Rank the Punk VS Jericho Matches


Mr. Wrestling
These two superstars that claim the title of Best In The World have now clashed 4 times. Each time a great contest imo each one better than the last.

1. Payback- Match of the Year candidate. Like the Raw match this was a straight wrestling match where these two guys shine. And it holds a special place to me because I got to experience it live.

2. Raw-Arguably the best match we've seen on television so far this year.

3. Extreme Rules-Solid match, but these two don't need weapons to have a great match.

4. Wrestlemania- I put it last because the whole match revolved around Jericho trying to get Punk disqualified.

How would you rank these four classic matches?
1. Extreme Rules- Street Fight- A great brawl between Jericho and Punk, with some excellent back and forth action throughout the match.

2. Payback- The crowd atmosphere was incredible, and throughout the match, you really didn't know what Punk would do until the end. Would he just walk away at some point, and be done with wrestling altogether? Heyman almost costing Punk the match was the real nail biter, and Jericho was the right opponent for Punk's comeback match.

3. Raw- Tempted to put it higher, but as far as TV matches go, I'd take Punk VS Cena on Raw over Punk VS Jericho.

4. Wrestlemania 28- Not a bad match at all, but the build kind of fell apart after WWE seemingly ran out of places to go with the "Best In The World VS Best In The World" moniker. The build falling apart killed my interest in the match, because I was really looking forward to Jericho VS Punk before the switch to Jericho attacking straightedge Punk. The transition into Jericho mocking Punk's family and straightedge lifestyle came out of left field, and the build to the Extreme Rules match was much better.

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