Randy vs Sheamus


Occasional Pre-Show
So I wonder what should we expect from this title match this coming smackdown and the outcome of the event. Maybe this match is taking place just to add fuel to Christian willing to do anything to become champion.

Will Sheamus fall short but fued with Randy for months?
Will Christian cost one of them the match, possibly Orton to turn heel?

I could see this going both ways because sure Randy and Sheamus had feud before but I wanna see a longer healthier feud. As for Christian he just may cost Orton the title and start their rivalry but my only problem with that is SD is starting to get short on faces. Maybe Christian lets the title match be and starts a feud with Mark Henry.
I expect interference from Henry and Christian that leads to a Fatal 4 Way match for the title at Capital Punishment. Orton will then win that match and truly be the dominate Champion on Smackdown.
I will be surprised-- no, shocked-- no, astonished-- no, appalled if this doesn't end in Christian interfering and turning heel somehow. It's clichéd to ask for a heel turn - or a face turn or, really, anything - but, frankly, it's the only escape route I see for Christian; the only path back to the world heavyweight title. While Orton is on SmackDown, Christian has no chance of being pushed as the top face. I'd gladly watch the two have title match after title match for months on end, but let's face it, Christian's never going over. This is the proverbial nuclear option.

If this match were on pay-per-view, I'd be less certain that some sort of swerve is coming. But it's on TV and so I wouldn't even be that amazed if there were a title change after what happened to Christian. People have been pessimistic about Orton and Sheamus. I, however, have quite enjoyed their previous work and wouldn't be entirely adverse to seeing more of it. I would rather see Christian and Orton continue their program, of course - because I'm not mental.
I totally agree with Uncle Sam...
I'm expecting something in that match, or Randy wins cleanly and Henry/ Christian interferes after or the match will end in a DQ leading for a Fatal-Four-Way at Capitol Punishment!
Sheamus and Randy Orton are both very good in the ring, so their match will entertain us a lot.
I just hope that SD! ratings start to increase!!

I think that F-4-Way matches have been banned, I dont even remember the last time i saw one.
I thinnk it will be an outstanding match, however it will end in tragedy. The way I see this going is Henry interferring, as the animosity between him and Orton is growing and growing quick. Sheamus and Christian may interfere also but I only see Henry doin something. I can tsee Christian going heel right now because there are too many already, and they are starting to push 2 of them into the main event. It wouldnt make sense at this point.
I'm hoping Orton retains here and Christian gets involved here.

He shouldn't turn heel right now unless they're going to tirn someone face.

You've already got: Mark Henry, Sheamus and Cody Rhodes, and it looks like DiBiase as heels. Don't need any more.
Y'know..... I'm confused. I don't know where this is headed right now. See the moment Christian ought to have turned heel, and unquestionably he ought to have done by now, was the very second he got beaten by Orton for the title on Smackdown. He had so much ammo. 17 years, 5 days, being forced to defend the title on Smackdown and a combination of these things could have quite plausibly sent him off the deep end. But........ he just waited. So I though OK fine, he's got his rematch at Over The Limit, he'll lose again and then out of frustration he'll just......he'll just SNAP. And yet ...........nothing!

So now I'm well and truly lost. See you still have the ammo for Christian turning heel and I thought one final encounter between the Viper and himself would've been the finally straw. So can someone explain to me just how Sheamus got himself mixed up in all of this. I'll try to walk you through what I mean by giving you the different scenario's in my mind.

1) Christian doesn't turn heel. - This is fair enough. He'll most likely shy away from the title scene, at least for a good while and either Orton of Sheamus will come away with the title. They'll have a little fling and the title will continue on it's merry way down it's impending lineage. No worries.

Analysis: Hmmm.... The whole way through Orton and Christian's feud it's felt like a heel turn was all but guaranteed. When we all know Christian works better as a heel and he's got the perfect excuse, him fading back into obscurity never seemed likely.

2) Christian turns heel after Orton beats Sheamus - It's entirely possible. That'd be face/heel and Orton and Christian can carry on a more entertaining programme to head Smackdown for a significant chunk of the year, perhaps 2/3 PPVs worth again.

Analysis: See this is the second most logical option as I see it. But you then have to question what they were playing at throwing Sheamus into the mix when Orton and Christian was going to continue all along. In short you have to wonder why they didn't just have Christian win the triple threat and go the route I suggested.

3) Christian turns heel after Sheamus beats Orton - This makes heel v. heel and that hardly ever works, and certainly it doesn't sell.

4) Sheamus beats Orton and face Christian is the next challenger - Yeah it's possible I guess. It's still a bit blasé though. Face Christian has a big backing but there isn't much enough between Sheamus and Christian to make this a really good feud. And once again you would be left wondering why they never went the more obvious route of turning turning Captain Charisma heel.

5) Christian turns heel during the title match and forces it to be a triple threat match - This seems the most likely option to me. The title match is on a televised show, it's pretty low pressure and low build. There would be no harm in having an interference in this match and re-directing it to a PPV. Hell maybe even Mark Henry will get involved. Perhaps Christian won't turn heel here, perhaps it'll be during the title match. Perhaps it won't happen at all. But depending on what happens I am left with three questions hanging over me which are:

- Why didn't they do what seemed obvious and turn Christian heel? (providing that they don't)

- Why did they wait turn him heel now when it would have worked better at an earlier stage?

- How in God's Green Earth do you explain the gigantic RED FUCKING HERRING that is Sheamus in all of this. He never needed to be involved, he just complicated everything.

For me the best path for redemption of this hash they have made is to turn Christian heel, book a triple threat match between Orton, Sheamus and Christian and have Christian win after turning heel towards the end of the match and feud with Orton for a few months afterwards. It's the best path, but it wasn't the best path from the view of the landscape just 2 months ago.
Sheamus vs Orton has happened before, remember early 2010 they feuded for a while, and it wasn't good because Orton is a terrible face?

Another Sheamus title run would be great. His look, his mic skills, his in ring work are all great. Hes a believable heel, hes a believable monster. Id much rather see Sheamus get a push over Henry and Christian.

Lets face it Mark Henry has never really been entertaining, ever. I don't want to see him in a story line with Orton for the title, and Id rather he retire now, rather than later.

Although Christian is great in ring, and a solid performer he really isn't that great. Ive never understood the hype behind Christian, Ive always found him to be forced and it could be that I simply do not enjoy his work.
randy orton wont lose the title on smackdown it only happened to christian cause vince dont think much of him but he likes orton as far as i can tell

but i do agree that there will be a fatal four way at capital punishment and i think sheamus will take the title from orton but will pin christian to win it like evryone said they dont need to turn christian to a heel as they have enough as it is

but how about this for a turn after sheamus wins the title at capital punishment he comes out on smackdown and saves orton or christian from a beat down by cody and ted

imo sheamus would become a great face on smackdown after a few weeks

plus you know khali is gonna get a push for the title after his heel turn and the other bloke but i keep for getting his name
Ok, I have some major bones to pick with this whole thing.

First off, when the draft happened I was ecstatic as I thought to myself; Finally, Smackdown is going to be a better show than RAW! They got the better of RAW in the draft as all RAW got was an ageing high-flyer in Mysterio and a one trick pony in Del Rio (The fact that he comes out, talks about Destiny, then gets his ass whooped), although Granted RAW did a lot better in the mid carder section. Smackdown got Orton, Sin Cara, Sheamus and a host of Mid Carders, they could have done so much with Smackdown but what have done? Nothing!!! They wasted the Orton/Christian rivalry, why they didn't let Christian keep his title until at least Over The Limit is beyond me! Why not let Orton come to Smackdown as a heel and let Christian be the face of Smackdown having rivalries with the Heel Orton and Sheamus, have Christain push up mid-carders like Sin Cara and Bryan? Instead they've destroyed a 17 year career in a matter of weeks, as I'm sure you've all red that Vince doesn't think that Christian is "Championship Material", what more can the guy do? So instead of having all these potential new and great rivalry's, they're going to have a rivalry which happened no more than 6 months ago on RAW for the WWE title, FFS Vince!!

Unless Christian turns heel on Smackdown next Friday costing Orton the title in the process, thus giving Orton and Christian a bit of a decent rivalry, and therefore giving Sheamus new opposition from Mid-Carders like Sin Cara, Bryan, even Khali, I can only see more and more careers being destroyed as there is so much talent on Smackdown that needs to be noticed and rewarded with Championships!
What I hope that happens is this...Orton and Sheamus put on one hell of a television match. Orton retains the belt, but Christian comes down, beats him up and runs off with his title. This way they can have one final title match at Over the Limit.
Guys, Christian will be out of the title picture until probably Summerslam.

He had his chance, he lost again, and then shook Orton's hand, so it's the chase, Christian working his way back up and back through all of the other contenders, Orton will defend and beat Sheamus, Henry, Khali and then Christian will be there again. As a face and there will be one hell of an epic pay-off either way - he either wins the title back in some sort of redemption and Orton shakes his hand OR he loses, gets mad and turns heel.
I wouldn't mind another Sheamus title run.. But i think it wont happen.

A bit too soon. Orton wont be dropping the title anytime soon IMO.

I really dont think christian will be turning heel either.
I don't see Sheamus winning. I wouldn't mind a third world title reign for him though if he did manage to win. I think Sheamus will lose but still retain his #1 contenter status. Smackdown needs a top heel and Sheamus can fill that role. He and Orton can feud through MITB and maybe Summerslam. Christian might get involved, but it won't turn Orton heel if Christian costs him the match because he's the face of the brand now. Sheamus and Orton have feuded before and it was good then, so it should be good if they do it again too. They should feud for the summer, it'd be good for the brand and then the Smackdown MITB winner and/or Christian can get involved too later.
I see this match leading to a Fatal Fourway at Capitol Punishment. Mark Henry and Sheamus are involved in this feud, and ending their involvement after one Sheamus loss, on Smackdown, wouldn't make much sense.

I don't know where they're going with Christian. I was truly hoping for a heel turn, but that seems about 50/50 at this point. It should happen, no question. He's a great heel, and he's not going to be the #1 babyface on Smackdown. A heel turn is needed.

But, if Christian were to lose clean, again, and go back to the mid-card, I wouldn't mind a Sheamus/Orton feud. On Raw, this feud was never given proper attention. The writing sucked, and there wasn't a story behind it. If they can actually give these two something to work with, it might not be that bad. Sheamus doesn't exactly put on great matches, never has, but his character has grown on me.

Hoping for a Christian heel turn, not holding my breath.
Don't really want a long time fued out of this and it will most likly be leading to a Christain heel turn. I thought the point of the draft was to shake things up? But were seeing the same old fueds
I like many others see Christian interfering and becoming a heel setting up a triple threat or a fatal 4 way @ CP PPV.

We'll have to wait and see! I for one and going to avoid this site tuesdays-fridays till I see SD to avoid spoilers. Simply not clicking on "sd spoilers" isnt enough, if anything major happens the main site has a link on main page that says "new champ! debut!screwjob!injury!!!11111" etc so if I dont see link I know nothing happened and if I do, I can prolly guess, I'll see y'all friday night!

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