Randy Orton vs Cena last night


aka JuanJuanson
I just thought I'd share my perspective on the match. First some background. I was at home drinking a few beers watching this with my room mate. I'd like to point out that he is a Cena fan. In fact Cena is his favorite wrestler. Ironically, it has nothing to do with anything he does in the ring or on the mic or even in his personal life. He immediately likes anyone who is a white rapper for some reason. The second reason he loves Cena is because I boo him. For some reason this guy just picks the opposite of what I like. He had no opinion of Daniel Bryan until I explained to him that Bryan is the best wrestler in the WWE and my current favorite. He now gives loud, annoying, exaggerated boos to Bryan and even more annoying exaggerated claps to whoever his opponent is. I personally don't care for Cena or Orton. Both are bland and have the exact same ring styles. I'm also not a fan of Orton's posing.

Anyways on to the match. The match received a lot of hype throughout the night, but still couldn't get me to give a shit. I wasn't intereested in any of their recent matches, although I did like the spots were they used each other's finishers at the Royal Rumble. For some reason, in this match, it seemed like Randy Orton was actually trying for the first time in a long while. He was working the crowd well and his offense and timing seemed to be on par this match. It's almost like he mentioned in the begining of the show, that the viper is back. I actually got into the match somewhat. I would have been very much more into the match had it not been for the fact that Orton was beating the crap out of Cena the entire time. I wouldn't have a problem with that if not for the fact that whenever Cena gets the crap beat out of him the whole match, it means he hits an AA out of nowhere and wins. I also no that no pinfalls or AA attempts work until Cena has done his 5 knuckle shuffle as a prerequisite. In order for him to do the 5 knuckle shuffle, it has to be immediately preceeded by his back suplex. His back suplex can only come after hitting 2 consecutive shoulder blocks. If he hits one only, and is interrupted, then the sequence will have to begin again from the start. I think you get the point here. So here we have Orton wrestling his ass off and working the crowd, while Cena sells a beating, only to come out with an AA. I understand it's his finisher and it's the second one in the match, but there was no other real offense besides a famouser. It's like playing a Smackdown game, you gotta get the body orange/red or at least yellow to get the pin. You can't win the match with a power move and 2 finishers. But after Orton did all the wrestling, Cena gets the easy win, and is suddenly completely healed of all damage from the match.

I turn and look at my room mate and say: This is why people hate Cena, you know.

But overall at least Orton is improving and wrestling more like his old self.
I'm not one to enjoy watching the champion getting beat cleanly on Raw. Let alone two consecutive times. Randy Orton needed the win more so than Cena, since clearly, Cena is going to be away from the WWE Championship scene come WrestleMania.
What you were referring to was the 5 moves of doom. Old hat around here.

Question I have is, just how does Cena & Orton have the 'exact same' ring style, as you so put it?
To me, they seem to have a smiliar pace and similar offense. They both have there own 5 moves of doom. The rest of it is mostly striking. The main difference, I believe, is Orton spends a lot more time posing while Cena spends a lot more time on the ground. They are both pretty generic though to me.
Cena is a power guy. Add in some striking, not breaking rules & the 'big comeback' ala Hogan-you have someone with a perfect formula for how a face wrestles.

Orton is much more a striker, always takes the low road with rules & tends to focus his attacks more. He really is not considered a power guy & he wrestles like a great heel should.

Really not so similar. We could just ask KB for a more in depth explanation, but you get the general idea. I dont think you pay as much attention as you like to believe.

In a way that is like saying Hogan \ Flair wrestle the same. Really two different styles & it shows.
I don't pay that much attention therefore I really enjoyed the match and thought it could have gone either way. My only problems were that Cena seemed not the slightest bit tired after he won and I can't figure out why it seems like Orton was pointing to his eyes when the camera cut to him after the match. It looked like a medical guy was racing behind the ring to check on him.
This thread is like last night's Orton-Cena match: I'm drifting in and out.

Orton really loves doing spots where he wastes too much time and gets caught by his opponent, doesn't he?
The headlock thing & him walking around is a big time waster. He goes to that cool-down well way too often at times. Usually pays for it.

I can't figure out why it seems like Orton was pointing to his eyes when the camera cut to him after the match. It looked like a medical guy was racing behind the ring to check on him.

Saw that too. What is with the sudden rise in eye related injuries? All that finger pointing & shit talking backstage must be causing a pink eye epidemic...
Cena is a power guy. Add in some striking, not breaking rules & the 'big comeback' ala Hogan-you have someone with a perfect formula for how a face wrestles.

Orton is much more a striker, always takes the low road with rules & tends to focus his attacks more. He really is not considered a power guy & he wrestles like a great heel should.

Really not so similar. We could just ask KB for a more in depth explanation, but you get the general idea. I dont think you pay as much attention as you like to believe.

In a way that is like saying Hogan \ Flair wrestle the same. Really two different styles & it shows.

When they are both faces they wrestle a lot a like. I do agree Orton has more striking. When Orton is heel they still wrestle alike but different(that has to make perfect sense). Kinda like you said, Cena wrestle typical Face formula and Orton wrestle typical Heel formula. Two pretty basic, typical wrestlers.

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