Rank these dream matches that never happened!!

Which will be the most iconic?

  • Bret Hart vs. Kurt Angle

  • Shawn Michaels vs. The Rock

  • Sting vs. The Undertaker

  • Steve Austin vs. Goldberg

  • John Morrison vs. AJ Styles

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F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
Which one match would you die for just to see..

  1. Bret Hart vs. Kurt Angle
  2. Shawn Michaels vs. The Rock
  3. Sting vs. The Undertaker
  4. Steve Austin vs. Goldberg
  5. John Morrison vs. AJ Styles

This list is in no particular order..

Me personally would have to be Bret Hart vs. Kurt Angle, both in their prime.. Now that would be a technical masterclass!

How would you rank these matches?
I wouldn't really call some of these dream matches, but dream matches are really just opinion. I voted for Sting vs The Undertaker just because I think it's one of the only matches on here that at least 90% of wrestling fans are still praying to see.

I'm not really one to pick dream matches to be honest, because when I look for them I always tend to pick out flaws that I could see happening with the matches, but if they keep this CM Punk storyline as good as it has been then I'd love to see a CM Punk/Stone Cold program for the mic work if nothing else.
1) I had to go with Sting vs Undertaker as my number one,due to the simple fact that I think it would be the most anticipated match out of the choices as well as most marketable. These two are arguably at the top of list of the greatest wrestlers in history, both have huge fan bases and they have played similar gimmicks, so the match would be a sort of who plays the character better. Also I think the fact that we were somewhat recently teased about Taker vs Sting at Mania makes it more desirable.

2)Shawn Michaels vs. The Rock
3)Steve Austin vs. Goldberg
4)Bret Hart vs. Kurt Angle
5)John Morrison vs. AJ Styles
Hart Vs Angle would, in many ways, be too similar to Angle vs Benoit, Hart vs Hart, or many other technician vs technician matches we've seen.

Austin vs Goldberg is my second choice, because how often do the two biggest draws of an entire era clash when they existed in separate companies?

Morrison vs Styles would be entertaining, bt generic, and wouldn't translate as well in the ring as it does in the heads of some smarky fans.

Michaels vs the Rock is interesting, and is my #3. But I don't think about it the way I would think about...

Sting vs Undertaker. The two biggest companies in pro wrestling, and their icons, in the ring. It'd be amazing.
Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle in a match for the Intercontinental Title for me is a dream match I've wanted to see for years. Same goes for a No DQ-Falls count anywhere match between Bill Goldberg & Stone Cold Steve Austin.

I could vote for either of those matches and make a case for either one as the most iconic.

The other would be a Ladder Match between Macho Man Randy Savage & Shawn Michaels. Two most amazing high fliers of all time in a ladder match? Dude sorry, but that's the one IMO. To see Savage drop the elbow like only he could off a ladder onto HBK would be too sweet. That would be the poster for everything pro-wrestling means to me.
I feel bad I cant vote twice

AJ/Morrison isnt in the same league so wtf

but Austin/Goldberg as epic as it is isnt as great as the rest, moreso promo wise than wrestling match wise I believe

Austin/Hogan would be bigger

Sting vs Taker is epic and yes would draw huge too but the limited promoing by Crow Sting vs Undertaker would take it out

Now here I'm torn

Bret vs Kurt would be HANDS DOWN The Best Pure Wrestling Match of All Time bar none and you're crazy if you dont agree with that

So yes that's instant classic

but I honestly believe as I've said in many threads that 98 heel HBK vs 2000 face Rock had the ability to be the greatest feud of all time and they could cut better promos and still deliver in the ring, so I went with this, but Hart vs Angle is still the best wrestling match to never happen in terms of in-ring ability primarily
Brett vs Angle hands down! Both in their prime would be a show stealer for the ages. A technical masterpiece from to ring technicians! Wow what I would give to see that match (not anymore) but still if you picked the two when they were in their absolute prime and placed them in the ring together to work there magic then it would be a Wrestling match that anyone who appreciates, and really appreciates Pro Wrestling would enjoy and saviour.
john morrison v aj styles is not a dream match if anything its an opener match for wrestlemania not main event material itd be a load of messed up spots

stone cold v goldberg- it would have been cool to see years ago but i say it would have been like Goldberg/Lesnar. it would be decent mostly a brawl doubt itd be atin special and i personally wouldn't have that as a mainevent incase it stunk.

Bret hart v Kurt angle - would be a classic match but thats a bout it. once again that would be my pre mainevent match. dont think the build would be good bret hart is awful on the mic and angle is pretty good but he is no hhh hbk rock etc...... and i think him having someone who isn't good on the mic would be bad for angle. but it still would be a dream match but there are better dream matches out there

HBK v THE ROCk - funny thing is im the biggest hbk fan he is my favourite alongside taker but hbk v rock has never been a dream match for me. i would love to see it though matches would be classic and promos too but i still never consider rock and hbk a dream match personally. IT's defo mainevent worthy and would be brilliant but if some said to me whats your dream match rock v hbk wouldn't pop into my head.

UNDERTAKER V STING - out of all the above options this is my pick for best dream match. It would be classic. Taker is great on the mic (very underated, he may not talk much but when he does you listen and its always a great promo) and same for sting especially recently sting is great on the mic to, he confident and always has great promos (just like taker he very underated on the mic ). the promos these to would cut would be great , the build up also. Imagine these 2 dark characters face to face, lights go off is it sting or taker ? the match would be great even if it happened today and they are both old they can both still go and i think they would deliver a great match especially with mania they would both step up

My own personal dream match came true twice at wrestlemani 25 and 26
I wanted to see taker v hbk for years and it finalyy happened and they were classic matches.
Sting vs. The Undertaker.

It wouldn't be one of the best worked matches of all time, but the atmosphere in whatever stadium or arena they performed in would be amazing, and everyone knows it would. It'd be an interesting build-up, especially with the way they portray their characters.

I wouldn't call John Morrison a dream match worthy competitor. He's still bland to me, he can do some amazing things, but he just isn't at that level.

Austin vs. Goldberg wouldn't be a match I'd rate highly either, I'd pay much more money to see CM Punk vs. Stone Cold, because that would write itself and they have two contrasting characters, while Goldberg and Austin would just be a case of winding back the clock.
Any one of these seem out of place? Number five would definitely be last on this list. Wow MARK! Sting vs. Undertaker would be promo vs. promo but amount to a less technical match of the four. I would like to see the build up for face silent crow Sting vs. Ministry Undertaker for the promos alone. Number three would be Austin vs, Goldberg. While this is what I really wanted for the invasion angle it would have had to be a heel Goldberg which doesn't show him right. Would have been a WrestleMania main event for sure. While Kurt Angle vs. Bret Hart would have been a technical masterpiece and would be a wrestling match for the ages, I don't think it would hold a candle to the promotional gold of a heel or face HBK vs. a heel or face Rock. I would prefer Rock to be the face in my dream match. Vince would not have found a big enough arena to book this at WrestleMania XVI. Both were amazing on the mic and an unleashed Shawn in the attitude era might have led to some violations of the FCC. Sorry i didn't write about the Morrisson vs. AJ match but it just doesn't fit in this category. So while we're allowed one smark dream match I would gladly replace the previous with my dream match. Chris Benoit vs. Bryan Danielson. Technically, I don't think it could be topped. Promos would be horrendous but I am a wrestling fan and promos, while essential to the overall product, hold less weight in forming my opinion. This is my first posting on this website in many years and am glad to be writing again.

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