Randy Orton vs Sting


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A potential match for WrestleMania 31 could be Randy Orton vs Sting . It would make perfect sense as Randy Orton is known as The Legend Killer and Sting is known as the biggest icon from WCW (hence making him a legend). Randy Orton really hasn't had a signature win since losing the WWE WHC, but an iconic victory over the Vigilante could put him back on track. Let me know WWE Universe, would you want to see Randy Orton vs Sting at WrestleMania 31?
I would want to see it but there is really no basis for it at this point since Sting seems against The Authority and Orton recently got his head bashed in by the same Authority.
For a big card like WM You need to have a storyline reason to put high drawing guys up against each other, especially someone like Sting that has a limited event contract. Right now Stings program is against HHH and the Authority so to stop that to wrestle someone totally unrelated is a head scratcher.
As has already been pointed out, the groundwork for a match with Triple H has been laid and, all things considered, it's probably the best option at this point in time. There's still time for WWE to set up an angle and storyline that'd put Orton against Sting but I don't see it happening. As others have mentioned, Orton is on the out with The Authority so it's not as if he can represent their interests. Aside from Triple H, Seth Rollins would be the only one to really be able to take up The Authority's cause against Sting.

I like Orton but, in all honesty, I don't really understand why some wanna see him in such big match scenarios like with Sting or Brock Lesnar. Every time you turn around, there are people claiming how stale Orton is, how bored they are with him, how they wanna see someone else be given an opportunity. Orton's a great talent, but he's not as much of a draw as Cena is and, like Cena, people are burned on seeing Orton in top spot matches. I definitely don't wanna see Orton vs. Sting at WrestleMania XXX just for the sake of being able to say that it's gonna happen.

If not against Triple H then, personally, I'd rather see Sting go up against Seth Rollins, but only if Rollins went over, as it'd be a feather in Rollins' cap. However, I have a feeling that it'll be Sting vs. Triple H and Orton vs. Rollins for WrestleMania, which makes sense as it was Rollins to put Orton "out of action."
That "legend killer" gimmick was like a decade ago when he was a young, early 20's guy taking on Michaels, Foley, Taker, etc.

Orton is a longtime veteran himself at this point. He moved on from the "legend killer" a long time ago to the "apex predator" and "the viper".
That "legend killer" gimmick was like a decade ago when he was a young, early 20's guy taking on Michaels, Foley, Taker, etc.

Orton is a longtime veteran himself at this point. He moved on from the "legend killer" a long time ago to the "apex predator" and "the viper".

Once a legend killer, always a legend killer! Besides, WWE always likes reference a Superstar's old characteristics. This year we saw Paul Heyman rap on Cena and hyping up Basic Brockanomics as well as Triple H using rap slang and gestures against Cena.
Once a legend killer, always a legend killer! Besides, WWE always likes reference a Superstar's old characteristics. This year we saw Paul Heyman rap on Cena and hyping up Basic Brockanomics as well as Triple H using rap slang and gestures against Cena.

It would make no sense now. It worked because he was YOUNG and NEW, and was trying to make a name for himself by taking out old legends.

He's no longer young, he's one of the longest tenured wrestlers in WWE, and he made a name for himself as an established star a long time go.

He's not the legend killer anymore. That was a great gimmick, but it could only work for someone's first few years. Once you're established, a gimmick like that is left in the past. For him to randomly start beefing with Sting and talking about being the "legend killer" again? Nah. No way.
Legend Killer died a long time ago, he donesn't have the same gimmick and he doesn't have the same quality than when he was young.

Orton vs Sting right now would be ridiculous and a waste.
Sting's time was 1988-2001; Undertaker, Michaels, Rock, Triple H and Jericho are the real problematic gaps on his resume. Matches with later stars like Orton, Cena, Batista etc. would be cool, but aren't essential.
A potential match for WrestleMania 31 could be Randy Orton vs Sting . It would make perfect sense as Randy Orton is known as The Legend Killer and Sting is known as the biggest icon from WCW (hence making him a legend). Randy Orton really hasn't had a signature win since losing the WWE WHC, but an iconic victory over the Vigilante could put him back on track. Let me know WWE Universe, would you want to see Randy Orton vs Sting at WrestleMania 31?

Orton is a face now so is Sting. Plus the Legend Killer gimmick was a long time ago, he's moved on from it. I think Orton would rather get back at the Authority than having a go at Sting. Just don't see it happening.
Let me know WWE Universe, would you want to see Randy Orton vs Sting at WrestleMania 31?

Only if Sting couldn't do battle with Undertaker or Triple H.

By far, I'd rather have Undertaker-Sting, for obvious reasons that have been outlined in this forum for the past few years. After that, 'Taker and Triple H would be a great match because of the legendary WWE status of both men.

Randy Orton? He's a big name and a guy who knows how to work a match; in other words, he'd be able to make a fight look effective without severely damaging Steve Borden's AARP body.

Outside that, I have no particular interest in seeing them battle it out. The most attractive aspect of Sting fighting 'Taker or Trips is that they're all from the same era, while Orton represents the young breed. Sure, Randy is older now, yet he's still a pro wrestling generation behind the other three.

But then, if WWE insists on making this match, the "Legend Killer" aspect can be invoked, as Sting surely qualifies as a legend.

And of course, the reason for making this match could be handled with one run-in by Orton, interrupting whatever Sting might be doing in the center of the ring. Hell, entire feuds have been invoked with far less plot development than that, right?

Still, I want Undertaker-Sting. If 'Taker is going to fight anybody (a big "if") I think he should go against Sting.....while they still physically can.
My order of desires for Sting to wrestle are:


And that's about it. Taker v. Sting will stink so badly. I'm talking worse than Taker v. Brock, cause at least Brock can carry a match.
You guys want the Legend Killer back almost as much as you want a new Cena. I agree that it was his best character, but he is a different guy now.

To have the career that he's had while sharing the spotlight with Cena and others is remarkable. He is pretty much a legend himself.
A potential match for WrestleMania 31 could be Randy Orton vs Sting . It would make perfect sense as Randy Orton is known as The Legend Killer and Sting is known as the biggest icon from WCW (hence making him a legend). Randy Orton really hasn't had a signature win since losing the WWE WHC, but an iconic victory over the Vigilante could put him back on track. Let me know WWE Universe, would you want to see Randy Orton vs Sting at WrestleMania 31?

No I wouldn't want to see it. Maybe ten years ago when Orton was The Legend Killer.

I'd prefer to see Orton continue to develop into being a top face again, facing Brock for the championship. I'd want to see Sting face HHH, since they got history from Survivor Series.

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