Raquel Diaz: Exfoliating Ugliness Tour


Pre-Show Stalwart

So next week on NXT, the daugher of the late-great Eddie Guerrero and Vickie Guerrero, Raquel Diaz (Why not just call her Raquel Guerrero?!) is debuting on NXT with her 'Exfoliating Ugliness Tour'.

Now what to think of this? Well it's watching this video, it seems like a 'Beautiful People' gimmick with a mix of Maryse's gimmick. Depending on how they play this out, she could become a great character but on the flip side of that comes her wrestling skills. Watching her in FCW, she has improved since she first started but it's not on par with the currnet crop of divas. Raquel is like 75% character and 25% wreslter.

So, what do you think of this 'Exfoliating Ugliness Tour'?
Why not just call her Raquel Guerrero?!
Probably for the same reason they have Michael McGuillicutty, Jake Carter, Bray Wyatt and Bo Dallas instead of Joe Hennig, Jesse White, Windham Rotunda and Taylor Rotunda.

So, what do you think of this 'Exfoliating Ugliness Tour'?
Have to wait to see it. Sounds intriguing and NXT is a very entertaining show, so hopefully it is good.
The gimmick, or at least what I get out of it from the ad, reminds me of Laycool and the whole idea of "flawless." I don't have an opinion one way or the other yet. I can understand why the WWE might not want to use the Guerrero name yet. They want to see if she is able to make a name on her own because a lot of people may not know that she is the daughter of Eddie and Vicki. It's interesting how WWE goes about doing this because like the one poster said, they chose to create names for the likes of Joe Henning and Windham Rotunda (well I understand at least the firstname change for that one), but for people like the Usos and Richie Steamboat, the decide to allude to their family lineage.

I digress slightly, I think that Raquel has a good chance to succeed, especially on NXT. As with practically everyone who has seen it, I love the new NXT and I think it is a great place to showcase lower-card/new guys' wrestling abilities. This is where I think it will help Raquel because she seems to have an entertaining attitude/gimmick (it's been done before but it seems to work), but its her wrestling that people aren't sure of. At NXT, hopefully she will get an opportunity to improve her wrestling and not just time to perfect her gimmick. Then, she may have an opportunity to appear on Raw and Smackdown. From there, perhaps WWE can mention the fact that Raquel is a Guerrero daughter and could partner her with Vicki and whatever male Vicki may be managing at the time.

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