rate the wrestler: SABU


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i was watching old videos of Sabu on youtube, and besides his botches, sabu had a lot of talent, he might be a little of a spot monkey, but hes still entertaining, and his moves were creative, he showed us moves we have never seen before. but what really made me like him so much, was his character, he was always serious, he always looked cool to me, from his comfy pajama looking pants to his scary&sweet looking hair and beard. He created cool moves for us to play in wrestling games.


so basically what im trying to say is what would u rate SABU from 1/10

for me its 6/10
He botches a fuckton, doesn't bother trying to tell a story or really even sell unless he's legitimately hurt.

However, he was unique. He stayed in character pretty much 24/7, and brought something different and wild every night. Is he an all time great? No. He's kinda like the hardcore version of honkey tonk man. Not actually a good 'wrestler' in any sense of the word other than "he gets a reaction". He was kind of a side show freak. I'd say 7/10.
I gave him a 7/10.

For pure entertainment, there is very little better than a Sabu match from the original ECW. He was so innovative with his moves, and put his body on the line each and every night, doing things in each match that most wrestlers would never even consider trying.

Yes he did botch moves fairly often, and he can't talk on the mic, but Sabu has been one of the true innovators in professional wrestling over the last 20 years. He was always unpredictable, exciting and spectacular. He was never a great WRESTLER, no way, but his hardcore highflying style found its perfect home in ECW which is why he became an icon to those fans.

I am glad that he managed to get a short run in WWE, I think he deserved it for all the sacrifice he put his body through during his career. FFS the guy tore his bicep off during a match, and then taped it back on and kept on going. That is dedication. He was kinda like a high-flying version of Mick Foley in that he had very little technical skill but made the most of what he was good at, had an incredibly high pain threshold and became loved by the fans for what he was good at, although Foley could obviously talk to.
I gave Sabu a 3/10. If you were to make Mick Foley more athletic, take away his personality, charisma and his ability to tell a story inside the ring, you're left with Sabu.

I think that guys like Sabu have caused far more harm to wrestling than anything else. Look at the idiocy that was the backyard wrestling phase back in the day. I bought a few of the DVDs just out of sheer curiosity and what I saw was a bunch of stupid kids just hitting each other with chairs, light bulbs, baseball bats wrapped in barbed wire, slamming each other on thumbtacks, putting each other through flaming tables, gouging deep cuts into their foreheads while screaming "This is wrestling!!". Sabu did have a few flashy moves but, for all intents and purposes, Sabu was just another overrated hardcore wrestler in my view. Unless Sabu was in a match in which he was getting chairs bounced off his head or bouncing them off someone elses, wasn't going through tables, wasn't falling off ladders, etc. the guy looked totally lost. It takes very little talent to be the kind of wrestler Sabu was and is.
I gave Sabu a 6/10.

I think that he was very entertaining in the ring which is why he was able to have success in ECW. He was able to have success only because of his hardcore wrestling style. Nowadays if he was in the WWE, he wouldn't do anything. In the old ECW, it really wasn't about telling stories, it was about making a match entertaining.

I gave Sabu a 3/10. If you were to make Mick Foley more athletic, take away his personality, charisma and his ability to tell a story inside the ring, you're left with Sabu.

Jack-Hammer, I understand what you are saying, but even though Sabu didn't have much skills on the mic, he was still entertaining. His sole purpose wasn't to get heat from the crowd or rally with them, he just caused destruction to himself and others, and that is what got him over with the crowd.

I agree that he didn't have any mic skills, or an interesting character, but what he did was good enough for me. He became a hardcore legend, and that is why I liked him.
I gave Sabu a 7/10.

I loved the ECW guys, I don't give a shit.. "Oh they can't tell a story".

Who cares? I enjoy watching this guy.. even if he is botching and falling on his face some of the time. I don't think he botches as much as people say he does.. although he does do it a lot. His match at Hardcore Justice against RVD wasn't that botchy, and it was quite enjoyable.

On a side note I would like to see a lot more of these types of threads, we could rate all the wrestlers and put together a ratings guide from Wrestlezone.com Forums! lol. Average out the score of each wrestler and then rank them.. see who Wrestlezone ranks as the best... someone make it happen.
Back in the ECW days he had 2 b a 9 me and my friend saw the barbed wire match he had with terry funk a couple of days ago and i was rlly just plain awesome but WWE and TNA both kinda dropped the ball with him and that just downed him so i gota go with 7/10
I Loveeeeed ECW don't get me wrong but when he actually Wrestles and doesn't use weapons he's really bad and botches more than Sin Cara. Even with Weapons he's bad For Example Sandman V Sabu in a Tables and Ladders Match @ November to Remember '97. Watch that and you will see why I rate him 4/10

He was the main reason why I watched ECW at it's prime, and video footage does not do justice to what this lunatic has done in the ECW arena on & off camera (I was there LIVE). Sabu & RVD vs Hayabusa & Shinzaki, Sabu & RVD vs The Eliminators, Sabu vs Funk Born to be Wired, Sabu Vs RVD A Matter of Respect... I can go on & on.

To put a different perspective on what somebody said earlier... yeah, he is like Foley. Only it's a version of Foley on speed, steroids, and rocket fuel. Foley has even said that Sabu is crazier than he ever was. I understand if you're not a fan of his kind of wrestling, but he's surely the BEST at that style. Period.

Never cared for him at all, feel the same way about most of the pure hardcore ECW originals. Some were better than others because they could do more than look like a shitty carnival side show attraction but to me thats all Sabu ever was.
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