RAW Comes To My Town.

The Roid Rage

Getting Noticed By Management
Hello everyone. I am pleased to announce that I will be attending my first Live Monday Night Raw this Monday. It's the first time there has even been a Monday Night Raw in Des Moines, Iowa so it's a pretty big deal. As most of you may or may not know, the guest host will be Jerry Springer, I thought that was interesting. Not my first choice but I can only imagine what that will be like.

I am really really excited. I have been to a WWE PPV, Smack Down, ECW, and tons of house shows, But I've never got to go to the big one. RAW. Not to mention it's going to be on live t.v. so I am hoping to get on camera as well. Watch out for me WrestleZone. I'm going to be out there. Look for the gold and you will find me. You'll have to try and see me at certain angles though because I am going to be sitting in a loge box. No stadium seats this time around, I'm going to have table side service, nice padded seats, VIP entry and parking, a mini fridge, and one of the best seats in the house. I don't even have to go through any lines, I just go into a special entrance, tell them my name, and they escort me and my party to our very own loge box where a waitress will be ready to take our orders and we have a food and beverage credit there as well. It was kind of expensive but well worth it for 4 people.

I was going to ask the WrestleZone crowd if there was any chants you wanted to hear, or any signs you wanted to see. I might be able to get them on air. If you have any ideas for signs you think would get shown on t.v. let me know. I might even be able to get a chant going if you have any suggestions for those either.

I think the dark match is supposed to be John Cena v.s. Sheamus for the WWE Title. Other than that the matches already announced are Sheamus vs Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase vs Kofi Kingston, and Triple H vs John Cena and Jerry Springer will apparently name the other matches. Sounds like a good card so far, and there's no telling what else will happen. I am hoping like no other that Bret Hart is there. I haven't heard anything saying he will or won't but my faith is in that he will. I am hoping to get his autograph after the show, that would be the biggest one I ever got. Just to see Bret Hart along with all the others including Shawn and Triple H makes my night.

The fact that we are getting a Monday Night Raw here is Des Moines is pretty unbelievable too. We've had Smack Down taped here, and ECW live, but never RAW. That says so much for Des Moines too. Maybe after this we will be able to host a PPV in the future too. We get all kinds of big music acts but nothing outside of that, so this is a pretty big deal all over the city.

Watch for me Monday night WrestleZone, I'll be in the building draped in gold. Watch out folks Monday night, RAW is RAGE.
Hopefully your first episode of Raw will be better than mine. My first Raw was the show at Mohegan Sun last August. Jeremy Piven was the guest host <shudders>. He also brought that stupidly annoying Dr. Ken with him and HE ruined everything (not to mention Piven not even knowing how to say Summerslam, instead calling it Summerfest). There was too much John Cena, NO Shawn Michaels, NO Randy Orton, that embarassing (not to mention excrutiatingly long) Chavo Guerrero vs Hornswoggle storyline was still going on, and the main event was Cena vs Miz in a Lumberjack match and if Cena won, Miz was banned from competing at the Staples Center in Los Angeles (which they totally threw out the window 2 weeks later in that Contract on a Pole match where he dressed up as The Canadian Kid and beat Eugene). Thank God there was something good to come out of the night, in that Legacy beat Triple H in a handicap match. The dark match was OK, I guess- Triple H and John Cena vs Randy Orton and Big Show, which of course, Cena and Triple H won because HHH couldn't leave that night without a victory of some kind.

So, having said all of that, I hope your experience with Monday Night Raw will be much better than mine. By the sound of it, you've got it all planned out right, so enjoy it.
I remember my first RAW/ECW show vividly. It was 10-2-06. Back when Heyman was the man in charge!! The good old Days. And Coach was running Raw. It was when DX took over Raw and had Coach thrown out of the building. They made Spirit Squad wear cheerleader outfits to fight Sgt Slaughter. :lmao: Big Dick Johnson was in a room w/The Coach :lmao: Then on ECW we saw the blooming relationship between a young CM Punk and Kelly Kelly...:icon_wink: It was cool for us because we were sitting right by the old ECW door set up on the aisle on the floor where all the ECW stars would come out. Tommy Dreamer 'accidentally' hit my chest with my hand when my husband was trying to slap his hand for a five...:icon_redface: Then it was cool because Big Show was VERY heel then and after the cameras were done, he picked up this little 3 year old who was trying to get his attention. It was so cool..that's why I still can't see him as a heel to this day. YOU my friend are in for a treat. I've been to at least two other Raw LIVE shows since then in Topeka, and the other one that was quite memorable was right after Shawn Michaels made his return after Randy Orton became champ and the whole roster had to come out and congratulate him, and RKO was supposed to go to the back and drag out HHH, and instead out came HBK...then the next week (TOPEKA) they had the face to face debate with podiums in the ring. Enjoy the show...you will LOVE it!!
I hate to rain on your parade but i have been to 2 Monday Night Raws in Des Moines, both at Vets. The first featured Stone Cold vs Undertaker, that episode they both left in a hearse. The second episode which was about 3 years ago featured Evolution vs Randy Orton, Maven, Chris Beniot and one other that i dont remember right off hand. Both were excellent shows, night and day difference with those 2 shows vs the 6 house shows ive been to at Vets. It will be an awesome show wish i could go to this one too. Enjoy the show!
I haven't been to a Raw before, but Bragging Rights is at the Target Center this year, so I might want to get tickets for that. I would have liked to go to the first Raw I've watched before. That was the one in June where it opened with Batista getting destroyed by Legacy, and then Triple H coming back and hitting legacy with a sledgehammer. And then the next week was Edge breaking up with Vickie.
I had a pretty good first Raw. The guest host was Snoop Dogg, and when Team Smackdown entered through the back I was literally 7 feet from them. You will have a great time.

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