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Randy Orton: Rest you neck and you gimmick.


The Ayatollah of Rock N Rolla
F4WOnline.com is reporting that Randy Orton is continuing to suffer from neck issues, and company officials have urged him to take time off in order to recover. At this point, Orton is only appearing on televised events as he undergoes therapy for his neck.

I personally think that this would be the perfect opportunity for Orton to take some time off to heal up and rest him gimmick. Ever since the implosion of the Legacy, Randy has been nothing other than irrelevant on RAW.

Now i'm not against the face turn of the Viper but I think that if he really wants to get over a lot of the older fans that he needs to learn how to use those fantastic skills that he has as the psychotic heel and push those into his face character. Even after winning the WWE Championship as his new "Fan Friendly" character it did nothing to get him over to me.

I believe that he should take 4-6 months off and let everything clear out on RAW and let Wrestlemania pass. Everyone knows that when you're gone the fans crave you the fans want you to be back. After a big return he'd be a lot more over and he'd be fresh to the fans. Another great way to freshen him up is to maybe bring him back at the draft and he is drafted to Smackdown. I love Randy but something has to give with his character because he has failed to get over one bit for me as a face.

Thoughts on him taking time off to freshen up? What would you do to get Orton over and make his face character interesting?
I like the idea of orton stepping down, cena should have stayed off for longer than he did as well, there's nothing like frantic pressure (a la the monday night wars) that creates diamonds from the coal heap, I'm almost positive if orton and cena stepped back a bit, it wouldn't take too long until they started trialing Miz, DBD, Morrison, Kofi, Sheamus, Ziggler or very maybe DiBiase or Dashing CR in main events, and I'm sure any one of them would be able to step up to the challenge and if not become the new face of the company (a role I actually think should be split between at least 4 solid characters).

I like the idea of Ziggler and DBD, maybe DCR, Kofi and Kaval forming up their own little alliance led by Otunga to take on the Nexus as it seems that they are a strong collective unit again, their beat down on cena at the slammys proves that.
However if the WWE were to do something similar to that I don't think another summerslam battle royale would be in order, I'm thinking more like guerilla warfare between the two groups, showcasing maybe 2 or 3 members from each team each week fighting in a few gimmicky matches, stuff that really showcases some of the younger talent we have.

And even if worst came to worst and everything turned pear shaped, they'd always then have a massive publicity stunt in bringing back either Cena or Orton after the break, even Y2J maybe or HHH, the possibilities are abundant enough that if things fell through the WWE wouldn't be at too much of a loss.
Randy Orton should take time off to take care of those injuries and work on refreshing his "Viper" gimmick. I know a heel turn for Randy Orton isn't the plan by WWE creatives so I got an easy idea of how he can go over with a crowd as a face, being a fucking Viper!!! WWE miss-used his Viper gimmick so much that I would lose faith in him as a face. WWE should just make him a badass heel who RKOs everybody in site whether its the ref or whether its John Cena. Make him act like a tweener by saying remarks about legends and how he is better then all of them. Also, limit his promos. He has been talking too much since being a face which isn't a bad thing but fans don't want to see all-talk as they want to see action. These are just my ideas in just making The Viper better. Hope Randy Orton comes back with a bang.
He needs rest! I will agree with that one..However you can't have Orton missing wrestlemania! maybe after wrestlemania though. a few wrestlers take time out and next year he could be one of them. He is still young but his neck isn't the same. Also I think 6 months is too long! but thats jus my opinion!
absolutely. take the rest and come back for wrestlemania. have someone put him out of action, he comes back to take them out ... instant feud. maybe CM punk does this as his "revenge". orton/punk match up at wresltmania would appeal to me.
I believe Mister Rko should rest his neck and heal up. However, I am sure this is the last thing Mister Mcmahon wants. I coubt very much Randy is going to stay out for that long, but I do think it would benefit him health wise. I do not think his new direction established after his Legacy feud has diminished his character. I do believe it is "John Cena Syndrome" in which teens or smarks believe that the light tower they once clung to has now abandonded them and are now critical of their once shining hero. I personally stand Rko always have since 2003. I think perhaps he is less edgy, less of what made him so popular in the first place but that is the WWE machine for you. My prediction is we wont see any change in the near future. Hopefully rko does take time to rest his neck if this rumor, and thats what it is, is true. Have a great day folks!
I don't care one iota for Orton. He is boring to me, and if he took time off and never came back I don't think I'd ever miss him. I don't think the wrestling community as a whole would either. They'd quickly forget him, and the "Viper" (******ed, btw) would be nothing more than a future "Where are They Now?" candidate. But anywho, he definitely needs to take time off. A neck problem is nothing to take lightly and he's no Kurt Angle. What I would do about his gimmick is to drop this ******ed Stone Cold wanna-be "Viper" crap (Shark Boy makes a better SCSA rip-off anyway) and go back to his earlier gimmick, just the young, mouthy punk type like when he was bantering with the Rock and had hair. He's not Stone Cold, never will be, and his gimmick is played out. Change it completely and go another direction IMO. Hell, they phased out the bigger part of Cena's rapper gimmick so they could do the same with the Crapper. Uh, I mean Viper.
WWE simply couldn't cope with losing Orton's star power at the minute. He is one of wwe's biggest draws at the moment and there's nobody on the roster to replace him in any form. Whilst not being the most entertaining in the ring he is the most consistant out of all the current main eventers and if his injury can be dealt with behind the scenes it will be.

I agree seeing a wrestler get a break and build up a head of steam for a return is always very exciting and does nothing but benefit face characters.
So for me it's good in theory but isnt realistic to take Orton off of TV unless someone gets mega over very quickly which again just doesnt seem likely.
I don't care one iota for Orton. He is boring to me, and if he took time off and never came back I don't think I'd ever miss him. I don't think the wrestling community as a whole would either. .

Ok so one of wwe's biggest Draws behind Cena wouldn't Be missed? Orton has been in the spotlight for the most part since after Evolution. Your also going to go on and say he's boring? Please! For years watching orton evolve from the legend killer to what he's at now has been awsome. A bit slow at times, but he's a great ring worker and pretty good on the stick to so boring is out of the question.:lol:

They'd quickly forget him, and the "Viper" (******ed, btw) would be nothing more than a future "Where are They Now?" candidate. But anywho, he definitely needs to take time off. A neck problem is nothing to take lightly and he's no Kurt Angle.

Ok just for your small information, Randy is a 6 time WWe champ. No one is going to forget him anytime soon. Also following behind the Rock he's also a third gen. superstar. And most probibaly to have a son and he will also join the Wwe. So his name in my book probibaly won't be forgotten anytime soon.

What I would do about his gimmick is to drop this ******ed Stone Cold wanna-be "Viper" crap (Shark Boy makes a better SCSA rip-off anyway) and go back to his earlier gimmick, just the young, mouthy punk type like when he was bantering with the Rock and had hair. He's not Stone Cold, never will be, and his gimmick is played out. Change it completely and go another direction IMO. Hell, they phased out the bigger part of Cena's rapper gimmick so they could do the same with the Crapper. Uh, I mean Viper.

He's trying to be like stone cold? What the fuck are you talking about? Stone cold is the farthest thing from Randy Ortons Gimmick. He grew out of that old Gimmick and he's now using this one. Your argument carries about as much credibility as a pile of shit right now, because your throwing around big names trying to play down that Randy is one of the biggest things in the Wwe going right now. Yes he does need to take a break, but he dosen't need to switch gimmicks right now. He needs to tweek his a little bit to make it more fan likeable. But really, put him in and demolish the Nexus a few more times and he'll get a pop as big as Cena throwing out 100$ bills.
Personally, I'd have no problem with Orton taking some time off. If the guy's injuries are nagging at him, it might simply be for the best to take a break.

I don't think that Orton taking time off would hurt the WWE at all. At the moment, Raw isn't exactly loaded down with wrestlers that've been legit stars for 5 years or more but it still seems to be trucking along just fine. The WWE is said to have been extremely pleased with The Miz thus far as WWE Champion so I don't look for him to drop the title to Orton this Sunday. On top of that, either John Morrison or Sheamus will be the new #1 contender for the WWE Championship after their ladder match this Sunday. Since it's looking as if Randy Orton won't be in the WWE Championship picture after Sunday, it'd be the perfect opportunity to take some time off, work an injury angle into his match with The Miz and use it to give The Miz even more heat.
I personally have no problem with Randy taking his time off to heal but I do not think that he should turn back heel. My opinions are entirely different from that of the OP in the sense that I believe that at the moment Orton is the only guy on the roster who can give Cena a run for his money as far as popularity is concerned. When they face off against each other the women and children cheer Cena on while the male fans are firmly behind Orton. As a face Orton is the only guy on the roster who can divide the crowd when he faces Cena. When Cena is facing some other wrestler the male audience chant "Cena sucks". But when he faces is facing Orton the male audience in the crowd chant "RKO". There is a considerable difference between the two chants if you ask me.

I feel Cena vs Orton should be the main event of wrestlemania with both guys going in as faces. It will surely be a clash of the titans this time round.
I don't see any problems in Randy Orton taking time off to heal.

It'll most likely be something they book to happen at TLC with The Miz beating Randy so badly or something that he'll be allowed to be off screen for a while, which could both help The Miz get over, as well as place a way for Randy Orton to have a return feud in place for him afterwards.

WWE has available faces to take Randy's place. John is still popular as ever, and John Morrison is on the rise. So that's two faces that could at least try to make up for the space that Randy used to fill up on the RAW face roster.

Either way, I'm kinda curious to see how WWE plans on taking Randy off screen if he does choose to go and heal for a while.
I do agree that he should take a little bit of time off to heal up but I don't think he needs to change his gimmick a whole lot. He just needs to move back towards a tweener. I liked him when he was a tweener but now he's a full-blown face in my opinion.

If they move him back to a tweener, that will freshen things up with him so to speak.
Ok so one of wwe's biggest Draws behind Cena wouldn't Be missed? Orton has been in the spotlight for the most part since after Evolution. Your also going to go on and say he's boring? Please! For years watching orton evolve from the legend killer to what he's at now has been awsome. A bit slow at times, but he's a great ring worker and pretty good on the stick to so boring is out of the question.:lol:

Great in ring worker and good on the stick? Nah. I think you just have a man-crush. He could be easily replaced. And they've done just fine w/out HHH for quite a while, so I would have to say yeah, he could leave and things would be just fine.

Ok just for your small information, Randy is a 6 time WWe champ. No one is going to forget him anytime soon. Also following behind the Rock he's also a third gen. superstar. And most probibaly to have a son and he will also join the Wwe. So his name in my book probibaly won't be forgotten anytime soon.

Again, his name might not be forgotten, but if he wasn't on WWE television I highly doubt you'd see a drop in the ratings. Face facts, your crush is expendable, not to mention boring as all hell.

He's trying to be like stone cold? What the fuck are you talking about? Stone cold is the farthest thing from Randy Ortons Gimmick. He grew out of that old Gimmick and he's now using this one. Your argument carries about as much credibility as a pile of shit right now, because your throwing around big names trying to play down that Randy is one of the biggest things in the Wwe going right now. Yes he does need to take a break, but he dosen't need to switch gimmicks right now. He needs to tweek his a little bit to make it more fan likeable. But really, put him in and demolish the Nexus a few more times and he'll get a pop as big as Cena throwing out 100$ bills.

His gimmick is constantly being compared to Austin's gimmick, and the gimmick is still talked about being "Stone Cold-like". Hell, even the announcers bring it up from time to time, so I don't see where your amusement at the comparison is at. I think you're just taking my opinion, since it doesn't mirror yours, and trying to be insulting and witty for no reason other than I hurt your widdle feelings about your "boy" Randy. Not only was it unnecessary, it made you look like a tool. But hey, I'm sure you get that alot. :D

Like I said before, he needs to change gimmicks back around and become the gimmick he had earlier in his career. Get him into a more rounded personality than just the psychotic ********. He doesn't have the mic skills to pull off the Viper thing, but if he went back to when he talked more he could polish them up and quit looking like a nimrod. In my opinion, and I'm sure others think the same thing, the Viper thing is just too boring. Again, that's what it is to me and personally I haven't liked him throughout his entire career but I was able to handle his other personas just a little bit more than this one. It just falls flat IMO. But I re-iterate, a neck injury is nothing to take lightly, and even though I don't like the guy or his character I don't want to see him permanently injured or in a wheelchair.
If Orton is having neck problems, he should take time off. The neck is one of parts of the body that, if it is giving you problems, don't screw with it.

With that said, this has happened at the absolute worst time of year. The coming 3-4 months are the most important ones for WWE. Being out injured is also something most stars would avoid at all costs. I don't know how long Orton would need to go out, but the best I could see him do is take the time from after the pay-per-view on sunday to the royal rumble off . He can comeback at the rumble and than work the two months to wrestlemania. If he is still having problems after that, than he can take all the time he needs.

I don't think that if he were to disappear from T.V. for a month or so that it would be too big of a deal. There is so much going on in WWE that he could fade away for abit and wouldn't leave any gapping holes in his abscence.
Noir X is spot on that if Randy's neck is truly bothering him then he needs to take some time off to heal the injury before he makes matters worse. With Sunday being TLC they have the perfect chance to write off Orton and get Miz some more heat by doing so. Have Miz completely destroy Orton after their tables match and Orton get carried off by a stretcher. This gets Miz the victory and an easy way to get Orton off TV. This would allow time for Orton to heal up and possibly make a return at the Royal Rumble or even screw the Miz at Elimination Chamber ala Shawn Michaels and Undertaker. Hell that could even set up a potential matchup at Wrestlemania.
What a surprise, Orton is back on the injured list. This would be his THIRD injury this year!!! But no-one seems to remember this because WWE insist on keeping him on our screens while he recovers.

Face it, nothing about Orton will change anytime soon because WWE will not allow him to be absent, just like they have done with Cena, just like they are doing with Punk.

Unlike Cena and Punk, Orton is not that great on the mic, so he should be allowed to vanish for a few weeks at least, until he recoers, but there is no way in hell Vince will let it happen, so instead he will bore us all with his repetitive promos.

I bet they don't even use this as an opportunity to put him in an interesting fued for the lead up to WM. Look at that prospective card for raw at WM - Cena vs Barrett, Miz vs JoMo, Sheamus vs HHH. Who is left for Orton? The only option is Punk, and they did seem to be trying to build a Punk/Daniel Bryan fued a few weeks ago.
randy orton is not boring and hes not copying anybody when orton was the legend killer jr came up with the name hes snake like and then wwe took it that way, and hes way over already he needs to rest a little bit and comeback like feb, march, orton is his own man dont think there tryin to make him like stone cold no way hes randy orton simple as that

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