Ranking the title changes this year!


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I bet there won't be many title changes left this year. Realistically, the Cena/Orton one is the only one that's left, but out of the others, how do you rank the title changes and which one do you think was the best??

I'll rank my own here. I don't think I'm missing any, but if I am, tell me below:

1. Dolph Ziggler cashing in- This one is self-explanatory. Everybody marked out. Best episode of Raw in years.

2. The Shield beating Hell No for the Tag titles- I am a big Shield fan and couldn't wait for them to win the tag titles.

3. Dean Ambrose winning the US title- Same reason as above. I would have preferred if they Freebirded with the Tag titles, but I can't complain about a push for Dean.

4. Cody Rhodes and Goldust winning the tag titles- I marked out big time for them. Their hype has died down a little, but it was still a very deserving win.

5. Daniel Bryan's title win at SS- If we look at the moment alone, it was a pretty good win and a cool celebration. But it was overshadowed by the predictable bullsh*t that occurred right after.

6. AJ winning the Diva's title- I was waiting for this the whole year. She's been the best Diva WWE has had in a long time, and she definitely deserves the recognition.

7. Alberto's Heel Turn- The art of the double turn seemed dead, but Del Rio and Dolph brought it back. It was a brilliant angle, but too bad Dolph didn't benefit from it at all.

8. Wade Barrett's IC title win- It was a definite shocker. I bet no one thought Miz was losing the title so fast. It was a great way to start what would become the best Raw of the year.

9. Del Rio's first World title win- I didn't agree with this win, but it was a great LMS match. I marked out a little, but then realized Del Rio was bland and boring and shouldn't be SD's top face.

10. Kaitlyn winning the Diva's title- I've always liked Kaitlyn even though I thought she stole the NXT win from AJ. Still, it was a good win and Kaitlyn delivered as a good champ.

11. Daniel Bryan's win at NoC- Everyone with 2 eyes saw the bad ref call. We all knew what was happening the next night. Good celebration, but it was another overshadowed win.

12. Big E. Langston's IC win- Big E is great, but the win itself wasn't that memorable. I'm just happy Axel was jobbed out. Can't stand him.

13. The Miz winning the IC title- I'm not a big Miz fan, but it was a great way to hype up the Mania crowd. It also lead to the shocking Wade win the next night.

14. Randy Orton's win at Hell in a Cell- I was excited to see Shawn feud with Bryan. That segment on Raw was incredible. I was hoping for an "unsanctioned match" like the one he had with Y2J. But nope, Bryan was thrown back down to the midcard. Really lame.

15. Randy Orton's cash-in- I think they should have waited a PPV to do this, but it was a solid heel turn and a solid story direction. But it was predictable as hell, and it really diminished Bryan's preceding win. Left a sour taste in my mouth.

16. Kofi Kingston's US title win- I'm a big Cesaro fan so I was definitely unimpressed with this. The only positive note was that it was obvious Kofi was a transitional champ.

17. The Rock beats Punk- The finish was ridiculous and overbooked. I thought it was terrible and even though I knew Rock would win, I didn't enjoy the way they did it. Knowing this was setting up Cena/Rock 2 didn't help matters at all.

18. John Cena's win over Del Rio- He came back with an arm injury to wrestle a guy who specializes in crushing arms... and he still made mincemeat out of him. I really don't know how to react. It was predictable so I wasn't even allowed to hate it.

19. Curtis Axel's IC title win- He's bland, uncharismatic, boring and lame. And it was obvious he was gonna win anyway, so there was nothing memorable about this title change at all.

20. THE UNDERDOG JOHN CENA's REDEMPTION where he SAVED HIS CAREER and OVERCAME THE ODDS by reclaiming the WWE CHAMPIONSHIP!! THE CHAMP IS HERE!!.... Yeah, great storytelling. Whatever.
Dolph Ziggler is obviously 1. The crowd was hyped and I loved seeing him win the World Title. Shame about his title run.

For number 2, I'll say Curtis Axel. It was a really good match and him winning the belt on Fathers Day - A belt his Dad held with such success- was a really great moment.

3) Reigns/ Rollins. It was obvious but seeing the three members of The Shield holding the belts was a pretty cool. This is compounded by the fact They have given some great matches matches since.

4) Randy Orton. He had gone a fair while without being champ and I thought it was great seeing him back at the top. Moreover, the Triple H heel turn was exciting in what was a fantastic ppv.

5) I was really pissed but they did Del Rio's heel then very well. I wanted Ziggler to have a longer reign but his win was done expertly.

Some Title wins could have been a lot better. The Big Show ruined the Rhodes Family moment which could have been great. WHY WAS IT ALL ABOUT THE BIG SHOW? I wasn't all that keen with them restarting The Rock/Punk at Royal Rumble.
1.) Daniel Bryan winning his 1st WWE Championship at Summerslam - The biggest pop I've heard since the attitude era, a huge mark out moment for me personally & an epic moment that will go down in WWE history.

2.) Dean Ambrose winning the U.S. Championship at Extreme Rules - My absolute favorite superstar on the current roster & he won the title in a fantastic match that restored at least some momentum/prestige to the US Title. Also it was Ambrose's first title match & debut solo match on PPV, which makes it all the more impressive to me.

3.) Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns winning the WWE Tag Team Championships at Extreme Rules - One of the best tag team matches I've seen since the days of The Hardy Boyz, The Dudleys & E&C. On that night all members of The Shield proved that they are here to stay & can hang with some of the best in the business.

4.) Cody Rhodes & Goldust winning the WWE Tag Team Championships on RAW - Their match at Battleground was much better but this was still a great moment for The Rhodes Brothers & a highlight of the entire year.

5.) The Rock ending CM Punk's 434 day streak & winning the WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble - I wasn't a huge fan of Punk losing the WWE Title in the first place but if it had to happen, this was probably the best possible way. Their Elimination Chamber match was much better IMO & I didn't care for the black out setting up for the ending but no one can deny that The Rock winning the title for the first time in over 10 year with his mother in the audience wasn't a special moment in WWE history. WWE clearly wanted Rock to hold the title either way, so at least they made it memorable.

6.) Randy Orton cashing-in to win the WWE Championship at Summerslam - Once again I wasn't that thrilled with the overall outcome seeing as I would have much rather seen Bryan walk out with the title but once again no one can deny the impact this moment had. Triple H had his major heel turn, Orton did something interesting for the first time since 2011 (besides his brief feud with The Shield), the execution was nearly flawless (Bryan's long celebration with HHH who was almost invisible the entire match, waiting awhile to hit Orton's music & then Orton acting like he was gonna walk back to the dressing room before HHH finally hit the pedigree) & most importantly the crowd went nuts.

7.) Curtis Axel winning the IC Title on Father's Day at Payback - This was when Axel still meant something & I thought it was a pretty memorable victory since it took place on the very 1st Payback PPV & on Father's Day. & while he didn't have that great of a title reign, at the time I thought he was extremely deserving of the title & the best person to hold the IC title since probably Cody Rhodes in 2011.

8.) AJ Lee winning the Divas Title at Payback - The match wasn't all the great & I thought the moment itself was pretty much completely overshadowed by Axel's title win & the Del Rio/Ziggler double turn. But never the less AJ is still one of the best Divas in WWE history & her finally capturing the Divas Championship for the 1st time was pretty awesome.

9.) Dolph Ziggler cashing-in & winning the World Heavyweight Championship on the RAW after Wrestlemania 29 - I was really happy to see Ziggler really win the World Title but this moment is highly overrated just cause of the crowds reaction. They would both go on to have really good matches that were actual matches & considering it went absolutely nowhere I don't know if I would even call it a highlight of Ziggler's career. It was honestly pretty forgettable as far as cash-ins go & it's impact on the WWE Universe was almost none.

10.) Big E Langston winning the IC Title on RAW - A cool little title win since Axel had run his course as IC Champion. But persoanlly I don't think Langston deserves the IC title yet & having his "1st big title win" be in a lackluster match on RAW wasn't anythign to write home about.

11.) Alberto Del Rio capturing his 1st World Heavyweight Championship - This came out of left field & babyface Del Rio was pretty awful but it was something somewhat refreshing at the time & it was some of the only World Heavyweight Championship matches I've actually enjoyed Del Rio in.

12.) Randy Orton winning the WWE Championship at Hell In A Cell - A decent title win to cap off the Bryan/Orton rivalry. HBK's involvement at the end was probably the best part.

13.) Alberto Del Rio recaliming the World Heavyweight Championship at Payback - This moment was really cool because of the double turn but that's it. & realistically the turn itself hasn't really even done anything for either man.

14.) Daniel Bryan winning his 2nd WWE Championship - Cool to see Bryan beat Orton clean but considering it was one of those "screwy finishes" that got overturned the very next night on RAW, it will be forgotten by most.

15.) John Cena gaining his "Redemption" & winning the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 29 - Just their Mania 28 match with a title & more finishers at the end. Rock/Cena II did absolutely nothing for me as a fan but considering it had a real storyline/build-up that lasted about 3 years, it's still more memorable than some. Also Rock's expression at the end when he is forced to raise Cena's hand is priceless.

16.) The Miz winning the IC Title in the Wrestlemania 29 Pre-Show - Cool for the Mania pre-show but I seriously doubt anyone but a few hardcore fans that memorize Mania cards even remember this match happened.

17.) Wade Barrett reclaiming the IC Title the very next night on RAW - Even more forgettable than the above match & the even more irrelevant Superstar won the match.

18.) Kaitlyn winning the Divas Championship - If this match didn't take place on the RAW 20th Anniversary Special & featured Kaitlyn's very 1st title win ever, this would easily be my #20 pick.

19.) John Cena winning the World Heavyweight Championship at Hell In A Cell - The only good reason Cena should have returned at HiaC to win the World Title would have been to lose it to Sandow the following night, but that didn't happen so I'm still questioning why Cena even returned or won the title. Cena hasn't even brought a single fragment of respect or prestige back to the World Heavyweight Championship like he keeps claiming. Of all the world title wins I think Cena didn't deserve, this would be pretty high on my list.

20.) Kofi Kingston winning the U.S. Championship - I forgot this match/title win even took place before I read the full post, not to mention I can't even remember where, what show or when it took place. This was Kofi winning yet again another mid-card title simply because WWE needed a face to lose clean to Dean Ambrose at Extreme Rules.

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