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Dark Match Winner
I realize not everyone is going to agree with me, and that is fine, but over the last few weeks I have enjoyed Raw more than I have in the last 6-7 years. It has seem less watered down, and more edgy. I like Cena's edge that he has. He has lost some of the "cookie cutter" traits. I also love the Miz and Morrison feuding for the title. Two completely new contenders with the main guys caught in feuds away from the title. Things are no longer so predictable. Don't get me wrong, they still can be predictable at times, but we are left guessing once in a while now. Fortunately, for the past few weeks, and especially tonight, there were very few parts of Raw that I fast forwarded my TIVO through. Finally, Raw seems to be getting back to giving the fans something to look forward to, and something to tune in for next week. Just to name a few questions I have going into next week. Will Randy Orton end up in the feud with Morrision and Miz? Why did Punk attack Cena after seemingly sticking up for Nexus all night long? Why wasn't David Otunga attacked last night, and where was he tonight? When is HHH finally going to return? Who isn't a contender for the title these days? Every guy on the roster seems to have stepped his game up over the last few weeks. Perhaps it is simply the fact that Raw got so predictable and boring over the last few years, that I am excited to have some cliff hangers and some questions. New faces, new feuds, blurring the lines, more edge to the product, more surprises!!!

Do you agree that Raw is on track to start 2011 off with a bang, and what have been your favorite Raw moments of the last month or so? Do you think that Raw is better lately or not? Have you laughed out loud like I have at times each week? Have you screamed at the TV in amazement, going what just happened?

Give your input. Am I crazy, or do you agree that Raw is better?

You wanna mess around boy?

Okay in all seriousness, I think you're right. RAW finally captured my interest again, I thought the whole edition of raw tonight was G R E A T. New title scenes,feuds and some things that make you wonder. Although its obvious this isn't the end of Nexus I have a feeling that they will only be on Smackdown now. As Edge is a FACE champion, it gives him the option to feud with Barret over the attack back this summer during RAW.
I agree wholeheartedly. I think it's been getting more fun and more interesting to watch. It's not boring or bland (except when Orton comes out anyway) and even the comedy bits are flowing smoothly and adding to the overall energy. Cena/Vickie/Ziggler/King was hilarious, and while Santino's schtick was a little lax in my book, Tamina's new attitude and energy were awesome. I'd like to get superfly splashed by her any day of the week. But again, it just seems to be getting better and more fun as the weeks go by.
It seemed to fly by. I remember at the end of the 6-man tag thinking "Damn! This next hour is going to be awesome!" And I mean that in a good way. There was a lot less crap. There were fewer matches than normal but they were good. Bryan and Regal put on an actual wrestling match. Can't say that I've ever seen one of those before (by that I mean it wasn't "sports entertainment" "wrestling entertainment" nothing of the like, it was a pure WRESTLING match.) Santino is actually turning in to something, not just a wasted comedic bit. With the likes of Nattie, Tamina, and (for the most part) Melina in the Diva's divison, women's wrestling might actually be something worth watching. Morrison's time is here. We all knew the youth movement was in effect, but now that we're looking at a Miz/Morrison show down, the future is here. He's come such a long way this year and he deserves it. Alex Riley is starting to come in to his own. He's still got some work to do, but he handled himself really well in the 6-man tag. King has still got it, even at 61.

One of the best RAW's in recent memory.
I wanted to play 360 but kept deciding to wait. It was a pretty good raw. The Bryan/Regal match was well done. The crowd really got into the uppercut exchange. Regal walked out with real class, maybe a face turn? hmm could be interesting cause I've wanted him to turn face for awhile and have one last good run.

Raw was a good episode. Maybe it was because Nexus wasn't there fighting Cena AGAIN. It felt fresh and exciting.

My only compliant was with the main event. Instead of pushing Morrison, they swept him aside and made the whole thing about Randy and The Miz. WHY? The number 1 contender was given the backseat. Not much of a push when the new #1 contender gets beat up for most of the match and snubbed at the end. Pretty lame booking.
Raw was pathetic. No Nexus and no HHH returning. Let me guess, he returns at the rumble as 29th or 30th entrant. Same old bland pedantic stuff from WWE.
I'll tell you what WWE and Raw are. 7 years watching paint dry. It's like watching the coloured screen with the beep signal that used to come on at 2 am till 6 am when no shows were being broadcast on tv. Raw is like the worst reality tv show you can think of. And then, finally, after being spoonfed garbage for over half a decade and diehard fans making excuses for their sad routine of providing WWE their rating, something happens. Like some guy said before, paraphrasing, "all of a sudden John Cena started acting like a real human being and i was like oh wow wrestling's amazing again." Some of the shittiest wrestlers of the past come back for a Raw Retro, and they all completely draw more interest than anybody in this entire generation. All of a sudden, John Cena is fired and WWE and Raw are exciting again, to people who can believe such ******ed premises. The Bryan/Regal match? Exciting? HA! Regal is more lethargic than Hogan, and Regal's been that way his whole career. Daniel Bryan, nobody should give a shit, all the guy is a clown dancing around a backdrop of paint drying. Raw sucks. I'd rather listen to Eric Bischoff shit on Raw for eternity than watch five minutes of Raw. WWE lovers, face it, wrestling is in the same boat with reality tv. It's garbage, for pansy ass girls. If you like WWE and Raw you have absolutely no taste in quality and really have no credible line of argumentation. You subjectively love your WWE because it gives your boring life stability, your just as lame as the old farts who watch Saturday Night Live when it is the absolute worst comedy show on TV. Our society is turning are young males into dipshits who want to be girly boys like the Whiz and CM Puke instead of real men who act like real men like Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. Real men do not act like reality tv star wannabes or like choir boys. Wrestling is for girls and wimps. MMA is where its at, WWE is a joke. Raw is BORE!
Raw was pathetic. No Nexus and no HHH returning. Let me guess, he returns at the rumble as 29th or 30th entrant. Same old bland pedantic stuff from WWE.
You can spell "pedantic" correctly, but can't put proper commas in or know enough to capitalize "Rumble"?

Anyway, Raw was phenomenal tonight. I was clicking back and forth between Raw and Monday Night Football, but clicked less and less as the night progressed.

The Bryan-Regal match was a great TV match. The Cena-Vickie segment was great too. Vickie has toxic heat. You really couldn't hear a word she was saying. The six-man main event was great. The whole episode was filled with great stuff. One of the best Raws in recent memory.
As a response to one of the idiot's posts, Raw does not have to have a huge return or shocking moment to be good. That really separates TRUE fans, from fly-by-night wannabe fans.

I think Raw has been much better lately. Things do seem to be freshening up. The Punk/Cena feud should be awesome. Cena might be the one to come out on top with the final victory or whatever. But, I guarantee Punk, not only holds his own, but really shows his true talents and how much better he is than Cena, in ring AND on the mic.

I have been waiting for that for a while. When Punk came to Raw, it gave me hope of that feud and it seems to be coming forth now.

As I said, Cena might come out on top for the WWE Universe, but I bet Punk comes out on top for The IWC Universe.

Anyway, I agree, Raw has been pretty damn good lately, and looks to be getting even better!!!
Raw was pathetic. No Nexus and no HHH returning. Let me guess, he returns at the rumble as 29th or 30th entrant. Same old bland pedantic stuff from WWE.

Um, dude, I'm a .. what should I call myself .. a WWE Hater myself (a proud one at that ), but even that's low for me. Don't hate on a product just because some pepper-nosed freak didn't return. C'mon ...

I have not seen RAW, but I will thanks to all of you over-hyping it. The WWE fan inside of me is on life support, he's driven by hope. Funny it's the same thing that killed him. Let's HOPE it was good, otherwise I'm coming after all of ya'll with a butterfly net for wasting my time. Yeah, a butterfly net, that's right. KNEEL BEFORE ZEV!

I hope it was good, actually. I enjoyed the PPV on Sunday. Top to bottom. All the matches were suh-weet. It kind of seemed like Russo was booking some of the matches, but they were enjoyable nontheless. Kind of sad to see the last son of Krypton (Cena) destroy Nexus in one night, though. This is WWE's freshest idea, I mean .. was, and Cena takes 5-6 guys out by HIMSELF, then takes out Husky Harris and almost kills Wade Barret? I guess the Youth Movement is in full effect until the youth faces Cena El.
you are absolutely crazy. 2 months ago, people were whining about RAW being stale with orton as champ and now this?

to me, and almost everyone i know, RAW is at one of its worst runs in the last few years.

1. the miz. i dont even need to explain it, but hes just purely awful. awful. really. *blank stare*
2. michael cole. his subsequent dickriding of the miz is annoying and it ruins the entire commentary. ill admit at 1st it was somewhat entertaining, but not its just a full on case of trying to hard to be a heel.
3. clear lack of top tier talent. i can understand pushing the younger talent to the moon, yet with miz and morrison headlining the RR, thats just unacceptable. worst major ppv headling match on paper in...years? im not saying it wont be a good match, but there is ZERO star power there.
4. pushing talent too early to make up for that clear lack of top tier talent. the miz, morrison, swagger, etc. again, they are kind of forced to do so. but i dont see most of these guys being ready. the build needed for a main event fued is whats really suffering.
5. the severe failure of the nexus angle. great start, yet a really terrible finish to that angle. they basically have no where to go now. they started strong, and ended weak. that really sucks as a whole because the angle did a generally good job of hiding the lack of top talent.

i could ramble on. but its basically the truth that RAW is in a lull on RAW lately. HHH is needed. batista is missed (i know right? but i really think so). HBK needs to return soon in some aspect. Y2J? i mean, even if the WWE could steal one of the TNA guys, that in itself would be nice. more surprises/swerves. innovation.
I'll tell you what WWE and Raw are. 7 years watching paint dry. It's like watching the coloured screen with the beep signal that used to come on at 2 am till 6 am when no shows were being broadcast on tv. Raw is like the worst reality tv show you can think of. And then, finally, after being spoonfed garbage for over half a decade and diehard fans making excuses for their sad routine of providing WWE their rating, something happens. Like some guy said before, paraphrasing, "all of a sudden John Cena started acting like a real human being and i was like oh wow wrestling's amazing again." Some of the shittiest wrestlers of the past come back for a Raw Retro, and they all completely draw more interest than anybody in this entire generation. All of a sudden, John Cena is fired and WWE and Raw are exciting again, to people who can believe such ******ed premises. The Bryan/Regal match? Exciting? HA! Regal is more lethargic than Hogan, and Regal's been that way his whole career. Daniel Bryan, nobody should give a shit, all the guy is a clown dancing around a backdrop of paint drying. Raw sucks. I'd rather listen to Eric Bischoff shit on Raw for eternity than watch five minutes of Raw. WWE lovers, face it, wrestling is in the same boat with reality tv. It's garbage, for pansy ass girls. If you like WWE and Raw you have absolutely no taste in quality and really have no credible line of argumentation. You subjectively love your WWE because it gives your boring life stability, your just as lame as the old farts who watch Saturday Night Live when it is the absolute worst comedy show on TV. Our society is turning are young males into dipshits who want to be girly boys like the Whiz and CM Puke instead of real men who act like real men like Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. Real men do not act like reality tv star wannabes or like choir boys. Wrestling is for girls and wimps. MMA is where its at, WWE is a joke. Raw is BORE!

Then if you don't care for raw, then why the hell did you post here? Real men in Nash and Hall? Nash is a bitter old man and Hall is a drunk. If you are so into MMA, then why are you posting in a wrestling forum?

Anyways, I thought tonights raw was a breath of freash air. No Nexus was good. Everything was a step up from what it's been in a while.
I wouldn't say fun, better maybe. It has improved as of late but that's not saying much. I mean you have to take into account we're moving towards Wrestlemania season and WWE always tends to get a bit better around this time of year to build up to the big one. I'm sure this will only last a couple of more months and then the WWE will go back to its normal, predictable average state. So I say lets enjoy it while it's enjoyable, and not get in over our heads now.
Jus got my internet back on so havent posted in awhile... Nway In all honesty all raws during this time get intresting because we are heading into Wrestlemania Time and things gotted start coming together as far as feuds and such..... I do admit the wrestling part of the show has been TERRIFIC, and as the original poster said everybody is stepping there game up Tremendously..... Im loving THE MIZ as champion and John Morrison which in my eyes is the next HBK of this new era were seeing as numbr one contender is Great especially with the history the two have and the success of both since they broke up, The Sheamus King of The Ring gig is getting better every week and the feud between him and Triple H is going to happen at the Royal Rumble with Hunter as a surprise entrant as Sheamus is eliminating people left and right, but thats my opinion..... And it looks like at Wrestlemania were going to see CM Punk vs John Cena putting Punk as a legitamate Heel on Raw going with Miz and Sheamus...... RAW has stepped its game up I must say and ive watched this show since 1994(didnt have cable the first year) and i think its getting back to the level it was at before the Monday Night WARS(Wrestling Entertainment Wise)......
This is WWE's freshest idea, I mean .. was, and Cena takes 5-6 guys out by HIMSELF, then takes out Husky Harris and almost kills Wade Barret? I guess the Youth Movement is in full effect until the youth faces Cena El.

Actually, I disagree. I think the group benefited from everything that Cena has done to be honest. The rub they received as a group in general, was tremendous. Sure, they would have still made an impact either way, but it would have been a much smaller impact if it would have been anyone other than Cena.

I don't know where they will go with Nexus. If it happens to be over, it stays fresh because it wasn't overkilled. But if they continue their attempt at a takeover on SmackDown, the rub they received by feuding with Cena, will make a them a pretty believable force on Friday Nights.

So, Super Cena defeats Nexus. Are you really surprised? How else did you expect the ending to go? Cena is beat and leaves WWE or drops to the midcard or something? lol come on now.

Cena lost his job to Barrett and at one point, was his bitch. So overall, even though Cena won the war, the things Barrett/Nexus did, will go down in history and will always be some kind of "claim to fame".

So in response to your post, ZevenZion. The youth movement revolving around Nexus is not over by any means. The waves of the last 6 months will probably carry a few guys in the group. Barrett and also Otunga. Otunga had numerous run ins with Cena.

If they ever had some sort of "mystery" storyline involving Cena, like they did in 99-01 with Austin being hit by a car. Otunga would be a guy to have a "motive" and could easily be given a push by inserting him in a future angle with Cena.
I'll tell you what WWE and Raw are. 7 years watching paint dry. It's like watching the coloured screen with the beep signal that used to come on at 2 am till 6 am when no shows were being broadcast on tv. Raw is like the worst reality tv show you can think of. And then, finally, after being spoonfed garbage for over half a decade and diehard fans making excuses for their sad routine of providing WWE their rating, something happens. Like some guy said before, paraphrasing, "all of a sudden John Cena started acting like a real human being and i was like oh wow wrestling's amazing again." Some of the shittiest wrestlers of the past come back for a Raw Retro, and they all completely draw more interest than anybody in this entire generation. All of a sudden, John Cena is fired and WWE and Raw are exciting again, to people who can believe such ******ed premises. The Bryan/Regal match? Exciting? HA! Regal is more lethargic than Hogan, and Regal's been that way his whole career. Daniel Bryan, nobody should give a shit, all the guy is a clown dancing around a backdrop of paint drying. Raw sucks. I'd rather listen to Eric Bischoff shit on Raw for eternity than watch five minutes of Raw. WWE lovers, face it, wrestling is in the same boat with reality tv. It's garbage, for pansy ass girls. If you like WWE and Raw you have absolutely no taste in quality and really have no credible line of argumentation. You subjectively love your WWE because it gives your boring life stability, your just as lame as the old farts who watch Saturday Night Live when it is the absolute worst comedy show on TV. Our society is turning are young males into dipshits who want to be girly boys like the Whiz and CM Puke instead of real men who act like real men like Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. Real men do not act like reality tv star wannabes or like choir boys. Wrestling is for girls and wimps. MMA is where its at, WWE is a joke. Raw is BORE!

Eat a dick dude, its getting better...slowly but surely. Youre prolly one of those douchebags who watched in the attitude era and liked the swearing and blood because that's all your shitty brain can compute. And now youre prolly someone who read the results and is like "thats gay" and then you act like you know what youre talking about. If you dont like it, God gave you only one mouth but two legs so maybe you should shut your mouth, use your legs and fuck off.

ANYWAYS I also thought Raw was a good show. They ended their big angle with Nexus and now the stuff they have going on is pretty fresh. Miz/Morrison is great because it should cement both in the main event for years. I'm really intrigued with the Cena/Punk thing. These two will put on some good matches and the promos between the two should be classic. I love Santino and I'm happy that hes finally being given some time to show that he actually is decent in the ring. Daniel Bryan/Regal and Cena/Ziggler were two of the better matches that I've seen on Raw in a while. Theyre starting to shake things up a little bit and I love it. The only thing I'm gonna disagree with you on is the edginess of Raw. Theres NO edge to the WWE anymore and thats exactly what WWE is trying to do. WWE is about as edgy as a basketball.
I have some faith in a eventual Cena vs. CM Punk feud. I could care less about Daniel Bryan being a Ladies Man, or John Morrison facing The Miz for the title. I thought Morrison could change my mind tonight, but I still find the guy boring as hell. I guess the Nexus disappeared off the face of the earth, can't get excited about them since they haven't won a match in ages. Could care even less about the divas division unless it involved only Natalya and Beth Phoenix fighting for the gold.

Santino and Koslov make a fun group, I just can't take them serious as Tag team champions. Sorry I sound like a Scrooge. There are many worse things happening on Smackdown and Impact than Raw lately. There have been some good Raws this past month with the Old School Raw, Miz cashing in, etc. I'm just waiting for the new year to happen so we can see what will happen at Wrestlemania.
Actually, I disagree. I think the group benefited from everything that Cena has done to be honest. The rub they received as a group in general, was tremendous. Sure, they would have still made an impact either way, but it would have been a much smaller impact if it would have been anyone other than Cena.

I don't know where they will go with Nexus. If it happens to be over, it stays fresh because it wasn't overkilled. But if they continue their attempt at a takeover on SmackDown, the rub they received by feuding with Cena, will make a them a pretty believable force on Friday Nights.

So, Super Cena defeats Nexus. Are you really surprised? How else did you expect the ending to go? Cena is beat and leaves WWE or drops to the midcard or something? lol come on now.

Cena lost his job to Barrett and at one point, was his bitch. So overall, even though Cena won the war, the things Barrett/Nexus did, will go down in history and will always be some kind of "claim to fame".

So in response to your post, ZevenZion. The youth movement revolving around Nexus is not over by any means. The waves of the last 6 months will probably carry a few guys in the group. Barrett and also Otunga. Otunga had numerous run ins with Cena.

If they ever had some sort of "mystery" storyline involving Cena, like they did in 99-01 with Austin being hit by a car. Otunga would be a guy to have a "motive" and could easily be given a push by inserting him in a future angle with Cena.

Don't try to justify bullshit. When it's bullshit, it's bullshit. "What else did you expect?". Does that take WWE off the hook with stupid crap nowadays?

How it could've ended? Well how about banning Nexus from ringside, or maybe having Cena lock them up in a room somwhere. It's sure as all hell more believable than one guy taking 6 others without breaking a sweat and destroying their leader. I think that makes more sense, doesn't it? Sure does. How is anyone with a brain supposed to believe that ONE guy, no matter how strong, can take out at least 5 other guys and leave unharmed? Have we not seen Nexus storm the ring and beat the crap out of him over and over again? We've seen Cena with weapons - and they beat him up. We've seen him without weapons, and they beat him up. Give me a breaj.

"The rub that they got from Cena will make them believable". Are you drunk? Are you SERIOUSLY trying to imply that Nexus getting dismantled by ONE guy is a good thing? Since when does losing to John Cena over and over again equal a push? No, better question. Since WHEN does losing in any way shape or form help a wrestler's resume? Answer me that.

WWE ruined their greatest idea in years. They pissed on it, stomped it, didn't make anything of it. In the end, the only thing Nexus was, was a huge stable of Jobbers to keep John Cena busy and off the title picture for as long as possible. Twist it in any way you want, that's the truth. Period.

The youth movement itself will go down the drain just like Nexus, it's already happening. WWE will never put the young guys over by having them beat a John Cena, Randy Orton or an Undertaker cleanly. That means that they'll have to fight EACHOTHER for props, I mean belts, and lose to Cena eventually. Basically, the youth movement creates more people for Cena to feud with.

The WWE's golden boy - The Miz - is not credible AT ALL. He had to play cheap in order to win his first title defense against a 60 years old man. Then he cheated to beat Randy Orton after getting his ass whooped all match long, and now on Monday he gets pinned by LAWLER after Orton knocked him out. I know he's a heel, but 'Taker was a heel for a long long time and he beat a lot of ass. What's this stupid, unwritten rule that heels must ALWAYS cheat once they become Champions?

You know there's something wrong with your company when Vickie Guerrero draws the biggest heat on SmackDown AND RAW.
Don't try to justify bullshit. When it's bullshit, it's bullshit. "What else did you expect?". Does that take WWE off the hook with stupid crap nowadays?

How it could've ended? Well how about banning Nexus from ringside, or maybe having Cena lock them up in a room somwhere. It's sure as all hell more believable than one guy taking 6 others without breaking a sweat and destroying their leader. I think that makes more sense, doesn't it? Sure does. How is anyone with a brain supposed to believe that ONE guy, no matter how strong, can take out at least 5 other guys and leave unharmed? Have we not seen Nexus storm the ring and beat the crap out of him over and over again? We've seen Cena with weapons - and they beat him up. We've seen him without weapons, and they beat him up. Give me a breaj.

"The rub that they got from Cena will make them believable". Are you drunk? Are you SERIOUSLY trying to imply that Nexus getting dismantled by ONE guy is a good thing? Since when does losing to John Cena over and over again equal a push? No, better question. Since WHEN does losing in any way shape or form help a wrestler's resume? Answer me that.

WWE ruined their greatest idea in years. They pissed on it, stomped it, didn't make anything of it. In the end, the only thing Nexus was, was a huge stable of Jobbers to keep John Cena busy and off the title picture for as long as possible. Twist it in any way you want, that's the truth. Period.

The youth movement itself will go down the drain just like Nexus, it's already happening. WWE will never put the young guys over by having them beat a John Cena, Randy Orton or an Undertaker cleanly. That means that they'll have to fight EACHOTHER for props, I mean belts, and lose to Cena eventually. Basically, the youth movement creates more people for Cena to feud with.

The WWE's golden boy - The Miz - is not credible AT ALL. He had to play cheap in order to win his first title defense against a 60 years old man. Then he cheated to beat Randy Orton after getting his ass whooped all match long, and now on Monday he gets pinned by LAWLER after Orton knocked him out. I know he's a heel, but 'Taker was a heel for a long long time and he beat a lot of ass. What's this stupid, unwritten rule that heels must ALWAYS cheat once they become Champions?

You know there's something wrong with your company when Vickie Guerrero draws the biggest heat on SmackDown AND RAW.

So what you're saying is that Cena, who's taken out multiple opponents before, squashed the credibility of Nexus? I really think you're overexaggerating things a bit. The super face always ends up getting a level of revenge over the heels. It's been done many times before, and it was done again this time. In the long run, I don't think that single moment right there is going to be the defining Nexus killer.

Miz isn't believable as champion because he's shown to be opportunistic? How would you liked him booked, then? Like Cena, taking down multiple opponents at one time? I'm going back to the Piper reference again here. I know he wasn't champion, but he was a very huge heel in the 80's, but for the longest time you wouldn't see him w/out, or w/out being assisted, by his "bodyguard" Cowboy Bob. He would also use any means necessary to pull out a victory, run from the ring while talking trash, etc. etc. so to say the Miz is stupid just because he's doing that classic heel storyline is just ridiculous. Not to mention every heel does not have to cheat to win, but is taking shortcuts believable? Sure, they've done it for decades and things have moved forward. Methinks there's a little bit of simple angry bias going on here, nothing more, nothing less.

That being said, again, Raw is getting fresher and becoming more interesting, that is a fact. Everything that everybody has complained about for x amount of months, years, what have you, is being shuffled around. Yet, the bitching still continues. Here's an idea. Quit analyzing shit so much and just enjoy the show. And if you can't, turn the channel and watch another program.
Don't try to justify bullshit. When it's bullshit, it's bullshit. "What else did you expect?". Does that take WWE off the hook with stupid crap nowadays?

How it could've ended? Well how about banning Nexus from ringside, or maybe having Cena lock them up in a room somwhere. It's sure as all hell more believable than one guy taking 6 others without breaking a sweat and destroying their leader. I think that makes more sense, doesn't it? Sure does. How is anyone with a brain supposed to believe that ONE guy, no matter how strong, can take out at least 5 other guys and leave unharmed? Have we not seen Nexus storm the ring and beat the crap out of him over and over again? We've seen Cena with weapons - and they beat him up. We've seen him without weapons, and they beat him up. Give me a breaj.

"The rub that they got from Cena will make them believable". Are you drunk? Are you SERIOUSLY trying to imply that Nexus getting dismantled by ONE guy is a good thing? Since when does losing to John Cena over and over again equal a push? No, better question. Since WHEN does losing in any way shape or form help a wrestler's resume? Answer me that.

WWE ruined their greatest idea in years. They pissed on it, stomped it, didn't make anything of it. In the end, the only thing Nexus was, was a huge stable of Jobbers to keep John Cena busy and off the title picture for as long as possible. Twist it in any way you want, that's the truth. Period.

The youth movement itself will go down the drain just like Nexus, it's already happening. WWE will never put the young guys over by having them beat a John Cena, Randy Orton or an Undertaker cleanly. That means that they'll have to fight EACHOTHER for props, I mean belts, and lose to Cena eventually. Basically, the youth movement creates more people for Cena to feud with.

The WWE's golden boy - The Miz - is not credible AT ALL. He had to play cheap in order to win his first title defense against a 60 years old man. Then he cheated to beat Randy Orton after getting his ass whooped all match long, and now on Monday he gets pinned by LAWLER after Orton knocked him out. I know he's a heel, but 'Taker was a heel for a long long time and he beat a lot of ass. What's this stupid, unwritten rule that heels must ALWAYS cheat once they become Champions?

You know there's something wrong with your company when Vickie Guerrero draws the biggest heat on SmackDown AND RAW.

Oh here we go. First off, how can you be so confident in your comments when you don't even watch RAW? You can't, so stop.

It's not bullshit, if you think the Nexus angle would end with Barrett beating Cena cleanly, you're an asshole. here's the way WWE works, young heel beats Cena, then gets beat by Cena, then becomes a star. It's happened many times (Edge, Miz, Barrett) but you woudn't know that because you don't watch.

And it's not believable for one man to take out 5 or 6? I believe Austin did it for like 2 years in a row, every Monday night so that arguement is just the WWE-hater inside of you.

Crooked I isn't covering up bullshit, Cena was winning last night and instead of a stupid "Nexus is banned from ringside" match (which they would've interfered in anyway, he used a weapon to take them out. Can you get up if someone beat you down with a steel chair? No, they're incorporating some realism into the product, but I'm sure you like your realism to be Jeff Jarrett beating guys from the crowd in an MMA match right?
I think its funny that the one guy said that Raw sucked, and that they should act like men like Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, the same Scott Hall that has been arrested and fired umpteen times because, he cant stop drinking.

Another question, if he hates Raw so much, why apparently, did he watch it last night, only to badmouth it here? Make up your mind there chief.
you are absolutely crazy. 2 months ago, people were whining about RAW being stale with orton as champ and now this?

to me, and almost everyone i know, RAW is at one of its worst runs in the last few years.

To everyone I know, Raw's been at it's best this year. And I mean like ever since the Atitude Era.

1. the miz. i dont even need to explain it, but hes just purely awful. awful. really. *blank stare*

He can talk great and has good matches. He's still working his way up, but he's at a good level.

2. michael cole. his subsequent dickriding of the miz is annoying and it ruins the entire commentary. ill admit at 1st it was somewhat entertaining, but not its just a full on case of trying to hard to be a heel.

If you wanna be a heel announcer, why not support and defend the cocky heel champion?

3. clear lack of top tier talent. i can understand pushing the younger talent to the moon, yet with miz and morrison headlining the RR, thats just unacceptable. worst major ppv headling match on paper in...years? im not saying it wont be a good match, but there is ZERO star power there.

What's wrong with Miz vs Morrison? It gives them a chance to really find out who the "Jenetty" of the tag team was, and what a better way than with the WWE Title on the line?

4. pushing talent too early to make up for that clear lack of top tier talent. the miz, morrison, swagger, etc. again, they are kind of forced to do so. but i dont see most of these guys being ready. the build needed for a main event fued is whats really suffering.

Swagger's the only one that was too early and went bad. Miz has been built up nicely, just like with Morrison. Give them a chance in the midcard. They'll either stay there almost permanently or move up to the main event eventually after showing how great they are. And why does everyone need to be built up. Guys like Sheamus, Del Rio, and Barrett got pushed straight into the main event scene, and it's done wonders for them!

5. the severe failure of the nexus angle. great start, yet a really terrible finish to that angle. they basically have no where to go now. they started strong, and ended weak. that really sucks as a whole because the angle did a generally good job of hiding the lack of top talent.

The angle ended exactly the way it was supposed to end. Cena used his built up frustration to take out Nexus just like he said he would.

i could ramble on. but its basically the truth that RAW is in a lull on RAW lately. HHH is needed. batista is missed (i know right? but i really think so). HBK needs to return soon in some aspect. Y2J? i mean, even if the WWE could steal one of the TNA guys, that in itself would be nice. more surprises/swerves. innovation.

You don't NEED swerves to make things interesting. That's what Russo thought in WCW, and it ended up dying because of that. WWE still has plenty of main event talent, both already existing, and slowly rising up.
Raw generally tends to get better every year heading into the Royal Rumble. The "Road To Wrestlemania" starts here, so its when the storylines are written with the most purpose, are hyped well, and is generally an exciting time to be a WWE fan. There are many good storylines heading into 2011. Punk and Cena without a fully disclosed reason as of yet. Miz and Morrison, the battle of two former tag team partners, is a feud that practically writes itself. Randy Orton is still a big time player, as is 2010 King of The Ring Sheamus. HHH will be returning soon, while Daniel Bryan and Natalya have brought legitimacy to the US and Diva's Championships respectively. Finally, Santino and Kozlov have elevated the tag team titles because their odd pairing is working. Im inclined to agree, its a good time to be a Raw fan.
Raw has been very good lately, atleast the last few months. Cena's character is really doing well. The intrigue that surrounds the Nexus angle (which you know is not over). Santino and Kozlov are entertaining as usual, Daniel Bryan is haveing a very successful run as US Champion and the Morrison/Sheamus fued over the months has been highly entertaining. Not to mention Miz as WWE Champ, hasn't been too bad so far.

Perhaps the most fun part of Raw? CM PUNK! His commentary has been along the lines of Jesse "The Body" and Bobby "The Brain" It's stellar, and if he is about to start a fued with Cena? This "fun" aspect of raw will be here for a while.
I'll tell you what WWE and Raw are. 7 years watching paint dry. It's like watching the coloured screen with the beep signal that used to come on at 2 am till 6 am when no shows were being broadcast on tv. Raw is like the worst reality tv show you can think of. And then, finally, after being spoonfed garbage for over half a decade and diehard fans making excuses for their sad routine of providing WWE their rating, something happens. Like some guy said before, paraphrasing, "all of a sudden John Cena started acting like a real human being and i was like oh wow wrestling's amazing again." Some of the shittiest wrestlers of the past come back for a Raw Retro, and they all completely draw more interest than anybody in this entire generation. All of a sudden, John Cena is fired and WWE and Raw are exciting again, to people who can believe such ******ed premises. The Bryan/Regal match? Exciting? HA! Regal is more lethargic than Hogan, and Regal's been that way his whole career. Daniel Bryan, nobody should give a shit, all the guy is a clown dancing around a backdrop of paint drying. Raw sucks. I'd rather listen to Eric Bischoff shit on Raw for eternity than watch five minutes of Raw. WWE lovers, face it, wrestling is in the same boat with reality tv. It's garbage, for pansy ass girls. If you like WWE and Raw you have absolutely no taste in quality and really have no credible line of argumentation. You subjectively love your WWE because it gives your boring life stability, your just as lame as the old farts who watch Saturday Night Live when it is the absolute worst comedy show on TV. Our society is turning are young males into dipshits who want to be girly boys like the Whiz and CM Puke instead of real men who act like real men like Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. Real men do not act like reality tv star wannabes or like choir boys. Wrestling is for girls and wimps. MMA is where its at, WWE is a joke. Raw is BORE!

MMA is where its at? Maybe to you but for the rest of us who still enjoy WWE its not. MMA is the Joke and I could care less about it as its the most overrated piece of garbage ive ever seen. However if you want TV-14 with blood,guts,and what not go right ahead. CM Punk is more of a Man than Scott "Im Drunk all the time" Hall and Kevin "I can barley move anymore" Nash. Nothing against those guys and what they have done but today they are the Jokes right now. So choke on that slappy and go watch Jeff Jarrett beat up people in the Crowd on TNA Impact (or Impass).

RAW has been like a runaway freight train again and I love it. It does have the 1997,1998,1999,and 2000 feel to it again. Not that I havent enjoyed RAW since then I have don't get me wrong but its cool to see it like that again.

Loving the Feuds with John Cena/CM Punk and Miz/Morrison for the Title. King & Micheal Cole going at each week is fun,Melina & Natalya should be a good Feud over the Divas Title,Santino's push is great,King Sheamus,and the impending Return of Triple H just to name a few great things about RAW right now and why its still the A Show in Wrestling today.

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