Rate The WM 35 Performances

George Steele's Barber

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Simple request - who performed best in your opinion? Top 3, 5, 10. I don't care. I missed Joe v Mysterio and some of the pre-show so if there was anything better there I apologize.

Show overall was good with Kofi v Bryan being the only match that gave me the strong feels. The main event was enjoyable but the ending left a bad taste in my mouth. I'm not sure if it was botched by the fast count or if there is more story here to be told.

Anyway here are my top performances in order:

1. Daniel Bryan - he was fucking amazing. Kofi was good in his role but DB kept that match interesting from start to finish. It is so nice to see him be that wrestling guy again who can do so much right for so such a long period.

2. Charlotte - again, not the focal point or points of that match but everything she did was terrific. It was a really good match when she was in the ring. It suffered when she was out of it. I've been a huge Becky supporter and thought she could have been the spark that she was for the triple threat three years ago but this time it was the Charlotte show.

3. Shane - sorry, but he entertained the hell out of me.

4. Batista - he probably wasn't as good as he should have been but for that man to do what he did and be a part of that last night was incredible. He gave up a lot to entertain us that he doesn't have to. Sure he probably got a big paycheck in the process but his performance was fun.

5. Kofi - DB didn't entertain alone. Kofi's efforts and storytelling over the past few months have been great. Last night was not an exception, even with all the pressure on him.

6. Miz - along the lines with Shane, those guys just entertained. Plain and simple.

7. Cena - I hate sitting at home and watching heel Elias. Cena came out and had fun. He looks ridiculous in that old outfit but it was worth it. Kind of like Batista he was a guy just entertaining the fans even though he probably doesn't need to.

8. AJ - he's AJ, I feel like I am doing something wrong just having him this low on the list.

9. Ronda - she loves wrestling and plays her role really well. That bump she took from Becky's dropkick through the ropes was scary. I hope she's not done and this story with Becky can continue. That was not the way to end it or end her.

10. That's it just a top nine. No one else stands out. Maybe Ricochet.

Honorable mentions: Kofi's son - I assume it was his son. He was so genuinely happy and nailed getting on that second rope and tossing that t-shirt. Becky's nipples - a long with her hair, her nips were the fourth and fifth competitors in that match. PG is over. Joan Jett - had no idea she was still performing, I love when the bands come out to play performers to the ring. Alexa's Bliss' stylist/wardrobe team - where someone made Becky look awful, someone made Alexa look like a smoking hot sexpot.

A lot to digest here. What are your thoughts? Am I wrong, did I flat out miss anything?
I thought everybody put in good performances with none of them really feeling like a slog. Even Batista vs. Trips is a decent match a second time around without the 6+ hours of wrestling beforehand. Honorable mention to The Animal who had no real reason to get back in the ring other than love for the sport. He was a lot better than I thought he would be with his ring rust.

1. Charlotte. Can't be talked enough how she was the glue of that Triple Threat. I'm glad they added her. Also had the best entrance out of everyone too with her homage to the Four Horsemen. I'm a sucker for a good Mania entrance.

2. Bryan/Kofi. Gotta lump them together. Thankful for Bryan being objectively the best wrestler in WWE and making Kofi look like a once in a generation star. Thankful for Kofi for having the career and emotion to keep me on the edge of my seat the entire match. They could have went with Ali or Kevin Owens and I wouldn't have cared as much but with Kofi, it was right place at the right time, and he capitalized on that the entire fight.

3. Shane. I'm with you GSB. When the worst thing you can say is "he shouldn't have been the winner" then you know he was solid. Dude is almost 50 and put on an amazing brawl. Underrated gem that was what it needed to be - a bonafide ass whoopin'. It's 2019 and I enjoyed Shane more than I did Triple H.

Samoa Joe vs. Mysterio was great as well for what they had to work with.

Fantastic pacing all around.
I would rate it a little bit different, just to clear it before.

All the babyfaces winning the Championships in the same night felt a lot more special and marked a really new scenario for WWE. Also it opens a lot of potential feuds (Ronda's Screw, Bryan title being dropped away, Reigns's rematch) and it gives heels a chance to shine against them. I hope they make it worthy.
Veterans know how to make a feud. Batista vs Triple H was the FEUD of Wrestlemania. It was perfectly worked out. Entrance, promos, storytelling, Flair being involved, HBK being conflicted on commentary. Everything shined.
Cena's back to the past was great. It worked really well. Elias is gold and he needs more push, and it got the pop.
Also Miz/Shane match was great. I was hoping for a changed finish, but it maybe can help to continue the babyface push, and there was if you see by the end of the night some heel heat. George was great, a lot better than in Fastlane.
Kurt farewell was a great match. Corbin has to make it worth it, only this will say if it's a 3 or a 7. Maybe a squash, and Cena coming out as "The Prototype" would make it a lot better, but it was good.
The Demon "undefeated" (ask Joe) streak was cool. Quick work, powerful, but too many tongue. Also Orton-Styles was good (Orton needs to bring back the SuperRKO), and put over a Indy over a Company guy. Also the IIconics winning was a cool shock. They deserve it.
Quality over quantity. They need to think about it. Too many matches and the big matches were a lot shortened (Main Event specially, but also Reigns-Drew, Orton-Styles,...). Less time, more time to make it special and fans can get on it. Also maybe a break would help.
Ryder-Hawkings win was Main Card worty. And also they needed to reference more the Hart Foundation after the accident the day before (maybe a finisher to end it).
Preshow was irrelevant. Waste of time.
Really hope to a proper building feuds in the future, and not play short squash matches at WM, rather than just for a surprise (like the 18 sec). Also a more linear card like Japan feels more and more important, or work it with two ups, just don't play Rollercoaster.
I really hate vinagettes. Waste of proper wrestling time, waste of resources, and it make it unwatchable for who is watching it Live.
No Undertaker on Wrestlemania. Just give him the best storyline. After Becky leaves, lights turn down. Taker appears, and says "Do you miss me?". Lights out. Apparences at Summerslam and Survivor Series, just crushing some matches. Sting at Royal Rumble comes out and challenge him to a Retirement match. It books itself.
I would rate it a little bit different, just to clear it before.

All the babyfaces winning the Championships in the same night felt a lot more special and marked a really new scenario for WWE. Also it opens a lot of potential feuds (Ronda's Screw, Bryan title being dropped away, Reigns's rematch) and it gives heels a chance to shine against them. I hope they make it worthy.
Veterans know how to make a feud. Batista vs Triple H was the FEUD of Wrestlemania. It was perfectly worked out. Entrance, promos, storytelling, Flair being involved, HBK being conflicted on commentary. Everything shined.
Cena's back to the past was great. It worked really well. Elias is gold and he needs more push, and it got the pop.
Also Miz/Shane match was great. I was hoping for a changed finish, but it maybe can help to continue the babyface push, and there was if you see by the end of the night some heel heat. George was great, a lot better than in Fastlane.
Kurt farewell was a great match. Corbin has to make it worth it, only this will say if it's a 3 or a 7. Maybe a squash, and Cena coming out as "The Prototype" would make it a lot better, but it was good.
The Demon "undefeated" (ask Joe) streak was cool. Quick work, powerful, but too many tongue. Also Orton-Styles was good (Orton needs to bring back the SuperRKO), and put over a Indy over a Company guy. Also the IIconics winning was a cool shock. They deserve it.
Quality over quantity. They need to think about it. Too many matches and the big matches were a lot shortened (Main Event specially, but also Reigns-Drew, Orton-Styles,...). Less time, more time to make it special and fans can get on it. Also maybe a break would help.
Ryder-Hawkings win was Main Card worty. And also they needed to reference more the Hart Foundation after the accident the day before (maybe a finisher to end it).
Preshow was irrelevant. Waste of time.
Really hope to a proper building feuds in the future, and not play short squash matches at WM, rather than just for a surprise (like the 18 sec). Also a more linear card like Japan feels more and more important, or work it with two ups, just don't play Rollercoaster.
I really hate vinagettes. Waste of proper wrestling time, waste of resources, and it make it unwatchable for who is watching it Live.
No Undertaker on Wrestlemania. Just give him the best storyline. After Becky leaves, lights turn down. Taker appears, and says "Do you miss me?". Lights out. Apparences at Summerslam and Survivor Series, just crushing some matches. Sting at Royal Rumble comes out and challenge him to a Retirement match. It books itself.

Sting has spinal stenosis. He is not ever getting into a ring as a wrestler again. Edge also has the condition and had to retire due to the risk of permanent paralysis.
I just have my thoughts about the event

Yeah Wrestlemania in recent years is just too long. WWE needs to keep the main show at 4 hours max.

That said the PPV was pretty good there was a dead spot between Kofi/Bryan and the Women's Main Event. I was actually worried that that dead period would have killed the crowd for the Women's Main Event. Thankfully, people were still into the match even if's obvious the crowd was exhausted by then.

Some notes:

  • Match of the Night was Kofi vs. Bryan, it' really picked up at the end and it was great feel good moment to see Kofi win. I think WM proves that Bryan is probably the best full time worker in the company
  • Women's Main Event was also really good I think. The work rate was high with some sloppy spots (but it happens) and I was actually fine with the finished even with the botched shoulder since it's a good way to protect Rousey and opens a return match with Rousey and Becky.
  • Two years ago I said Triple H just needs to stop wrestling and his match with Batista proves my point. Triple H vs. Batista was just really boring to watch it went way too long and I just wanted it to end. Shawn Michaels commentary is really bad.
  • The moment The Iconics won the Women's Tag Team Championship I realized this division is dead
  • Rollins and Lesnar opening up WM was actually fine for me. Paul Heyman did a good job selling the idea to the fans of opening WM with a World Title Match.
  • Kurt Angle losing to Baron Corbin was a sad sight to see. I know you are supposed to lose on your way out but why did it have to Corbin. I know Angle can't really go anymore but I would have been fine with a 8 min match with Kevin Owens but not Corbin. But I am happy Angle got his send off.
  • Miz vs. Shane is horrible. I actually like The Miz as a baby face in this storyline but the match was horrible.
  • Great to see rapper Cena again. Goes to show fans only started boo'ing Cena once he got rid of his rapper gimmick and became the "all america" clean cut baby face
  • NXT Take Over New York was still better
  • AJ Styles and Orton was ok. It went way too long for not really a lot happening. They told a good story especially with teasing the RKO.

Overall a pretty good show that went way too long. I am happy Kofi won, I am happy the Women got to main event and Becky winning, and I loved how it started. So yeah it was a nice feel good way to end Wrestlemania.

Overall I'd give this event a B
Women's match I feel was solid but the botched finished kind of ruined Becky's moment. She should've made Charlotte tap. That way you protect Rousey in case she does come back at some point. Rollins match was great even though it was short. Kofi vs. Bryan was solid but I think it could've been even better.

Best Performances
1) Becky Lynch - despite the botch finished Lynch showed she belonged w/Rousey & Charlotte
2) Kofi Kingston - with all that hype he still delivered a great match and moment
3) Seth Rollins - really took a beating but showed some grit and craftiness to leave w/ the strap
4) The Iconics - no one saw this coming and they truly seized the moment
5) The Uso's continue to show why they are the best tag team in the business

Worst Performances
1) Reigns & McIntyre - this match was rushed and would've made way more sense for McIntyre to go over here. Reigns just got back and McIntyre has dominated and a win over Reigns at Mania would've cemented him as the top heel on Raw with Brock officially gone now.
2) Batista & HHH - way to long and predictable finish here to. With all the "emotion" involved this match should've ended in a no contest with both men leaving with assistance. Would've made for a much better story
3) Rey Mysterio - If WWE was trying to protect the injured ankle they should've subbed him out with Cena or maybe even Kevin Owens. Mysterio getting squashed here I don't believe was good for business.
Is there a forum simply for discussing WrestleMania as a whole?

If I can do so here anyway I just want to say how awful I thought Mania was. I’ll admit I love the old stuff and I don’t like the new stuff. Reasons why are:

- the character are terrible, take someone like Shaemus. Just what is his act meant to be? He looks like a barroom and his wrestling is poor.
- then take the commentary, it’s dreadful. Where the emotion that we got years past with guys like JR, Bobby Heenan, etc.
- Which leads me to te entrabce music for the wrestlers? Wtf? There’s nothing exciting about it at all

I think it’s clear too that the biggest pop came for Hulk Hogan a legend in the business. I’ll say this if I never see another current product WWE show again I won’t care.
Worst Performances
1) Reigns & McIntyre - this match was rushed and would've made way more sense for McIntyre to go over here. Reigns just got back and McIntyre has dominated and a win over Reigns at Mania would've cemented him as the top heel on Raw with Brock officially gone now.
2) Batista & HHH - way to long and predictable finish here to. With all the "emotion" involved this match should've ended in a no contest with both men leaving with assistance. Would've made for a much better story
3) Rey Mysterio - If WWE was trying to protect the injured ankle they should've subbed him out with Cena or maybe even Kevin Owens. Mysterio getting squashed here I don't believe was good for business.

I mostly agree with your best performers list but I disagree with almost everything on this list.

- To have Roman Reigns lose after coming back from battling cancer would have been a terrible moment that would have cast a negative cloud over the rest of the show. I was at the show live and things got heated in the crowd because of the @$$holes in the crowd boo'ing Reigns. Regardless of your opinion of Roman as a wrestler he is universally considered a great person and people were pissed at fans boo'ing him live (in my section alone security had to set in to stop two fights that almost broke out). If he lost it would have sucked the air out of the whole show.

- Having a No Holds Barred Match end in a No Contest is stupid, esp when Batista in never coming back. If you want to talk about the story, Batista was 100% the villian of that story. He NEEDED to be beaten.

- Rey Mysterio's role in the company is to put over the young talent. Joe squashing him at Mania is something Joe can brag about for the rest of his career.
- To have Roman Reigns lose after coming back from battling cancer would have been a terrible moment that would have cast a negative cloud over the rest of the show.

I disagree. Cancer humanized Roman the person for a lot of the audience. If he were to lose to Drew it would have further humanized Roman's character because it is understandable for him not to be what he was after a fight with cancer. WWE has a good thing going with him right now and returning him to the favored son role may backfire.

I was at the show live and things got heated in the crowd because of the @$$holes in the crowd boo'ing Reigns.

That's too bad and uncalled for but it may just be one example of what I mean by things backfiring on WWE and Roman if they push him too hard.

Regardless of your opinion of Roman as a wrestler he is universally considered a great person

He is not universally considered a great person. Most reasonable people admire him for his cancer fight but let's not get carried away with the "universally considered a great person" stuff.

and people were pissed at fans boo'ing him live (in my section alone security had to set in to stop two fights that almost broke out).

So definitely not universally considered a great person.

If he lost it would have sucked the air out of the whole show.

Or if he loses fans realize that WWE are telling a story about how serious the toll cancer can take on even our strongest people and how hard it is to work your way back.

And then those fans move on to the next match.

He could have lost and everything would have been fine.
- Having a No Holds Barred Match end in a No Contest is stupid, esp when Batista in never coming back. If you want to talk about the story, Batista was 100% the villian of that story. He NEEDED to be beaten.

What match did you watch pal? Triple H won 123.

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