opening video plays as we go to the arena and music begins to fill the arena "No Chance, No Chance in Hell" Vince McMahon walks down to the ring with his infamous strut. Mr. McMahon grabs the microphone and gets ready to speak before a "DX" chant hits the crowd.

Vince: “DX is the last of my worries tonight trust me. Tonight, I have an announcement of epic proportions. This single announcement will shake the entire WWE establishment from its very base. Ever since the moment Vengeance ended last night my phone and all the phones at the WWE headquarters have been ringing off the hook with everything from congratulations on the great event, thanks for putting on the PPV of the year, and how they can get another look at the event. As the chairman of the WWE it is my job to make sure each and every WWE fan is satisfied with each and every WWE event.”

Cheers hit the arena.

Vince: “Now, in my opinion, Vengeance showed me something I had been suspecting for quite a while now. It showed me that it is now official that in fact RAW is the number one brand in the WWE.”

More cheers for Vince.

Vince: “Forget Smackdown and forget ECW because after tonight they will be no more. That’s right as of this moment I am officially terminating the Smackdown and ECW brands. All of those superstars will be official Superstars of the RAW brand. Beginning next week each and every one of your favorite WWE superstars will compete on the same show and begin the new era of RAW and more importantly the new era of the WWE. Next weeks RAW will air at 8:30 eastern time and we will have an extended 3 hour program that will not end until 11:30 eastern time. And no this is not a one night special. This is the new permanent alignment of the WWE. I do realize a few problems will be created but where there is a problem there is a solution and I, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, am that solution. The new GM of RAW will be the best man for the job that we can find in the business and that man would be... me! That’s right I am the new GM of RAW starting effective right now.”

Boo’s hit Vince with the chant of “Asshole” starting up.

Vince: “My first act as the new GM of RAW is to set up a match next week. Next week live on RAW WWE champion Rob Van Dam will challenge World Champion Rey Mysterio in a unification match. That’s right after next week their will be no more World Championship, just the WWE Championship which will go to the winner of that match.”

The asshole chants suddenly turn into cheers.

Vince: “As my second act as RAW GM I will make a second match for next week. This a unification match of the two sets of tag team titles. Next week live on RAW Brian Kendrick & Paul London will take on the team of Kenny & Mikey better known as the Spirit Squad. The winners of that match will be crowned the WWE Tag Team Champions. So everyone tune in next week to the new brand of the WWE live at 8:30 eastern on the USA network. Thank you very much!”

No Chance in hell again hits the arena and Vince leaves to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Raw goes to a commercial with JR and King left speaking in amazement.

Back from commercial break (9:23 ET)

Replays are shown of the shocking announcements that just transpired along with a recap of last nights Vengeance PPV.

We come back to the arena with Randy Orton’s music blasting and Orton making his way to the ring fresh off his victory over Kurt Angle. Orton is greeted with a chorus of boo’s and steps into the ring awaiting his opponent. Carlito’s music hits and out he comes to a barrage of cheers. They then show yet another replay of how Carlito was robbed of the IC title at last nights Vengeance PPV. The bell rings and the match is under way.

Carlito vs Randy Orton
Singles Match

Early Match Notes:
-Carlito begins the attack with a series of right hands followed by a huge clothesline on Orton.
-Carlito continues his attack on Orton but the fans begin to boo. Carlito later realizes they are not booing the match but Shane McMahon who has come down to ringside and has taken a seat next to JR and the King at the announce table.

Mid Match Notes:
-Carlito looks to take an even bigger advantage as he throws Orton over the top rope to the outside. Carlito climbs out of the ring and his attempt to irish whip Orton into the steel steps is reversed and Carlito is sent flying shoulder first into the stairs.
-After they are back in the ring Orton is in complete control and continues with a series of suplexes.

The Finish:
-Randy Orton positions himself ready to deliver the RKO to Carlito who is on one knee towards the right side of the ring Orton goes for the RKO but as he is in the air Carlito manages to reverse it into the back cracker the crowd goes crazy and the cover comes 1...2... Carlito is pulled off of Orton by Shane McMahon who is standing on the outside. Carlito looks down at Shane and seems to mouth “Thats not cool” as Randy Orton fights to his feet behind Carlito. Randy Orton is up turns Carlito around and gives him a boot to the stomach and then the RKO... heres the cover 1..2..3. Boo’s fill the arena as Randy Orton looks down at Shane in a look that says shows both gratitude and genuine shock.

Winner by Pinfall-Randy Orton

Commercial break (9:34 ET)

Return from Commercial break (9:38 ET)

We see a shot of the outside of the arena and JR welcomes us back and offers a replay of the match we just witnessed.

Backstage Vince McMahon is seen walking through the doors of his office where a pissed off Paul Heyman is sitting on his couch.

Paul: “Vince, you weren’t serious about what you said out there were you?”

Vince: “Paul, I know you’re going to be pissed off but just let me handle this and everything will be smooth. I am a McMahon and just like any McMahon I always have a plan.”

Paul: “Vince, ECW just got off the ground and I had so many ideas for it and now after all the time I put into it you leave me without a job?”

Vince: “Paul you’re under WWE contract damn it and as long as you are you get paid and you do what I say. ECW wrestlers will get their fair share of action in the new era of the WWE. Now what ECW wrestlers are in the building tonight?”

Paul: “Just Rob Van Dam and Tommy Dreamer, Vince.”

Vince: “You just tell Dreamer to get ready for a match tonight. Now get the hell out of my office!”

Heyman walks out the door and as soon as the door closes he looks back at the door.

Paul: “Asshole.”

Commercial Break (9:45 ET)

Commercial Break Return (9:49 ET)

Mick Foley’s music hits the ring and out he comes with the Hardcore Title wrapped around his shoulder. He grabs the microphone...

Mick: “I promised Ric Flair we would have a technical wrestling match last night and Vengeance. My name is Mick Foley and lying is not one of my things so I gave him what I promised. One technical wrestling match. After the first fall I then gave him what he told me was all I was capable of. That’s right Mick Foley the glorified stuntman pulled the plug on the whole wrestling thing and gave Ric Flair the hardcore ass kicking of a lifetime.”

The fans begin to vocally display their disproval.

Mick: “Boo all you want but I am here to offer Ric Flair a chance to come out here and give me the same beating I gave him last night. So Ric come on out.”

Flair’s music hits along with loud cheers. The music then abruptly shuts off though.

Mick: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I forgot to mention to you guys Ric couldn’t make it here tonight. Yea he had prior commitments. Commitments like sitting at home with his head wrapped up trying to remember who the hell kicked his ass last night.”

Loud boo’s fill the arena.

Mick: “Well, the WWE hardcore champion is the one responsible for that. Your WWE hardcore champion is ....”

Foley is interrupted by what seems like ECW’s theme song. Paul Heyman appears with microphone in hand.

Paul: “Mick you claim to be the WWE hardcore champion but can I ask you one thing? Who was your last title defense against? Let me answer that for you. You haven’t defended it against anyone since you and Edge claimed yourselves the Hardcore Champions. So I went back to Vince after I talked to him about his prior announcement. Now, Vince told me that I had the option to put Tommy Dreamer in a match against anybody in the WWE tonight. Can you guess who I picked? That’s right you. Looks like it’s finally time for you to put that gorgeous title of yours on the line.”

We go to a commercial break just as Tommy Dreamer comes out and stands next to Heyman.

Commercial break (9:56 ET)
Commercial break return (10:00 ET)

We return and it looks like Dreamer and Foley have their match well underway.

Hardcore Championship Match
Mick Foley vs Tommy Dreamer

Early Match Notes:
-Foley and Dreamer battle all over the crowd and then up the ramp towards the Titantron where Dreamer nails Foley with a right hand. Heyman comes back out of the curtain with a garbage can filled with weapons and hands them to Dreamer.
-Dreamer then goes to work on Foley with a chair and a few street signs.

Mid Match Notes:
-Dreamer lines up a cookie sheet on Foley’s head and prepares to drive a chair down onto it. Dreamer raises the chair above his head until Edge emerges from the curtain barbed wire bat in hand. Edge winds up and nails Dreamer in the back with it and Dreamer goes down.
-Edge appears to be defending the title that he is a co-owner of as Foley and Edge double team Dreamer and send him back to the ring a bloodied mess.
-Edge props up a table in the corner and sets up for a spear. He runs and nails Dreamer with a spear through a table and Dreamer seems to be out.
- Rob Van Dam’s music hits and he sprints out to the ring and drills Foley with a chair and then hits the Van Daminater on Edge. Everyone is down except Van Dam who is trying to get Dreamer to his senses.

The Finish:
-Lita out of nowhere hits Van Dam with a low blow and Van Dam is down. Lita tries to get Edge up but Dreamer has her by the hair. Dreamer picks her up for the Dreamer Driver but Foley hits Dreamer with Mr Socko. Lita is dropped and rolls to help Edge up. Van Dam hits Foley from behind and Dreamer gets to his feet and is going for the Dreamer Driver on Foley this time. Edge looks to be sizing up Dreamer for a spear and as Dreamer turns with Foley still set for the driver Edge runs at Dreamer but Van Dam is there and hits a dropkick on Edge mid-stride. Dreamer hits the Dreamer Driver and off the top comes RVD for the 5 Star Frog Splash and here’s the cover from Dreamer 1...2...3!

The bloody Tommy Dreamer is the new hardcore champion.

Winner by Pinfall and NEW Hardcore Champion- Tommy Dreamer (w/ RVD and Paul Heyman)

Commercial (10:14 ET)

Back From Commercial (10:18 ET)

Kane’s music and pyro hit the arena and out comes Kane. Replays play of his loss to the Imposter Kane. Back in the arena Johnny Nitro and Melina hit the ring in their typical flashy entrance and this non-title match is about to get underway.

Kane vs IC Champion Johnny Nitro (w/ Melina)
Single Non-Title Match

Early Match Notes:
-Kane seems like just to much for Nitro who is doing everything he can but just can’t seem to get the big man under control.
-Kane tosses Nitro into the corner and nails him with a few right hands followed by an Irish whip into the ropes and a big boot.

Mid Match Notes:
-Kane continues his battery of Nitro and climbs to the top rope. Kane leaps from the top and drills Nitro with a huge flying clothesline. Melina looks on in worry and Kane grabs Nitro by the neck looking for the chokeslam.

The Finish:
-Kane lifts Nitro up in the air and the lights go out. Then boom Kane’s pyro and old music hit and the imposter Kane comes out and stands at the top of the ramp. Kane has put Nitro down and is now yelling at the imposter from the ring. Imposter Kane then lifts his arms and brings them down and the four post pyro goes off. Nitro comes up behind Kane and goes for a roll up. 1...2..3

Winner by Pinfall-Johhny Nitro (w/ Melina)

The Aftermath:
-Johnny Nitro and Melina run out in a panic on the side of the ramp and the Imposter Kane raises the old speaking device Kane used to use. The robotic voice begins to speak...

Imposter: “Kane, don’t worry you don’t have to tell anybody who I am. Because the whole world will find out next week on RAW when I reveal myself.”

A fiery blast hits the stage and the imposter walks back into the curtain as Kane continues to yell and go ballistic in the ring.

Commercial Break (10:30 ET)

Return from Commercial Break (10:34 ET)

Backstage we see DX sitting in the locker room and their is a knock on the door. It’s Vince McMahon and Triple H and HBK immediately stand up and sarcastically salute the boss.

Triple H: “So uh, boss... how’s the baby?”

Vince: “She didn’t have one you idiot!”

Triple H and HBK put on a sarcastically shocked face.

HBK: “Oh my god? She didn’t have a baby? What did she have!?”

Vince: “Nothing! Don’t act like I don’t know what went on here last week. It’s all funny now but it won’t be when you guys get in the ring tonight. Because for the second night in a row you guys will be in a handicapped match. Tonight it will be DX up against Viscera, Gene Snitsky, Umaga, Chris Masters, and the whole damn Spirit Squad!”

HBK take a huge deep breath as to act scared.

HBK: “No! You can’t do this! No!”

Vince: “Well I just did.”

HBK: “We have to face four Sunday Night Heat stars? And..and FIVE cheerleaders.”

Triple H: “Didn’t Heat get taken off the air?”

HBK: “You know I think your right. I thought I read they took it off because of extreme lack of wrestlers with a pulse.”

Vince: “Shut up! We will see how funny it is when you’re done with your 9 on 2 no disqualification match.”

Commercial Break (10:42 ET)

Return from Break (10:46 ET)

Umaga, Armando Alejandro Estrada, Viscera, Gene Snitsky, and Chris Masters all stand in the ring. Then the Spirit Squads music hits they come out doing their typical cheerleader stuff and jumping off the trampoline into the ring. But then DX’s music hits and they make their way about half way down to the ring. Triple H gets on the microphone and does the “Are you ready?” Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon then make their way to the top of the ramp and say they are just getting a better view.

The bell rings and the match is underway

9 on 2 No DQ Handicapped Match
DX vs Umaga, Viscera, Gene Snitsky, Chris Masters, and the Spirit Squad (w/ Armando Alejandro Estrada)

Early Match Notes:
-Triple H and HBK sprint to the ring and begin to clean house. They eventually manage to send all 9 superstars outside of the ring and Triple H then gets out of the ring and gets a steel chair.
-After the stale mate Viscera grabs Triple H from behind and whips him into the ropes drilling him with a shoulder block.
-Order is finally restored and Viscera and Triple H are the lone members in the ring. Viscera is throwing Triple H around and then tags in Kenny.
-Kenny takes advantage of the damage that has already been done and continues to work on Triple H. Triple H finally reverses an attempted suplex and hits Kenny with a huge knee. Triple H tags in Michaels who enters the ring chair in hand.

Mid Match Notes:
-HBK connects a chair to the head of Kenny and then starts swinging it at the others on the apron. He hits Snitsky, Masters, and Mikey before the others hop off the apron and out of the way. Triple H comes back into the ring.
-While HBK watches the others with a chair HHH beats on Kenny who seems to be out cold.
-HHH then disposes of Kenny and Estrada directs Umaga to go into the ring. Umaga enters and HBK hits him with a chair but Umaga shakes it off and kicks HBK and then throws him over the top rope and out of the ring.
-Umaga then faces HHH while HBK is being beat down on the outside. Triple H tackles Umaga and unloads vicious right hands on his skull. Johnny comes in and jumps onto HHH’s back. HHH rams him into the ring post and goes to the outside to help HBK.
-All of a sudden John Cena’s music hits the and he comes running out and unloading on the Chris Masters and Snitsky.
-Cena, HHH, and HBK get to their feet and grab chairs. They get all 9 guys down with reckless chair shots.

The Finish:
-They roll Umaga into the ring and HHH sets him up for what looks to be a Samoan spike. But Triple H pulls brass knuckles out of his tights and HBK pulls a hot dog out of his pants. HBK snaps the hot dog in half and Triple H nails Umaga with the brass knuckles. Mikey and Johnny get their feet but are met with a super kick and an FU. Triple H goes for the cover 1...2... broken up by Mitch who came over the top off the trampoline. Mitch is hit with a pedigree and another cover 1...2...3. DX steals one!

Winner by Pinfall- DX (w/ John Cena)
We go off the air with DX crotch chopping the chairman and a handshake to John Cena.
Oh Man Your right! The way it's supposed to be! That should definatly be your motto! I can't wait until the next one! I also love how you synced it with everything that is going on right now in the WWE just like last night's Vengeance PPV! Awesome!
Overall: 99/100 Do you know how hard it is to get that high!?

Take a look at my brand below, rate all of them if you can, thanks. Awesome show!
That show was freakin awesome. That really is how it should be. I loved the main event and DX talkin to Vince and the hardcore match.. was some pimp stuff.

overall score: 95/100 And Umaga gettin his ass handed to him is fun too
Thanks for the feed. Since you gave me the lowest score so far what didn't you like and what do I need more work on?
Well you will all find out tonight or tomorrow because thats when I plan on writing it up.

Thanks for all the great feed btw
Sorry about the delay. I have been super busy. I had a combination of little free time and writers block expect it up by wednesday.
very solid 90/100

But I'm a little worried how your going to cram so many wrestlers into one show. It will be interesting how you incorperate the Smackdown Main Eventers and ECW guys into the next show.

OH and great set up on Fake Kane...it will be very interesting to see how you handle that.
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