Rated RKO or the JeriShow?

Rated RKO or the JeriShow?

  • Rated RKO

  • JeriShow

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CM Steel

A REAL American
With the entertaining merged together tag team of the Miz & R-Truth taking on the Rock & John Cena this Sunday at Survivor Series. Who was the better merged together tag team between Rated RKO (Edge & Randy Orton) and the JeriShow (Chris Jericho & the Big Show).

All four men are former world champions in the WWE. And both teams were both tag team champions.

So who was the better or greater tag team?
Can there be a "neither" option? If not, then I still choose neither. All Rated RKO did was beat DX once with the help of Bischoff and the epic team of Flair and Piper. Nothing to write home about. As Jerishow is concerned, I wonder if they were secretly managed by Michael Hayes. They mostly beat black guys who were very boring and I can't remember anything interesting about their reign.

If you forced me to choose, I guess I'll pick Edge and Orton because they mocked DX one time. That was almost funny.
Can there be a "neither" option? If not, then I still choose neither. All Rated RKO did was beat DX once with the help of Bischoff and the epic team of Flair and Piper. Nothing to write home about. As Jerishow is concerned, I wonder if they were secretly managed by Michael Hayes. They mostly beat black guys who were very boring and I can't remember anything interesting about their reign.

If you forced me to choose, I guess I'll pick Edge and Orton because they mocked DX one time. That was almost funny.

OKAY!!! First of all, dude no one is forcing you to do anything...wow you wasted your time writing this...

I picked RatedRKO! They were a perfect team i thought! In my eyes this brought both of these guys to a new level with me! I know they had already multi-time champs but seriously being able to go toe to toe with HHH and HBK for a few months is more than enough to just make your hall of fame careers even better!!!
JeriShow. It felt like Show was just a last minute teammate fro Jericho, but they ended up clicking really well. I always thought they were one of the main highlights of 2009 and I really enjoyed their championship reign. I loved them.
I liked both teams as they consisted of all superstars that I like but in terms of who accomplished more I had to go with Jeri-Show. They held the unified titles 148 days while RKO only held the world titles 77 days, but they are not the better Tag Team just for how long their reign was, they were a better cohesive unit. Show and Jericho teamed up because they knew it was a good move professionally but they bonded and became good friends, they did more during their reign and were in more high profile matches, outside of Rated RKO's battling with DX and their Survivor Series match there wasn't much else they did.
I gotta go with Rated RKO. I was only watching part time during this era (no cable) so my memories are too shaky to get specific, but I remember hating them. I always look back fondly on the people I hate, I never realize how great a heel is until later.

Note to future posters - if you don't have an opinion why not give a third option? example-- "I'm gonna go with Dude Love and Stone Cold cuz it was funny." Atleast its an answer. I'm sure if your not a fan of either team you can think some crazy put-together team from the past.

Sorry, I know I don't make the rules around here and I'm still the new guy, but there are some smart users on this site and I'd love to see what they come up with. All apologies if I've overstepped my bounds.
I'm going with JeriShow. They were one of the highlights of 2009 as a previous poster mentioned; not to mention that their theme song (Crank the Walls Down) was pretty sick. I felt like they had good chemistry and were a legitmate team whereas Rated RKO came across as two guys who happened to share the same agenda and common enemies. The pairing made sense for storyline purposes as Jericho recruited The World's Largest Athlete to replace his injured and "weak" partner Edge as Jericho called him. JeriShow had a pretty solid run during their feuds with Cryme Tyme, Rey Mysterio/Batista, the Undertaker and the TLC match with DX. They did seem kind of random at first but I enjoyed them as a team as time went on and was actually sort of disappointed that they only last about six months, though Jericho would go on to win the WHC shortly after disbanding.
Both teams were great in my opinion and it's funny that both teams had significant feuds with DX, but I liked Rated RKO more because their entrance was phenomenal and I think they put on better matches than JeriShow. Rated RKO's song was the first time I've ever heard 2 songs put together, and they got it right on the first try unlike JeriShow - who used a few different versions before getting it right with Crank the Walls Down.

I also picked Rated RKO because it did more for their careers than JeriShow did for Big Show and Jericho. Show turned face, turned on Jericho, and did nothing significant until his Mark Henry feud this year while Jericho was made to look weak during the breakup, only to be World Champ within a month and lose it to JACK SWAGGER (can't look any weaker than that). When Rated RKO broke up in early 2007, both men remained heel somehow and they sent Edge over to SD so that for the next few years, Edge would be the top heel on SD and Orton would be the top heel on RAW. It was a great stepping stone to bring them to the next level of stardom
Team RKO has 2 great wrestlers while I'm not all that fond of Big Show but at the same time I could watch Jericho all day. It could literally just be RAW
for 2 hours straight. So yeah Jericho is better then all 3 wrestlers combined. No offense to Orton or Edge or Rated RKO because I enjoyed that team alot. Sorry Team Jericho wins!

"I'm from Winnapeg you idiot!!!"
First off, team RKO was an amazing idea of a tag team. randy orton at the time had fallen off the radar slightly and edge was on the way to becoming one of the biggest draws in the past 10 years.

the concept of rated rko was immense, as it allowed orton to get back over with the crowd as a top heel and elevate edge to the next level.

having them feud with a returning dx and pick up a win at cyber sunday 06 was a great idea, even if it was a cheap victory. this gave them even more heat, and the war they had with dx at NYR 07 was awesome. they even gave the TAG team division some credibility with their 75+ day reign as champs. within 6 months of them splitting, orton became wwe champ and started the viper gimmick and edge was the best thing going on smackdown, beating the undertaker for the world heavyweight championship.

jeri-show on the other hand were thrown together when edge got injured. imo if edge had not got injured, these two would have had been a lot better. jericho carried the big show in more ways than one. Just imagine edge and jericho as a tag team, the two best heels at the time! the feud with dx would have been funnier with edge. The triple threat at survivor series with Edge would have been more of a spectacle with edge no doubt putting the undertaker over! (as he did countless times)

in my opinion, in the long run, Rated RKO wins for me. Rated RKO were actually cool at the time :)
I like both teams and how can you not. If you were the type of fan to cheer the Heels and boo the Faces, you would enjoy both teams’ work as well.

On one side, you had the 11 time WWE World Champion, Edge teaming with the 9 time WWE World Champion, Randy Orton. Think Two-Man Power Trip 2006 version. They were the only two Superstars at the time that could go toe to toe with DX. Who knows how far they would have gotten if Triple H didn’t get injured during their feud. I would have loved for them to expand their tag team to a Stable, but greed led to the end of the Age of the Rated RKO Era.

On the other side, you had the first Undisputed WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho teaming with the only man in history to hold the WWE, WCW, and ECW Championships (I still can’t think of a name for this accomplishment, and Triple Crown just doesn’t seem right…Triple World Crown maybe), The Big Show. Thanks to an unfortunate accident Edge suffered, Jeri-Show went on to become the Tag Team of Year in 2009. They faced the Colons, Legacy, Cryme Tyme, The World’s Strongest Tag Team, Batista and Mysterio (Filthy Animals 2009), split up at Bragging Rights facing each other representing their respective shows, facing each other and Undertaker for the World Title, and finally facing DX.

I’m going to go with Jeri-Show here, like there was ever any doubt. Rated RKO was great, but I think Jeri-Show was better. Now if Rated RKO faced London and Kendrick to unify the WWE and World Tag Team Titles…it might have been a closer race.
i like both but rated rko is my pick. loved there entrance and at the time needed something for orton and this worked great.wish they would have done more with them.
its jerishow all the way, not only did they hold the titles longer but they were the main heels on all the shows, y2j was workin every single wwe show, he was on raw sd and nxt at the time, and was the main heel on them all, i dont think there is another team that could do that like they did, sadly i cant continue because i have to go to work, anyone else even know wat that is? lol
I'm gonna go with Jeri-Show.

I remember when Jericho's "mystery partner" was getting hyped a lot and then it all got revealed at the opener of the 2009 Night of Champions PPV when Jericho revealed it to be The Big Show and everyone was bitching about it calling it poor booking including some critics. Poor booking my ass, I could care less of it was the opener or not and Jeri-Show were very entertaining as Raw's top heels along with Randy Orton. Chris Jericho and The Big Show had one of the most memorable tag title runs in recent years and they both had a lot of chemistry. Not to mention it was at that time where Jericho uttered the infamous words "I'm from Winnipeg you idiot!" that went viral on Youtube. Well that last part wasn't really important but I just had to mention it.

Now I'm not saying I didn't like Rated RKO. They were awesome in their own way as two young guys looking to take back what's theirs. I liked their feud with DX and what they did to Ric Flair was truly one of the sickest moments in what I like to call the Ruthless Aggression Era(2003 - 2008).

But my pick is Jeri-Show simply because they entertained me more in a time where RAW wasn't exactly that good. It was great with Chris Jericho doing all the talking and most of the ring work when Show was the big muscle. Both alliances were great but hands down this has to go to Jeri-Show.
It's hard to say which team was better. I loved both teams. JeriShow made the tag team titles relevant by using them to main event both brands and impressed several critics who complained when Big Show was chosen to replace Edge in their tag team. Rated RKO saw the teaming up of two new main eventers to take on DX in Orton and Edge. Rated RKO stick out a little more to me because they were more than just a random pairing that happened to work out. They put the two top heels together for a mega heel team. They were a constant frustration for DX and John Cena. A very difficult choice indeed but I am going with Rated RKO here.
I definitely have to go with Rated-RKO.

I feel they were a better as a heel tag team and overall team than Jerishow. These two are two of the cockiest young stars in the business, putting them in a fued with Triple H and HBK two of the biggest stars the business has ever seen was a great way to give both Orton and Edge a big push to further their careers when the team was over. Seeing that Edge and Orton both went on to win the top championship of their respective brands multiple times I feel this stable worked out perfectly.

I liked Jerishow but the I think the reason they were put together is because they had nothing else for them to do, I say this because after they broke up they didn't move up the ladder they were pretty much out of action. Yea they held the championships longer than Rated-RKO but that doesn't define how good a tag team is. The fact that Rated-RKO were able to not only beat but win the titles from DX was a huge feat, I think if the tables were turned and Jerishow was in the storyline to take out DX it would've been a horrible.
If you're asking to pick which two of the four were my favorite, I'd pick Edge and orton easily. However, as a tag team, JeriShow were clearly the better pairing. In addition to both teams feuding with DX, Jerishow held the titles for half the year, and during that time, actually did something with the belts. Other then a catchy name and a breif tag team run, most people barely remember Rated RKO, where JeriShow dominated for half the year, giving the tag titles more cred then any team in the past 5 years. IMO, JeriShow was the greatest tag team out of all of them, not just the two options here.

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