RAW Booking Is Terrible Tonight


Getting Noticed By Management
I'll just run down the poor writing in bullet points:

1. If you go through the trouble of firing Cena, make people want to see him come back. Have their be real stakes involved. Make it dramatic. Nobody ever doubted Barrett was going to hire him back. Then again, Cena never actually left so that's technically an old writing problem that isn't independent of tonight.

2. Otunga vs. Barrett is the most unintentionally hot storyline going. So Otunga gets his ass handed to him by Cena. Fine. But why not make it a bigger challenge? Otunga could've potentially broken out tonight and they ruined it by having him get squashed so quickly.

3. Why does Nexus (who apparently can't beat Cena either independently or as a group) mutiny against their leader to hire back a guy they all hate (because he's so scary-powerful) but then beat him down immediately after the decision? As a trap, it made sense. Tease rehiring and then cripple him. Or rehire him and then try and end his career. Then it doesn't matter if he's rehired (It would make Cena an even bigger hero because he came back from a near-massacre to face Barrett at the PPV, and a built-in excuse if he loses).

4. Continued burial of WCW. We get it, WCW was pathetic. They made David Arquette their champ. Stupid WCW. It's been 10 years, let it go. You now have DVD's to market to an audience that's never even heard of WCW and a back catalog second only to your own to sell to suckers who never knew WCW was so "pathetic". Why bury something that nobody except you is still in a position to profit from?

5. The announcing is bad. It's not the announcers' fault though. One heel announcer, one face. That works for a reason. Or one face, one tweener. Not one face (King), and two that can't decide what they wanna be from one minute to the next. CM Punk is an vengeful asshole right? But he hates Michael Cole which means Cole more of a jerk? So what does it mean when Cole hates a heel wrestler, but Punk and King like him?
Ithink you're stretching with Arquette and WCW. Im sure that had nothing to do with trying to bury WCW. Actually, I dont know if it had anything to do with or not, no way to form an informed opinion on it. I do agree with you on the announcing. Punk and Cole are confuse me with their tweener personas but at this point I think Vince HAS to be pushing them in this direction so hopefully it grows on us or we get used to it. But yea...its confusing right now. And I knew Cena would get hired back tonight after last week's ultimatum.
This is a bit of a stretch. You're overreacting for one, the bookin was fine. It was Slammy night, they focused on the awards. They did a fine job. They're also not burying WCW. Just because David Arquette was on the show doesn't mean they're trying to totally humiliate everyone who was ever associate with WCW. I honestly believe tbh they sd it for pure entertainment value. Another thing, the Cena angle is coming along just fine. I'm glad he's back and that they didn't go through with having "Juan Cena" wrestle in his place for a long time. This is a far better option.

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