Raw 1/29: Coach returns.

I'm waiting for Braun to have a big Wrestlemania destruction on someone.

I'm wondering if they can get The Rock or Austin at Mania so Brock can put them through a table. He doesn't really need a match. Just that.
Already bored of Braun. Oh well. The WWE main audience loves it tho, so no hate there. I can't complain cause they gave me an Asuka & Naka Rumble win <3
I'm slightly behind but catching up so bear with me, but I love whenever Braun flips something over he takes a moment to study it and take like measurements or something lol
How many times do we have to say "local medical facility"?

And hopefully I'm wrong but is that a Cena sucks chant? Why are you chanting for him when he's not even on the screen?
How many times do we have to say "local medical facility"?

And hopefully I'm wrong but is that a Cena sucks chant? Why are you chanting for him when he's not even on the screen?

Until crazy WWE fans stop being crazy and "calling hospitals" and because people pay to take snapshots for Instagram and be obnoxious in 2018.

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