Raw, can I have my 10 minutes back?


Championship Contender
Up until his debut match I was giving Kevin Owens a hard time. Then the impressing started..I have been over the top impressed, but still not gags over him like others. Monday night he made a new fan out of me. But the 10 minutes I was talking about was this so called "rap artist" MGK..the reason I bring up Owens is because he won me over by shutting up that horindous rap segment.

I have always liked WWE's musical times, until Monday night. I HATED that performance!! The song and message was great but my lord I wanted that 10 minutes back. It was a channel changing time. I know he was there because they were in Cleveland ..but KO made a HUGE save...shuttled mkg up and even got him more heat. It was awesome..

Yeah I marked out for Kevin Owens' attack following that segment too. I detest the musical performances on Raw and PPV's. When I turn on an episode of WWE Raw then I want to see WRESTLING not some annoying musician. Stuff like this is why I also hated the guest host GM angle with a burning passion. I was already an Owens fan ever since his NXT debut (I admittedly have never seen any of his work in ROH or elsewhere) so this along with his matches with Cena made me all the more of a fan. As far as wanting your "10 minutes" back.... DVR is the solution. Gets me past annoying celebrity guests, awful Big Show matches, and anything else you would rather not watch. Needless to say, I skipped the entire performance then hit rewind once Owens showed up.
KO was the only good part of that rapping guy...oh yea, I detested the guest gM angle too. I wanted a permanent gM. At that point the anonymous one looked good and I hated it too..lol
Like most people, I enjoyed the segment. Partially because I'm just not a fan of hip hop whatsoever and partially because I just flat out detest musical performances on wrestling shows. It was enjoyable because, frankly, it's always kinda fun to see a celebrity get "beaten up' and it was kinda funny how it came about. MGK looks he's about 6'4" and all of about 140 pounds soaking wet, yet he tries to punk out a guy a good 125-130 pounds heavier than he is. :p

As for the reaction to the segment, I think it's another example of Vince sort of being behind the times. A LOT of fans don't want musical segments when they come to a WRESTLING show, but it also doesn't help that MGK is pretty much a nobody in that none of his singles have been substantial hits on the charts, his 2nd album came out almost 2 years ago and completely failed to chart and he's generally a C level celebrity at best. Even though Owens got a face pop, I think it had more to do with the fact that fans just didn't give a shit about MGK and they would've cheered anyone who'd come out and done the same thing.

One idea I had for truly generating some intense heat on Owens would be for him to interrupt Cena in some sort of segment featuring Steve Michalek, Connor Michalek's father. Maybe the segment is to announce some sort of milestone for the "Connor's Cure" cancer charity, Owens comes out, maybe says something about how sincerely sorry he is about Connor's passing as he's a father himself but wishes that he'd stop coming onto WWE TV to pander to fans and beg for money in his dead son's name; of course, Michalek would be in on what'd be happening and Owens would suddenly attack Cena, maybe just a good swift kick in the nuts, Michalek pushes Owens away and Owens, with his sociopathic mind set, feels he's justified in "attacking" him since he put his hands on him. Owens wouldn't have to do anything major, just maybe backing off a bit, then jumping him from behind, taking him down, delivering some fierce looking "punches" maybe a few "kicks"; you know, something that has a very low risk of injury as Michalek's obviously not a wrestler and wouldn't really know how to take a Pop up Powerbomb or something.

I know that something like this won't go down because WWE would be crucified in the media, who seem to forget that pro wrestling is staged and scripted just like any other traditional TV show. There'd be criticism for "exploiting" the tragic death of an 8 year old boy, even though the segment would be approved by the boy's father and would generate attention for the charity itself. However, it would definitely generate heat for Owens.
What I find funny is: that was suppose to be heel segment.

For sure. Don't tell me the world of pro wrestling hasn't changed with the times. The fans of 30 years ago wouldn't have been able to fathom the thought of booing John Cena while cheering Kevin Owens, yet that's where we are today.

With the rapper, KO takes a skinny geek and slams him off the stage.....and we cheer. An action like that outside the arena would get Owens thrown in the slammer.

Don't get me wrong, I think the concept is great for casual viewing on TV....but man, the world has certainly changed, huh? :)

As for getting my 10 minutes back on Raw, I'll say musical acts are fine as long as they lead to something like what happened to Machine Gun Kelly.
Wwe has the WORST taste in music! It drives me crazy that we get forced to sit through these "musical performances"

Calling Machine Gun Kelly music.... Talk about insulting your viewers intelligence!

I unfortunately had the internet ruin the KO surprise ending so I fast forwarded to the end of the segment. Well I thought I did but it was still going.....then fast forwarded again.......and it was STILL going! Ugh.........finally got to Owens and that made me happy.

But please WWE.....if you're going to get musical guests don't get ones that are so bad that their performance.counts as a heel turn!

It killed Owens heat as it became a face move to shut MGK up!
I don't mind a band/artist doing somebodys theme at Wrestlemania, or the intro to WM or halfway thru WM, but yeah that was just a complete waste of time, and I marked for Owens' powerbomb a little too
I am a hip hop fan and I loathe the hip pop garbage that is polluting the airwaves today. I switched the channel like pretty much everyone else at home (or if I was there live, I'd probably take a bathroom break or go get popcorn or something). And that KO powerbomb was awesome. MGK oversold the first kick (but hey, he ain't a pro wrestler, so I'll give him a pass on that).

I'd kill for Eminem, however, on the show. I'd listen to him.
So Owens wins you over, because he's script to end the music segment?

Boy, you were easy to turn around.

Did you miss the parts where I said I was ALREADY becoming a fan and ending the music segment just put me over the top...

Dude if your gonna question my post bro atleast quote ALL of it...smh.
It was one of the best segments of the night, and woke up the crowd. That's what they should do this week on RAW, just have Owens come out and power bomb people all over the place, with random Orton RKO's thrown in for effect. Just like they did on that episode of Smackdown, when the Shield beat up half their competition before the main event.
They should invite Justin Beiber to RAW next week...... K.O can put him through the Spanish announce table. That would make a slightly bigger web noise than the unknown rapper guy he powerbombed last week.
The WWE is out to try to lure as many different people from as many different walks of life to their shows.

I honestly had never heard of *ugh* Machine Gun Kelly before that episode of RAW. I don't see a reason to be up on the latest fads when they change every damn month, tomorrow it'll be Naughty Slaughty Bartfarst or Ram-Alama Ding-Dong.

I have a pretty diverse group of friends, sometimes I call us a rainbow club (to their chagrin). Women apparently go nuts for this Machine Gun Kelly guy, no offense Navi or Mustang Sally. If you ask them why they like him they shrug their shoulders and say "He's cute. I don't know".

I'm a fan of underground hip-hop; if Eminem strolled up there and belched out more of Dr. Dre's rhymes, I'd boo him just the same. Bring on Quest MCODY or Uno Lavoz and I'll give all of my hatred to Kevin Owens for powerbombing them.

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